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File: 47 KB, 585x294, blacked sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8973096 No.8973096 [Reply] [Original]

How does he keep getting away with this? Do his followers honestly believe he is the greatest scientist of the modern age?

>> No.8973099

if you disagree with him you're a racist

>> No.8973107
File: 821 KB, 796x501, blue-marble-anomalies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oblate pearoid is the true shape of earth, blue marbles are photoshop, sorry - Neil

>> No.8973114
File: 83 KB, 600x581, 1315625368311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are more transcendental numbers than irrational numbers
>there are five 'levels of infinity'

>> No.8973116

>he is the greatest scientist of the modern age?
No, that's Bill "Castrate your children" Nye.

>> No.8973540

>When we cure all disease and stop aging

Wow! Really makes me think

>> No.8973545
File: 88 KB, 582x484, ss+(2017-06-13+at+09.59.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you missed the point of what he said. it's still kind of stupid though

>> No.8973555

Are there any modern scientists who aren't a meme?

>> No.8973558

the ones you don't hear about on the internet, the ones in their offices working

>> No.8973559

3% apparently.

>> No.8973638

Real science people don't pay him no mind.

>> No.8973639

The vast majority of scientists. Somebody was too big of a brainlet to be invited to the circle jerk

>> No.8973648

He's right though.

>> No.8973655

If we stop aging and solve all the main causes of premature death, then how will we get rid of all the fucking people?

>> No.8973660

why would we need to? Fucking fatalists.

>> No.8973664
File: 139 KB, 980x653, 1479810159992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then how will we get rid of all the fucking people?
The government decides on a national age limit (suppose 150 years for the sake of argument), while the elite members of society can purchase additional years for some fee

>> No.8973666

>No, that's Bill "Castrate your children" Nye.

>> No.8973694

The carrying capacity of the area will be exceeded, the greater the degree to which the carrying capacity is exceed the greater the wealth gap between richest and poorest, eventually enough people will be below the level of wealth required to maintain biological immortality that the system reaches equilibrium.

Next question.

>> No.8973719
File: 9 KB, 184x273, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a B movie about that called "in time"


>> No.8973727

enjoyed the concept, however I thought it could've done much better, more than the cliché love interest garbage. But hey, B movie

>> No.8973765

There is also Logan's Run.

>> No.8973770
File: 15 KB, 525x345, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>static carrying capacity
>carrying capacity being succeeded eventually enough people will be bellow the level of wealth required that equilibrium is obtained
>complex adaptive system
>carrying capacity being exceeded
>not resulting in a positive feedback loop with increased wealth inequality And lowered carrying capacity.
It would look more like picture related. Assuming strictly conservative evolution.
This all runs on the premise that we won't be living in a post apocalyptic hellscape in a hundered years so all of that argument is absurd.
>next question
Did you know you are a brainlet?

>> No.8973775

That's actually right though. Car crashes are the second cause of death in the U.S.A. behind coronary arteries disease.

>> No.8973811

You can't cure obsesity, it's not a disease like cancer is. So heart attacks will still be #1.

>> No.8973827
File: 131 KB, 525x809, 1496787079079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw these technocratic types think they can stop me from swapping a 460 big block into a 1985 crown vic and shredding rubber

>> No.8973906

find a fault in his argument

>> No.8973909

why would people make babies if they know they won't die, or age and need help in their old age, or that the people they love will live forever so they'll never be alone? if some retards still feel the need to procreate they should be sterilized.

>> No.8973910

seriously, thats called an assumption, sometimes you do it to make a point, even if the assumption doesnt make sense; thats science guys, if you unironically question the assumption, you are not only missing the point, but also a giant brainlet and better get off this board

>> No.8973924

wtf is he like fourteen years old or what

>> No.8973926


Isn't then the leading cause of death stupidity?

>> No.8973933
File: 159 KB, 620x827, 1493197118905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, its OP

>> No.8973952

No it's complex causation, something neither you or mike Tyson seem to understand

>> No.8973961

lol "complex causation". ok dude way to be a total fuck tard.

>> No.8974057

It racist to not agree with him despite the thousands of african american and african scientist currently in our world that are ignored in favor of this meme lord.

>> No.8974076

Are people being ironic when they say this? I've never seen him or any of his IFL SCIENCE-type fans pull the race card on him.
Norps come in all shapes and sizes, to reduce all of them to SJW's is paying them too much credit.

