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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 300x36, tough algebra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8977017 No.8977017 [Reply] [Original]

Algebra is racist, says black math major and former dean of Berkeley school of law, Christopher Edley, Jr.

Black people never use algebra and arent good at it, says Edley, and the best solution to raise graduation rates is to remove the requirement for high school intermediate algebra, a course NEVER used by students in real life, according to Edley.

Edley also says that if you cant solve for y in pic related, you dont deserve a CSU diploma, and that needs to change.


The only thing I agree with is that if you cant solve for y in pic related, you dont deserve a CSU diploma

>> No.8977025
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>In fact, popular college math courses like Statistics do not require intermediate algebra. Studies show that the very same students, whose futures are threatened by algebra policies, can pass a rigorous college-level statistics course without knowing intermediate algebra.
Wait what
How the fuck does this happen?

>> No.8977032

Shit guys, they're on to us. I'm a teacher at a top 20 university, and for years I have designed my algebra exams specifically to disadvantage blacks. Some voodoo magic here and there to make the variables and functions slightly more racist, and I've gotten away with it so far. What should we do to make this more subtle before they figure is out?

>> No.8977033

obviously statistics isnt racist because only STEM majors take it

>> No.8977040

Oh "Murrica.

>> No.8977046

isnt saying black people cant do highschool level math kinda... idk, racist?

>> No.8977054



>murrica education
Its a fucking joke, now...

>> No.8977055

statistics AKA "how to press buttons on your TI-84"

>> No.8977056

>The only thing I agree with is that if you cant solve for y in pic related, you dont deserve a CSU diploma
Take the square root(s)?

>> No.8977083

Let's lower the bar further! :^)

>> No.8977103

My school best students are foreign black people.
Basically sons of very rich Africans who come here in Europe to study.
This woman is very racist.

>> No.8977122
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>US education

>> No.8977153

This is true.

The more people recognize and acknowledge oppression, the more oppressed they become. When non-white races see racism, for example, they internalize it. Ironically they become racists themselves.

Present-day social justice movements have done nothing but increase the prevalence of racism.

>> No.8977154

How about all rational solutions (x,y) given a's and b's? That seems more interesting, yet should be easily do-able for math majors.

Otherwise it's just stupid easy.

>> No.8977165

We should switch to a USSR-type math education. If you fail course, you get left behind as the brighter students get ahead. Can't complete algebra? Enjoy your manual labor job

>> No.8977175

...Okay, I'm blanking out on this one (don't judge me, (I haven't slept for more than 5 hours in months and I have a splitting headache). What's the solution?

>> No.8977250

That's not USSR style, that how it works almost everywhere in the western world

>> No.8977605

Wow dude, way to be racist.

>> No.8977615

they actually cant do high school level math.

by pure definition that is racist of course but its also an objective fact.

>> No.8977656


The square root of the left hand side.

Unless a1 = a2 and b1 = b2 it isn't reducible. Think of it as an area. The question is asking for the length of a side if it were a square. If the sides are equal it is a square and reduces to a line ax +b, but without knowing what one of the coefficients is you can't tell because squaring isn't a linear operation, and so you can't reduce it to a formula for the coefficients because the addition of coefficients is non-linearly dependent on the actual size of the square.

>> No.8977674

I (mostly) get what you;re saying, but what branch of math is that? I'm not from the US so there's a chance I haven't come accross this type. Any links to a wiki article or something would be helpful.

>> No.8977702

not if you then mention the fact that Americans of all races fail at high school math

>> No.8977704
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>> No.8977781
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>claims algebra is racist against black people
>posts an equation decidedly racist by the authors own definition
>all but dares people to solve it

Is the author racist for posting the equation or is he racist for his claim that black people will have difficulty solving it

>> No.8977807 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 256x200, 1447394157760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking niggers man

>> No.8977811

Wrong. About 80 percent of African Americans required to take more than one remedial class in math do not complete their math requirements within six years, compared to 67 percent of Hispanics and 61 percent of whites, according to the community college system’s student success scorecard. A recent estimate found that, among community college students, 50-60 percent of the racial disparity in degree completion is driven by decisions to place students in math remediation, according to an unpublished study by the RP Group.

