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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8987762 No.8987762 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8987777


>> No.8987793 [DELETED] 

quads confirm

>> No.8988387 [DELETED] 


hail kek

>> No.8988394 [DELETED] 

nice get

>> No.8988397

Why do you hate it?

>> No.8988401


>> No.8988431

Huffington Post (Whiny Feminist/Commie Rage Rant)
Buzz Feed (Annoying Spam that people share on Social Media)
Tumblr blogs written by Feminists.
Most of Reddit.

>> No.8988556

They are blatantly biased and insufferably haughty about it

Just look at their appraisal of Antifa and then compare it to any article they have on right-wing groups


They are not interested in being "rational"
They are interested in being leftist

>> No.8988565



Why the fuck do they even exist?

Why don't universities just release shit by putting it up on a PDF in their websites?

If you want credibility to be attached, then that will have to come from the name of the institution that released it.

>> No.8988579

I don't think you're wrong.

>> No.8988581
File: 351 KB, 736x1082, wizard of cair banaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you an wizard?

>> No.8988585
File: 7 KB, 200x200, wernstrom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate I fucking love science.

>> No.8988593

Try researching how much control freemasonry has over the world's education systems. You may learn something if you're legitimately skeptical or curious

>> No.8988596

There was a cool thread about this over on /x/...

>> No.8988621

Great? What's wrong, too much of a textbook genius to consider something not coming off a corporate press?

>> No.8988623

Good thing there's a clear consensus of what that meme means, right?

>> No.8988629

I really get the sense of pro-libtardism coming from this page


>> No.8988635

why aren't these brain halves symmetrical reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.8988652

Those websites ought to be disliked but you have no idea about what you are talking about and your reasoning is all fucked up.
>"I'm 17 years old and /b/ is the first community I interacted with IRL"
>Huff post
>tumblr blogs
>whiny fem commies
Maybe some superficial democrat feminism i and you are joking about the communism, because huff post is corporate media. I can 100% guarantee no real communist or feminist idealoges are allowed on huffpost. It's all indoctrinated English grads that are paid in cheerios or something.

>> No.8988655

>As per the usual for leftist groups, antifascist groups usually agree on very few things and there is no such thing as "national headquarters", and even local groups are often best understood as a coalition of disparate groups allied for a common goal or even a single demonstration that don't see eye to eye on other issues. Groups that are subsumed under the "Antifa" label can be as diverse as unreformed Stalinist tankies, green-leftist ecological activists in the vein of Greenpeace or hedonistic leftists who consider the former two buzzkills.
Not that I'd doubt that a website essentially founded on fedora-tier atheism would be left wing, but I think your own filter bias is just as strongly at play here.

>> No.8988657
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breitbart and infowars

>> No.8988670


[citation needed]

>> No.8988679
File: 568 KB, 1200x800, pizzaface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it's 90% truth with 10% bullshit sprinkled in to discredit it

>> No.8988723


Alex Jones is the greatest comedian this world will ever know.

>> No.8988916


>> No.8988920

yeah they're at least smart enough to realize that the real versions are shit

>> No.8988924

alex jones is the most overrated crazy person on the internet

>> No.8988927

At least post shti that's even somewhat relevant to /sci/ you guys, e.g. LessWrong

>> No.8989048

It used to be good, but it has since then been taken over by SJWs.

>> No.8989088


>> No.8989098

it was never good

>> No.8989123

Their article on 'antitheism' really drives home a million times over that they're fedora-tipping
ledditors more than anything.

>> No.8989136
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>> No.8989141

not really considering his relationship with the president

>> No.8989143

>theism and religion are harmful to society and people
fucking retarded lol

>> No.8989144
File: 49 KB, 650x417, Kqh70Cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yes i can reply with amazing maymay images related to this as well

>> No.8989155


>> No.8989187
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>> No.8989205

good one

>> No.8989435

Admins say time ago "rational" was just a name,rationalwiki is anti Conservapedia

>> No.8989482

Why don't you like it? (Legitimately curious)

>> No.8989493


>> No.8989531

>Antitheism, also known pejoratively as "militant atheism" (despite having nothing to do with militancy) is the belief that theism and religion are harmful to society and people, and that even if theistic beliefs were true, they would be undesirable.

