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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 239x85, brainmoreSchedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8982466 No.8982466 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see what the local /sci/ brainlets are taking Fall 2017. Bonus points for fellow EE brainmores.

Mine is pic related + 3 credits of undergrad research in photonics.

>> No.8982481

All 3 credit Classes
You must go to a shit school and you call other people brainlets, ha

>> No.8982498

Different unis do credits differently you mong. They are only 3 because there are no babby recitations and meet 3 times a week for an hour

>> No.8982517


I'll just post it

Physical Chemistry II (5)
Fundamentals of Biomanufacturing (3)
Mathematical Methods in Biochemical and Chemical Engineering (4)
Rheology and Polymer Processing (3)
Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design Laboratory (4)

>> No.8982565

UG Introduction to Discrete Structures 3.000

UG Circuit Analysis II 3.000


UG Introduction to Technical Writing 3.000

UG Calculus III 4.000

I'm a filthy EE major too.

Oddly enough calc 3 is the last math I have to take. I've taken ODEs but not LA.

>> No.8982656

Calc 3 is easiest calc

It's basically calc 2 with an extra step or two

>> No.8982723
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Switching from CS to Maths

Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Multi-paradigm programming
Mathematics 2A
Mathematics 2B
Discrete Mathematics
Statistics 2

>> No.8982734

Introduction to Programming (3)
Lab for this ^ (0)
Generla Physics I (4)
Calc 3 (4)
Basic Principles of Managemnt (3)
Introduction to Marketing (3)
Elementary Statistical Analysis (3)
Introductory Microeconimics (WEB) (3)

>> No.8982735

You're not wrong, but not meeting as often doesn't imply you cover more or even the same content as a 4 or 5 credit class. In most cases, a 3 credit class will be inferior to a 4 credit class in terms of ground covered

>> No.8982796

Hmm maybe at other schools, but here most are 3 credit hours. 4 credits if there is a weekly recitation. The only 5 credits are language classes which meet 5 days a week and calc 1 for some reason. Maybe we do cover less then other schools, but it is ABET accreditted and many undergrads go to top grad schools (MIT, Stanford, etc..) so ill take it

>> No.8983536

ABET accreditation is for brainlets. No, requiring retarded diversity classes is not what makes a great STEM education.

I hate it when brainlets think their bumfuck university is equivalent to, say, MIT just because both programs are ABET accredited, when in reality the pace and difficulty of the actual content taught in the classes vary wildly between ABET accredited programs.

>> No.8983545

Classes are the same shit everywhere. The real value of going to MIT or Stanford is in research opportunities and networking with other smart rich people.

Besides, are you such a brainlet that you need some crusty old fart to talk you through the material, instead of just reading the handouts online?

>> No.8983547

1) Stochastic Signal Analysis
2) Control Theory
3) Topology

t. applied math grad

>> No.8983557

>Classes are the same shit everywhere

Wrong. Go look at the equivalent of Calc 1 at Caltech and compare that to Bumfuck State a.k.a. your alma mater.

>Besides, are you such a brainlet that you need some crusty old fart to talk you through the material, instead of just reading the handouts online?

They won't give you handouts for shit they don't expect you to know or won't ever test you on.

Seriously, some schools don't even require a class in semiconductors to graduate in EE. It's fucking unreal.

>> No.8983558
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>complex analysis I
>analysis II
>differential equations II
>topology I

expecting to have the most difficulty with topology, but it will also be a very small class.. so who knows.

>> No.8983592


>t. autist who spent all his effort on classwork

Literally no one gives a shit about your classes. Harvard kids don't go into finance because they took Math 55, they go into finance because their roommate Chad's dad works at Goldman. Stanford kids join startups because of the ML research they did during the school year with a professor, not because they took the same shitty Intro to Java course that's taught across half the undergraduate departments in this country.

Nobody at Stanford or Harvard is bragging about the rigor of their Freshman English class, retard. I guess you wouldn't know that though.

>> No.8983600


Have fun getting fucked, you have to be a maths genius like me to pull that schedule off with a perfect GPA.

