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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8966117 No.8966117 [Reply] [Original]

Celebrity academics are a joke and their fans are the most insufferable idiots on the planet.

People whose scientific education is stunted at the ninth grade level seriously consider themselves knowledgeable about complex scientific topics by listening to podcasts, sharing "scientific articles" on facebook, and reading poorly edited wikipedia articles outside of their level of comprehension.

>> No.8966119

> their fans are the most insufferable idiots on the planet.
and yet here you are, whining about them while they go about enjoying their lives

>> No.8966127

I hate that image, first off the guys on the left are nobel laureates, people who had a deep understanding of physics for the time while the left is just a bunch of mediocre scientists, it doesn't reflect the opinion of top scientists today who work on these types of problems, also the guys on the left (barring einstein) weren't public figures, I imagine if you compared public figures from the past till now you'd find that the majority are average or maybe slightly above average scientists, certainly there are exceptions but still.

>> No.8966137

Yeah, there was probably a lot of dummies in the past, just like there are now.

>> No.8966301

The image doesn't contrast the old against the new.

>> No.8966368

I've seen this image many times associated with conversation about how the older generations were superior scientists because of various beliefs that they held regarding philosophy, religion, etc. If it wasn't an "old vs new" thing then why put newer meme scientists on the left and old nobel laureates on the right? Compare apples to apples, like put top scientists of today against meme scientists of today to show how top scientists view these sorts of idea and contrast it against those "pop" scientists, there are plenty of top scientists who have a somewhat nuanced opinion on these topics.

>> No.8966543

Did meme scientists even exist back then?

>> No.8966551

>Did meme scientists even exist back then?

>> No.8967825

Einstein was literally Nye Tyson and Sagon combined making him THE meme scientist

>> No.8967833

Not saying that's a bad thing though

>> No.8967836

Ya know what's just as annoying? Undergrads on /sci/ thinking they're hot shit. Worse still are the high school drop outs that, again, think they're hot shit, normally for reasons revolving around being "an independent free thinking, who didn't swallow all those text book lies".

>> No.8967840

Eh, I'm inclined to disagree, Einstein actually contributed a lot to physics, Tyson didn't, sagon did some good work, but nothing really special. The whole Einstein is by far the greatest physicist stuff is a meme and so are a bunch of his quotes, but he himself is not a meme scientist, though we may have differing opinions on what a meme scientist is.
Not really, I'm not saying it's not annoying, however celebrity scientists have way more influential than any of us and can change public perception of what science is, in this case imo to the detriment of science. It is this that makes them worse than just arrogant undergrads

>> No.8967947

This image isn't a very good representation of scientists opinion of philosophy, not that you can gauge an entire group of people in to one black or white opinion on a complex topic.
The post modern movement of the late 20th century turned philosophy into a joke hence the 21st century science celebrities shitting on it, the meaning of the word has changed over time and its been given entirely new connotations.

And these celebrity scientists have earned in part their talk shows, time on the news and token appearances in media they don't just hand out PHDs in physics. Your free to swap the channel when Startalk starts you know, god knows I always do.

>in this case imo to the detriment of science.
Could you elaborate on this, most of these public figures yarn about climate change a lot I don't see them pushing out incorrect information though. The only meme scientist I like is Sagan partly because of nostalgic reasons.

>> No.8967986

Well, if you asked people what scientists they know they'd either say Einstein or someone like Tyson, Bill Nye, and maybe Sagan, and this means their perception of science is most likely heavily influenced by these people, given that people like Bill Nye and Tyson are still alive they might actually have a greater effect, this leads to things like them spewing nonsense about topics they have no business discussing as fact like how concepts concerning gender are science, when in reality there is very little known about it, gender has to do with the brain and frankly we know dick all about it, so talking about things as if it settled science isn't helping the conversation surrounding it, it is in fact damaging it as it solidifies a very flawed model of human sexuality/gender in the public's mind. Furthermore it attaches personalities that have their own ideological frameworks to science (i.e. pushes a view that this is what a scientist should be like rather than what it is a scientist does), many would then conflate their ideologies and science together as if one necessarily supports the other with many people mentioning things like "science is political because people doing science have political leanings" which is ridiculous, the whole point of doing science is to find out about the natural world, not pushing an agenda. You will also have people (outside the scientific establishment) ascribing a culture to science, making it "fashionable" and "trendy", assigning auxiliary conditions that science must meet like supporting social justice and helping humanity (or how they view science help humanity) and if some piece of scientific knowledge goes against such a narrative it must obviously be false.

>> No.8967996

I'm not saying you shouldn't strive to help humanity if you desire what I'm saying is science and scientists have no obligation to such things, but people like Bill and Tyson and various groups who also claims to represent science in a similar manner push these sorts of mentalities. A recent example was the march for science, sure there were people legitimately concerned about the future of science however others were there to push their agendas and claim to be on the same side when they are not. My overall point is that a scientist can have whatever opinions and viewpoints they want and that this should be divorced from the science that they do and people like Tyson and Bill push the opposite, that there are certain views that scientists must have and goals that science must achieve, that science is "cool" and straightforward when in reality it's brutal and very messy with infighting and constant rewrites, that many concepts are "settled" when we've barely scratched the surface. There's actually a good deal more that I could talk about but I think this gets across a few of the reasons why I think the way they go about educating the public is bad, Bill used to have the right idea by just focusing on the science and nothing more but now he's injecting his own viewpoints and passing it off as science.

>> No.8968549

>The post modern movement of the late 20th century turned philosophy into a joke hence the 21st century science celebrities shitting on it, the meaning of the word has changed over time and its been given entirely new connotations.

That's just continental philosophy though. Analytic philosophy never fell for the meme and has always remained scientifically informed

>> No.8968781

Ikr there is this guy in my class who keeps talking about black holes and shit, and I seriously had to explain him what a fuction is.
He always flashes his "a brief history of time" around and tries to impress qt who are fucking stupid.

>> No.8968812

What about dudes like Feynman, who were accomplished scientists and thought philosophy was for dum-dums

>> No.8969448

He thought religion was for dummy dumbys but anyhow even though he made massive contributions to science and was forsure a genius,but he was a Jew unfortunately

>> No.8969469

That Dawkins quote isn't against philosophy.

>> No.8969478
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>> No.8969487

That's true I've got friends doing CS degrees and looking into AI who are doing hard philosophy the real shit, necessary for understanding logic based systems.

There's hard philosophy the real shit that I think only edgy atheist debaters know about from their vast knowledge of fallacies and there's the bullshit that most laymen are aware of, the wishy washy crap that contemporary philosophy unfortunately gets its reputation from. There's a vast difference from metaphysics and logic based philosophy.

>but he was a Jew unfortunately
This is /sci/ son, not /pol/.

>> No.8969488

He also happens to be the only one on the right who's actually done good science work

>> No.8969500

I agree. It's literally "philosophy is good, but not the autism of getting lost in your own philosophical systems and constructs".

>> No.8969524
File: 50 KB, 620x387, ShinichiMochizuki2_zps7ae7f87e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new about this.

Talk about Tyson or Bill Nye and normies get all wet.

Talk about ma boy Mochizuki or Erdos and normies don't have a fucking clue.

>> No.8969526

academics are a joke

>> No.8969586

Bill Nye's quote just shows that he's sceptical of non-realism.

>> No.8969634

It's ok kiddo I don't hate Jews but the sooner you except the Feynman favorite scientists were cis white males the sooner you come to the grips of the euro pill

>> No.8970819

Bill Nye doesn't even have a Master degree, why the fuck is he on this list? Dolph Lundgren is more of an scientist than Nye is.