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File: 177 KB, 800x450, Solar-cells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8990314 No.8990314 [Reply] [Original]

Now that solar power is as dead as nuclear, where are we supposed to get energy from?

>> No.8990318

why is solar power as dead as nuclear? i get the impression that photovoltaic technology is being made much more energy efficient. it's only a matter of time before the cost of sun energy goes down.

is peak oil a real thing?

>> No.8990324

Trump just proposed $6.7 billion on new solar infrastructure so solar panels are unacceptably tainted by racism now

Left wing pundits are already writing articles about how expensive maintaining and replacing panels are and how they damage the habitats of endangered desert animals

>> No.8990327
File: 36 KB, 960x641, solar_usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8990329

>and how they damage the habitats of endangered desert animals

they'll complain about anything...

>> No.8990333
File: 19 KB, 620x348, solar wall segment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chart doesn't reflect the events that just happened today

>> No.8990338

what happened today? the chart looks like it ends sometimes in 2016

>> No.8990342

Trump proposed the largest solar energy project in history, meaning solar energy is now unacceptably racist

>> No.8990347

>trump proposed
totally, yeah

>> No.8990350

Care to elaborate?

>> No.8990351

Fucking Drumpf, why does he have to ruin everything!

>> No.8990380


>> No.8990385

perhaps elon musk will be trumps advisor again because trump listened to him about renewable energy

>> No.8990389

This conclusion would be interesting to entertain if it didn't come off as sarcastic and bitchy.

>> No.8990391

>solar infrastructure
In other words, 6.7 billion dollars on a scam. The point of solar is to get RID of power plants, not have their own plants.

>> No.8990413

>Now that solar power is as dead as nuclear,
shit bait

>> No.8990414

Solar walls were a suggestions from one of the companies who wanted the contract to build the wall

>> No.8990416

are you a retarded nigger or do you seriously not realize that solar panels need more than a couple wires to be connected to the grid?

>> No.8990425
File: 880 KB, 1014x764, maga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.8990436
File: 42 KB, 666x230, -WM_strip_DK_20120218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a child's logic to me.

>> No.8990438
File: 77 KB, 450x360, 1497316875730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solar energy is now unacceptably racist

>> No.8990445

ignore these /pol/ posters. they cannot stand not being victimized.

no one thinks x is racist because trump supports x. you saying something doesnt make it true

>> No.8990472

They're not wrong. Solar power was never an acceptable option. There's no way forward but nuclear, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows that.

>> No.8990488

HAHAHAHAHA, no. Nothing can stop solar now. It shall devour all, wind, nuclear, coal, and natural gas will get devoured by solar.(in about that order)

>> No.8990489
File: 26 KB, 332x351, 1474187079722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this much of a crybaby faggot.

>Implying nuclear won't come back due to deregulation.

>> No.8990503

>> implying nuclear will be able to come back when natural gas is so cheap

>> No.8990554

Nuclear powered wall sounds like a good idea. It can be a giant, very slow conveyor belt that dumps the waste in Mexico.

>> No.8990571

>USA is relevant to the solar industry
>people will remember minor details of someone they irrationally hate, when they don't actually care to begin with and will forget about it all in a few years as other fashionable items take their interest or other political stands are shoved down their dripping throats
like they have any say in the capitalist machine at all anyway

>> No.8990577
File: 127 KB, 601x508, 1492729650724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back right now!!

>> No.8990607
File: 344 KB, 1834x1256, LCOE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8990897

>solar energy is now unacceptably racist
always has been, because the sun gives off WHITE light

>> No.8990981

Solar and other renewables, while they will also have ecological impacts if used on a large scale, are nonetheless not going to be able to shoulder much of the burden in the near term.

That leaves nuclear or burning more carbon based fuels in the near term. Which you get behind depends, I guess, on whether you think CO2 or radiation is a bigger threat over the next maybe 2 decades or so.

>> No.8990986

where are these articles

>> No.8990987

That was obviously intended as somewhat tongue in cheek -- but it is hard to deny that there are some folks who would knee-jerk oppose anything the current President proposed. It is also undeniable that solar generating facilities large enough to have any meaningful impact on the country's energy budget will come with some environmental impact at least locally, and will thus be opposed by at least some locally focused environmentalists.

