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8997956 No.8997956 [Reply] [Original]

Academic Journal: Newtonian Physics Is ‘Oppressive’ to Marginalized People

Culture and gender-studies researcher Whitney Stark argues that Newtonian physics is oppressive. A feminist scholar has published a paper claiming that Newtonian physics is oppressive and that we must use “quantum feminisms” to make the science more intersectional. In a paper for The Minnesota Review, culture and gender-studies researcher Whitney Stark argues that Newton’s understanding of physics is oppressive because it has “separated beings” based on their “binary and absolute differences” — a structure that she calls “hierarchical and exploitative” — and the same kind of system is “embedded in many structures of classification,” making it “part of the apparatus that enables oppression.”

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/448102/academic-journal-quantum-physics-oppressive-marginalized-people

>> No.8997960

>feminist launches some retarded protest against a random thing she has used mental gymnastics to see as oppressive in some deluded way
Interesting news op

>> No.8997961

If I remember rightly she uses Quantum mechanics as a metaphor.

>Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/448102/academic-journal-quantum-physics-oppressive-marginalized-people
>Being this much of a shill.

>> No.8997962


It is important no matter what you think about it.

It is the future. Like how they talked about lowering standards for women in the police/military back in the days.

>> No.8997963

Oh God... this is what women do with the rights we gave them?

Time to roll it back boys. The sexists were right all along, women are too dumb for rights. Call your representatives, email the white house. It's time for women's rights to go back.

>> No.8997965



>> No.8997990

Return of the spectrum?

>> No.8998048

>Image via Shutterstock, Sir Isaac Newton, founder of modern physics
>modern physics
Do these plebs know anything? Newton is a figurehead of classical physics. Jesus H. Christ.

>> No.8998377

They're calling him the first major physicist of modern history I guess, but that would most likely be Galileo. Of course, if we're defining "modern physics" as 20th-century physics, then it would probably be Einstein.

>> No.8998387


> "cyborgian bodies" are brought up in the first sentence

>> No.8998966

Honestly, the outrage over this is even more pathetic than the article itself. Go look at the crowd "reporting" on this: hundreds of far-right "evil feminists invading our universities" blogs, all repeating the exact same thing.

>> No.8999154

>Honestly, the outrage over this is even more pathetic than the article itself. Go look at the crowd "reporting" on this: hundreds of far-right "evil feminists invading our universities" blogs, all repeating the exact same thing.
They're the new snowflakes

>> No.8999157

Checked and agreed. I remember when I was a fervent anti-SJW and surrounded myself with an ecosystem of radical anecdotes from feminists that most people, other than the anti-SJW crowd, didn't know or care about.

>> No.8999171


>> No.8999181

More like having the fingers of your opposite hands wrestle each other desu

>> No.8999195

>disgruntled Clinton voter uses the word 'snowflake'
I don't think that word means what you think it means

>> No.8999200

>these fucking people have found a place for themselves in academemeia but not me

just end my life tbqh

>> No.8999729

welcome to affirmative action friendo

>> No.8999761

they actively seek out things like that
they were basically nothing before the sjw and will become basically nothing again after them (already happening)

>> No.8999791

The minnesota review is NOT an academic journal:

Publishing contemporary poetry and fiction as well as reviews, critical commentary, and interviews of leading intellectual figures, the minnesota review curates smart, accessible collections of progressive new work.

>> No.9000189
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>mfw people do not realize that we are in a trend of anti intellectualism that will result in our heads under the guillotine literally or figuratively
The entire point of this hyper progressive movement is to establish a 'New Truth' that is inherently anti-intellectual and fact denying in nature.
Contraries to the established New Truth narrative will be met with swift punishment.
We already see the current extent of these punishments and the punishments only get more severe and ludicrous as the New Truth because the truth.
The time to stop this is now.
Drag the despots from their university thrones and send them to the gallows.
Purge academia, rip out the embedded roots of the narrative.

>> No.9000229

I guess this is a political thread and shit and I'm gonna exacerbate it, but really, why the fuck can't conservative just live and let live? Why talk shit about someone who has literally 0 effect on your life? Yeah she's kinda goofy, who cares? Move on to important things. It's embarrassing that this is in a newspaper.

>> No.9000231
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>Quantum Mechanics

>> No.9000242

you people need to fuck off with the retarded doomsday predictions about liberalism. you sound fucking insane, you know that?