>> No.8983602

> they go into finance because their roommate Chad's dad works at Goldman
> Stanford kids join startups because of the ML research they did during the school year with a professor

So does your Bumfuck State roommate's dad work at Goldman? Do Bumfuck State kids join startups because of the ML research they did with a Bumfuck professor?

You're not really helping your case here. The quality of EVERYTHING is shittier at Bumfuck state. Including the people. Like you :^)

>> No.8983605

Mathematical Physics
Numerical Analysis
Boundary Layers (Fluid Mechanics)
Graduate ODEs

>> No.8983611


You're the only one who's talked about Bumfuck State so far. Given that you don't even know what most Ivy League students like to point out about their university, I'd guess that you're trying to defend the quality of education at a flagship state school.

Why don't you post your school ID, anon?

>> No.8983619

yeah it'll be a busy semester, but whatever im a sperg so it'll be fine

>> No.8983620

>Maybe we do cover less then other schools, but it is ABET accreditted and many undergrads go to top grad schools (MIT, Stanford, etc..) so ill take it

You're the one implying ABET accreditation at bumfuck state makes you equivalent to MIT and Stanford.

Then you backtrack and say the curriculum doesn't matter. It's the connections. Of course, there are no meaningful connections at bumfuck state either.

So now you're just grasping at straws like a mouthbreathing autist.

>I'd guess that you're trying to defend the quality of education at a flagship state school.

You just described yourself, congratulations you fucking brainlet retard :))

>> No.8983640

>Maybe we do cover less then other schools, but it is ABET accreditted and many undergrads go to top grad schools (MIT, Stanford, etc..) so ill take it

Different anon, retard. I only pointed out that Ivies are more about connections and research. Did that trigger you, anon? Waste an education in the classroom like an autist instead of making friends and schmoozing profs?

>You just described yourself, congratulations you fucking brainlet retard :))

OK, there's no doubt whatsoever. UMass, SUNY, or NYU?

>> No.8983645

>Different anon, retard.

Come on now, son. Stop trying to cover your tracks. Maybe you should try refuting my points instead of grasping at straws like a retarded brainlet :^))

>> No.8983652


>answers every post with "b-but muh bumfuck state curriculum"

It's okay, anon. Don't let that lack of research or friends stop you. Just keep telling yourself that employers and grad schools will care about your curriculum's "rigor."

>> No.8983657
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>implying i was that anon

>> No.8983658

>answers every post with "b-but muh ivy leagues"

It's okay, anon. Don't let that lack of logical coherence and real arguments stop you. Just keep telling yourself that employers and grad schools will care about your ability to contradict yourself in the same thread :^)

>> No.8983662
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5xx classes are graduate courses

I'm excited :~)

>> No.8983669
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>i'll just throw in another caret smile to pretend that I wasn't just triggered by the mere mention of research or networking

Haha, anon, you sure told me! We should all just be socially-awkward incels and only leave our room to go to class and throw out piss bottles.

>> No.8983679

>unironically arguing on 4chan

It feels nice not being a brainlet

>> No.8983699

How the fuck are some of you taking 6-7 classes? What the fuck?

At my school, we are on the quarter system, and having more than 4 difficult classes in a quarter amounts to nearly 100hrs a week of work. Is it different for semester schools?

Also for thread:

Abstract Algebra 1
Honors Real Analysis 1
Introduction to Probability Theory
Complex Analysis

Gonna probably just drop complex analysis though and maybe take the graduate version next fall

>> No.8983704

what are going to see in math 497?

>> No.8983940

I never even say we are equivalent to top schools. ABET accreditation is typically needed to get a legit job in engineering. I say the part about grad school because why would I go to a supposedly harder, much more expensive place like MIT, Stanford for undergrad when I know many people have gotten there for grad school from bumfuck state. Didnt feel like $140k+ in debt would be worth it when I can just accept a full ride.

>> No.8984008

Everyone post no one read thread?

>Func anal
>Cat theory
>Rings and fields
>Group theory

>> No.8984029

Inorganic chemistry
Analytical chemistry
Statistical mechanics
Crystal structure and electronic properties
Research for credit

Will probably drop a class for something easy

>> No.8984051

can someone explain what the american credit system is?

is it just number of credits=number of hours of lectures/labs etc.?

