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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8962459 No.8962459 [Reply] [Original]

should math teachers be allowed to look like this?

my math teacher looked like a cross between Lily Tomland and the crypt keeper, and she was cool as fuck, but inspired no boners, only maths. So it was, so it should be.

>> No.8962471

There is a reason a woman who looks like that isn't exactly associated with intelligence anon. Phenotypes and the stereotypes associated with them don't arise from the great random number generator in the sky.

>> No.8962484

Just thinking about taking a class given by her feels bad. I will literally stare at her boobs the entire hour.

>> No.8962487

It's beyond unprofessional, so no.
fucking 12 year olds

>> No.8962490

>not studying your dick off in hopes of impressing her

>> No.8962494

Would it kill her to not wear such a form fitting skirt?

Typical "what oh me? :^)" female bullshit.

>> No.8962504
File: 467 KB, 1200x800, hotmathmodel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, calc teachers look like that!

>> No.8962508

>looking to impress women when you should be learning mathematics

Who is the fucking beta lol? You really want to fuck her?Just by looking at her you know that the set of cocks that have been inside her is a classic example given in topology textbooks for a compact set with infinite measure.

>> No.8962510

shes' from sweden and not yet raped? what the fuck

>> No.8962537

Most of my teachers were middle-aged, have a lot of weight, and not very attractive. I can only a handful of teachers that I thought could be porn actors.

>> No.8962564

All my good science and technology teachers where men.

>> No.8962593
File: 418 KB, 1037x741, 1494529207091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think its more important that the teacher actually know the material and actually be able to teach, rather what they look like. Having had a few attractive, and some very NOT attractive teachers during my time at k-12 I don't really see a problem with it so long as they dress professionally in the work place.

Also, it may be beneficial, since we live in such a social media driven age, if they didn't post as revealing pictures to sites where students can easily view them. I understand that what they do off the clock is their own business, but many companies have ethics policies that forbid similar online behavior, and that may be something to consider here.

That all said, I don't think a person's appearance is a reason to offer/refuse to employ them (except in modeling and the like). Their qualifications should come first, and then their actions and manner of conducting themselves should be used second.

>> No.8962602

More girls should wear skirts in general.

>> No.8962624 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 365x214, 1455656640364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reported your barneyfag ass so fast. Your post is shit too.

>> No.8962631
File: 60 KB, 500x407, mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my high school Physics teacher was a sexy as fuck 10/10 MILF
>I was always very beta of course
>she clearly liked the alpha male class chads a lot
>probably didn't want to fuck them but felt they would be sexy one day
>tfw one day I was feeling fucking horny in class
>again I was very beta so didn't know how to react
>teacher was demonstrating how to safely use a bunsen burner
>the way the flame was flickering I started imagining it burning her shirt off
>thought it would be sexy
>then thought she might give me a titty wank if my penis was nice and hot
>slowly walked to the front of the class
>pulled out my small erection and shoved it into the flame
>burnt like fuck
>fell backwards with my dick out screaming for help
>tfw had to go to the hospital
>cock is scarred to this day
>other kids called me 'burnt dick' for the rest of school

>> No.8962667

Stop telling lies on the internet.

>> No.8962683

That's not a skirt, that's a dress. You fucking virgin. Back to r/whiteknights

>> No.8962688

No one is this autistic. And if you were this autistic, you wouldn't even be allowed inside a school.

>> No.8962690

>falling this hard for the woman meme.
How will you be the next Newton if you spend your time chasing after women?

>> No.8962691

das a dress mah dude

>> No.8962702
File: 2.81 MB, 302x678, tcher.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea why not, she's wearing a very modest dress.

>> No.8962727

God dammit those tits look magnificent.

>> No.8962731
File: 83 KB, 560x700, IMG_4348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8962737

>the set of cocks that have been inside her is a classic example given in topology textbooks for a compact set with infinite measure


>> No.8962742
File: 2.83 MB, 304x592, tchera.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are quite alright.

