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File: 74 KB, 620x413, a ball of dirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9002907 No.9002907 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people care so much about this literal meme of a planet.

>> No.9002914

coz white people are dumb

>> No.9002943

Just white scum trying to escape the much-deserved ass fucking they're about to get for tormenting the rest of the planet for the last thousand years.

>> No.9002978 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 349x350, uranus blacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9002907 >>9002914 >>9002943

Coz Whitey Boi dun't wunna His Waifu be BLACKED.COM by a Real Man's BBC (Big Black Cock)

Whitey Boi can't cumpete here n Earff.


Common Let Me Probe URANUS

>> No.9002984 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 349x350, uranus blacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9002907 >>9002914 >>9002943

'Coz Whitey Boi dun't wunna His Waifu be BLACKED.COM by a Real Man's BBC (Big Black Cock)

Whitey Boi can't cumpete here n Earff.

Blacks LL become Earff KANGZ N SHEEEIT.

Come on! Let Me Probe URANUS

>> No.9002986

People grew up with it being a planet and since everyone knows Pluto probably even from elementary school, they shit themselves because it suddenly received a different, meaningless tag.

>> No.9003000

it's close and arguably the most comfy of planets outside earth
also it's fucking RED HOLY SHIT

>> No.9003019

Rich privileged bourgeois playing around with their stolen wealth and also diverting the attention from the important matters in society.

>> No.9003532

you can make fuel there so when you go there you don't have to take fuel to get back, you can make it there and also take off more easier to get to other planets because it's in a shallower gravity bucket

>> No.9003546

stay mad nigger cucks

If we're to develop into an interstellar species, we have to start somewhere. And Mars seems to be the least shitty "where" in the neighborhood.

>> No.9003548

underrated post

>> No.9003550

The sun is eventually going to die, if we cant get to the nearest planet we have no hope of leaving the solarsystem.

>> No.9003571

>they fell for the interstellar meme

>> No.9003590

>everything is a meme
go home brainlet

>> No.9003594

it has minerals to mine in it, like gold
so we must obtain those shekels
moons and asteroids have gold too, and we need to mine those as well

>> No.9003718

Moon settlement/mining makes more sense to me, especially since we could make a space elevator there

>> No.9003761

why not both, and more?

>> No.9003767

Well I should say it seems like a better/easier first step

>> No.9003769

but we've already gone to the moon before, we need to go to mars or the normies will get bored and not want it funded
remember, the attention span of the average person is like that of a goldfish

>> No.9003781


>> No.9003798

please stop misusing/over using that word, its annoying and a literal shorthand for stuff/ideas you dislike

>> No.9003813

stagnation means death.

17th century Europe was basically at peak capacity for the era. So the surplus population started going to the new world.

the earth is currently well over comfortable carrying capacity. so we must expand out into space.

>> No.9003835

Better question is why the ancients were terrified of it, and why they associated it with war.

>> No.9003850

The difference being that America is good for colonization, there are lots of resources and places to farm and live and make money. One trip to Mars costs +500 billion and it's a thousand times worse than Antarctica for living. It's not like Earth doesn't have space for humans, it's the resources that are limited but you can't just fly to Mars and start farming

>> No.9003874

It's red like blood probably

>> No.9004054
File: 67 KB, 1920x1200, ker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because life is a virus. It spreads where it can.

>> No.9005084

but could they see that without telescopes
also what's venus got to do with love them?

>> No.9005098

it's a bright star in the sky. lovers look at it the most. they don't have time for proper observations beyond the brightest spot. they have sex all the time.

>> No.9005246

Fucking white ppl smdh

>> No.9005266

Getting to Mars is trivial, but everything is trivial in a sense. Not gonna lie, the biggest draw is because it would be pretty cool for humanity to be able to conquer the stars. Not needfully useful or even beneficial, but cool.

>> No.9005302

why are you trying to bring race into this?
Some people care about space exploration, just grow up and deal with it.

>> No.9005306

>we wuz KANGZ
>sailing on space ships visiting mars n shieet
stupid nigger

>> No.9005329

please keep that sort of language on other boards, please, we try to be slightly more civilized on here (although that fails more often than not)

>> No.9005421
File: 151 KB, 594x1024, Marvin_the_Martian.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to go to another planet, it's your best bet.

Venus melts your spaceship if you land, Mercury is like going back to the moon but melts your spaceship, Jupiter/Saturn/et al are far away in terms of travel time and Muh Gravity plus Muh Crushing Pressure from Atmosphere.

Mars is, comparitively, a piece of cake. Plus of course it has always loomed large in the public consciousness do to "canali," H.G. and Orson, and pic related

>> No.9005425

>we need to go to mars or the normies will get bored

We got to the moon and everybody got bored and we stopped going. I'm not sure your point is well made.

>> No.9005428

>it's the resources that are limited

If only there were other planets with more resources...

>> No.9005449

1) most people re unaware the the core is dead, so beyond a few stations like those that exist in the antarctic, human habitation of mars is impossible.


B)most people dont realize that the jupiter & saturn systems are where we should be concentrating manned missions

>> No.9005474

Just build the habitations underground.

Layers of Soil is just enough to protect from radiation.

You can also use a powerful but smaller magnetic field just to cover the base. A base inside a dome with a magnetic shield that protect & cover just the base.

>> No.9005494


You cant be this dumb anon, it was obviously/pol/ bait so they can troll and have the excuse to say nigger. You need to start understanding how the idiots operate so you can avoid them.

>> No.9005497

Nobody's going to be living in Mars if it's like living in a Fallout vault.