That means, that intermediate algebra and the people who push this policy are all inherently racist, and a form of institutional racism. To deny that algebra harms blacks and prevents their ability to acquire degrees to achieve racial equality is a form of racism. Calling out the problem is not racism. Your white privilege and your incessant whitesplaining is your attempt to override a black professor of math from noticing this policy which OBJECTIVELY keeps people of color, noticeable black people down.

Intermediate algebra is an arbitrary racist policy. Without intermediate algebra, black students would excel in statistics that don't require algebra and earn high wages. But they can't because forcing intermediate algebra is racism.

This kind of maneuvering shouldn’t be allowed to trump federal civil rights law or the Equal Protection Clause of California’s Constitution. If CSU and other public schools continue the current exclusionary math practices, civil rights litigators representing affected students should sue as soon as possible for violations of the Equal Protection clause of the state constitution, and seek federal enforcement of regulations under Title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. In fact, civil rights enforcers under Obama were looking into it after I filed a complaint in late 2015.

Enjoy becoming South Africa 2.0

>> No.8977822

What kind of chess is this guy playing? The former dean of Berkley law school is saying this shit? This seems really fishy..

>> No.8977827

Fuck, now I get it. It represents a locus, it's not a "search for a x" type of equation.

Yeah, that's First Year of (Senior) High Scool level stuff. Granted, now that it's been 4 years since I last saw them I've forgotten about them, but it's nothing you can't solve with a 30 minute brush-up. Guy's an idiot.

>> No.8977839

So many problems in America are due to the necessity of appeasing the blacks.

>> No.8977844

>solve for y in pic related

What? Just square root both sides lol.

>> No.8977845

Yes you are right. I say we replace "Intermediate algebra" with a waiver to attend a middle school algebra course. Rather than be in remedial, just sit in with a class of students who are just learning the topic. I'm sure the kids would be willing to help out the unfortunate college students on their homework too.

>> No.8977860

Uh square root both sides?
Math is dumb fuck you.

>> No.8977871

Gotta make it relatable
X is your number of guns, a is how many people each gun killed and b is total kills. If 50x=150 how many guns did you have? Well 150 people total divided by 50 people each is 3 and 50x/50 reduces to x. So on one side you have x and the other side is 3 so x = 3. You can check your work by putting 3 into the original equation by replacing x with 3.

Did any niggers get what I just said

>> No.8977877

The only thing that needs to change is fucking idiots like this being allowed to have an opinion

>> No.8977897

>high schools aren't teaching kids math properly, leaving them underprepared for college
>clearly the solution is to have colleges lower their standards!

whatever the fuck happened to giving more resources to struggling schools? or is the author saying that colleges shouldn't have core requirements, that students should only have to take courses directly related to their major? that goes against the very idea of liberal arts, which is that college graduates should be well-rounded and generally knowledgeable.

>> No.8977903

I don't think it's really a lack of resources that's the problem. Countries that are way poorer than the US have better education.

I'd say the problem is laziness (on the part of both the students and the teachers) and a culture of stupidity in general. The teachers are ignorant and mostly got taught in the same shitty schools they are now teaching at. So to them, the shitty quality of education they're delivering is normal.

>> No.8978017


I get

x = (b_1 - b_2 k^2)/(a_2 k^2 - a_1)
y = k (a_2 b_1 - a_1 b_2)/(a_1 - a_2 k^2)

For any rational k such that a_2 k^2 is not equal to a_1.

