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8995608 No.8995608 [Reply] [Original]

Medicine is just pure memorization. I have several related courses in my major.
How do you remember all this stuff? So many categorisations, what disorders pop up with which others, etiology, epidemiology for each...
Any help?

>> No.8995613

memorize that shit

>> No.8995619

>could spell 1000s of words when he was 10
>can't remember 1 quate now
ur just lazyFam xD

>> No.8995626

But how? There's just so much information, and I find it hard to add any kind of logic to it. It just seems so disconnected from each other

>> No.8995645

Perhaps you're a brainlet and don't know how to study

>> No.8995648

It will all make sense when you start actual clinical practice. On each patient each of those things you mentioned will make sense and help you, but not all of them on all the patients all the time.
Don't worry, just memorize that shit to pass your exams. You'll become a real physician later and you will learn what's actually useful

>> No.8995656

Studiful bump

>> No.8995674

So... I want to try. Can you share something you find useful?

>> No.8995678

Try Netter medical images, not the anatomy ones but the specialty ones like Netter's Internal Medicine, Cardiology, etc

>> No.8995700

>hard to add any kind of logic
If you know the basics, drawing out conclusion is extremely logical. Doesn't work for anatomy though, at least it's a set number of structures you have to memorize, only way is to go through them a shekellion times, you're gonna find yourself forgetting really mundane shit eventually, I remember what lacertus fibrosus is but I have no idea what my biceps is called.

>> No.8995722

Go to classes, take notes to know what is actually important, find a quiet place with the books and start to study, don't expect to be ok with a couple of hours a day here and there. Every single day study at least 4 hours a day and in exam times at least 6. You'll get more proficient and see the patterns arose beyond memorisation.
t. Med Student by the way

>> No.8995726

>I have no idea what my biceps is called
Probably something like Robert

>> No.8995728

>Every single day study at least 4 hours a day
Not even memeing. Perhaps I'm not hard enough yet. Still, what kind of plan do you do like this? What do you do for four hours?

The only time I usually go long like that is when I'm solving stat problems, which I have a definite end - having the problem solved. I find it hard to do the same with more theoretical stuff

>> No.8995734
File: 479 KB, 500x328, sure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8995738

When I was doing a part-time degree I used to study 4 hours a day after working for 8 hours

Nigger if you can't do 4 hours a day while being a med student full time you should seriously consider dropping out

>> No.8995739

hey medfags this morning on my way down the stairs i got suddenly got severe hearing loss in both ears, they felt full, had a wierd crackle tinnitus unlike the ringing tinnitus i am accustom to, i wasnt really dizzy, and i was worried i would pass out.

I thought i was having a stroke, but it went away after 5 minutes. I did some research and because it was such a short duration, nothing seems to fit the bill.

my best guess is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endolymphatic_hydrops

do i go to a doctor or nah

>> No.8995840

I make a list of what topics I have to study each day. I use Pomodoro Technique to manage time, I'm not seated 4 hours straight reading, really burns me out.

>> No.8996619

I'm in psychology, doing psychopathology

>> No.8996778
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, S2_cerebellum_comparison.001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8996787

You need both elephant memory and photographic memory for this shit.

How the fuck do you gain that without being born with it?

>> No.8996816

Holy shit, if you actually think the amount of memorization in med school is too much, you're probably a huge memorylet.

>> No.8996849

Then go ask for studying advice from your professors. They're PhD holders in psych, most of them will have read a decent bit of research in the area.

>> No.8996868

If you didn't have a cerebellum you would be dead...

>> No.8997128

I'm pretty sure you can live without a cerebellum actually

>> No.8997138

>be engineer
>make the most money of all my friends
>friend is physicians assistant
>go out to bar, meet some grills
>"Omg you are a physicians assistant, wow I can't believe it!"
>"Oh you are an engineer? so is that like tech support or something?"

every fucking time.

>> No.8997163

>talking to girls
>not building a waifu

low-tier engineer

>> No.8997193


don't bother with dumb girls

any girl with an IQ over 95 knows engineers make money

>> No.8997200


Your assumed diagnosis is a reasonable start, I say go to a doc to get a checkup on your hearing (shit could get worse) and to check for possible causes (hell it could even be stress) or differential diagnosis (side effects of medication, tumor, autoimmune disease etc.).

>> No.8997209

Correct, but with extreme diminution of quality of life.


>> No.8997584

For pathology I suggest pathoma or osmosis (pathoma will step you through things a lot quicker, and only give the "high yield" facts about each disease).
At the end of every video, quiz yourself about the diseases you just went through, and then check to see if you got everything.
You can very quickly learn a lot using this method, especially if you review each video twice.

>> No.8997691

>Medicine is just pure memorization.
If you really believe that you will end up killing a fair number of your patients. Please tell us all what benighted country has this attitude.

>> No.8997998

How about cracking the naming code.
Protip : Greek

>> No.8998003

Doctors are literally not allowed to be creative or deductive or they will face malpractice suits.

>> No.8998103

Excessive detected.

And go on, please explain how being deductive is malpractice? If you don't do deductive work you will give painkillers for any stomach pain including cancer. I think that would be more serious.

>> No.8998107

Might just be clogged with wax anon

>> No.8999369

Maybe in America.