>> No.8962754

Are you the fucking weirdo filming her outside of her classroom?

>> No.8962757

Yes she's giving a lecture as we speak. It's actually a livestream.

>> No.8962764

literally find me one study that correlates intelligence with attractiveness

spoiler alert: there are fucking none

>> No.8962770

She knows what she's doing, and I don't blame her. If I were a 9/10 chad I'd use that to my advantage against women all the time.

>> No.8962774

You can also be attractive and dress conservatively at work. Granted, if you have giant tits it's kind of hard to hide them but you don't have to wear tight short clothes etc.

>> No.8962777

You shouldn't be autistic enough to believe that he expected you to take his story seriously

>> No.8962778

modest compared to what? an actual hooker dress?

As far as dresses you'd wear to work go, this is not on the modest side.

>> No.8962779


>> No.8962789

desu I think that's fine if you're a TA, especially if it's summer.

>> No.8962800

literally all of them, intelligence is very clearly correlated to beauty


>> No.8962814

>attractive children are more intelligent by 12.4 IQ points (r = .381), whereas in the United States, the correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness is somewhat smaller (r = .126).

So the opposite is true then? I can see it, the best breed with the best.

>> No.8962820

Any female teacher that dresses like this is a hebephile looking for male or female prey in their class.

>> No.8962823

I accept that that's a real study but I still find it hard to shake my impression that hot women tend to be dumb.

Maybe it's not so much that their IQs are lower, but just that they've never had to work for anything and so they refuse to try.

>> No.8962827

Did you even read the study? it say attractive people are smarter then ugly people

>> No.8962834

Yes, did you even read my post? I'm saying that despite what the study says, I have trouble shaking the stereotype.

Especially hot, high maintenance type women who always have their make up and hair looking perfect and all that. Those people are never the ones to go to with your questions.

>> No.8962841

I guess I was just following the line of conversation

>> No.8962847
File: 51 KB, 421x832, a40d2c14f1fdbd5435f815c7d8551176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8962850

The study that was posted was on children, and the girls most likely haven't had the chance to have a man do everything for them because they're hot yet.

>> No.8962939

The study does say it's more apparent in males than females.

>> No.8962945

Has this study been replicated? Most results reported in psychology journals are type II errors.

>> No.8963090

i had an art teacher that dressed like this and wore heels everyday. she had sex with multiple sophomores (in high school) and is in prison now kek.

>> No.8963257

This is the most /sci/ thing I've ever read, congratulations

>> No.8963271

Link me an article or something boss

>> No.8963290

oh but you certainly can be, my lad

>> No.8963299

>le this is so fitting the relational subset of ideas that fit my commonly associated understanding of what that ice tends to be
I want reddit to leave

>> No.8963300

10/10 I'm dead cracking up

>> No.8963301

Mmm I would give her my dic and make her pusy slave mmmm.

>> No.8963370


>> No.8963374

Nah, this is old

>> No.8963380
File: 72 KB, 640x480, fuck bucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though there is a trope/stereotype that unattractive people are smart in fact the opposite seems to be the social assumption irl.

Allow me to pre-emptively dumb this down for you:
>Attractive well dressed fit person says something -- likely to be believed and considered both intelligent and educated. Also competent and well mannered.
>Unattractive unkempt unfit person says something -- likely to be considered an uneducated idiot who is not only incompetent but socially retarded.

Think about the interactions you actually have and see irl. Think about how people are likely to listen to beautiful celebrities on technical issues.

For women it's actually more complicated. There are studies that look at how a woman's competence is often percieved to be correlated to her attractiveness (as well as the amount of effort she puts into her appearance). I remember reading a particular study some time back, I don't remember the details exactly but there was some interesting result where women were best off professionally and romantically if they were average looking but put a lot of effort into their appearance.

pic unrelated

>> No.8963383

i had an algebra teacher that was hot as fuck, i just studied to ask questions and make her talk with me ;C

>> No.8963668

They should teach fully naked.
If you can concentrate on math after that nothing will be impossible for you.

