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8969433 No.8969433 [Reply] [Original]

People grow old, convincing themselves that their tendency not to fear death is part of their acquired wisdom.

They sit there preaching their submissive methods of dealing with until they finally cack out.

Fucking shitty...

This needs to be to priority i mean what the fuck are we doing????

>> No.8969435


>> No.8969720

We have. It's not available to people with a net worth less than 100 million though.

>> No.8969967

Sweet thanks for that link, I'mma check out those readings when I get a chance

>> No.8970060

I think I speak for the rest of the board when I say "we dont need to be making people live longer."

>> No.8970071

Death is the only thing I can count on to get rid of rich fags.

>> No.8970138

Is aging considered a disease yet?

>> No.8970147

>Why haven't we found a cure for the elapse of time and entropy?

>> No.8970158

removing your telomeres would cause cancer everywhere.

>> No.8970160

Rich people have kids you know

>> No.8970185

No because that would create a healthcare/insurance clusterfuck.


He's talking about biological aging, which some animals more or less stop doing once they are mature. If this were a
>How do we stop heat death
thread, your post would make sense.

Medical science is still primitive, m8. We only recently started being able to modify genes and it's still not particularly precise. Google's cofounders are also pretty terrified of aging and I think Page said he wants to live to at least 500, so you've got some wealthy people sharing your concern.

>> No.8970196

>entropy is related to aging
besides you can reduce local entropy dumbass

>> No.8970205

Fuck off mortalfag

>> No.8970445

Aging hasn't been solved yet because we're not quite at the point where all the aging rich people have hit panic mode yet.

In another 10-15 years as the super-rich start falling over dead due to issues stemming from old age we'll see the remaining start tossing money in the billions towards anti-aging and age-reversal research. We're actually in the ideal era to solve aging and it wouldn't surprise me if we come up with solutions in the next 30-40 years or so.

>> No.8970452

anyone have that futurist picture where it shows people of different ages talking about how long the cure to aging will come? This is literally retard the post.

>> No.8970467

You have to remember that we're in an unprecedented age of technological progress and scientific innovation. The internet itself is still incredibly young being roughly 30 years old before it hit the commercial sphere, younger if you consider how long it took to become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives.

It is incredibly hard to predict what things are going to look like in 30-40 years given how sharply things have evolved. And when you have billionaires that are more connected than ever, tossing money to solve things that terrify the shit outta them you'll start to see solutions.

>> No.8970468

there is no way to achieve immortality

think of this way. some animals/bugs have the ability to regenerate and some are infact immortal but die of disease instead of age.
matter of fact most people don't die of old age, just sickness.. so even if you could have regeneration properties you would still get sick at some point

>> No.8970469

They say the singularity, not the cure to aging, but I do know that pic. To be fair, Kurzweil (most frequently referenced futurologist online) has kept his date about the same and just has plans to be cryonically frozen if he dies before the singularity.

>> No.8970471

depends on the what you call immortality

>> No.8970477

>the most famous crazy person has plans to be cryogenically frozen

yeah sounds about right

>> No.8970480

>Biological immortality is a state in which the rate of mortality from senescence is stable or decreasing, thus decoupling it from chronological age. Various unicellular and multicellular species, including some vertebrates, achieve this state either throughout their existence or after living long enough. A biologically immortal living being can still die from means other than senescence, such as through injury or disease.

>> No.8970492

what about your brain on a artificial body

>> No.8970496

you would have rewire the entire nervous system which is an incredible task in itself

>> No.8970615

>Implying artificial bodies won't inevitably get damaged/break-down

>> No.8970625

We have likely practical methods right now to extend lifespan/healthspan by 10-15%. Beyond that is unknown.

Thing is, they only work in animal models because to get decent data is going to take literally decades yet. If you're 20 just relax. If you're north of 40 it might be sensible to take some calculated gambles.

>> No.8970627

>decent data

*decent human data

>> No.8970668


What are replaceable parts?

>> No.8970753

>what is ship of Theseus

>> No.8970967
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>be born as a poorfag
>have death anxiety
>will get to see the first people become immortal just before i die
At least I can hope that in the distant future immortality will be as cheap as water and there will be a collective effort to bring everyone dead back to life.

>> No.8970980

did you know that hunting animals has been shown to reduce death anxiety?

>> No.8970987

Good thing for those people, but really bad for the animals. I can't imagine it being good for me, why would I want anything even a worm to die. I think everything that has been given existence should not be ever involuntarily deprived from it, maybe that's the "selfish" kind of altruism but yeah.

>> No.8970990

No shit. The animals can't be anxious about dying when they're already dead.

>> No.8970999
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Be thankful you get to pass on. Complete the cycle of your existence and accept the futility of humanity.

>> No.8971130

> nature comes up with brilliant two-part solution to aging, death and reproduction

> "cure" our natural abilities to adapt to change right when the world is changing fastest

>> No.8971144
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It could be many reasons:

>ethical issues on overpopulation where agricultural dilemmas still persists
>new fields in medicine still in its infancy stages
>entrepreneurs not risking to take part into gerontology
>general human population like the average citizen not being informed--advocating on the subject matter

>> No.8971581

How do you create something out of nothing?

>> No.8971583

Instead of immortality, why not an aging system based on absorption? Absorb the essence of others to maintain your youth and keep growing?

>> No.8971648
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If we discovered immortality, wouldn't all people be able to borrow money from banks to buy immortality because then they would be immortal and be able to work for as long as necessary to pay back the debt? It's a win win situation as I see it.

>> No.8971658

>there is no way to achieve immortality
That's why we're looking for biological immortality.

>matter of fact most people don't die of old age, just sickness

Age related diseases are in fact just part of aging and should be counted as such.
Aging also makes you more vulnerable to diseases.

Also, it's unlikely there will be many incurable diseases in a future where we cured aging.
To problem today with deadly diseases isn't so much that we cannot cure it but is the ability to make early correct diagnoses.

Just how many people refuse to go to the doctor, or go when it's to late.

>> No.8971938

If that was the case then it will be basically a world in which people are slaves to the banks during eternity, but thinking about it will be the same as it is today with different kinds of debts.