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8981894 No.8981894 [Reply] [Original]

Don't we technically have an infinite time of consciousness, since we can only think and ponder such questions WITH consciousness?

As in, all we will ever know is life, we don't experience anything else, so this life is infinite for us.

>> No.8981901

There has to be a fucking philosophy board made, so the scatter-headed paint huffers can have their own sandbox to play in and stop shitting up this place with their 2deem4u word salad shite.
I almost thought you want to talk about the real possibility of being able to speed up human thoughts to the point where you could effectively perceive time as almost standing still at will, but nooo, it's another fucking philosophy thread.

>> No.8981902

yes, that is why you are experiencing it and not not experiencing it

>> No.8981915

How is consciousness infinite if when we die we will have no awareness that it ever happened?

>> No.8981916

4chan is dead anon

>> No.8981917

Because our time on earth is functionally infinite. 100% of our frame of reference for life occurs in life. There is no percentage of conscious life that exists during death.
We cease to exist after life, so this sensory plain during life is infinite.

>> No.8981919

Well considering my grandparents are dead I can confirm life is not infinite for them.

>> No.8981921

Yes, but for them it was. They never experienced anything other than life.

>> No.8981937

What is consciousness? What you perceive is nothing more than electrical and chemical signalling, your sense of self is nothing more than a biological circuit firing.

If energy cannot be created or destroyed than the same energy that made up my grandparents consciousness still exists, but their consciousness does not.

>> No.8981938

>than the same energy that made up my grandparents consciousness still exists, but their consciousness does not.
Where does it go?
Really makes you think.

>> No.8981965

It obviously wasn't subjectively infinite since even from their point of view it came to an end. This is like saying that every day is infinite because you aren't directly aware of the fact that the day is over when you're asleep.

>> No.8981967

>since even from their point of view it came to an end.
But it didn't? At the last moment of their awareness, they were alive.

>> No.8981972

Their consciousness still experienced only a finite amount of time. I kind of get your point but clearly the concept of infinity doesn't apply here.

>> No.8981977

Subjective infinity, yes.

>> No.8982003

Do you understand what infinity means? Subjective infinity could be possible if the speed of neurological processes increased exponentially as you approach death, asymptotically approaching infinity as you get closer to your very last moment, thus causing a subjective time dilation a la Zeno's paradox, but of course this is impossible since your brain would eventually have to operate faster than the speed of causality. You can't perceive the limit itself but you still definitely cross it after a finite amount of time.

>> No.8982009

Just as with the nothingness before birth, there is only the void after death, therefore, life is the infinite area of our sensory accretion. The only thing will will ever know. The infinite totality of our existence.

>> No.8982051

The property you're thinking about isn't infinity but compactness in the topological sense of the word. A large enough sphere may seem unbounded if you're walking on its surface, but said surface isn't infinite by any stretch. Likewise, if you could observe someone's world line in its entirety from an extra dimension it would appear as a closed, finite structure.

>> No.8982058

Yes, but that would preclude a nonhuman vantage point.

>> No.8982775


>> No.8983108

i see

>> No.8983110

>well, my list ends at the number 3
>so 3 is equal to infinity?
how do you come up with this dumb shit? "Total" and "infinity" are obviously not the same thing.

>> No.8983112

Perceived infinity. Our lives as we know them will never end FOR US as we are only able to accumulate data while we are alive.

>> No.8983119

but I don't perceive totality to be infinity


>> No.8983121

You're a genius OP.

Go tell all those terminally ill patients that they have an infinite amount of time left to live, because the time between now and when they die is all the time they'll be thinking.

>> No.8983122

>but I don't perceive totality to be infinity
But you do, as your frame of reference is entirely life based.

>> No.8983123
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The continuation of YOUR life however implies a medium that act as a backup from your dead brain's memories to your next memory drive. So to believe this you need to define reality on top of the mind and not the mind on top of the brain.

>> No.8983130

But you don't always have a frame of reference, you die. That's what you don't seem to understand, people die.

As it stands you could die at this very moment, and as per your theory, that would mean that up to this moment you've perceived infinite time. It isn't as though all of the previous time would just "retroactively become infinite" the instant you die after all, right? So if you could die at 20, that means you need to have experienced an infinite amount of time up to that point, as well as any other point at which you might die.

However, you clearly have not already lived for an infinite amount of time, because you aren't an infinite number of years old, and should be able to pretty easily say that you don't feel as though you've already lived through an infinity.

>> No.8983134

My point is more about perception than math.
Our only perceived existence is during life, we don't experience death.
Therefore, the entity that is my consciousness is effectively infinite.

>> No.8983136

You are wrong.

>> No.8983138

it has literally nothing to do with the the concept of infinity

>> No.8983148

I disagree.

>> No.8983189

but neurological processing speed decreases as your brain dies off...

>> No.8983209

>1 is infinite because 1/1 = 1

>> No.8983230

I know what you're trying to say but I don't think "infinite" is the right term. it's something that I've thought about a lot myself, if I can only observe those locations or moments in spacetime in which I'm conscious, then I will always necessarily find myself perceiving one of those moments. Basically, Nietzsche was right.

