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8993650 No.8993650 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically looking, what's the most effective combination of meds to kill yourself?
can a combination of sedatives, hypnotics, anti psychotics and tranquilizers do it with alcohol?

>> No.8993654

should do because its with alcohol

>> No.8993656

how much though?

>> No.8993659

You shouldn't kill yourself anon.

>> No.8993681

Strong opitate or barb, combined with benzos and booze should do the trick. Though you're being very unspecific so no idea how much you know. Also easy on the liqour as vomiting would ruin it.

All hypothetical ofc. Don't do it.

>> No.8993695

whatever amount it is, it has to be too much for op

>> No.8993699

If you swim somwhere while under the influence it should do the job by drowning without being conscious.
Otherwise get some heroin, alcohol, benzos and best case even barbiturates; any touble of those should do the trick quite nicely.

>> No.8993717

i only have sedatives and things i numbered so i dont know how much booze can u drink with it to die...only while you're swallowing pills or more

>> No.8993718

Most effective is phenobarbital + oxycodone + lots of alcohol.

Or cyanide.

>> No.8993722

Everyone is going to die anyways someday so you might as well wait it out. Don't be a little bitch and off yourself.

I used to be in the same boat. I had nothing to live for, then i found physics/chemistry.

>> No.8993723

muricans should have no probs getting their hands on some strong opioids; even vicodine shouldn't matter with all that paracetamol in it, since you... wanna die.
alcohol + opioids (+ benzos) is a VERY chill and plainless way to stop le breath

>> No.8993759

oh, just an overdose on fentanyl.

>> No.8993762

also, btw, don't kill yourself

>> No.8993770

The Peaceful Pill handbook, available online, has all the details.

But OP first ensure you have explored all the alternatives. I was suicidal once but pulled through it. I have a wonderful life, a wife and daughter, retired independently wealthy, many friends and hobbies. At one time this would have amazed me.

Suicide is harder than it looks. E.g. a high fraction of people who shoot themselves get injured / brain damage but survive.

The best options are nembutal 12 grams, or a nitrogen cylinder to a plastic bag over your head (the technique is a bit complicated and specific).

>> No.8993783

i like this idea

>> No.8993789

i've never had this many struggles with college and family
literally every day of last 2 months i've been thinking extremely about death
seems like the only way out, the way to keep my dignity and leave this unbearable problems i cant solve
nobody understands the amount of pain i have inside...the amount of pain u have to have in order to want to die so much. cant be natural can it. but people dont understand it, even my self harm. same reasons. i cant deal with so many problems and emotional pain and i feel like i'm in hell and i want out but nobody's helping me get out

>> No.8993795

If you really wanted to kill yourself you would just go to a payday loan store and use that money to buy a gun. You, however, are just an attention whore who wants everyone to feel sorry for them. You wont do it you fucking pussy.

>> No.8993798

Inert gases, carbon monoxide or cyanide.

>> No.8993803


my dad has a gun but i dont know how to use it! :(

>> No.8993805

i thought about a plastic bag around my head. it's easy...maybe after tons of tablets so you dont even know you'll die soon

>> No.8993806

jump off a (tall) building so you actually die instead of having a chance to survive and live as a braindead retard

>> No.8993815

Thats the most bullshit pansy ass excuse ive ever heard. Even if you are too retarded to figure out where the bullets go just by looking at it, even a trained monkey could learn enough from watching youtube videos. Thats not why you wont do it though, you wont do it because you are a huge fucking pussy. You just want attention. Which is the worst part because you are exactly the kind of person who deserves to die, but it wont happen unless someone else does mankind a favor and kills you themselves.

>> No.8993820

Mot's strong will but shitty power to actually kill herself. i missed your death wish topics. havent seen them since december or something
i thought you did it from the absence of shitposting here but u are still failing at life
shut the fuck up, settle your finances and your last will and dont cry about it to anyone. things you have now should do the magic.

>> No.8993827

u know i wouldnt mind if somebody killed me and dad's gun is more than 25 years old, it's from a war in our country. how the hell i'm supposed to know to use that old gun
and i do agree with u i deserve to die but i just cant, i'm not lucky enough

>> No.8993834

well thanks
& im back here just for this topic im not coming back permanently...cuz i want to die ofc

>> No.8993845

Don't do it mate u have so much to live for. Work harder in life and you'll be better off. Everyone who jumped off bridges and survived say that the first thing they think of when they jump off is "I shouldn't have jumped"

>> No.8993859

i know and that's why i cant do it...i always think what might happen..always hope for a miracle or something
but i'm suffering so so much...i wish i can get an euthanasia the pain i have to go through emotionally is that strong. u cant see anything bright or positive u just want death

>> No.8993878

Personally , I am pro euthanasia. If you really want it, do it. Who are we to judge. I've seen a documentary about some european girl who said similar things like you about life and self harm and she got the approval for euthanasia but backed off the last minute because the feeling of the end made her feel better. Maybe you should do the same. Get a deadline and if you don't feel better naturally, do it. If you feel better, it's a sign death is not (yet) a solution for you.