In aus we only do 4 units per semester which adds up to about 20 hours of lectures & labs for most engineering and science degrees

>> No.8984088

Algebraic Geometry I
Riemann Surfaces
Homological Algebra
Representation Theory

>> No.8984095


In my school it's based on the difficulty of the class. More credits mean more time you're suppose to dedicate to it even if the lectures are the same length.

>> No.8984123

It just depends on the school desu. MIT does like 12 credit hours for some classes as if that is how much time you should spend on the material each week, but some colleges do just count the number of hours actually in lecture or recitation per week

>> No.8984486

First year
>Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Waves
>Calculus 1
>Fundamentals of Engineering 1
>Programming in Java
kinda nervous desu, the first year is apparently the hardest at my school (Ohio State)

>> No.8984490

What makes you think you're a math genius?

>> No.8984493

Physics with Calc I
Discrete Structures II
CS II (programming, second course)
Linear Algebra or Diff Eq

>> No.8984619
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>Numerical and stochastic mathematics
>Radio communications
>electric machinery control
>basics of robotics
>assistive technology

>> No.8984661

gonna be starting my first year this fall, so I won't be studying much:
-calculus 1
-linear algebra 1
-naive set theory
-intro to programming in C
-phsyics 1
-physics 1 lab
(bachelors in physics and math)

>> No.8984758

kek. what a brainlet. i only do research now.

>> No.8984759
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>tfw EE major
>tfw thinking about the future and shit
>tfw realize that career prospects for EE aren't very good and it's almost as much work as CS, which has job prospects out the wazoo and which contains a lot more interesting math
>tfw transferring to CS is very difficult at my school because it's one of the top CS schools in the country (UIUC)

>> No.8984779

One is a colloquium, so weekly guest speakers on some special topic.

The other is a functional analysis course, focusing on applications to infinite-dimensional geometry.

>> No.8984815

Physics 101(5)
Calc 2(5)
Geology 101(3)
Astronomy independent study (2)
Be gentle

>> No.8984825

What are you, some kind of math wizard? How are you in Calc2, but Physics 101, and 5? Is this fake, you made this up...?

>> No.8984858

Calc 2 and physics 101 are corequisites, and the parentheses say the number of units each class is worth.

>> No.8984977

UIUC is also top 5 in EE bud. Ive thought of switching too, but are all CS jobs just programming? Programming is pretty boring to do all the time imo.

>> No.8985008

Asking if all CS jobs are just programming is like asking if all art jobs are just drawing. Well, yeah, but there's many different types. There are a variety of problems out there to tackle (AI, big data, etc), and if you're able to distinguish yourself, you can find yourself working on something you really like.

Also, yeah, I know it's good for EE, but I'm saying that imo in general EE is not as good as CS. I just feel like in terms of what I want to do in life and how many career options I have CS is a much better choice, but it might not be one I have. I mean desu I have no idea what I'm doing, but if I'm going to have to grind out a difficult degree, CS seems much better,

>> No.8985027

Yeah I see what you are saying. Both are good degrees with many opportunities so there is no bad choice really. I can see how it would be easier to change to a different job/industry whenever in CS compared to EE for sure.

>> No.8985032

The other thing is I have a hard-on for pure math but I'm also really "materialistically" ambitious (e.g. I want to be famous, to own my own company, etc.) and I want a job, so I can't do a pure math degree. CS is the next best thing, and it has a lot of avenues to material success, while EE is neither.

>> No.8985051

>poor career prospects for EE


>> No.8985052

i don't have one because i just graduated

but if I were to go back for fall i would have taken

CS270 - graduate operating systems
CS277- graduate security/cryptography
CS260- compiler optimization

>> No.8985104

>intro to analysis I
>intro to topology
>linear algebra
>numerical linear algebra
and some poli sci class

>> No.8985106

What the fuck do EE majors do?
I know what they learn (the hardware) but I haven't heard of as much demand for innovation in that as in CS. To be completely honest, I have no idea, but it just seems that way.