What part of that sentence is biased in any way? They define the term impartially and honestly; would you rather have them write 'dumb cucks who don't believe in our Savior'? And when was the last time you read about an atheist suicide-bombing his local church?

>> No.8989841

i just don't htink he's funny. there are funnier crazy people

>> No.8989973

reddit may be the single worst website for discussion of anything

>> No.8990049

>sites we are triggered by

>> No.8990240

reddit and 9gag

>> No.8990274

The utter, sad and unfortunate truth

>> No.8990298

It's like encyclopedia dramatica except somehow worse and more unfunny

>> No.8990299

Is it only sci related sites?

>> No.8990418


>> No.8990433

Any sane person would be triggered by the immense faggotry of that website.

>> No.8990454


>> No.8990475

The real verisions you don't even understand? Irrational and uniformed meme boys like yourself make me all sticky

>> No.8990493

And that they care more about being snarky than being correct or comprehensive. So every article is just an unfixable circle-jerk of smugness masquerading as informational humor.


>> No.8990497

ED doesn't have the pretense of being intelligent. That's why they're more tolerable despite being more offensive.

>> No.8990502


Fucking pop sci and sci fi trash written by uneducated high school dropouts who misunderstood pop sci news from other watered down websites.

>> No.8990530


>> No.8990532

Glad I'm not the only one who exclusively uses Bing. Helps that I don't do anything other than look at porn.

>> No.8990544




>> No.8990777

I'm not familiar with elsevier, what do they do?

>> No.8990839

What's there to know?

>Scientists get funding through tax/industry
>Publish findings to Journal operated by Elsevier etc.,
>Scientists must pay for this privilege
>Other scientists perform peer review for free or nominal fees
>Scientists then give up copyrights to Elsevier when published
>Research is now hidden behind a paywall
>Government bodies, universities and industry end up paying millions of dollars to Elsevier for labour that Elsevier never paid for nor performed...
>Elsevier ends up with £2.320 billion Revenue per year

This is somehow how science was envisioned to operate

>> No.8990854

I forgot to include, Elsevier has actively tried stifle the open access movement.

They were also caught selling papers which should have been open access.

>> No.8990912

Thanks. Sounds like they're one of the main cogs in the machine that is killing scientific openness

>> No.8990964


>> No.8991018

so you are butthurt because they dont provide content that supports your political bias?

Clearly you are upset you feel that rationality has a left wing bias.

>> No.8991039

Why do you hate LW?

>> No.8991231


>> No.8991404


>> No.8992466

Go back to /b/.

>> No.8992526

lmaooooooo XD

>> No.8992547

This thread was meant to be ironic
So why do you love those sites?

>> No.8992551

The sad thing is that it's required for most brainlets to function in society

>> No.8992553
File: 30 KB, 233x240, Memetic_hazard_warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some memetic hazards please

>> No.8992560

This post was meant to be ironic so why do you hate those sites?

>> No.8992564

I love them because they provide great information and are not just trash

>> No.8992577

>literally the guy on the right

>> No.8992592

Go fuck yourself newfag digits are digits
Also, checked

>> No.8992598

>the same trips again
holy dude my man
jesus is real
prase the sun

>> No.8992890
File: 983 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170623-210724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the rules.

>> No.8993224

none of the rules should be taken seriously

>> No.8993280

The rules mention only "DUBS"; trips and above are a different matter altogether.

>> No.8993290

quit being a bitch

>> No.8993318
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>> No.8993487

I've never once heard of "Aquinia's First Mover principle" and i took 12 years of religion class at school (i'm in europe).
What is it about?

>> No.8993838

google it
its trash

>> No.8993900

They expose Miles Mathis very well, though.