>> No.9000258

>not understanding that it has nothing to do with liberalism and is really about the identity politics cancer

>> No.9000261
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Just continue to ignore everything that happens around you in academia and enjoy post-colonial science. I am sure you can make excellent contributions in the fields of potion making, shamen healing, and rain dance.
The fact that I can make a tongue-in-cheek quip about a video that was made in an accredited university with its support shows how grim the situation has become.
The only insanity is the continued head in sand approach you and people like you perpetuate.
Five minutes of searching through course material, universities sponsored posts, and goal listings from professors within academia paints a clear picture.
You are a denier of truth.
Use your universities database to search actual, peer reviewed, published journals on post modern psychology, post modern theory, scientific ethics, ethics in general, feminism, gender studies, and racial theory.
I challenge you, anon, to read at least three publications on each topic and then see if your opinion is not swayed.
Which databases does your university subscribe?

>> No.9000279

I have access to all the latest information I'm sure. Since we're all experts in the subject here, I'm sure you can form an argument about how race, gender, and sexuality have no place in modern humanities and psychology studies. I'm eager to hear what you have to say. I assure you am educated enough to understand any esoteric ideas you might have.

>> No.9000281

It is ironic that you post so much against something that you see its ghost everywhere you look. I never once stated anything about liberalism.

>> No.9000301

I never stated that they had no place, anon, only that the material within them is cause for alarm

>> No.9000315

obvious clickbait

Do you think even lefties will take this seriously? They won't.

It is just 1 irrational person out of 7 billion being irrational as usual. It's fucking nothing.

>> No.9000401

unfortunately this is not just one person
it's the editor, the publishing company, and the intended audience that are all fucking retards

>> No.9000413
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>> No.9000426
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this tbqh
as stupid as the """journal""" is, what's even more stupid is how the entire right fringe flips their lid and wets their pants every time a crazy person says a stupid thing. pic distantly related.

>> No.9000830

what do you mean the material within them? Cause for alarm how? You seem to think that women, blacks, non-binary people, etc. are not facing problems, today and in the past, that deserve academic study. I'm sorry to inform you that that isn't the case. The academic narrative up until recently has very much been from the point of view of straight, white men, and while that isn't a bad thing, it's certainly worthy of study, isn't it? Maybe the woman in OP's article will come up with something of useful importance to the rest of us. It' s good to leave poeple like her alone. She's harmless if what she's studying is truly idiotic.

My trouble is the fact that a newspaper thought the public should be informed of what she's studying. It smells of conservative media hype and I hate that shit. Oh! look at this crazy woman! She thinks quantum phsyics oppresses women! Haha! feminism is stupid!

She is a qualified academic. I don't know her history or anything about her, but give her credit, she is qualified enough to do good work and maybe that's what she's up to,

>> No.9001193


The right can't exist without an external enemy.

>> No.9002484

Looking this Stark chick up on google shows she isn't even a STEM major but a gender studies major.

>> No.9002491

you are actually defending this shit?

>> No.9002493

its amazing how many people here are defending this as valid research and attacking the right,knowing that they are exposing what academia has been up to since the 1960s

>> No.9002496

people are mad that conservatives are calling out this bullshit "science"?

jesus christ if you guys got your way, then we would still have phrenology as a valid science, because hey why call them out? their not effecting your life?

>> No.9002559

People here are criticizing that the only ones who give attention to this "feminist science" are pseudo-conservative blogs

>> No.9002572

so she is educated in the perspective she's focusing on. There is nothing wrong with gender studies. There are lots of aspects of modern academic knowledge that deserve study and reconsideration. There's a reason people fund it, not everything is political.

>> No.9002576

I'm saying she has no knowledge of the thing she is criticizing. It's like a priest having an opinion on sex or Trump having an opinion on running a successful business.

>> No.9002577

>Talk stupid shit
>People call you stupid
Talk shit, get hit.

>> No.9002582

I have never seen such a vague defense I hope you aren't serious.

>qualified academic in culture and gender studies is qualified in understanding quantum physics and the terminology and equations associated with it.

One could say that since quantum mechanics is just a theory then NOBODY knows what it is, but this person clearly could not empty water out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.

>In this semimanifesto, I approach how understandings of quantum physics and cyborgian bodies can (or always already do) ally with feminist anti-oppression practices long in use. The idea of the body (whether biological, social, or of work) is not stagnant, and new materialist feminisms help to recognize how multiple phenomena work together to behave in what can become legible at any given moment as a body. By utilizing the materiality of conceptions about connectivity often thought to be merely theoretical, by taking a critical look at the noncentralized and multiple movements of quantum physics, and by dehierarchizing the necessity of linear bodies through time, it becomes possible to reconfigure structures of value, longevity, and subjectivity in ways explicitly aligned with anti-oppression practices and identity politics. Combining intersectionality and quantum physics can provide for differing perspectives on organizing practices long used by marginalized people, for enabling apparatuses that allow for new possibilities of safer spaces, and for practices of accountability.