>> No.8985109

A good way to learn is actually just look at job boards online like indeed or glassdoor etc.. and type in electrical engineer in your area or nationally. It is a huge field with legit 15 specializations at my school (grad program). There are several different paths down each specialization too.

>> No.8985119

what this anon >>8985109 said is pretty much accurate.

EEs work in everything from microprocessor design, to power electronics (electrical grid and device power), to communication systems, to mathematical modeling of physical objects (think circuit simulators and similar tools).

in those sub-fields there is a lot of math, programming, and physics involved. I'm not an EE, I'm actually applied math. i work with EEs though. theres a huge variety of stuff.

>> No.8985121

I'm a senior chemical engineering major.

Senior Design - 4 credits
Unit Operations - 3 credits
Honors Thesis - 3 credits

It should be a pretty fun semester.

>> No.8985125

Functional Analysis 7.5hp
Stochastic Analysis 7.5hp

In Sweden 7.5hp amount to 20h/week. I'm under the impression that 40h/week is less than typical in USA. Do you agree?

>> No.8985143

Intro Literature
Bio II
Linear Algebra
Intro Geology
Intro Psychology

...yeah this is my last semester and I'm taking all the stupid classes required by the university that I skipped over. Should be cake. Guess my major? I already completed all the requirements for it.

>> No.8985144

Thanks for the advice. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'll take this into account.

I never posted what classes I was taking:
Quantum Physics (2)
Thermodynamics (2)
Calc 3 (4)
Intro to Engineering - Computing Basics (4)
Some bullshit humanities course about the economics of renewable energy or something (4)

First sem of college btw

>> No.8985145

Looks like a lot for a first semester.

>> No.8985147
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Propulsion, Space Orbital Mechanics, Materials Lab, Aerospace Structures II, Senior Design I.....

Asian Eats online class

>> No.8985149

I'm trying to graduate in three years to save on tuition.

>> No.8985162

I would really advise against that, especially for your first semester where you're acclimating to college. Taking a ton of hard classes is a good way to do mediocre across the board.

>> No.8985165

Aerospace engineering

>> No.8985167

I already took a multi class in high school, so Calc 3 isn't entirely new stuff, same with Thermo. I do think about how hard it's going to be, but I gotta do what I gotta do. The high school I went to is notorious for being extremely academically competitive, so it's not like I'm entirely new to it.

>> No.8985168

Advanced Linead Programming
Abstract Algebra
Senior Design
Intro to Materials Science
Africana Studies

>> No.8985177

It has little to do with the actual content you're learning and everything to do with adjusting to being in college. I went to a top 10 high school in the country, so I know what you're talking about. Trust me, even the most difficult high schools don't adequately prepare you.

I'm not saying you're necessarily going to do poorly, but I've seen many overzealous freshmen crash and burn. Just my two cents.

>> No.8985185

Thanks for the advice, I'll take it into account. And I'm not dumb, I know it's either going to wreck my ass or be really hard if it doesn't.

>> No.8985186

Electromagnetic Waves
Fiber Optic Communications + lab
High Frequency Amplifier Design + lab
Digital Communication Systems lab
Social Ethics

>> No.8985203

Senior EE Undergrad here...
Fall 2017:
Electrical Machinery Lecture
Electrical Machinery Lab
Electr/Computer Engrg Desgn I (Senior Design)
Topics In Elec Engrg (Semiconductors is the topic for fall semester)
Engr Statistics Lecture
Engr Statistics Lab
3 Day Six Sigma Greenbelt Certification Course

Can't wait for Spring 2018 though..

Digital Signal Processing
Feedback Systems
Senior Design II
Culinary Tourism

And just like that I will obtain a BS in EE with a minor in math. Plan to work in either comm systems or controls.

