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8973985 No.8973985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We use our godgiven reason to judge the possibility of a flat earth.

Please present arguments in favor for or against the proposition.

Meanwhile, some background on geography:

We wish to book a flight from Capetown to Jakarta.

A simple flight plane search yields stops at Dubai, sometimes Hong Kong, sometimes Singapur.

The coordinates on earth are formed by two angles - lattitude and longitude. Latitude is defined to be 0° on the equator and goes up to 90° on the north pole and -90° on the equator. Longitude is perpendicular to the lattitude and 0° in London (Greenwhich) and goes to +180° in the direction of europe (east) and -180° in the direction of america (west).

We have thus the following coordinates (latitude/longitude):

Capetown : -33.922667/18.416689
Djakarta: -6.175/106.828611
Dubai: 25.266667/55.3

The radius of the earth is assumed to be 6.378 km.

Spherical coordinates in mathematics have three components
Transformation from cartesian to spherical follows in accordance to
[math](x,y,z) = (r\ \mathrm{sin}(\theta)\mathrm{cos}(\phi),r\ \mathrm{sin}(\theta)\mathrm{sin}(\phi),r\ \mathrm{cos}(\phi))[/math]

Due to the difference between mathematical and geological convention, we have to refer to a transformation of the inclination angle (m detones mathematical convention, g denotes geographical):

[math]\theta_m = 90^{\circ} - \theta_g[/math], thus we have the new mathematical coordinates (in radiant):

Capetown : 2,162858557/0,32143186
Djakarta: 1,678570408/1,864510997
Dubai: 1,129809797/0,965167076

I calculated the distance in km between the cities (and compared it to google earth's distance function).

Capetown - Dubai - Jakarta : 12145.41 (14.164)
Capetown - Jakarta: 9872.91 (9473.5)
Capetown - HK - Jakarta: 10491 (15143)

Surprisingly, the Capetown - HK - Jakarta route is much shorter than expected from GE. Anyone cares to spot mistakes?

>> No.8974016
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Intuitively, I would assume the direct path to be the shortest. However, there are several factors that need to be taken into account (I am not involved in aviation whatsoever):
> direct pacific flight is unpopular due to higher risk involved
> air routing
> no direct route available
> economical reasons

Yet, intuitivley, I would assume the route Capetown - Dubai - Jakarta to be much shorter than the stop at Hong Kong, at least from pic related.

>> No.8974050
File: 2.33 MB, 1508x717, Projections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I do trust the airline companies to work out the cheapest and most safe routes, mostly due to financial reasons. Still, it surprises me how bad the human brain is when dealing with projections and straight lines. Pic related, several different projections.

Anyone cares to explain the viewing angle and maximum area you can see when looking down from ~ 11 km hight? Why do you never see any curvature when looking down from an airplane (at least not that I remember seeing any, and I travel by plane at least 1x a year)

>> No.8974067

bumping because curious as to what you're getting at.

>> No.8974131


>Latitude is defined to be 0° on the equator and goes up to 90° on the north pole and -90° on the equator.
are you having a stroke?

>intuitivley, I would assume the route Capetown - Dubai - Jakarta to be much shorter than the stop at Hong Kong, at least from pic related.
have you considered the possibility that you're just bad at eyeballing distance on a positively curved surface? isn't clinging to MUH INTUITION in the face of actual evidence how modern people end up thinking the earth is flat?