>> No.8963706

The funny thing is, instead of trying so hard she could just give out blowey joeys to the students who got the highest grade. id make her work easier AND she would get way better results

>> No.8963710

why not, if she's qualified
I'd be surprised if she's teaching anything above highschool math

>> No.8963730

super funny story anon!!!!!!!

>> No.8964289

HNNNNNNGGGGGG rite in da peenus

>> No.8964309

>All those beautiful Chads and Stacies WISH they were as smart and ugly as me!
>tfw too smart to get laid

>> No.8964379

>the ripped guy in the back
brb taking steroids

>> No.8964400

She is qualified to give me a titjob

>> No.8964402

All educators should be hideous so the halo effect is minimized. Attractive educators do not have to educate correctly, so they often don't.

>> No.8964916

In a philosophical sense, appearance should play no part in deciding whether or not someone is given a job. In a more useful sense, the halo effect, the Werther effect, racism, etc, all impact interpersonal interactions; thus, a teacher who is unusually attractive, especially around teenagers, could be either worse or better than a non-outstanding teacher because of their appearance; it could act either as a motivator or as a distraction. This is most likely decided by the skills and quality of the teacher. An attractive teacher who does well could use their appearance to motivate students, but a mediocre or bad teacher would only shorten the student's attention span.

So, I suppose the answer would be something like this: Teachers who are more attractive should be fired more easily if they suck at their job and show no desire to improve, but should also be given more training and motivation to be better teachers.

Mind, I've made the supposition that certain psychological effects impact teaching, but I've not read any research to back it up, so take all of this with a grain of salt; it's basically meaningless without a well-designed, repeatable psychological/sociological study to support the conclusion.

>> No.8964926

So no one is noticing the black guy in the back on the left pic huh?

>> No.8964933

No, you are the only homosexual in this board who instead of staring at her tits with no end decided to look at the fucking man in the back. And believe me, I have been in this thread for two days and I did not notice there was a man until your fellow homosexual >>8964379 called it out.

You two, I think it is time to go back. >>>/lgbt/

>> No.8964958

>black guy

>> No.8964959

This guy just won the Straight Man of the Year award

>> No.8965134

why do so many women do that limp wrist shit? They bend their arm and then let their hand just hang there. The worst is when they walk doing that shit like some fucked up t-rex bitch.

>> No.8965660

As long as she knows her shit there's absolutely nothing wrong with how this womans dressed,
this is a fake story anyway but this thread is part of the reason women don't touch STEM with a fifty foot pole that and most would rather invest in early childhood teaching, nursing and shit tier crap.

>> No.8965678
File: 31 KB, 448x413, who is she.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys help

I can't decide if this girl is hot, or just very very average looking :/


>> No.8965680

She's an SJW so she's shit.

>> No.8965683
File: 10 KB, 320x180, mqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's average but she actually knows her math which makes her insanely hot. as opposed to this beautiful woman who doesn't know shit and is just a hired actress to make group theory sound dramatic. it makes me cringe.

>> No.8965684


I want to learrn anything at any time please.

>> No.8965952

my fckn bonner

>> No.8965958

Boys always learn better when they have male teachers.

>> No.8965972

Who cares what she looks like, the more important question is why should math be taught?

>> No.8965974



>> No.8965976

10/10 would eigenfeel her subset

>> No.8965978

>t. burger with a third-world IQ

>> No.8965982

European with masters in electrical engineering, IQ is 130, graduated with 1.4 average census. I repeat again, why should math be taught?

>> No.8965989

Exhibitionist tramp.

>> No.8965992

What a brainlet.

>> No.8966025

How much patents do you hold? What kind of devices have you developed?

Mathematics is useful if you want to be a teacher.

>> No.8966319

God I hate Americans.

>> No.8966327

If you studied you dick off, you'd have little reason to impress her any more.

>> No.8967847

>that spin
So obvious she knows what she is doing.