>> No.8991099

The problem with nuclear is it's pretty damn expensive and time consuming to build a reactor. Especially in the US where we insist on building a new reactor type every time, so D&E costs explode. Right now in the US a nuclear plant has a higher LCOE $/MWh cost, a higher capacity cost in $/kW and a higher total capital cost than any other power type. On top of that it takes 10 years to build. It's really hard to look at nuclear from a financial standpoint and say "This is the best option".

If you want nuclear, you need a big government push for it and a standardized reactor design, like how China is doing it.

>> No.8991113

>like how China is doing it.
Is that part of their plan to get all the chinese people to move to canada?

>> No.8991196

>solar power is as dead

Dude, Solar Thermal.


>> No.8991203
File: 348 KB, 800x600, Homesolarthermalgenerator2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8991227

the oil and gas companies goy.

Its simple economics.

Nobody can control the amount of solar energy you can produce, and besides the manufacture and installation of panels it is free.

But oil and coal have carefully controlled output so as not to saturate the market (devalue the fuel)

using this method sizable profits can be made and controlled by the oil jews worldwide

>> No.8991237

>Nobody can control the amount of solar energy you can produce, and besides the manufacture and installation of panels it is free.

PV panels have a lifespan over which they lose half their power collection capacities.

>> No.8991243

I think most of the complaints about the solar panel investment seem to be centered around the idea that the panels are gonna be a part of his stupid meme wall. It might actually bring the overall cost down over time to make it financially feasible which is kind of hilarious if he pulls it off.

>> No.8991267
File: 35 KB, 500x389, ainsley-virgin-oil-harriott-looks-like-its-time-to-oil-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just Burn Oil/Petroleum

A climate few degrees warmer & A ocean few feet taller will make almost no difference at all.

Warming? Nordic Countries & Canada will get warmer.

Coast Flooded? Just move inland.

Fuck Venice. Who cares that the Italian city of Venice go Underwater, that city is already half-flooded.

Countries like Netherlands will just build a 10 feet taller Dams.

>> No.8991348

Hydro is a pretty good source of energy and even better if the icecaps melt and we get more waterways to build powerplants in.

>> No.8991446
File: 26 KB, 292x365, 292[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we just burn as much as we can until every drop of ice melts and covers our beloved rock. After we alter our genes so we get gills and built the new Atlantis, motivating coming from the ultimate goal of survival.
>tfw no qt gillman bf

>> No.8991482

> tfw mexicans throw rocks at your solar panels

>> No.8991495

Engineers are faggots

>> No.8991513

"The wheel was my idea" - Trump 2017

>> No.8991542

"I killed baby Hitler, the Holocaust never happened. The Jews are all liars and losers." - Donald J. Trump

>> No.8991547

Well considering how unlikely it is the wall ever happens I really doubt he'll pull it off. When are you going to wake up and realize it was all just talk?

>> No.8991567

>re and how they damage the habitats of endangered desert animals

Bitches and whores

>> No.8991574

breitcucks are always imagining some leftist conspiracy against the downtrodden oppressed white male. gives them a reason to get up in the morning.

>it is hard to deny that there are some folks who would knee-jerk oppose anything the current President proposed
it's also hard to deny there are some useful idiots who will argue ferociously for anything the current president proposes, even if it's a complete 180 from their position just days prior. case in point: this thread.

>implying the resistance to solar has ever been about the environment
Two main issues and both are political / financial.

First: The cost per kW of solar panels is orders of magnitude higher than both coal and natural gas. Huge waste of money. The primary issue is there's no efficient and safe way to store the energy. For solar/wind to become truly practical, we need an advance in battery technology.

Second: Some communities in California tried to set up their own solar networks. Such that during the day they pay nothing, but at night they still use the grid. This shifts the fixed costs of the grid to the people who can't afford to install solar panels. Even if they could be off the grid entirely the result might still bankrupt the power companies, creating two classes of people, those who can afford power and those who can't, much like a third-world country.

>> No.8991581
File: 72 KB, 646x371, poltards2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you talk about our god emperor.

>> No.8991589
File: 39 KB, 599x395, iu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that back! The sun emits light of ALL colors equally!
Some are more equal than others.

>> No.8991592

seems like the same people saykng the wall will never happen are the ones who were saying its impossible trump could ever be president

>> No.8991599

Why not just implement grid fees?

>> No.8991622

filthy, dumb, infra-red scum

>> No.8992405

A wall isn't an election, Russian hackers can't just make it exist