>> No.8983249
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>if I can only observe those locations or moments in spacetime in which I'm conscious, then I will always necessarily find myself perceiving one of those moments.
This is exactly what I was getting at.

>> No.8983270

>Our only perceived existence is during life
Well yeah. Go back and read the post you quoted. The only things you've perceived thus far are the things you've perceived, no? This is the same as the amount which someone who died at your age has perceived. Since you've claimed that people's total lives feel infinite, then that means your life, which matches the total life of someone who died at your age, must also feel infinite. Does it feel infinite? No. QED.

>I will always necessarily find myself perceiving one of those moments
>I will always necessarily find myself perceiving
except for when you aren't fucking perceiving

>> No.8983275

How dows that make it infinite though? It still ends.

>> No.8983278

Yes, but we never experience that end.

>>I will always necessarily find myself perceiving one of those moments
>>I will always necessarily find myself perceiving
>except for when you aren't fucking perceiving
Yes, but them you won't exist. All your consciousness will ever know is existence, therefore your consciousness is infinite.

>> No.8983280

>All your consciousness will ever know is existence, therefore your consciousness is infinite.

"All my mind will ever know iw 2+2 cause I'm a brainlet, therefore my knowledge is infinite."

Re read >>8983270 and >>8983130. Your life, as it stands, matches the lifespan of someone who'd died at your time. Since you're claiming that this dead person has experienced an infinite amount of time, you're claiming that you yourself already have as well, but that contradicts the fact that you clearly haven't. That's proof. There's no argument to be had.

>> No.8983282

>at your time
I should have said "at your age," but still

>> No.8983286

The fact that you do not experience your own death doesn't mean it doesn't happen, nor does it mean that you never cease to experience.

>> No.8983291


>> No.8983295

see >>8983278
>I will always necessarily find myself perceiving one of those moments
>I will always necessarily find myself perceiving
The only things you will perceive are your own perceptions. This doesn't in any way at all imply you will always perceive them, just that you will never perceive anything else.

>> No.8983297

>just that you will never perceive anything else.
Making it the total of our experimental potential. An uncountable number. infinity.

>going to 7/11 real quick brb to debate more

>> No.8983299

>Making it the total
which isn't infinity

>An uncountable number.
But it is a countable number. You can count your age. Any given point in time where I die is a moment in which I could have alternatively told someone how old I was. There's nothing uncountable about it.

>going to 7/11 real quick brb to debate more
even your insults don't make sense

>> No.8983301

>anon provides proof
>gets ignored
>"please refer to the proof"
>gets ignored

>> No.8983303

>this equation stops returning values after X=10
>since the equation can't accept inputs from that point on, it's domain is infinite

>> No.8983325

If I was born 5 years before my brother and die 5 years after him, then I can say that his frame of reference is not infinite. If it's worth discussing, it should apply to all cases, which it doesn't.

>> No.8983369

>>An uncountable number.
>But it is a countable number. You can count your age. Any given point in time where I die is a moment in which I could have alternatively told someone how old I was. There's nothing uncountable about it.
But you're dead so you can't do anything.

>>going to 7/11 real quick brb to debate more
>even your insults don't make sense
I was informing you that i'd be back later, you weirdo.


>> No.8983373

That's a false equivalence because numbers aren't experience accumulating beings.

>> No.8983868


>> No.8984208

I have been to a lot of atheists threads on reddit and they all believe that there is no life after death.I am an agnostic and I believe that there might be life after death or something like that,but I do not know for sure.If there isn't anything after death then isn't life pointless?Why do we even live in the fist place?Isn't that strange,how was life created?And I have read some articles that neuroscience says all of our emotions and imaginations and basically identities are just chemical hormonal reactions in the brain that is a product of evolution.So,then all virtues of humanity like bravery,compassion and honor are nothing more than an illusion.Do you believe this is true?Why does it seem natural to us that there is a point in life and that death is just a transition?

>> No.8984213

if you kill yourself you get to find out

>> No.8984218

rly mks u thnk

>> No.8984236

Also,I would like to add,whats so beautiful about this life anyway?I am majoring in biology,I picked that major because since I was a kid I was interested in animals.I watched all the documentaries of David Attenborough and fell in love with the natural world.The more I study it however the more colder I feel inside.Everything looks unglamorous from up close,than in the screen.Its like watching a really good movie like lots or star wars and then returning back to reality.Cruel and cold.Everything is basically a biological machine and all the feelings and emotions are designed to help an organism pass its genes for some kind of reason.

>> No.8984237

lotr not lots

>> No.8984959

Sure, but your experience does eventually end. Subjective experience is still bound by space and time, so it can't really be infinite. The lines between subjective experience of life and death are a bit blurred considering you can't remember your own birth and you can't experience your own death, but those two specific events still happen at single intervals of time, with an absolute beginning and end.

>> No.8985024

But i'm talking about things as we perceive them. FOR US, life is everything.

>> No.8985117
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>There has to be a fucking philosophy board made, so the scatter-headed paint huffers can have their own sandbox to play in and stop shitting up this place with their 2deem4u word salad shite.