>> No.8967854

fuck off, Stalin

>> No.8968085

Its the haircut and dress u sperg

>> No.8968150

Fuck. Me.
What a shirtful.

>> No.8968203

That's Oksana Neveselaya.
She's a student, not a teacher. She's not even that good at math.

>> No.8969353

Honestly if she paid me I would be willing attempt to impregnate her

>> No.8969443

Is the female in OP's pic not a teacher?

>> No.8969535

it's not her

>> No.8969678

>bunsen burner

>> No.8969687


>> No.8969698

she's moving like I did in 8th grade when I made a presentation infront of the class

>> No.8969745
File: 149 KB, 1000x1500, 1466059280197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At ages 7 and 11, the teacher of each NCDS respondent is asked to describe the child's physical appearance, by choosing up to three adjectives from a highly eclectic list of five: “attractive,” “unattractive or not attractive,” “looks underfed or undernourished,” “abnormal feature,” and “scruffy or slovenly & dirty.” A respondent is coded as attractive = 1 if he or she is described as “attractive” at both age 7 and age 11 by two different teachers, 0 otherwise. I use this binary measure of physical attractiveness as the independent variable. 62.0% of all NCDS respondents are coded as attractive.

We scientific method nao.

>> No.8969767
File: 565 KB, 147x154, 1452525859844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What she looks like doesn't matter. What does, is how she dresses and acts.

Wearing a dress like that is not a sin, or even morally "bad", but it is certainly unprofessional.

Couple that with the fact that her movements make it obvious she only dresses and acts this way to have every male within her vicinity lust after her, and yeah.
People who are this thirsty for external validation are generally not stable individuals.

>> No.8969915

Why be the next Newton when you can be the next Einstein?

>> No.8970494


tfw we were thinking the same thing

>> No.8970500
File: 362 KB, 1280x720, Subarashii_01_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick is diamonds tho

>> No.8970511

I don't care, it doesn't matter.

>> No.8970517


>> No.8971501


>A woman dubbed ' the world's sexiest teacher ' has been revealed as a 17-year-old pupil - who's not even that good at maths.

>> No.8971523

Intelligence being associated with beauty makes sense. A healthy individual who exercises and eats properly should perform better than one that doesn't.
Problem is, beauty is subjective, and females have all sorts of tricks to SEEM more beautiful. Make-up and fake tits don't increase one's IQ.

>> No.8971626

How is that the "truth behind" this? That article just says the original woman was confused with the student in question, and concludes that they still haven't identified the woman.

>> No.8971695
File: 158 KB, 869x611, height-and-IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height and IQ have a correlation.
It could however be a reflection of the race and IQ.

>> No.8972216

Can't stop staring at those feet, would love to kiss her toes

>> No.8972244


>> No.8972286

IQ is related to absolute brain size. Thus these findings aren't really a surprise.

>> No.8972310

Well, at least she isn't showing any cleavage or using that ass-thigh jeans.

>> No.8972315


>>> An almost completely formless cloud of data with an OLS with unstated variance and unreported t/F-test
>>> No heteroskedasticity test, residual plot, stated errors, or simultaneity bias tests
>>> Proving anything

>> No.8972335

this should have been a pedo trap. Any teacher that said their 7 year old student was attractive should go to prison.

You could even still collect the data from the sexy kids to see how smart they are afterwards.

>> No.8972847

Well, I think that they can also get away with having a very untrained mine, making their innate intellect hard to judge. If she's cute enough, no matter how shitty her opinions or personality is, or how much reasoning she lacks, there was some Chad out there willing to lick her asshole and put up with it.

>> No.8972853

Women should not teach in general

>> No.8973167

My dick holy shit

>> No.8973210

It doesn't matter the native swedes are gay, but if she wants to get raped(which she does obviously) GO GIRL

>> No.8974785

Da fuq is with her hand gestures? She flails around like some fucking italian with late stage parkinsons.

Hair is cut too short like someone fucked her shit up there.