>> No.8994126

That is complete garbage and you know it. The m1911 is over 100 years old. You know the difference between its operation, and any other modern semi automatic pistol? Fucking nothing. Hell it was the standard issue military side arm until fairly recently. I guarantee you, even if your dads gun is some exotic fucking gravity fed musket ball firing wooden hand cannon, there is a video on the internet describing its operation all the way down to full disassembly. In fact i will do you a favor and look it up. Post a picture, preferably with the model number visible, and i will link you a video with all the information needed to blow your brains out with it. We both know you wont because your "attempted suicide" is nothing but a faggy cry for help.

>> No.8994166

cyanide and happiness. if you know what i mean

>> No.8994187

stream ur death live or gtfo

>> No.8994191

i feel like this suicide question is as individual as your own opinions.

you are going to feel your own special fucking way about it and are prone to changing your mind so long as you haven't died yet.

>> No.8994218

Yes but you'll vomit. Find a more effective way to die. Slit your veins at least if you want a cry baby way to die. Slit wrists and take something that will increase your blood flow so you bleed faster and better.

>> No.8994296

>gun from the 1980s
>too "old" to figure out

I'd tell you to kys but..

>> No.8994892

>you'll vomit
...exactly, which is why you first take antiemetics - dimenhydrinate and meclizine hydrochloride
are available without presciption, and 'scrips are easy to obtain for other drugs,
just tell the doctor you get seasick and airsick, and you're flying to a seaside vacation resort.
Swallow all the pills (not merely the recommended dose, but ALL) with peppermint-ginger tea,
*not* with alcohol, and wait one-half hour. Then swallow all your seds and trank with your favourite (or best-tolerated) alcohol.

>> No.8994916

Hey bud dont do it. If you want out, go live some crazy fantasy. Run away. Start a job as a food vendor in Spain. If youre going to end your life, there shouldnt be anything stopping you from ending THIS life and trying another one.

>> No.8994950

Why would you want to kys if you have drugs?

>> No.8995082
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>>peppermint-ginger tea
>...b-but where does one obtain that, and why?
Widely available, and assists in the antiemetic
effect, so you don't barf your seds and trank.

>> No.8995085
File: 48 KB, 500x500, Peppermint-Ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every healthfood/vitamin store

>> No.8995091

just put four teabags into your one-Litre
bottle the night before, fill with water, put into
refrigerator, and the next day you're good to go

>> No.8996310

this is true. i take ginger-orange tea for nausea and it works. peppermint is for bloating and sickness

>> No.8997440

Just lift OP

>> No.8997444

barbs are the best, you go coma with high dosages and further dosages reduce brain activity even more.

so just pair that up with an opiate or any other respiratory depressant and theres your best way out

barbs also help numb you up so it wont be as big a deal

>> No.8997949

Just OD on heroin you pussy

>> No.8997976

then buy me u brainlet.

>> No.8997978

barbs will be intro to antihypertensives then idk what to take

1st antiemetics
2 barbs
3 antihypertensives
3 maybe sedatives?
4 ----------- give me ideas

dosage is not a problem, i have hundreds of blank receipts i can fill and get any med i want

>> No.8997983


add some alcohol on it and you're fine and off to go
good luck op

>> No.8997984

i never drink so that might help :D

>> No.8997991

just dont fail at it
make a soundtrack for the special occasion

>> No.8997994

my life :)

>> No.8998001

if you didnt suck at basic pharmacology you wouldnt be asking simple questions

>> No.8998019

How about you fap until you die?

>> No.8998023

If you are going to do it, do it rightly. Dont fail at it and then be the biggest idiot. Take as many drugs as possible and they should be as various as possible
Make sure they dont catch you because you'll fail even with the best combo

>> No.8998026

it's a she. she shitposted before about death. has that will but doesnt have any balls to do it right i guess. i thought she did it, she hasnt been here for a while. failure bitch

>> No.8998030

they only think so, because the surviving instinct is kicking in, after all, they still want to die...

