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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 128 KB, 645x876, trolley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8979351 No.8979351 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /sci/?

>> No.8979355

I would not. Killing me is the social optimum, killing him in return would be irrational.

>> No.8979360

What if you were always going to pull the lever to kill him?

>> No.8979440

Yeah but what if both me and the middle guy among the five are Hitler?

>> No.8979456

What if there were no other guys except you and red pants guy on the tracks?

Not killing him would still be the social optimum no matter his decision

>> No.8979485

It is obviously a case of mutually assured destruction
We both have a lever that can kill the other
The self-preservative strategy is not to use it
But noooo... he decided to pull it
So, he has to life with the consequences

>> No.8979711
File: 173 KB, 786x751, 1494262374189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read the problem?

>> No.8979742

Yes, that's how deterrence works:
>He knows he's screwed if he pulls
>He pulls it anyway
>I pull

Can't let him think he can get away with it

>> No.8979794

Of course I would.

>> No.8980128

The image says that the guy already pulled the lever.

You are going to die no matter what.

>> No.8980292

But what if you're the red guy? Would you pull the lever to save more people even if it meant the other person might possibly kill you?

>> No.8980304

wtf of course I am going to ensure that I survive. Once he is dead he ain't gunna know is he? Fuck em.

>> No.8980331

This. You're gonna look like a sore loser when the incident hits the news.

>> No.8980336

Always pull the lever half way to derail the train killing everyone.

>> No.8980340
File: 62 KB, 983x750, 55056913ea8b6bafa72b39e292d0e2bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wears red pants
Values groups over individuals.
Feels entitled to change the fate of others.

He is clearly a fucking communist!
for the future.

>> No.8980361

the social optimum is irrational

>> No.8980366

By pulling the lever he has become a murderer.

What goes around comes around

>> No.8980390
File: 235 KB, 507x612, monty trolley problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8980392

if i can warn him, that i will do that once he choses my destruction, but he doesn't listen, sure.
If i can't, sure.
if i can warn him, and he does listen, sure.

>> No.8980402
File: 173 KB, 774x972, dilemma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8980416

You gotta pull it anyways so anyone else who finds themselves in your situation in the future will be more credible.

>> No.8980419

But why? So you can say "It's not my decision, I didn't kill n people"?

>> No.8980423

just let it go on until n+100 or something, so the guy at position 100 has enough time to untie those people and let the train go on safely
everyone is happy

>> No.8980444

Pull lever forever

>> No.8980458

If someone who does not understand the concept does not pull the lever, does this make you partly guilty?

>> No.8980509

would pull lever and wouldnt even think twice about it

>> No.8980512

this is penguin logic. nice

>> No.8980530
File: 1014 KB, 3840x2160, hj50euO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait for the second the train is on the crossrail
>Yank that motherfucker like Sanzubars spear
>Train flips immediately killing everyone inside and rolling it on collision course with me and the other five.
>Trains collide killing everyone on board the OTHER train
>Red pants face when

That will teach the little shit to make moralistic decisions.

>> No.8980556

>giving a single shit about what hits the news after you're dead

>> No.8980560

This one is actually great.

>> No.8980720

Is that you Corbyn?

>> No.8980756

this is super cool. the train will actually CREATE 1/12 of a person!

>> No.8980961

what so like a black midget

>> No.8980972
File: 166 KB, 960x842, cherylstrolleyproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /sci/?

>> No.8980983


>> No.8981095

either C and 3, or D and 4

>> No.8981111

It has to be C3

>> No.8981124

But then you made the decision to kill 20 people without stopping the killer.

>> No.8981128


you didn't answer the question.

>> No.8981132

This is impossible. Any sequence of natural numbers will eventually terminate, so it is impossible to pull it "forever".

>> No.8981156

I'm dead either way, now what matters is what happens after death. If I pull the lever and it turns out God is real, then I suffer in hell for eternity. So I don't pull the lever because the infinite suffering outweighs the chance of slight pleasure from revenge murder.

>> No.8981197


Wrong. In that case killing him is thew social optimum as you'd be removing a murderer society. In the original scenario he sacrifices you to save 5 others. In this scenario he just kills you because he's a murderer. Taking him with you is beneficial to society.

>> No.8981228

>Any sequence of natural numbers will eventually terminate

How did you reach this conclusion since the set of natural numbers is infinite?