>> No.8974079

maybe the clouds were moving during the snapshot

>> No.8974098

This guy's pretty good looking as far as downeys go.

>> No.8974120
File: 89 KB, 220x162, HahahaNo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Trust corrupt governments and hackers with our cars"

>> No.8974263
File: 32 KB, 598x241, g-science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8974298

Is this a serious question?

>> No.8974329

is that henry rollins?

>> No.8974333

He isn't by far the greatest scientist of the modern age. As far as I know the guy didn't even make any significant discoveries.
The reason why I and many others like him is because he is very good at explaining complicated things to people who have never heard of that thing before. He has inspired and motivated thousands.
It doesn't matter if he is smart or not or a good scientist or not. He successfully brings science to the public like Carl Sagan did back in the day.

>> No.8974341

>dunning krueger effect
>making a bunch of stupid twitter posts
>passing himself off as a scientist to the general public

not worth "popularizing science" desu

>> No.8974342

pop-sci must be destroyed

>> No.8974354

If you were to eat a pancake for the first time and after that you love pancakes and make them yourself, and then you find out that first pancake was made of total crap and not like the other pancakes. Would you then hate pancakes? Or would you just be glad that you discovered them even though you discovered them through a lie?

>> No.8974359

No, but you would hate that initial pancake.

>> No.8974363

But he showed you that actual pancakes are great. Why not just be thankful for that?

>> No.8974371

If someone beats you up into a pulp and during your convalescence you meet a hot nurse who becomes your wife, should you be thankful for the beating?
Crap is crap anon. I call 'em like I see 'em.

>> No.8974392

He attracts the type of morons who say "It's science! It's progress! I love science!" without knowing what they're talking about.
People will agree with him just cause he said something that sounds important or cool.

That kind of people only brings science down.

>> No.8974435

Yes I would. Of course I would. One negative event lead to a large number of positive ones. That one negative event is certainly worth all the positive ones that come after, due to its influence.

>> No.8974436

Yet as long as he inspires at least a portion of those people to pursue science, and keeps science in the public eye, then he has done more good than bad.

>> No.8974463

Use a space elevator to shoot them into the sun

>> No.8974469

You fucking retarded dude?

>> No.8974487

In your purposed circumstances, if that man had never beaten me, I'd never had met my wife. A beating isn't going to damage me for life, but a wife would benefit me for life (if she was truly good enough to meet my criteria ie communication skills, honesty, personality). Totally worth it. I couldn't bring myself to hate the guy, and I'd be thankful that it happened. He can stop be a dick, but that doesn't change the fact that his action brought me a gift that will last decades.

>> No.8974493


>> No.8974497

The beating is still a bad thing, in spite of whichever good consequence may follow from it. You should not be thankful for the harm which is made unto you. What is wrong with you? This is absurd.

>> No.8974510

>Your wife cheats on you.
>You forgive her and start communicating more with her.
>Your relationship improves.
>You are thankful that you are cucked.


>> No.8974515

You honestly appear absurd to me. You'd rather hold a grudge for life? Forgive and move on. Hell, I'd probably thank the guy for hooking me up if I ever saw him again. In this hypothetical we haven't even established why we were beaten. Did we insult the man? Fuck his wife? Shit on his lawn? I don't know! But I can't say is be angry about it if it meant I met a woman is want to marry.

Leading it back to Niel, he connects normies with science, and hardly does any harm while doing it. Who is he harming by making science sound cool to the uneducated? If he inspires just one young person to go into a field of science and go on to contribute to it, then he's good in my book.

>> No.8974526

Why would she cheat in the first place if we have an open line of communication and practice using it frequently? Immediately leaping to the idea of cuckoldry. How insecure can you get? How emotionally weak can you be? Letting your mind jump to the first thing you can think of to inspire rage inside of yourself, that's the true cuck mentality. Cucked before any relationship can even start by your own insecurities.

>> No.8974530

>You'd rather hold a grudge for life? Forgive and move on. Hell, I'd probably thank the guy for hooking me up if I ever saw him again.
Have some gaddamn pride. Where's your dick?
>Leading it back to Niel, he connects normies with science, and hardly does any harm while doing it.
What's good about laymen dogmatically accepting scientific theories they don't understand? It only makes them religious towards science. Tyson, probably because he conducts no research himself, likes to spread nonesense such as there being 'settled science'. I don't want laymen to blindly accept scientific theories. Having a scientific mind requires first and foremost critical thinking, which Tyson does not teach.