With the phd in math which is a bonus 8.5 points, alltogether I give her a 8.5/10. So yes, hot, prolly not ave. I can't do the exact math.

>> No.8974910

Does she really have a phd?

>> No.8974939

What is this shit? Is this what people mean when some "soft science" like psychology or sociology has "proven" something?

I want to go on a rampage and kill myself.

>> No.8975337

Apparently people are stupid and have a very difficult time evaluating information.
>intelligence is a social construct
Get the fuck out.

>> No.8975343

A woman with a math phd is like a black janitor who gives a shit

>> No.8975358
File: 199 KB, 1286x857, 170612-teacher-sex-assault-student-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are women such whores


>> No.8975764

>tfw no teacher gf

>> No.8975889

>you will never be her
why even live?

>> No.8976049

>you will never be in her
agreed. why live.

>> No.8976060
File: 93 KB, 421x889, lauren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math teacher can be fucking hot.

Pic related, one of my high school math teachers. The only reason I didn't flunk the class was to have a reason to see her every day. She wore heels and dresses all the time.

Looking back on it, all but one of my high school math teachers were hot women.

>> No.8976073

Spoiler: what matters is the correlation of intelligence and dressing habits
Fire up your brain cell and try to answer: do intelligent women try to look like sluts?

>> No.8976771



>> No.8976792

Sorry but no. Nor should women be able to dress like that in public either.

>inb4 someone implies I'm a muslim
Nope. Just a rational guy that knows better than thinking any good can come from women dressing like whores. All that will come from it is sexually frustrated men and women being in danger of being sexually assaulted.

>> No.8976886

Theyre not nude or anything you little virgins. This is why humans are hoomans

>> No.8976918

Are you implying you want less teachers having sex with students? Fag

>> No.8977248

>should math teachers be allowed to look like this?

That would be awful distracting to children trying to lean math.

Consequently, schools should be segregated based on gender for this very reason.

>> No.8978503

>where men

And your english teacher was a woman, right?

>> No.8979364

Have you guys really never fucked a good looking woman before, to find here extremelly attractive? I mean, I've had some 10's in lifetime and I'm only 22, but I'd much rather have a 7 that has a crazy personality and is insane in bed. At the end of the day you are just sticking your schlong into pi*r^2, while having a workout.

>> No.8979370


>> No.8979376
File: 57 KB, 500x481, JustStop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying THIS hard to sound cool on a Kenyan bow-crafting board

It's time to stop posting, bud.

>> No.8979384

No, I'm not trying to sound cool, we are anonymous after all. I just never understood how people see a good looking woman and start craving all over her and get all these weird fanatsies about here. Absolutely autistic behaviour, go out and meet some women. Just be confident and shatter their self image with how you talk and they will praise you. + look good.

It's not even hard to get good looking-smart women anymore, unless you are completely stupid.

>> No.8979699


WTH is that picture?

>> No.8979706

you're a shitbag. stfu already

>> No.8981020

bump before 404

>> No.8981026

Only brainlets get distracted by hot female teachers. I have a very good looking female professor, and I regularly have bantz with her, and I still scored the perfect grade for her class. She invited me to do a master thesis with her. Stay mad faggots.

>> No.8981077

You sound cringe worthy as fuck. Neck yourself.

>> No.8981103

The dress is fine, you just think it looks slutty because her tits are huge.
They'd be the same size in any other dress.

>> No.8981108

>my impression that hot women tend to be dumb
It's because the ugly girls who got bullied/the lonely nerds who none of the hot girls wanted to date grow up to be authors or screenwriters and write the attractive characters as retards for revenge/jealousy purposes. And everyone gets their ideas of how society works from TV instead of by actually going outside.

In reality there aren't many "stupid jocks who can't into schoolwork". The kids who work hard and practice and succeed in sports are also the ones who work hard and study and succeed in class.

>> No.8981116

The existence of niggers completely blows your theory the fuck out.

>> No.8981130

you're just a simp