>> No.8998032

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ, I missed the good deeds

Die OP, I'm rooting for you

>> No.8998034

That's why she failed before. You know ''the story of mot?''

>> No.8998036

enlighten me

>> No.8998040

Let's be truthful here; you decided to come back to this page because you're depressed piece of shit and and a failure in life no matter what your moderating skills and hate for 9fag are. Or someone linked made you sad again because they know what a waste of oxygen you are. The fact you failed at your suicide before is a proof is you as a person is nothing but a sad and embarrassing joke

>> No.8998046

last winter she shitposted the fuck out of this whole goddamn place. every single thread was the god fucking same and about the same thing ''how to kill myself''
i had screenshots. i'll find them on a tablet after. it was before xmas and her dump ass ended up in a hospital and a operation. the whole case was supposed to be reported to police but she got herself out of it because she has connections in hospital or somethig. then this april she hacked every single person she hates and shitposted all around which made people accuse her of being suicidal and she panicked they'll figure out how true they are. she hacked all the sluts just to save her ass.
we all know mot. she's been her for a while.basically a person who gets suicidal easily but she did some good deeds.

>> No.8998053

i saw her in one of the streams she made when she did april thing. you'd think a person that batshit crazy and sometimes more than annoying, actually really highly intelligent but a female got to be dog ugly but she looks decent. i'd bang her
i'm not sure should i feel sorry or laugh at this whole thing. most likely both

>> No.8998063

No, she's just crazy and I applause her for another try. The thing I don’t understand about the suicide person is the people who try and commit suicide for some reason they don’t die and that’s it. They stop trying. Why? Why don’t they just keep trying? Something changed? Is her life any better now? No. In fact it’s worse because now she’s probably found out one more thing she sucks at. She better not fail this time or she'll be the biggest joke on /sci, ever

>> No.8998072

Slice a major artery; there are 2 in your neck, either will bleed out fast enough to kill you in a matter of minutes mostly by removing blood from your already cloudy and damaged brain you dont use anymore

>> No.8998074
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you wont go hypertensive?

heres an example of how you can do rudimentary research for killing your brainlet self

i suspect you're doing this for attention which is whatever but you need to kys or get over it, maybe find another way to garner attention that isn't purely selfish if attention is that important to you

>> No.8998091

Make it so that it looks like you did nothing wrong and that the world is a more messed-up place than yourself.

>> No.8998124

I bet she walks around laughing at her professors and all the stuff she posted. Person who's dedicated enough to hack her own deans yet can't succeed in one simple suicide act.
Only Mot. I missed her shitposting. It's like a Spanish drama. Ayyyy mamacita

>> No.8998136

Which proves there's something seriously wrong with her mindset and she should do it. As of Spanish drama, Despacito is playing right this moment on the radio lulz. It should be played on her funeral but then again you want to make people cry after you not laugh.

>> No.8998158

If you are intelligent enough as some claim why would you throw it away with suicide? You are capable of outgrowing your bullshit and finding at least one solution for every problem you currently have.
You are metally unstable, selfish person and you need help. Log off and tell someone your dreadful ideas. Get help from literally anyone and when you are healthy enough, then, maybe, come back.

>> No.8998166

Be careful OP what you wish for in life because you might just get it. If you try enough, you'll do it and you are doing it for an attention, game over for you.
Even better, don't do it at all.

>> No.8998171

you need jesus fucking christ not 4chan. get some help selfish piece of shit

>> No.8998172
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>> No.8998185

There is some creepy correlation between being intelligent and being mentally unstable. Op is not the first one. It's sad if she's able to do such things which makes her hyper intelligent. It's sad nobody helped her. Don't feed her. We need people like her.
I remember her posts. There's something more than just spam and attention whoring. I guess she can't choose which side to take.

>> No.8998256

the truth is suicide is always the worst answer because you can just get so high you are living in a stupor.

especially if you are a girl....
That is what i did.

Always wanted to die, started thinking about it from a really young age, and i would set checkpoints like if i didnt do x by 18 i would off myself and while i never achieved anything (including what i wanted) despite having wealthy parents scrambling to save me from myself, i never killed myself.

Anyway i sort of "attempted" once with phenobarbital but didn't take enough, thats why i agreed with the other anon about barbs, they are extraordinarily potent for the purpose of turning yourself off. I ended up staying with a friend for two days while the effects wore off. I was still seeing double at the end of the third day, it was nuts.

