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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8960644 No.8960644 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Batshit insane (pseudo)science

I just reviewed a thesis. It was stated that memory and consciousness are stored as electron spin states in neuronal microtubules. Also, these tubules alter the geometry of space and time, causing memory and consciousness to be rooted deep in the cosmos.

Sources: some shit-tier open access journals and one low ranking journal from Elsevier.

>> No.8960676

>science: Identify a hypothesis and prove it
>philosophy: identify a position and argue for it
>physicists: identify a hypothesis and argue for it

Physics was a mistake my man

>> No.8960700

I blame string theory

>> No.8960734

>implying it's any less scientific than (((dark energy)))

>> No.8960851


Stop skipping class Timmy

>> No.8960897

OrchOR is over 20 years old. It has solid science behind it.

>> No.8960932

I think I heard something like this, something like plank geometry determining how our brains are arranged on the smallest scale, and that being equivalent to morality somehow or some shit.

It was used as an example of what pseudoscience is and how people fall for it.

>> No.8960970

>solid science

top kek

>> No.8960997

read ANY of the first and second generation psychoanalysts

>> No.8961658

Their findings are valid, but their interpretation of the results are lunatic.

>> No.8962063


just because you dont understand it doesnt mean its crazy

>> No.8962145

Not everything revolves around sex and sexuality.

>> No.8962160
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You could let Him pass just for the LOLs

>> No.8962783

Wtf happened to their faces?

>> No.8962807

A glib and facile argument from someone doesn't know how science works.

>> No.8962824

You can thank Roger Penrose for that.

>> No.8962831

Back to >>>/lit/

>> No.8963030

Can someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?

>> No.8963070
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Science is notation of data.
Philosophy is interpreting that data.
Engineering is making something out of the interpretation.

>> No.8963217

They got plastic surgery when it was still in its dial-up phase

>> No.8963247
File: 80 KB, 474x460, bogdanov1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8963030 >>8962160
Bogdanoffs are a pair of French twins who managed to publish a series of nonsensical Scientific papers in Reputable journals.
A Scandal known as Bogdanoff Affair

One has a Math PhD & other a Theoretical Physics PhD.

Today they write about science fiction, popular science.

They also look hideous after plastic surgeries.


>> No.8963285

Stupid things I've see /pol/tards post here:

>you and I are both human and we have the same genes, but we share no alleles

>cold weather selects for intelligence

>if you take some ice and put it into a cup of water and the ice melts, the volume of water in the cup will be lower than before you added the ice

>> No.8963304

>>if you take some ice and put it into a cup of water and the ice melts, the volume of water in the cup will be lower than before you added the ice
Technically it can be. If the ice is cold enough and the water hot enough then adding the ice can significantly lower the temperature of the water reducing the thermal expansion effect and lowering the volume.

>> No.8963322

Sure, but it was in reference to the global warming/ice melting problem. He claimed that water levels would go down if the ice melted because ice is less dense.

He didn't realize the melting ice is on the ground, no in the ocean, and to address your problem, global ocean temperatures are rising as well.

>> No.8963335

In the future you should address that sea level rise is mostly because of thermal expansion. Melting ice has very little to do with it comparitively.

>> No.8963337

Ice is by far the larger problem, almost 70% of the world's water is ice. Thermal expansion pays some role, but adding lots of water from land glaciers into the ocean is a far bigger problem.

>> No.8963339


>philosophy: identify a position and argue for it

The only thing that you just proved is that you dont know what philosophy is.

>> No.8963348

Everything I'm finding points to thermal expansion being the major contributing factor, especially in the long term. Where are you hearing otherwise?

>> No.8963355

Thermal expansion has played the larger role for the past few decades, but we are losing more and more glacial ice on greenland, alaska, and northern canada so loss of land ice will be the predominant factor moving forward