>> No.8978399


solve for y
y^2 = (a1x+b1)(a2x+b2)
y^2 = a1a2x^2 + a1b2x + b1a2x + b1b2
y = +/- sqrt(a1a2x^2 + a1b2x + b1a2x + b1b2)

solve for x
y^2 = (a1x+b1)(a2x+b2)
y^2 = a1a2x^2 + a1b2x + b1a2x + b1b2
0 = a1a2x^2 + a1b2x + b1a2x + b1b2 - y^2
x = [-a1b2 - b1a2 + sqrt(a1^2 b2^2 -2a1b1a2b2 + 4a1a2y^2 + b1^2 a2^2)] / 2a1a2

I would like my CSU diploma now plez no raycism

>> No.8978402

Maybe if you're a brainlet. Stat for me was like applied multivariate calc and linear algebra, no calculators allowed

>> No.8978410

Doesn't the quadratic function just represent a locus? What's the point of "solving for x" and "solving for y"?

>> No.8978413

>What's the point of "solving for x" and "solving for y"?
the author of the article all but challenged the readers to 'expand and solve for y' implying that the people reading the article could not do it and this are not eligible for a CSU diploma

>> No.8978415

So he basically told them to "solve" a function as if it was an ax^2 +bx + c = 0 equation?

>> No.8978425
File: 512 KB, 480x270, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cash Money Killaz want to rob the 5th Street Crips dope house.

The Cash Money Killaz have a crew of 20 people, each armed with a shotgun which can fire one round every 3 seconds and can kill a nigga up to 30 feet away

The 5th Street Crips have a crew of 4 niggaz each armed with a rifle. Each rifle can kill one nigga per second with 300 foot range

The Cash Money Killaz can move at 6 feet per second and are 100 feet away from the dope house before the 5th Street Crips notice.

Assume that there is a 50% chance to miss a shot with the rifle, but a 0% chance to miss with the shotgun.

Do the Cash Money Killaz successfully raid the dope house?

>> No.8978428

yes, he gave the general equation for a hyperbola and asked to solve as if it was a parabola

>> No.8978439

But there's nothing to "solve". I mean, it's a locus! You won't find y = 5 or x = -8 or some shit. Question is, was the author LARPing or was the whole thing genuine stupidity?

>> No.8978445

the author is a black dude who is (claims to be) a math major and former dean of berkeley school of law.


maybe black people really are bad at algebra?

>> No.8978446

This is what happens when psych profs make up their own stats courses and teach it to their students

>> No.8978448

Maybe. I mean, I didn't remember what that was because I hadn't see it in a long time, but it was obvious it wasn't a "solve for x" case. With 5 minutes of google I got what it was and it all came back.

Calling yourself a maths prof. and not being able to tell what that is, well...

>> No.8978457

Surely once you introduce the 50% chance of missing with a rifle, the question is "what is the probability that the Cash Money Killaz successfully raid the dope house?"

>> No.8978460

good point. not math major here, just a full time autist with a part time interest in math and sci

>> No.8978465

The odds arent in the Cash Money Killaz favor

>> No.8978524

>whatever the fuck happened to giving more resources to struggling schools?

It has been found that given resources to struggling schools has almost no effect. The reason for that is...

>I'd say the problem is laziness (on the part of both the students and the teachers) and a culture of stupidity in general.

You can say the problem is race and genetics here.

>> No.8978627

Yeah it's racist and fair too.

If admissions were fair virtually no black people would be in college. They are extremely privileged!

>> No.8978631

going a bit tangent, I want to learn a bit of math. is the rudin book in the library a good choice if I only have high school level knowledge? just want to prep a bit before choosing a univ next year

>> No.8978679

Have you had calculus?

>> No.8978708


>> No.8978713

>About 80 percent of African Americans required to take more than one remedial class in math do not complete their math requirements within six years, compared to 67 percent of Hispanics and 61 percent of whites

Sure, 61 and 67 aren't as bad as 80. They're almost as bad though. It's really bad all around. This here isn't something for the white man to take pride in

>> No.8978721
File: 17 KB, 837x666, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expand this polynomial and solve for y
did i did it?