The reason i responded to your post is because later on i compromised with myself that chemical suicide is the best of both worlds, you get to exist, but also not care about anything.
Heroin is perfect for that, and that's what i did, and here's how i got it.

Craigslist jobs, find something at a factory, interview.
If it's not a "scummy" place then dont take the job. Scummy plants usually only pay the majority of workers min or just above, the employees might have tattoos or dress gangster, and you wont really see much supervision. I've worked at two places like this and it's incredibly easy to find hard drugs here, and once you find hard drugs once it's really easy to keep finding them. I have social phobia and getting heroin this way was so easy, so i imagine anyone could do it.

Later on i kicked the heroin, and even later after that i realized how pointless feeling sorry for yourself is, which is something i had never realized.

>> No.8998274

It can but it wont if you're a healthy young person. Tried it years ago, woke up after 16 hours disoriented and my balance was off for the next week or so. Was confused most of the time after that incident.
this seems to be more effective method but don't do it OP, seek help

>> No.8998309

Only do it if you want to troll the paramedics who will have to work overtime because of you being an attention whore

>> No.8998351

what alcohol? absinthe, vodka, rum, tequila, scotch...?

>> No.8999568

Just hire a prostitute to fuck you until you die of a heart attack.

>> No.8999574

If he was serious you're too late and I doubt sex would trigger a heart attack.

>> No.8999583

that's how my grandfather died.

>> No.9000865

All the people in this thread who unironically think that opioid/sedative overdoses are peaceful are retarded. IV, maybe (and even in lethal injection scenarios this frequently goes horribly wrong because of the huge variability in individual baseline sensitivity) - the sudden onset will cause unconsciousness, but with pills it is a slow rasping descent into respiratory failure. I have seen someone overdose from a light heroin injection and alcohol combination, and it wasn't pretty. I have a high natural tolerance and have taken two or three times the amount that individual has while on benzos and just fallen asleep reading a book with no respiratory distress. There is really no way to tell unless you're already familiar with your response to the combinations or you really go for an insane sledgehammer dose or synergistic triple combo.

By the way, the interesting corollary of the low risk of overdosing on heroin alone is the fact that as many as 50% of accidental overdoses may actually be suicides. This was in a metareview I read ages ago. IV recreational heroin use has a therapeutic index of about 7.5 (lower than you'd expect when fentanyl has a TI of 270 and morphine 50~ because non-therapeutic use raises the minimum effect dose), and modern heroin is usually more than 20% pure. You'd need to get a bag of pharmaceutical grade skag to die of a purity OD unless your gear is really stepped on.

There is a way to die painlessly and rapidly in a common household item but this must remain a secret of the pharmaceutical chemists' guild.

>> No.9001117

Banana and sprite

>> No.9001211

While still on the matter what do you suggest about accidental murder, /sci/? Say that your janitor polished the floor and staircase too good that night and the faggot you hate the most slipped on it, breaking his head. Will the janitor be responsible?
Or what if the moron slipped on ice?

Or best of them all, when you slip a poisonous plant or mushroom in their food "by accident".

>> No.9001285

yep this. just go nuts and see how you feel in 2 month from now

>> No.9001288

If you won't stop posting about suicide all over 4chan I'm going to find you and help you. Seriously bro, just stop. We know you're depressed, go to a psychiatrist and get medication, it works. I wish you all the best.

>> No.9001611

GO see a psychiatrist NOW. You have depression. Take sufficient dose of sertraline / bupropione and antipsychotics like risperidone / olanzapine. Do some cognitive behavioral therapy. Do some sport. If you do this with the help of a real therapist sufficiently and lege artis you're gonna feel better. Depression has a somatic correlation. It's treatable. You can do it the way many did before. Seek help. Wish you the best.

>> No.9001923

I've morphine 20mg with IV K+ 40meq + IV sch= guaranteed painless death.

Step 1: get a IV line
Step2 : inject all the solution in 0.9%NS
Run the IV at bolus speed

>> No.9002334
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Hey, some good advice here OP >>8993650

>> No.9003185

I watched that as well. Tbh she had chronic mental illness though, sounds like OPs more in a difficult position in life than anything else, not to belittle whatever his situation is.
Anyway, OP that's a dick move to your family man, at least wait until you have nobody

>> No.9003188

>killing yourself to trash music

>> No.9003192

depends. fast or slow?

ideally barbituate + opioids for fast-ish onset respiratory depression.
but hard to get, so benzos + opioids. maybe alcohol, provided you dont drink enough to vomit it back up

if you want a slow death from liver tox, OD on paracetamol.