>> No.8985210


Trust me
Get off /sci/
Go make friends
Make connections
Get research positions
Don't be a fucking /sci/ autist

>> No.8985226

Microbiology (4)
Calculus based Physics I (4)
Gen Chem II (4)
World Prehistory (3)

>> No.8985232

Advanced Algorithms
Numerical Analysis II (grad)
Introduction to Data Mining
Personal Grooming and Hygiene (prescribed course)

>> No.8985235

oh hey CSULB

>> No.8985240

What is hilarious in this thread: you brainlets arguing about classes and schools. I've known people that even joked with each other:

One person went to the best school available for engineering. The other went to a local state school. They both ended up working in the same job title, made the same amount of money, in the same office, and for the same boss. School didn't really matter in the situation. They were just eligible to apply for the job.

>> No.8985262

Electronics (4)
Microprocessors (4)
Cardio Fitness (1)
Weight Training (1)
Yoga (1)
Day Hiking (1)

I was gonna take an extra math class since I am ahead on classes. My advisor said I should pick something easy so that I could focus on the ECE classes. I have slowly been turning into a fat piece of shit over the last few years so this will be good for me

>> No.8985270

Holy shit so many EE in here..well senior EE here:
-EE design project 1 (2 credit hours)
-Applications of EM Theory (3)
RF Engineering (3)
-Photonics (3)
-Research related to RF circuits/applied electromagnetics (0 or 3)
-Either Electrodynamics, Power Electronics, or maybe some optics/laser for final class slot

Also will begin applying to grad schools this Fall, hope to get into something optics/photonics related, maybe electromagneticsRF

>> No.8985273

AA form Chem Engineer
Cal 2
Chem 2 + Lab
Intro physics( if I get an A or B in cal I could skip to Physics with Cal 1 +Lab)

If I do the physics route with cal ill be doing two labs and these classes. I work so I may be fucking over my grade.

Decisions decisions.

>> No.8985300

Some grad courses along the lines of:

>Functional Analysis
>Geometry of Manifolds
>Something in Analysis or Topology

Course selection hasn't started yet (or I'm retarded).

Looks fucking awesome bud. Topology was my favourite class in undergrad. Don't worry about it.

>> No.8985303

M/t/w/th/f/s/s 8am to 10pm: advisor's bitch

8th quantum hyperday: thesis

>> No.8985312

>Gonna probably just drop complex analysis though and maybe take the graduate version next fall

You might get destroyed by doing that. On the other hand, it might be fucken awesome.

>> No.8985313

What field?
Chem "research", i.e. washing used glassware with acetone?

>> No.8985317

He was a going to get absolutely buttfucked unless he has an IQ of 190. Maths grad classes are like 4 people who all get A+'s without hardly studying and hearing the material once.

>> No.8985319

I might take a course in the math or comp sci department, and do a reading course on harmonic analysis or wavelets or something. Other than that basically just do bitch work for prof like >>8985303. Also try to find a wife since my last bitch left me.

>> No.8985322

Ostensibly compsci, but I'm more like the machine learning expert attached to half a dozen different domain experts. Working with people in education, medical imaging, HEP, all kinds of shit

>> No.8985354

I took a 1 credit rock climbing class at my uni and it was so shit, waste of money shouldve just done it on my own

>> No.8985360

Case Western Reserve University:
MATH 321 - Fundamentals of Analysis I
MUAP 321 - Principal Level Performance V
PHYS 301 - Adv Laboratory Physics I
PHYS 303 - Adv Laboratory Physics Seminar
PHYS 313 - Thermodynamics and Stat Mech
PHYS 349 - Methods of Mathematical Physics I
PHYS 481 - (Graduate) Quantum Mechanics I
MUEN 3something - Orchestra
MUEN 3something else - Chamber music

>> No.8985361

Oh, and I'm researching photonics too, what a coincidence

>> No.8985364

how many of those courses do you get some gook chick to sit in on and take notes for you?

>> No.8985366
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Super excited for med chem and to keep going with my independent study, less excited for German desu

>> No.8985376

Smh should have taken polish

>> No.8985379

O kurwa!

>> No.8985392

What's your major? Med chem sounds like a fun class

>> No.8985398

Biology, I just really enjoy chemistry (as any biologist should imo) so I'm taking it as a free elective.