>> No.8978723

Then you could give baby Rudin a try. If you are doing it on your own, you could use Buck or another advanced calc text as well. It helps to have more than one. You could try Linear Algebra too.

>> No.8978724

x = a1/a2 & y = -a1*a2/a2^2, right?!1?one?!

>> No.8978728


>> No.8978751

Knowledge of Algebra is the only thing that saved me in chemistry at school lmao

>> No.8978756

He literally wants Americans to be as educated as people from third world countries.

>> No.8978918

From the article:

> In fact, popular college math courses like Statistics do not require intermediate algebra.

What the fuck kind of statistics course doesn't require intermediate algebra?

Is there some kind of babby-tier watered-down material that's now being called "statistics"? Like figuring out the probability of rolling a 7 with a pair of dice, or something like that? Is that what's being called "statistics" now?

The two most fundamental concepts in statistics are the expected value and the variance:

E[X] = ∑ x(i) * P(x(i))

Var[X] = E[ (X - E[X])^2 ]

Those formulas are where the study of statistics STARTS -- and the algebra only gets more involved from there, and quickly requires calculus when you start looking at continuous random variables.

Calling anything less than that "statistics" is kind of like solving a quadratic equation and then claiming that you're doing "calculus". It's just an abuse of terminology that will confuse the shit out of people until they realize that you're just a babby and don't really know what you're talking about.

>> No.8978933

I love these thinly-veiled /pol/ threads on every fucking board - /lit/, /ck/, /fit/, you name it. Nobody takes this moron seriously, and high schools will never implement this so shut the fuck up.

>> No.8978956

>thinly veiled pol thread
Are you in love with that retarded phrase that you feel the need to spam it everywhere? Why are SJWtards so eager to expose themselves like this?

>> No.8978970
File: 101 KB, 1190x776, before_after_tread_snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes on website where /pol/ has the highest power and traffic
>tries to "escape poltards"
I think... this board isn't for you. Maybe you'll find better fitted discussion on r/ifuckinglovescience. Best wishes lad.

>> No.8979001

>Straw man, The Post
From the article:
>And the problem is, most community college students don’t take just one remedial course. To meet the Intermediate Algebra standard, they are often required to take two years of remedial courses that don’t count for transfer credit at CSU. By contrast, a CSU student who is required to take remedial math at CSU does not have to demonstrate intermediate algebra competency in order to take credit-bearing math courses.
In other words, the issue at hand here is the disparity in length and difficulty of the remedial tracks between the community college and the university system.

This means it takes more time and costs more money to graduate from college if your mathematical background is weak. Which really makes no sense if you're not even using the material in your field.

>> No.8979011

But he is advocating to remove basic algebra courses from CSU and does say that black people are bad at math. This cripples potential students and lowers education standards in general. That the U.S. has meme college systems that want you to take a more "balanced" education is a whole different issue. I don't think no one is complaining since also many people in STEM are forced to take meme humanities classes.

>> No.8979013

>two unknown variables
>one equaychyun

>> No.8979016

>But he is advocating to remove basic algebra courses from CSU
Where did he advocate that?

>and does say that black people are bad at math.
Where did he say that?

>> No.8979019
File: 125 KB, 400x388, 1479122700025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working at a bakery.
>Have to knead dough
>show that its invariant set can be mapped to a set of bi-infinite sequences of 0's and 1's and that this map is a homeomorphism
>realize that we can define the shift map on it and that this map is conjugate to the horseshoe map.
>define a metric on the set of bi infinite seqence of 0's and 1's
>proof that the behaviour of the shift map on the set of bi infinite sequences has chaotic behaviour.
>because the two sets are homeomorphic and the two maps are conjugate, we find that the horseshoe map has chaotic behaviour
>realize that In order knead my dough properly, I have to apply the horseshoe map to my dough.