Good thing I needed an account to view the article, I would have rather not wasted my time with buzzword riddled shit. It's not stupid because it's feminist, it's stupid because it's delusional. This is obviously doing harm if dumb people like you are there reading it and thinking to themselves, "oh yeah they went to college so they must be smart", "Oh I don't know anything about this person at all so that means they're an underdog and will one day make it!"

>> No.9002588

Here's the direct PDF link: http://minnesotareview.dukejournals.org.sci-hub.cc/content/2017/88/69.abstract

>> No.9002594
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>people here somehow think because science and engineering are so fundamental to the economy and to huge multinational corporations that there won't be any feminism or bullshit allowed
Yea, the business world would like to have a talk with you STEM guys.

>> No.9002596

You don't know how much she knows. a person can be surprisingly educated despite not being certified. I agree she's probably not going to end up affecting many people, but if she has an important point to make then let her make it. What does anyone stand to gain from shaming her publicly like this? Why put it in the paper in such a negative tone? What if she has a constructive point to make? Leave her alone.

I apologize if I was vague, I was speaking in generalities. I haven't read her paper and I don't know anything about her. I'm not interested in gender studies or quantum physics. But I oppose the fact that the national review is using her to mock feminism. She is clearly making an argument meant for her peers and it sounds crazy and weird to us because we are not educated in her field. I know gender studies is a funny lol ironic meme around here but it's still a serious academic subject, insofar as that peopel are making careers out of it and exploring those ideas. I don't understand them, but I do understand conservative fearmongering and scarecrow-making and this shit doesn't belong in a place where people try to have educated conversations about science.

I know I'm keeping a shitty thread up, but this is a conversation that needs to be fucking had here, too often.

>> No.9002651

Seems the last holdout from SJWs (natural sciences and math) is finally going to get held down and assfucked like every other field. About time. You smug dipshits had it coming.

>> No.9002658


>> No.9002661

At least my tabletop games are safe for now

>> No.9002663


I agree with your points on how the media gave attention to this, the media on both sides certainly do their part talking about everything that nobody cares about. That has to stop. However, while she has the right to state her beliefs, others have their rights to disprove and discredit those beliefs. There's a certain point where disproving it becomes really tiresome because the other side just won't give in no matter how much proof or logic you throw at them. This is because of the exact reasons you stated, it is a serious academic subject and this should not be the case.
If she wants to join her own group and promote her own cause then she can do it on her own time, but schools and universities(and especially universities that get Government money) should not be teaching this mental illness.
And it is a mental illness, to believe that women is the equivalent to a man and to be blatantly sexist and excuse it by inventing "male white privilege". The banter they get is equivalent to Diogenes plucking a chicken and bringing it into Plato's Academy saying "behold a man" (Socrates's definition of a man was a featherless biped).

Career? Doing what exactly, reteaching a more warped version later in life? Because that's exactly what cancer does. What progress has feminism made exactly?
Also this falls under the category of metaphysics so there is no better suited board.

>> No.9002670

what the fuck

>> No.9002678

Most Canadian reply I ever seen.

>> No.9002680

> implying larping for four years as a revolutionary during your undergrad makes you educated
> implying studying a meme field like gender studies or women's studies makes you an academic
> implying blovating about society while conveniently ignoring human evolution and biology makes your opinions worth listening to
Blow it out your ass, women were a mistake.

>> No.9002686
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Feminist SJWs already ruined Videogames as Mass (Ugly) Effect

A Woman CEO already ruined a Tech Company: Yahoo.

Feminists ruined Military & Police Force

>>9002596 >>8997956
Feminist are now trying to ruin Physics & Math.

>> No.9002690

Video games are easier to get into.

>> No.9002735

Feminist here. I would be lying if I said we aren't mostly doing this out of spite. Still...try and stop us.

>> No.9002739

Nature will do that for us.

>> No.9002741
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This is what happens when you make Ph.d's paper farms where they have to publish something never seen before

>> No.9003084
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It is the Chinese and Russia trying to undermine the west.

>> No.9003092
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The only people who care about news articles like this are people who don't read research papers (i.e. brainlets).

There are a ridiculous number of journals out there and a ton of them are full of and operated by crackpots and plagiarizers. More importantly, this isn't even an academic journal.

>> No.9003095

You misunderstand the reason this is posted on /sci/. This is a thread intended to prevent proper discussion on 4chan. There's a few groups doing their best to ruin 4chan through off topic discussion. It is fucking craziest thing I ever heard.