I did a browse through the textbook and it looks pretty neat, a lot more biology than I expected (seems to be more focused on drug targets and delivery rather than synthesis etc.)

>> No.8985407

Senior Biochemistry here. I've finished just about all my prerequisites, now just doing upper division electives

Principles of Pharmacology (4)
Animal Development (3)
Principles of Cellular Signalling (3)
Genetics Research (2)

Was gonna do some chem courses but these take priority for what I want to do and I don't really wanna overload myself.

>> No.8985482

Actuarial Science & Data Analytics Major

Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis
Life Insurance Mathematics
Intro to Java and C++
Data Management for Business Analysis (Bullshit class)
Intro to Marketing
Intro to Management

Business school has its flaws...

>> No.8985618

its just bantz lad, take a chill pill

>> No.8985653


>> No.8986161

Transferring to CS here isn't really hard. It's just that the demand pool is saturated with retarded brainlets who just suddenly "discovered" their "passion" for coding halfway through their sophomore year in LAS or Business. If you look at the posts of people trying to transfer to CS, you'll notice that their credentials really aren't that strong as they believe. All the meme posts of people with 4.0s getting rejected conveniently neglect to mention they get a 4.0 in some easy dumbfuck major like Civil or Accounting.

To get an even better idea of how retarded they are, try signing up for CS 173 where all the transfer wannabes are. And see how much they complain about writing really trivial proofs in a discrete math class. "B-but I thought CS was about muh p-programming!! Waah!"

I know a few guys with 4.0s in EE who transferred. And getting a 4.0 in EE up to the classes required to transfer isn't hard. Give it a go, it can work really well for you if you just bother to submit the paperwork.

Or better yet, just switch to CompE.

> I'm going to have to grind out a difficult degree, CS seems much better

CS is not hard, trust me. That's the allure of it. It's much easier than ECE and there are more jobs. The only problem is getting in.

Heck, it's even easier now that the department dropped 473 as a requirement. Now there's virtually only one "hard" required CS class. That's actually the biggest reason why nobody gives a fuck about UIUC CS next to the Big 4. Those programs ensure you can't walk out the door without knowing algorithms, while we churn out web dev tier dumbfucks and code monkey bottom feeders.

>> No.8986223

Analysis of algorithms(3)
Computer architecture(3)
Communication for engineers(3)
Advance discrete structures(3)
Network and security(3)

>> No.8986308

>CS is the next best thing, and it has a lot of avenues to material success, while EE is neither.

CS is basically a get rich quick scheme for young people. The problem is, once you're no longer young, you'll realize your prospects begin to dwindle in the job market due to rampant ageism and the perception that age makes you a less able coder. Plus, the endless amount of new frameworks and jargon you'll have to keep up with in the industry is fucking stupid and will wear down on you eventually. Retarded initiatives such as Hour of Code or Women in Code or Everyone Can/Must Code will drive up (tail-end) supply as well in the long run, so you'll have to either compete with the retards directly or worse, work directly alongside them.

EE is basically the polar opposite of CS. Whereas CS is short term, EE is a long term game. BSEE is worthless, but value slowly accumulates when you reach a PhD and with years of experience in general. EE has a high barrier of entry which keeps idiots out, but once you're in the game, you're pretty golden, because laws of physics are unchanging unlike retarded Angular or Node.js or whatever framework that keeps getting swapped out every 3 years or so. You won't make as much money quickly, but you won't get replaced by some mouthbreathing idiot who took a coding bootcamp in X framework and thinks he knows everything. You can't bootcamp a guy in EE because tons of things in EE are virtually off the books and rely on pure experience to figure out, especially if you're in Analog IC design for example. Learning Java takes a week tops, getting an no-(oscillo)scope intuition for transforms and abstract shit like capacitance and inductance can take years.

TL;DR CS may be in vogue now, but I wouldn't call EE nothing. The optimal way to get the best of both worlds is to go short on CS and long on EE.

>> No.8986397

real & complex analysis
multivariable & vector analysis
linear algebra
differential equations
numerical methods & programming
abstract algebra
some shitty group work thing

>> No.8986409

Well, they are for grad students and they should be superior to undergrads. In grad school, they don't pace the courses so that you can keep up, they assume you'll make up for anything you can't keep up with.