>> No.8979024

yeah, that's basically a total clusterfuck. last year we got a stack of resumes that all claimed that they knew "statistics", but then when we started interviewing we found out that maybe 1 in 5 of them could even tell us what a normal distribution is. but they all claimed that they had taken a """statistics""" course.

>> No.8979034

That's pretty universal for college education in general, I think
>A surprisingly large fraction of applicants, even those with masters' degrees and PhDs in computer science, fail during interviews when asked to carry out basic programming tasks. For example, I've personally interviewed graduates who can't answer "Write a loop that counts from 1 to 10" or "What's the number after F in hexadecimal?"

>> No.8979056

I thought CSU meant highschool, I'm not american, but he is implying that even though they don't have the intermediate algebra skills, they should get access to other courses such as statistics and he calls it a civil rights issue which is implying racism. I don't understand why it's worded that way, maybe it's just the clickbait, but it's obviously just using it to gain attention.

My biggest problem is that people actively seek to cripple their educational standards when we have all this knowledge available, and I doubt that if you can't pass such a simple course as algebra, you will probably won't make it in any semi-decent program, and his degree will be useless. Bring back technical schools if every dumb fuck just wants to gain a skill and go live their lives.

>> No.8979070

His point was not about the discipline of statistics, it was an explanation for how people who don't know high school algebra are supposedly doing well in "rigorous college-level statistics"

>> No.8979086

>>and does say that black people are bad at math.
>Where did he say that?

>About 80 percent of African Americans required to take more than one remedial class in math do not complete their math requirements within six years, compared to 67 percent of Hispanics and 61 percent of whites, according to the community college system’s student success scorecard. A recent estimate found that, among community college students, 50-60 percent of the racial disparity in degree completion is driven by decisions to place students in math remediation, according to an unpublished study by the RP Group.

>What these educators don’t appear to realize is that the same policies track many capable students – especially students of color attending community colleges – away from completing a college degree at all.

>> No.8979088
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Oh god no, they are on to us. I was just about to prove that the swastica diagram commutes.

Why algebra though? From my perspective math as a whole is pretty "racist", because it is pretty much 90% whites and asians.

>> No.8979103

>Stats does not require algebra
>Algebra is all but useless in real life

Sounds like a social studies major all right, no wonder these people give us "statistics" like the wage gap.

>> No.8979125

>I thought CSU meant highschool
CSU is "California State University", which is literally highlighted in red at the beginning of the article. I'm wondering how you failed to make that obvious connection.

You should make it a habit to take the time to get your own shit straight (i.e., actually read the article, think about what was written, and so forth) before you write posts about educational standards and "dumb fucks".

"do not complete their math requirements" [math]\neq[/math] "bad at math"

>> No.8979127

k thnx for the tip

>> No.8979131

>"do not complete their math requirements" ≠≠ "bad at math"

They're put in remedial high school algebra and do not complete it.

>> No.8979159

What font is that? My uni uses it for math notes all the time

>> No.8979168

This is the start of the fall of Western society. Do those SJW retards really want the chinks and curries to surpass the US? At this rate China will dominate the US in every way in the future

>> No.8979208

>just a full time autist with a part time interest in math and sci

The fact that admit this means you are less autisitic than 90% of this board

>> No.8979223

>failing at an academic career now virtuous

the left is going to destroy universities (and police) seriously who wants to be a cop or a professor anymore?

>> No.8979235

Yeah this twisted my brain a bit. I'd love to see this course. You might as well claim you can be an electrician without Ohm's law.

>> No.8979242

It's true, but it's racist. The failing here is the denial that intelligence is largely genetic despite how obvious and provable that is.

>> No.8979266

no researcher would dare

>> No.8979267

Is 50% considered with each rifle or with all of the rifles combined? Also, considering that there is a rate implicit, at what point do the 5th Street Crips recognize that there is an attack inbound? Is it immediately after the first shot or is there some delay?