>> No.9003096
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>A feminist scholar has published a paper claiming that Newtonian physics is oppressive and that we must use “quantum feminisms” to make the science more intersectional.

That does it. THAT FUCKING DOES IT. we have to wage all out war against these cunts. Salt the earth. No prisoners. They are compromising our fields of study just so they can make a name for themselves.

>> No.9003107
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>> No.9003111

>It is important
It's not.

>> No.9003114

It's obviously a tumor of /pol/niggers sitting in a chatroom.

>> No.9003140

It is happening on way too many boards. It also isn't just /pol/ shit. It was once pretty obvious, but in the past couple of years its been turned more towards actually being sorta on topic for the board they are posting on, but enough to trigger complete off topic discussion instead or be so inane that the thread is pointless but isn't deleted (like frog/feels/gorilla posting)

>> No.9003158

That sounds exactly like stormfront's (i.e. /pol/'s) modus operandi.

>> No.9003238
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>> No.9003668

/pol/ has been raided since the election process started. Many paid shills have tried many tactics and since non of them worked their new process is to just act like /pol/ times 10 just to make them look even worse. They also have been raiding other boards and websites using the same tactic to turn the other boards against /pol/. Either that or they're just /pol/ newfags from /r/ the_donald.
They are so easy to spot because their failures lie mostly in the fact that they don't understand the lingo, culture and memes associated with this site, just pay attention to how they phrase their posts:

>uses the term "we", or blatantly and purposefully acts like a stormfronter and defends /pol/ with arguments that would make /pol/ look as bad as possible (no real /pol/tard would do this as /pol/ does not need defending, they know full well it's a containment board.)
>posts pushing you to ignore content like this no matter how the conversations are going
>virgin shaming and making fun of people they disagree with, especially posts like this that point out obviousness. They will happily continue to argue no matter how illogical their argument is as they are paid per post.

>> No.9003747
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>>mfw people do not realize that we are in a trend of anti intellectualism that will result in our heads under the guillotine literally or figuratively

Usually these paradigm shifts occur through stealth or storm. That is they happen VERY slowly through subtle manipulation so people don't notice the cultural change, or they happen very rapidly through authoritarian powers. They're taking the fast approach now because Trump is in power and they don't know how long his power is going to last. Take note of these people. Make a list if you must. When trump is out of power they won't stop. They'll just operate more quietly.

I remember when I was younger I'd watch TechTV every day. It was the most educational and entertaining channel on TV at the time. Then it got bought by someone else and overnight they gutted all the educational shit and replaced with COPS.

It's almost as if they know "knowledge is power" and they want to keep all of it for themselves. They want to be the smartest people, by keeping everyone else dumb. For them knowledge is a currency, and it's a currency they wish to manipulate. Keep an eye out for those against net neutrality. The Internet is on the verge of redefining our education system. Those in power will wish to prevent this from happening.

>> No.9003766

the fact that this is actually accepted in academia and that people are defending it further points to the proof that only white males have done anything great in terms of scientific accomplishment

>> No.9003778
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You forgot your image.

>> No.9003795

>Many paid shills

I would argue that the only people on 4chan who complain about paid shills, are the paid shills. It's a tactic written in Hitler's Mein Kampf. Basically you predict the argument your opponent will use against you, and you use it first. Even it it makes no sense logically and sounds bat shit crazy.

e.g. It worked for Trump when he said the election was rigged against him about fake news. Of course Trump was the one rigging the election and using fake news against his opponents, but because he made the argument first, Obama couldn't even mention to the public that our election was being manipulated by the Russians without fear of more outcry from Trump. It's a solid tactic that the far right loves to use. Keep an eye out for it.

>> No.9003837

>They will happily continue to argue no matter how illogical their argument is..... >>9003795

Seems to hold up.

>> No.9003841

Holy shit. With your IQ, how do you remember to both breathe and blink?

>> No.9004440

I appreciated your conciliatory tone up until you started calling her field a mental illness. No, getting a degree in gender studies, being a feminist, etc., is not a mental illness. there a certain levels of rigour and integrity required of academic fields. They need to produce results. Gender studies analyzes, amongst other things (I'm by far no expert in this), the effects that a patriarchal narrative has had on modern science and academia as a whole. Maybe you're mebarassed and kinda of ashamed to be a man for having to think abotu such things, but don't be, it's not your fault. But, these things exist, there are problems with how these things are currently recorded and people like Stark are needed to ask questions about how we can present these ideas in a more accessible fashion. Maybe it will be fruitless. Maybe we will be able to gain many more scientists, who are less dissuaded by the idea that a modern quantum physicist has to be a white dude. I don't fucking know, but it might be true?

