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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 615x410, Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8991006 No.8991006 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ fear death and what potentially comes after it?

>> No.8991008

I don't fear it, but I certainly don't want it. As for what potentially comes after it, nothing.

>> No.8991014

The only reason I don't want to die is because there is so much left in this world for me to learn.

>> No.8991025

As much as i like living, i feel that dying would be quite comforting.

>> No.8991026

Define "death".

>> No.8991483


>> No.8991486

Sure death is scary, but existing forever is a far more scary thought so I guess there's no winning.

>> No.8991699

No. There are things we have control over, and things we don't. The people that attempt to control the inevitable are the ones that go mad.

Do what you want, live life, and know everyone's all in this together.

Nothing really matters, once you realize that you'll realize the only tool people actually have to experience life is their own emotions.

You may challenge yourself to cure mortality, and this universe, but hoping for it is foolish.

>> No.8992502

I don't really fear anything anymore.

>> No.8992507


>> No.8992510

I'm a muslim and Islam tells me that death is horrible but only if I get attached to life.
Someone who doesn't desperately cling to life will have their life drawn out of them like a hair is pulled out of pudding. Someone attached to life will have their life drawn out like a cloth being dragged over a thorned bush

>> No.8992511

found the philosophy major

>> No.8992515

>Someone who doesn't desperately cling to life will have their life drawn out of them like a hair is pulled out of pudding
that's quite a metaphor for blowing yourself up

>> No.8992518
File: 190 KB, 625x776, everlasting life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8992542

Sic semper tyrannis

>> No.8992549

>and what potentially comes after it

>> No.8992599
File: 392 KB, 564x1048, doge777777766666622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.8993154

I don't fear death so much as weep for the future my curiosity will ever know.

>> No.8993183

Mostly I feel absolutely terrified.

Also this

>> No.8993222

Yes, so much so that I'm basing my choice of major with the hope that I can work to extend life some day (molecular bio). I don't know why it seems like so few people are afraid of death. Why the fuck does so much money go to NASA and the military when it could all go to cellular research? Death concerns everyone on the planet, there is pretty much no reason not to be afraid. Is everyone just super selfless or do I just need to grow up? Aging needs to be cured or at least better understood.

>> No.8993243

I fear aging to the point that I can not fight death myself. I feel like I could fight and writhe my way towards survival now. I'm afraid of being so old that all I can do is depend on some people and a machine to keep my body alive. All I can do is eat bland, scheduled meals, maybe through a tube, while my friends and family are there grieving over me to no end as my dying body withers, helplessly. I don't fear death because I am a christian, but regardless the outcome, worse case scenario, I vanish from existence. I fear being babied as an old man as my mind goes and I am no longer able to shit by myself.

I don't want to die, but I will. I fear dying in a painful or undignified way.

>> No.8993285

> worse case scenario, I vanish
Think of it another way. Before we were born, "we" were "dead", we literally came from dead organic material. Maybe we will be "reborn" as human in the future.

I like to think that even if getting to become intelligent life requires extreme luck, the universe is probably something that comes form an infinite cycle in which every atom will eventually be part of some intelligent life body.

Maybe we will experience being every single possible life-form infinitely, and that's pretty scary. At that point, I just wish we could die and vanish forever.

Anyway, it's not possible to not die anon, even if we manage to make our bodies immortal, probability itself will fatally strike your body eventually.

I hope that calms you a bit

>> No.8993303

Thanks. Let me reiterate something, I'm not frightened by death. I'm very anxious about how I will die.

People who are anxious about death plan their funerals to the T, or at least dream about their funerals.

For myself, lay me in the forest and give me a stick. If I don't approve of the vultures, I'll bat them away.

I just don't want to be so incapable of self dependence that I embarrass myself throughout my death while I'm alive.

>> No.8993305

we can just fuck around, learn some shit, maybe discover some shit and then shit ourselves while we pass. Hopefully, everything for the better.

>> No.8993311

Define "death".

>> No.8993313

why does the grim reaper use a scythe? shouldnt death be using shovel instead?

>> No.8993319

That would make him the grim digger

>> No.8993324

He reaps you, not digs you.

>> No.8993326
File: 112 KB, 550x310, 3HI1Hvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not death as such, although sometimes it fills me with dread, but those are very short moments. I kind of consider it a glitch of natural anxiety. The process of dying is way more scary.

>> No.8993787

>You may challenge yourself to cure mortality, and this universe, but hoping for it is foolish.

You are a retard if you dont believe that in 10000 years we will have cured immortality and know almost (if not everything) about life

>> No.8993813

Define "Define"

>> No.8993928

Oh wise one, how will that affect those living today?

How would immortality fair against the universe dying?

Eat shit you pretentious cunt.

>> No.8993955

We already have a cure for immortality, it's called guns.

>> No.8994109

I used to but I ended up finding the idea actually comforting all in all.

>> No.8994753

No, becuz heaven is for real.

>> No.8994785

I don't fear death, I fear dying in a stupid way. If I were to die in a plane crash or something, fine. But if I slip in the shower and knock my head in, that's just stupid

>> No.8994840

I sometimes randomly despair because of feeling that it was all for nothing.