>> No.8979363

>This means it takes more time and costs more money to graduate from college if your mathematical background is weak. Which really makes no sense if you're not even using the material in your field.
For better or worse, gen ed requirements exist to produce "well rounded" graduates. It makes every bit as much sense to make everyone pass a basic math class as it does to make everyone take a writing class, history, a foreign language, etc.

I never use most of the gen ed shit I had to take. Nobody does.

So should we get rid of the math requirement? Idk, maybe, but then I would demand that people in STEM be allowed to never take anything they won't absolutely need either.

>> No.8979381

elementary stats only requires elementary algebra. almost nobody takes advanced level stats classes except for some STEM majors.

>> No.8979408

>Algebra is racist
>Implying it's a "white" thing
>Invented by a Muslim Persian
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8979480

Persians are Aryan.

>> No.8979491
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>It has been found that given resources to struggling schools has almost no effect.
[citation needed]

>> No.8979498
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>> No.8979570

New to /sci/?
These threads are posted and populated by /pol/tards. They don't do citations.

>> No.8979889

>if you cant solve for y in pic related

Is that really "intermediate algebra", though?

To solve for y, you just take the square root of both sides of the equation, and then also allow for the negative solution as well.

Don't they teach that during first year algebra?

I thought that first year was just basically "do the same thing to both sides of the equation, with the goal of getting the desired variable isolated by itself on one side of the equation". I know that might be a bit of an oversimplification, but isn't that kinda basically what goes on during first year algebra? And isn't that pretty much what OP's pic solution is?

>> No.8979895

>tfw junior in CS and can't use recursion
I know what it is but I never use it because it seems overly complicated 99% of the time

>> No.8979902

if you get put in remedial math more than once in high school you are most likely actually retarded

>> No.8980074

There are plenty. Most people are just too lazy to go back and find it, then link you (I for one don't bookmark that kind of shit). The effort isn't worth it because you sorts of people will probably just still stamp your feet and throw more money at the problem regardless of any evidence. But maybe I'll throw some shit up later in this thread if I can't sleep

>> No.8980104

>ok so bullshit then
how unsurprising

>> No.8980126
File: 51 KB, 400x579, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read and understand

>> No.8980139


>> No.8980161

this is what we call a variable

>> No.8980165

holy shit thanks anon.

Im skimming through it its actually pretty damn good.

>> No.8980237

>invented by a Muslim
I'm getting so tired of this shit. europeans distorted an arabic word meaning something else entirely to denote a particular discipline within mathematics that was known by that point for a couple of millennia, it's just that the persian in question summarized the state of the art of his time. fucking liberal arts majors having no idea what they are talking about. inventing algebra, indeed. as if ancient babylonians, greeks and romans could not solve the quadratic equation (in fact babylonians tabulated data to solve some cubics as well). that kind of shit needs symbolic manipulation. and of course fucking persians did not even dream of today's algebra; the word was reserved all the way to the 19th century to symbolic manipulation and transformation of formulae containing unknowns.

>> No.8980238

>New to /sci/?
nah, I know they don't actually have any (((evidence))) to support their breathlessly conspiratorial opinions. that's why I ask them to cite their claims, rather than accepting any of their premises; they're so delusional that they've long since forgotten how to support an argument with evidence or citations.

>There are plenty.
>but I don't want to show you any
>guess you just better believe me
and you took the b8

>> No.8980263

>being this new

It's Computer Modern Roman
aka the "latex font"

>> No.8981343

Thx senpai

>> No.8982092

I could have believed the video magic and all, but not that someone on /sci/ is a teacher at a top20

>> No.8982249

This has to be sarcasm.

>> No.8982335

It was never vital for the stats classes i've taken but it was very, very useful to know

>> No.8982362

You mean the graphing calculator app for my iphone?

>> No.8982369
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>Christopher Edley, Jr.

>> No.8983152


>> No.8983198

Maybe we should just have separate classes for races ;)