>> No.9004753

You are a fucking moron

>> No.9004757

Getting a degree in gender studies is most definitely a mental illness.

>> No.9004763

It's nice to see you racists throwing a temper tantrum over the justice that is finally coming to you.

You cannot stop the progress. We will win, and life and science will be more equal and it will become better from it, especially when we drive all of the bigots out.

>> No.9004767

fucking shill fuck off and die, do you know how fucking transparent you are? This isn't a fucking interesting article scientifically, we all know that this shit floats around and nobody fucking takes it seriously

>> No.9004782

you see nothing wrong with the fact that someone has an academic career where she gets paid to write total nonsense like this?

you're calling it outrage in order to imply that there is a hysterical , disproprotionate reaction , but you're still implicitly admitting that there is something wrong with this.

In which case the article is valid and has done its job.

>> No.9004784

>More importantly, this isn't even an academic journal.

It's published by duke university press.

you're really getting butthurt and rushing to attack any criticism made about a horifically deluded, anti-scientific article being published in a journal run by a major US university?

>> No.9004787


>> No.9004790

we need ID's here ffs

>> No.9004801

"leave her alone!! yes she's claiming that newtonian physics oppresses women which is clearly stupid but maybe in the field of women's studies it actually makes sense and isn't retarded, incorrect nonsense because I don't understand what women's studies is about but it's a real, serious, academic field where claiming that newtonian mechanics is sexist maybe makes sense."

>> No.9004807

>she wrote something in a blog or some shitty column
yeah yeah
just like the black woman with the 'article in american math society' that turned out to be a blog with 30 subscribers

>> No.9005068

>Spheres rolling down inclines and parabolic arcs created by throwing rocks is oppressive
>Gender studies """""""researcher"""""""


>> No.9005182

When I start seeing these women show up at the modern physics classes at my school, I'll actually be happy.

>> No.9005530

>this just in crazy person announces the sun is not real

do people still take them seriously

>> No.9005579

Is it true that only white men have made great scientific contributions?

>> No.9005634

>its an anti-sjws are just as bad as sjws episode

>> No.9005760

Are you retarded?

It seems like you're doing that to yourselves. No one likes feminism anymore. It's all about "egalitarianism" and even that's slipping away slowly to pure patriarchy. Men can't lose, we're too good.

Unlikely. The future is looking very right wing my friend.

>> No.9007196

>She is clearly making an argument meant for her peers and it sounds crazy and weird to us because we are not educated in her field. I know gender studies is a funny lol ironic meme around here but it's still a serious academic subject, insofar as that peopel are making careers out of it and exploring those ideas.
>a serious academic subject
There is nothing academic about gender studies. Every gender studies department bases its narrative around a systemic, ever-present "patriarchy". Despite the fact that women have the right to vote, vote in substantially greater number then men, have much greater reproductive freedom, spend the large majority of earned wealth, enjoy vastly disproportionate access to alimony and child support, benefit from gender quotas and other forms of affirmative action, and all around have greater access than men to whatever resources or opportunities they desire, they are taught that they are oppressed victims of men. Gender studies is just the academic flavor of indoctrinating women with a sense of victimhood, and absolutely nothing more. Feminism should be more than mocked, it should be reviled and discarded for being of an even lower caliber of ideological trash than fascism.

>> No.9007213

>going into gender studies isn't a mental illness
>purposefully causing permanent damage to yourself isn't a mental illness

>> No.9007360

>No, getting a degree in gender studies, being a feminist, etc., is not a mental illness.

Aiming for shit, which doesn't give you good information and which teaches you terrible life strategies, is fucking stupid.

Stupid isn't a mental illness. But when stupid attempts to refer to other things not relevant to the problem, it might as well be a mental illness.

Plus you don't keep human nature on mind. Most people are pieces of shit who will blame everyone but themselves for pursuing bad strategies.

>> No.9007365


see this piece of shit >>9004763 ?

Moralism upon moralism upon moralism, in a world where nature does not give a shit.

Sexual dimorphism HAS to be a myth. Not because of observation but because "muh narcassistic worldview"

Mammalian harems being a dominant unit of organization, in the vast majority of mammals, HAS to be a myth.

Differences in neural networks and differences in strength and temperature regulation HAS to be a myth.

>> No.9007370


Another thing you can say about pieces of shit like >>9004763

They project their own monstrosity. Say everyone of higher status defers to black people out of benevolence....They would turn into pro-black bigots and racists as soon as they got power.

The dark comedy of the "victim" identity: As soon as victims get power, they become worse monsters than "perpetrators".