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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8972541 No.8972541 [Reply] [Original]

can you be considered "smart" without being interested in math

>> No.8972556
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What about 'sports smarts' like Wayne Gretzsky? Or is that still math since it's applied game theory?

>> No.8972560

no you fucking brainlet

>> No.8972564


>> No.8972590


>> No.8972645


>> No.8972665

its a fucking math circlejerk board

>> No.8972675
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>tfw too dumb-dumb to be good at mathematics
Time to work Sales.

>> No.8972696

idk where else to go i really thought i would instigate some good debates and some interesting ideas guess not :/

>> No.8972722

short answer: yeah

you may be a brainlet in mathematics but not in other subjects

>> No.8972736


>> No.8972740


>> No.8972766

Is it possible?
But it is very unlikely and the fact that you're asking this question immediately disqualifies you as a potential candidate for a "non-math being smart" waiver.

>> No.8972768

can you be considered a "good programmer" without a cute anime girl wallpaper?

>> No.8972773

plenty fictional characters are
>gregory house
>cal lightman
>sherlock holmes

>> No.8972799

While it's incredibly retarded to use fictional characters you retarded manchildren, house and sherlock have excellent mathmatical skills.

>> No.8972812

Bobby Fischer

Does chess count as math?

>> No.8972817
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>Does chess count as math?
it's just game theory + applied combinatorics

>> No.8972821
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>/sci/ is a fucking math circlejerk board
... Math & Physics circle jerk.

At most :
Physical Chemistry, Biophysics, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace/Nuke Engineering & Financial Math

>> No.8972873

Yes. Requires a high intellect to be a master, like math and physics

>> No.8972955

>... Math & Physics circle jerk.
Not really. The math circlejerking is way more prevalent, apparently kids think it's cooler. It hurts me how people take it seriously as well.
>tfw friend literally got brainwashed by this board
>talks about how he might switch majors to mathematics

>> No.8973023

You don't have to be interested in it but you should be able to do it. I don't particularly care for math as an academic field but I still have to take seven courses worth of it.

>> No.8974702

What is actually mathematics?

Yes you can be considered smart, intelligent without taking the mathematical road!

Ultimately we place value, patterns and recognize patterns/interactions which we label to further understand our self's and our surroundings!

Mathematics is a refined elegant structured way of describing, labeling, relating and situating objects/subjects...

And there are many other ways we can do that, many other processes that can be more simplistic and complex.

>> No.8974870

No, if you're not then you likely don't have the mental capacity to be so, or the interest in STEM at all. You cannot be considered smart without an interest and some ability in STEM.

>> No.8975023

If you study physics, chemistry, CS, engineering you can understand a good part of the math that gets posted here.

>> No.8975030

I think it's evident by Trump's rise to power. He's dumb as rocks for STEM but he is obviously smart in a sociopathic/manipulative way.

>> No.8975269


>> No.8975307

Yes, an example would be someone who is bi or multilingual with a profession in law or history would be considered smart.

>> No.8975503

yes, especially since you used the word "interest". I'd imagine there are at least a couple of kids with zero interest in being a mathemetician who just got forced into the field and ended up being good at it even though it ran against their tastes. And I'd also say that mathematical talent isn't the only talent I'd consider """smart""".

but """street smarts""" is undeniably a meme

I'm honestly tempted to argue that Trump happened to run into his winning strategy by accident.

If you're making 15 an hour (twice the minimum wage/dem's suggested new min wage) it could take you two hours to make enough money to purchase access to a good scientific article, and then maybe another two hours to read it. Then if we treat shitty highschool-essay standards as our bare minimum, that's at least three articles, which is like twelve hours to be "credible" enough to speak on an issue. Meanwhile any old bs'd tweet can come out in seconds and hit millions of ears. With the how communication technology has grown, the rate at which stuff can be said is way higher than the rate at which stuff can be proven/disproven. So just bullshit people as quickly as possible and noone can catch up. I'm not even trying to just make this a "fuck drumf" post, it's a legitimate strategy.

The problem is that it's a very easy strategy for a smarter person to tell a dumber person to perform. And I'm not trying to make this a "Putin was the mastermind" post either; if anything, it's probably just a businessmen tactic that'd been dogmatically passed on and on throughout trumps family for generations that noone really understood or questioned. I doubt Trump did at least. He was an underestimated trap card; I find it a lot easier to chalk it up to luck.

>> No.8975582

You mong...Mathematics is about trapping the very essense of God into our sigils and expressing it as absolute physical prowess upon the earth! Lo and behold the left hand of God!
*explodes the omniverse*

>> No.8975734

Are the greatest writers not smart? Are the likes of George Orwell, Dostoevsky, and Shakespeare not smart? If you think they aren't smart then you're an idiot in all honesty.

Just because you can't appreciate non math related fields doesn't mean they the leaders in said fields aren't smart you conceited piece of shit.

>> No.8975840


if you have to ask if you're smart, you are stupid.

if you believe you are smart, you are stupid.

if you know you are stupid, but are shocked at how much stupider other are, you are probably just learning.

you are only smart if other perceive you as smart

you need to be able to understand all subjects to be smart

>> No.8975987

But you can be interested in other subjects and only use maths as a tool for them
Then you may be disinterested in math itself, but learn it anyway to apply it to things that actually interest you
Source: me

>> No.8976026


>not interested in math: "smart"
>interested in math: smart

>> No.8977296

>can you be considered "smart" without being interested in math

Sure.... just like how you can be considered a good communicator without knowing English.

>> No.8977780

Any math beyond simple algebra and calculus can fuck right off.

I do biochemical research and I hardly even do any math beyond statistics. Say what you want, but the actually important discoveries are all in the medical sciences.

>> No.8977795

Of course. However, you can't be considered "Smart" if you post heavy images of degenerate anime girls with lot of JPEG artifacts and corruption

Banning anime and eradicating weebs would raise the global IQ by at least 10 points

>> No.8977801

>being this much of a pseud to believe that Trump is more dangerous than the corporate media who does this exact same tactic but to a much larger extent than Trump ever did

>> No.8977804


>> No.8977809

mozart wasn't even in stem and was praised as genius

>> No.8979912

Can you be considered artistic without being interested in art?

>> No.8980225
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>can you be considered "smart" without being interested in math
Not sure why you're asking that on this board. But the answer is yes, you can obviously be smart and not be interested in math. People seem to forget that being interested in math does not mean you are actually good at it. And STEMfags (people who probably take an interest in math/science) are fairly one-dimensional people on average. They usually don't know much of anything outside of their major due to its demands, and get shuffled into some job they hate which forces them to use 5% of their knowledge. Typically not well read people who engage in other subjects. Does that mean they are not smart?

>> No.8980279

Fuk no.
Its like a blind person thinking hes a top gun pilot

>> No.8981315

Shakespeare was a terrible painter

>> No.8981659

well you people may consider you that. there are really talented artists who don't math