>> No.8986426

>unironically having troubles with 173

Whats the hard CS class?

>> No.8986428

Year 1 eurocuck masters
Algebraic geometry 5 credits
Combinatorics 5 credits
Universal algebra I 5 credits
Algebraic topology I 5 credits
Riemannian geometry I 5 credits
Model theory 3 credits
Diploma thesis I 6 credits

Cathegories of modules and homological algebra 6 credits
Group representations I 5 credits
Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras 6 credits
Invariant theory 5 credits
Fiber spaces and gauge fields 6 credits
Harmonic analysis I 6 credits

>> No.8986447
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>Cardio Fitness (1)
>Weight Training (1)
>Yoga (1)
>Day Hiking (1)
why do americans do this

>> No.8986737

Can you read or are you just thick? He said he is ahead on classes so he is just taking an easy semester and trying to get more physically healthy

>> No.8986750

What I meant was - why do americans let students do unrelated garbage that counts towards their degree? If you want to get healthy, fine, but it shouldn't count towards any official academic stuff.

>> No.8986772

idk about europe, but in america, elective credits are basically useless. students will accumulate enough credits through major related classes and "core" classes, so fluff credits don't help you graduate.

>> No.8986834

Those recreation classes are all just 1 credit hour so they can charge money for them. They dont count as electives towards your degree at all (at my uni).

>> No.8986841
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Probability Theory 1
Statistical Analysis
Dynamical Systems and Optimal Control Theory
Might do a master level couse in logic or combinatorics too

>> No.8986849
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Mathlet here. I am able to re-test into a higher level math course but I need guidance what to study.

I've used Khan Academy for other things and have heard their math curriculum is solid. Would that be a good path to go on to become a non-mathlet?

>> No.8986854

Anal asap, then topology and universal algebra i to algebraic geometry.

>> No.8986855

>ethical hacking

>> No.8986861

Part of a 2 year infosec program. We focused on enterprise security last quarter and forensics in the winter.

Lots of good info desu anyone going into tech should be aware of security best practices, even devs and management

>> No.8986867

1) senior classical mechanics (3)
2) senior e&m (3)
3) advanced PDE (graduate level class) (3)
4) natural history field trip class that starts and ends a week before school starts (4)
5) senior thesis class (1)

taking a less credits this coming term in order to focus on gre and grad school applications

>> No.8986870

these look like community college level courses.

If you are interested in computer science, namely 'ethical hacking' computing the math you want to learn is number theory and probability.

>> No.8986888

They are. It is a transfer program to a state uni though which I plan on doing. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.8986891

Feminist Studies and Critiques (3 credits)
Racial Inequality in the United States (3 credits)
Special Needs Education (3 credts)
Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
Meditation (2 credits)

>> No.8986948

How's Princeton's math PhD program?

>> No.8986955

>Differential equations
>Vector analysis
>probablity calculus 2
>Introduction to number theory

Wish me luck

>> No.8986965
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>> No.8986978

what kind of acsci program is this? majors at my uni take mostly pure and applied stats classes

>> No.8987055


>> No.8987739

You are taking 7 classes in 1 semester? What's your current GPA. Also why are you taking Physics 1 with Calc 3? In my schools Physics 1 is taking with Calc 1.

>> No.8988318
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Firstly, taking any intro class or class whose name ends with a 1 means you're a brainlet.

Secondly, taking classes in the order you're supposed to take them also means you're a brainlet.

He's basically doing the right thing. Non brainlet students should have no problem doing graduate level work by sophomore or junior year.

>> No.8988422

Fluid Mechanics II (6)
Quantum Mechanics I (6)
Statistical Physics (6)
Computational Methods in Engineering (6)
Advance Labs I (6)

>> No.8988607

>he goes to a uni that lets you skip classes or has no prereqs for anything
>he goes to a uni that lets you take grad level courses whenever you want
Hmm..who is really the brainlet?

