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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8975379 No.8975379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>scientists have to invent pseudoscience BS like the multiverse just to avoid the fact the fined tuned argument is solid evidence of God's existance, therefore making their atheism obsolete
>mfw I though scientists used to believe in shit like Ocam razor and looking at the evidence without ideology
>tfw science can't escape ideology

>> No.8975385

you are a smart guy

>> No.8975399

For you.

>> No.8975400

See if you can find which one you broke, brainlet.

>> No.8975402

I'm not talking about religion retard.
I'm talking about how scientists don't accept the fined tuned universe because of ideology.

>> No.8975403

>solid evidence
Oh wait, you're serious?

All joking aside, weak bait

>> No.8975411
File: 11 KB, 528x286, godel ontological.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, it can also be shown mathematically using modal logic as in Kurt Gödel's Ontological Proof

>> No.8975419

he is referring to the fine tuning constants of quantum electrodynamics which have been measured to many decimal points to be very precisely defined real numbers


>> No.8975420

The Ontological Proof (at least as I've seen it explained by atheists that can understand logicianspeak better than I can) asserts that God can neither be proven nor disproven using logic, not that it's literal proof a God exists.

>> No.8975424


>> No.8975429

>solid evidence of God's existence
>not related to religion

>> No.8975430

Should there be a rule limiting /sci/ to one christfag thread at a time?

>> No.8975431

>he doesn't know the fine tuned constants proved intelligent design

>> No.8975440

The constants are not "fine tuned"
Maybe for this planet...IF we are lucky enough to get to space travel and resource harvesting...
As for the existance of God...how about I wager this.
If your God can get us all acces to space and the cosmos I will accept him in full...

>> No.8975441

Oh hey, what's this?
>This result suggests that there is no necessity to introduce the cosmological constant, which is required to be fine tuned to an accuracy of 10−120, or other forms of dark energy, which are required to have peculiar negative pressure, to explain the observed accelerating expansion of the Universe.

>> No.8975443

Saying "science proves that my religion is real" doesn't mean this isn't a retarded religion thread that belongs on /pol/.

>> No.8975444

The multiverse does not exclude God....
To understand the multiverse you gotta understand chaos....

>> No.8975447

Not all scientists

>> No.8975462

The laws of the universe are completely arbitrary and the fact that they are 'perfect' means nothing at all.

>> No.8975597
File: 136 KB, 930x1024, Grant Chaser's Cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how grant chasing works


>> No.8975604

That isn't science....That is science business.

>> No.8975608

All ontological arguments are inherently circular. You can use it to prove that literally anything exists.