>> No.8974533
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>> No.8974534
File: 46 KB, 1751x835, 1496899235014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8974535

It's an example dude, there's no need for your ad homs. And a word of advice - don't think because you communicate well with a woman she can't cheat on you.

>> No.8974541

Pride is relative, as in, what you might consider pride in this case, I would see as ridiculous and self damaging. My pride wouldn't be harmed by beating beaten, because I fucked up and couldn't win a fight. I'm guessing that your dismissal of my idea of finding a cause for the fight means that you've never actually been in one in your adult life. Still got a rage boner over those school bullies? I don't know, I'm just guessing here.

In a larger picture, getting roughed up wouldn't compare to the joy I would get from meeting my wife. I'd be grateful for the event, and wouldn't really care about the guy, because I have better things to spend my energy on. You know, like fucking my wife and building a life, a stable relationship, and a household.

I'm really getting the idea that you don't care about a larger picture here. You're focusing on the smaller things that might anger you, get a rise out of you, as a source of motivation to continue posting. I'd say the same goes for your ideas on black science man.

>> No.8974546

You are effeminate. You simply don't understand what it means to be a man.

>> No.8974548

Someone has been hurt. You poor thing. What you said is just as true with men. So hey, it's best to find a woman who is just as dedicated to keeping a relationship alive, with the work that it entails (and that's a fuck load of work over time), as you are.

If an example is given and it can't hold up under scrutiny, then that example is shit, is it not? That was my whole point, along with getting a rise out of some guys.

>> No.8974550

Your definition of what it is to be a man sounds like it came from your father's fist on your small child body.

>> No.8974559

I'm just being realistic, not relating experience. Also, in no way did you scrutinize the example. You simply proceeded to spiral into fallacious reasoning, which you are continuing to do. Ad hominems are not arguments.

>> No.8974563

My definition of being a man comes from me being a man. You couldn't possibly understand given your lack of a dick.

>> No.8974646

he lives in fantasyland. also he's black.
the fact people unironically consider him the new Sagan tells us something about the world we live in

>> No.8974667

you do know it's a coincidence?

>> No.8974677

> when we cure all disease and stop aging
> not 100% solar-bicycle or better

>> No.8974714

That would mean we wont have Humans on Mars for at least another 30 years. Fucking hell Neil you hack.

>> No.8974750

Nah, NASA admits to touching up that picture in photoshop

>> No.8974923

Maybe if you ask the guy nicely he can beat the shit out of you again since you like it so much. What a good deed

>> No.8974949


>> No.8974980

>he is very good at explaining complicated things to people who have never heard of that thing before
well who isn't

>> No.8975128


Most scientists are NOT good at explaining or teaching. Feynman was rather uncommon in that he was good at it and even enjoyed teaching. Other Nobel Prize laureates have been atrocious in teaching.

>> No.8975142

You're both fucking retarded

>> No.8975187

there's nothing wrong with Bill Nye.
He's cultivating a new generation of traps

>> No.8975188

he encourages people to make their children go through sex change operations.
Basically he will increase the number of trannies and traps in the market.
It's only a good thing

>> No.8975201

until then we will start colonizing other planets

>> No.8975205

can someone explain
i assume hes making a joke or its satire, but i dont get it.

>> No.8975213

Because its twitter. The things smart people say on twitter nowadays are the sorts of dumb little bits of speculation that they once reserved for dumb conversations with the brodies and undergrads at the pub.

Also, have some sympathy and bear in mind that his target audience is the american public.

>most scientists
Most acedemics in general.

I remember there being some Einstein quote where he says something like "if you really understand something you'll be able to put it into words," but just baloney. The people who rise to the top of the class are people who understand the subject through itself rather than through language. Thus the people with the most intimate understanding end up having some of the worst explanations, unless they're explaining it to someone who also "just gets it".

>> No.8975270

you cant stop aging w/o sacrificing your humanity duh

>> No.8975277

degenerate filth. hop on your big gay rocket and fly off into space already

>> No.8975280
File: 21 KB, 681x681, enraged pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to stop the production of cute traps?

>> No.8975414

>Doesn't like space exploration

The calling card of a weak intellect.

>> No.8975434

He said "when," not "if" or "supposing."

>> No.8975588

Good sentiment, needs higher production values.

>> No.8975661

He's being satirical: I.e there's a lot to worry about solving first(diseases of literally any kind and aging) before worrying about the safety hazards of automobiles, but people are hyping self driving cars way more than medical research and definitely more than stopping aging.

