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8962218 No.8962218 [Reply] [Original]

How can eugenics ever work, when the desirability of a certain phenotype is going to vary significantly among different peoples?

>> No.8962224
File: 201 KB, 1370x1240, averageface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean?

Ever notice facial composites tend to a visibly above attractive mean?

>> No.8962226

Facial symmetry may be one universally desirable trait, but look at all the other physical variation in those face.

>> No.8962230

Not a single composite in that picture can be really considered unattractive. If you consider one better than another that is just preference. Objective beauty in the ideal platonic sense exists and we seek it out hoping to materialize it into flesh with our breeding patterns.

>> No.8962231

Via CRISPR engineering and careful sterilisation, brainlet.

>> No.8962233

You're speaking strictly in terms of aestheticism. Do you not think different cultures value different phenotypic characteristics and those characteristics may be at odds with one another?

>> No.8962235

Via CRISPR engineering and precise sterilisation, brainlet.

>> No.8962236

Via CRISPR engineering and precise sterilisation, brainlet.
also this >>8962231

>> No.8962237

Technically, it could probably work to some degree by specifically breeding for strength, speed and intelligence.
Warfare in the past could be regarded as a form of "natural" eugenics. Young men go to combat and only the ones strong and intelligent enough to survive come back.
Of course that's not the case today when all fighting happens with guns and bombs.
The problem with eugenics in the past is that it was based on complete pseudo-scientific bullshit about muh blonde haired master race.
If anything, Jews should be considered the true master race from a eugenics perspective.

>> No.8962239

traits universally preferred: intelligence, non deformity, generally healthy over severe congenital diseases.

>> No.8962250

>Jews should be considered the true master race from a eugenics perspective.
On the other hand they present a higher prevalence of certain diseases.

>> No.8962310

this. I'd honestly take an 100 IQ average population, than a neurotic Weasley population with a 112 average

>> No.8962338

>Jews should be considered the true master race from a eugenics perspective.

>AJ demonstrate distinctive genetic characteristics1,2, including high prevalence of autosomal recessive diseases and relatively high frequency of alleles that confer a strong risk of common diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease3 and breast and ovarian cancer4.
>Previous analyses of recent AJ history highlighted a narrow population bottleneck of only hundreds of individuals in late medieval times, followed by rapid expansion12,14.
Inbred jew spotted.

>> No.8962356

>How can eugenics ever work, when the desirability of a certain phenotype is going to vary significantly among different peoples?
This is extremely simple.
An example. America. Smart Asians will have 2 kid, smart whites will have 3 kids, smart blacks will have 4 kids - for one or two generations. IF you are so concerned with muh different peoples. Eugenics can be applied to any group and they'll quickly reach a higher IQ mean (perhaps that of Jews) if you really want to do it, if you want to kill people and use violence.

I used to be in favor of eugenics but realize now it's pretty misguided.

I have a couple of retarded cousins and some loser friends. They are more important to me than some vague, ill defined goal. The whole point of a government, country, nation is to serve the people in the country - so we can survive.
Truth is, nobody is perfect, people deserve a chance.
We need to remember what the point of living is.

Anyways, if my government began doing eugenics, I'd probably advocate having them removed, fast.

>> No.8962368

It won't. CRISPR will make rich people into super humans and normal poor people will eventually just starve to death once automation really kicks off.

>> No.8962391
File: 87 KB, 500x484, 1496858304162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need for government enforced eugenics. 90% of the girls want chad's cum only.

>> No.8962410

Intelligence > than normal has really only conferred an advantage on a man over the last 120 years, and the last 40 years for women. We're still wired to find the characteristics which helped us in hunter gatherer times attractive. Physically dominant males and women with high estrogen levels.

>> No.8962420

What is the difference between a gorilla and a chimp? What is the difference between a chimp and a human? Intelligence. Women select for smart men, but merely scoring high on an iq test is not enough, the men have to change that intelligence into some kind of production.
>We're still wired to find the characteristics which helped us in hunter gatherer
Not really. Women are gold diggers, just turn your iq into wealth.