>> No.8988618

>Not taking 30 Credits full of STEM workload each semester just relevant to your field

Americanplebs. That's why German education will outclass you alltime.

>> No.8988625

Not him but I was able to start taking graduate classes my 4th semester. I didn't skip anything other than the stupid classes math majors shouldn't be taking anyways (i.e. calc).

>> No.8988634

Hey guys, I'm transferring to a ; year uni from CC as an EE. I will be a junior when I get there but haven't been able to add classes due to my late sign up date. In the mean time, I was wondering what are some things I should read on to see what's going on? I skimmed through the scheduled pathway and it seems it's all engineering classes now.

Only engineeekng classes I took at CC were intro to engineering and design as well as circuit analysis. Oh and matlab.

Am on mobile too so excuse spelling mistakes

>> No.8988675

ameripleb here, my uni allows arts and science majors (one college, BA,BS) a max of 20 credits and engineering only allows 18 max. What is a quick way to learn german if I want to move to Switzerland for grad school though?

>> No.8989148

Only doing a three quarter load this coming semester. 4th year mech eng.
>Control Engineering
>Numerical Methods and Modelling
>Measurement and Noise
Looks like it's going to be a pretty dry semester.

>god i wish that were me
Well, unit selection, not timetable.

>> No.8989175


>Last year as undergraduate

Graduate QFT 1
Graduate Astrophysics (from a nobel laureate :^) )
German 1

>> No.8989796

>needing your mommy to tell you what courses to take and when

enjoy your safe space, brainlet

>> No.8989805

Chem E bros, we gettin it

Process Dynamics and Control (3)
Process Design & Safety (3)
Chemical Engr Design Lab (2)
Electromechanical Systems (1)
Intro-Partial Diff Equations (3)
Multi-Scale Modeling of Matter (3)

That last one is a grad level course with a prof that I'm gonna be doing research with.

>> No.8990239

If your uni lets you take a hodge podge of random classes with no requirements and then call it a degree then it is shit. And prereqs are literally required to take some classes you pondscum

>> No.8990452
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>> No.8990556


Digital System Design
Communication Systems
Thesis (Photonics research)
Professional Practice and the Business Environment (Already have an engineering job, why does my university make me do crap like this)

>> No.8990628

EE+math double major here

Discrete Signals and Systems
Electromagnetic Theory
Linear Control I
Probability and Statistic for EE
Electronics 2(transistor based course)
Abstract Algebra 2 - Group Theory
Descriptive Geometry

something like thay

>> No.8990654

CE&CS here

Semester 5
Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems
Computation Theory
Operating Systems
[Elective] (Maybe Game Theory)

>> No.8990696
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Degenerate EE reporting in:
Math: Intro to Matrix Methods (5 units)
Math: Intro to Statistical Systems Analysis (4 units)
CS: Computer Organization and Systems (5 units)
History: US, the UN, and Peacekeeping (5 units, for graduation requirement, plus, I get to learn about Kosovo, which is nice, I guess)

>> No.8990814

Holy kek

>> No.8990982


Holy shit

>> No.8990990

Physics and CS

Discreet Structures
Data Structures
Middle East Studies - Liberal arts school...
Multivariable Calc
Physics 1

Switched out of Biochemistry and CS to Physics and CS

>> No.8990994

>Calc I
>Algebra I
>General chemistry

>> No.8991182
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>> No.8991183

Damn son where'd you find these bants

>> No.8991287

Beginning Nip (5)
Physical Anthropology w/ Lab (4) (Meme Science)
Honors Linear Algebra (3)
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3)
Semantics (3)

>> No.8991308

Linear algebra
Electronics Lab 1
Electronics Lab 2
Intro to Microeconomics

>> No.8991329


Ok have fun in elementary algebra 101 you brainlet :^))))

>> No.8991333

Graduating in the Winter with a degree in CompE. My schedule for Fall quarter is:

Introduction to Computer Architecture
Computer Networks
Senior Design Project
+2 1 unit senior standing requirements

>> No.8991346

>microwave engineering
>RF microelectronic circuits
>advanced communication systems
>advanced control systems
>russian language level 3