>> No.8975678

>some Einstein quote
I think it is this:
>An alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid

I have seen something similar credited to Feynman.

>> No.8975718

Can't extrapolate today's data to a distant future. Other forms of death may become more popular than car crashes

>> No.8975884

Neil "If her age is on the clock, she's ready for a Mars walk" Tyson

>> No.8975919

even The Dark Lord is surprised

>> No.8975948

is he implying we'll cure all diseases and give ourselves immortality before we have self driving cars

>> No.8975952

LMAO that made me laugh more than it should

>> No.8976455

He is, we already have self driving cars that can drive across USA/EU mostly unassisted. However we won't cure ageing for at least another 30 years.

>> No.8976536

For one we're far closer to self autonomous automobile (ironic name btw) than to literally curing disease, and age itself

Secondly, even if it were reversed, it's obvious and definitely not profound thinking.

>> No.8976717

basically he said that gender =/= sex and then /pol/ went apeshit and believes that he wants to bring about what they call "white genocide".

>> No.8977863

he just wants to create some delicious traps

>> No.8978106

illegalize self-driving cars

>> No.8978109

Yes. Fuck killing people asshole.

>> No.8978697

Yeah but look at ben shapiro or some similar retard. People think they are geniuses because the people they argue against are far dumber still

>> No.8978711


>> No.8979546


We prefer to call it driver‑related critical reasons.


>> No.8981278

[citation needed]
you can't even prove that that's an image straight from NASA

>> No.8981357

>if we prevented all causes of death except exploding office chairs, exploding office chairs would be the leading cause of death

>> No.8982125

>Do his followers honestly believe he is the greatest scientist of the modern age?
Yes. But, these are "science supporters" from reddit who have never taken a non-intro science course in college and never worked in a lab.

>Are there any modern scientists who aren't a meme?
Yes, the overwhelming majority of scientists who actually, well, do science -- serve as principle investigators/group leaders, train and mentor grad students/post-docs/RAs/etc., conduct research, publish findings, etc. There is going to some variation in regards to what they are doing based on whether they are PIs or department heads in academia, or group leaders or directors in industry. But, with the large exception of grant writing in academia, the overall gist is similar.

I would guess that every discipline and field has its own meme scientists, who probably get more attention and accolades and what not than they deserve. But, still, those scientists had to do, well, something, and typically made solid contributions to their field.

>> No.8983960

What extension do you use to invert colors? I've been trying to find one but they always mess up pictures by inverting them or inverting already dark websites.

>> No.8983991

>Do his followers honestly believe he is the greatest scientist of the modern age?
No, that's what people call a straw man argument.

>> No.8983996

What about all of the other thousands of pictures of earth from space? What possessed you to give it an arbitrary shape of "oblate peroid"? Was it just a term you liked the sound of? Is this cry for help caused by some mental disorder or just general loneliness?

>> No.8983999

>Do his followers honestly believe he is the greatest scientist of the modern age?
No, nobody really thinks that. He's generally known because he's a media person, not because of his scientific achievements. He uses his limited fame to popularize the sciences, which is what people generally appreciate.

>> No.8984004

Get fucked.

>> No.8984005

Luddites like you need to be destroyed.

>> No.8984255

How many of you do you believe in life after death?Is it logical?I am an agnostic but I really don't understand atheists who claim that when you die thats it.Isnt there a point in all this?I watched a video of de Grasse Tyson and he answered that his body would decay and such like no shit I didn't know that already.But could there be a different case with the ones soul?I read that neuroscientists claim that all human emotions and identity of ones self are just chemical in the brain that are a product of the evolutionary process so that we can survive and pass on our genes.And for what?Why is this drive for life to try and exist If there is no point?On planets of our solar system there is no life and the universe is doing just fine.Why is it that life has to move on?Do you guys believe that death is not the end and that everything happens for a reason?Furthermore,do you believe that values like honor compassion and love are not just evolutionary illusions so that we can function and evolve as a social species?I used to believe that this shitty life might be just the beginning because,admit it if you study it enough it looks cold like a simulation from the matrix.Yes,it might look ingenious the laws of physics and math but it is not really beautiful if it is just all a dream.And what will we gain if we stop aging and dying.Life is shitty as it is.Colorless and without any magic.Movies,tv,music and art are much better.

>> No.8986093

>In this hypothetical situation we would have an hypothetical undesirable outcome, unless we hypothetically would prevent it from happening!