>> No.8981250

The set of natural numbers is NOT infinite. It is bounded by a very large number.

>> No.8981263

Euclid's theorem proves that there are infinitely many prime numbers. Since prime numbers are natural numbers there are infinitely many natural numbers.

>> No.8981277

I suggest you look into Norman J. Wildberger to understand more about the true nature of the natural numbers.

>> No.8981286


>> No.8981297

>Not killing him would still be the social optimum no matter his decision

>Guy literally kills you
>not optimal to kill a murderer

>> No.8981302

What if those 7 were the last living people on earth and i were the only woman alive?!? He would doom the human race to a certain extinction by killing me, wouldnt it be wiser to kill 5 guys?

>> No.8981308

If Albert knows that Bernard doesn't know which pad is correct, that must mean that Albert knows A6 or B5 are not the correct pads. If either of these were correct Bernard would know instantly since they are the only pads on 6 and 5 respectively. The only way Albert could know this is if he knew that the correct pad was on C or D. Albert knows which of the two, Bernard now only knows one of the two.

This leaves lines 1-4 as possible solutions, and here is where I'm confused.

If Bernard knew the solution was on line 1, Albert's statement would not have helped him at all, since he still has no way of deciding between C or D. If he knew the solution was on any of lines 2, 3, or 4, he now knows the solution since his options on lines A and B have been eliminated.

So the solution is on C or D and on lines 2, 3, or 4.

>> No.8981317

adding to this, the fact that Albert knows the solution in the end leads me to believe its C3.

Lets say Albert knew the solution was on D, Bernard knowing the solution wouldn't give Albert any hints since 2 or 4 could still be valid.

>> No.8981329

I like it when Americans discuss this, they don't even have any cable cars, except those tiny old scrap ones that would not even withstand running over a fly.

>> No.8981772

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'll pull it every time

>> No.8981778

Tits or gtfo

>> No.8981791

Yes, motherfucker killed me.

>> No.8981808
File: 87 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is precisely exactly D4.

Albert knows that Bernard does not know which is the correct pad. Therefore, B5 and A6 are eliminated as possibilities. For if B5 or A6 were the correct pads, then Bernard would have known what the correct pad was, since those are the only pads on paths 5 and 6, respectively.

Bernard, beforehand, didn't know which was the correct pad. However, he now knows that Albert did not know the correct pad. Albert, however, also knew that B5 and A6 were incorrect. This means that B4 is not the correct pad, since if Albert had the letter B, he would have known the correct pad to be B4, since the only other pad on B, B5, is known to be false by dint of Bernard not knowing the correct pad.

Bernard then states "but now I know". The only way he would know the correct pad is if he had the number 4, since 5 and 6 both have no correct pads, 4 has one pad inferred above to be incorrect (B4), with only one remaining (D4), and paths 1,2, and 3 each have 2. The only way for Bernard to know now is for his number to be 4. Albert realizes this and also knows that D4 is the only option.

>> No.8981827

yea we invented flying trains instead faggot

>> No.8981838
File: 66 KB, 600x250, Batmantrollyprob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psh, it's like you guys don't even protect your city.

>> No.8981857

but this is not like some situation where a gang kills a dealer to send a message to other dealers

whether you pull the lever to kill him or not will never change any outcome for you ever again, deterrence is not a logical motivation

>> No.8981868

Wont change the outcome for you, but it might change the outcome for someone else in your situation.

>> No.8981933

Best post.

But wait! Lex Luthor is in the train! He has stolen 40 cakes! Thats as many as four tens and that's terrible...


>> No.8981936


>> No.8981942


>> No.8982274


>> No.8982293


>> No.8982323



Albert's first line eliminates 5 and 6, as they would indicate Bernard knowing exactly what pad was correct; but this line also eliminated A and B entirely as the only way he'd know if it was 5 or 6 would be based upon those two letters.
Bernard then knew for sure that his was correct meaning that it must have been a lone pad along his number which wasn't on the A or B line as both lines were eliminated. This removes C1 and D1, as if either were correct, he could not be sure of it.
Bernard stating that he now knows the answer triggers Albert to know, meaning that from Albert's point of view, there can only be one answer from these remaining 3. This must be C3 since his letter being C leaves only this answer while his letter being D would leave 2 possible answers.

>> No.8982346

hahaha and they treat you like shit when you use them