Imagine living in a trailer in the middle of the Arizona desert except you can't leave without putting on a space suit and even when you do walk out there's nothing there to see. Also you would have a ping of 20 minutes so good luck ever seeing the internet again. That's the reality of habitation of Mars.

>> No.9005502

a fucking red planet ITS SO COOL DUDE

>> No.9005556

this, I love the idea of space travel but until we develop the technology to get there easilly and/or develop terraforming techniques I really can't see any point.

I'm a little disappointed that current aspirations are just to get there, not get there well

>> No.9005964

It's an acceptable and adequate planetary candidate to fulfill humanity's final frontier.

>> No.9005993

>human habitation of mars is impossible.
It will require living in a fully artificial environment, nothing impossible or even particularly hard

>> No.9006114

whats wrong with earth?

>> No.9006305

it's 1 planet
having 2 planet is better

>> No.9006310

you cache the most popular pages locally. refreshing every 4 hours.

everything else is taken as requested, on a priority system. cached on the requesting computer instead of the central servers. allowing other martians to get old versions of the pages from you.

>> No.9006318
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But what if your trailer was the size of a stadium and had a park in it?

>> No.9006743

we don't even know if the gravity is enough to prevent health issues

>> No.9006789
File: 77 KB, 1024x781, mars_pew_pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew. There's plenty of interesting bodies in the Solar System, but we keep sending things to Mars.

>> No.9006955

mars is closest

>> No.9006974

venus is closer

>> No.9006991

venus is a ball of fire and death that melts everything we land on it

>> No.9007084

Earth has undergone mass extinction events before, some of which humans would not have survived had we existed then. It likely will undergo mass extinction events in the distant future. For the survival of our species, we need to become a multi-planet species.

>> No.9007261


Nothing that successfully landed on Venus ceased working because it melted.

I honestly think the main reason we don't send much to Venus is because people have this strange vision that ~450 C is some kind of insurmountable barrier to engineering that would turn anything into a pile of molten slag within 10 minutes.

>> No.9007276

>it's unreasonable in the short term, so let's not even try

>> No.9007290

>that would turn anything into a pile of molten slag within 10 minutes.
sounds like ur mum after 3 pints

>> No.9007356
File: 377 KB, 1280x960, 1486105749104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, Einstein, how do you suggest we build a probe/lander/rover that can survive a CO2/Sulphuric Acid mix at 450 C and 92 atm?

>> No.9007696
File: 413 KB, 500x269, 79721d8370794faa4e522ae5dbb380ea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's an egg of life that we need to just hatch, everywhere else is too hot or too cold.

>> No.9007744
File: 92 KB, 600x444, automatonrover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the probes didn't melt, the electronics got too hot to work. 500 C isn't even hot enough to melt steel beams

Sulphuric acid isn't present at the surface, it's too hot for that.
We could build a venus rover using conventional electronics cooled and powered with a radioisotope powered stirling engine

We could make a rover that uses high temperature electronics for control, and wind/solar for power. With the solar being used for science, and wind power primarily being used to move

We could make a mechanical automaton rover as mechanical systems can take the heat:

NASA is currently investigating an automaton/high temperature electronics hybrid Venusian rover. Because doing locomotion mechanically means wind power can be utilized more efficiently. In addition current high temperature electronics still aren't very good, so going with an hybrid automaton might let us do a Venus mission sooner.

>> No.9007781

it's still closer

>> No.9007868


Obviously Mars colonization isn't happening until technological developments bring down the cost of space flight. We aren't even at the point of getting rockets fully reusable yet, and we just started moving towards reusability again in the last 10 years. Even if putting things into orbit ends up costing 10 times as much per kilogram as air travel, that's still low enough to do larger scale projects in space, like robust space stations, Moon and Mars colonies, asteroid mining, etc. The only two things we need to figure out are launch vehicle reusability, and later the ability to do it quickly.

>> No.9007871


>colonizing the Jupiter system

hope you like your daily dose of REMs

>> No.9007887



not present at surface altitude, but does pose a problem for floating probes in the mid to upper atmosphere

>92 atm

not a big deal for machienry, sure it'd kill you, but lots fo things kill us that machines don't give a fuck about. Taking the pressure into consideration would only change any probe design slightly, not even close to an insurmountable problem

>450 degrees C

this is the real problem. High temperature electronics are nowhere close to ready to be used for an advanced interplanetary rover, and generating enough power to run a refrigerator is very difficult in a place with such a high ambient temperature. RTGs wouldn't work effectively because they rely directly on heat flowing from the relatively very hot plutonium to the surrounding cold probe/atmosphere. Only way to get aroudn that is to make the RTG run even hotter, but good luck managing a 1000 degree RTG until you get to Venus. Realistically you'd probably want to use an active nuclear reaction rather than decay heat to power your probe, because those can hibernate until they are needed, and can run much hotter, able to actually produce significant power at Venus' surface, enough to keep a refrigerant loop running. All that power lets you do some neat science, too.

>> No.9009556
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>> No.9009601
File: 1.93 MB, 460x259, really promotes the release of neurotransmitters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA Training Course

>> No.9011185

Yeah, like the military. They should get more funding.

>> No.9011187

Yes, in the short term. This is about long term. Not about you or me or about the wealth of anyone. It's about the people that come after us.

Of course everyone can just be a short sighted prick that only cares about what happens in his life. But that sure as hell isn't the right way to go.

>> No.9011190

Didn't realise the sarcasm. Move along.

>> No.9011203

interstellar IS a meme