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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8954486 No.8954486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many atheists among scientists ?
We cannot prove god exists but we cannot disprove it.
God might be an entity and sure he might not affect us but why wouldnt you belive? Asif you would lose something. You could only gain eternal life in heaven or whatever if he were to exist.
What if god initiated the big bang ? And named the first to "humans" adam and eve ? The bible doesnt deny anything, and people who think the erath and eveything was created in 5 days or whatever are just stupid.
>State opinions debunks whateve

>> No.8954500

Actually you go to hell if you believe in God. He would demand pure rationality if he existed, which he probably does not. Die sinner.

>> No.8954522


You are confusing creationism with young-earth creationism.

Creationism is that God made the Universe and accepted by most every mainstream christian group. Young-earth creationism is just some fringe non-mainstream hoopla created by some Canadian fundamentalist protestant guy in the 1970s IIRC.

>> No.8954529

It's not that I believe in him or not. I just don't wanna meet him, I'm shit with people.

>> No.8954571

Tell me where the science is in this thread beyond the mention of the word "scientists".

>> No.8954581

not science

>> No.8955707

Religion holds the burden of prove, which has not been met in any circumstance. Scientists follow where evidence leads them, and for the most part, that leads them to being an atheist.

>> No.8955710

If God doesn't affect us then why believe in God?
If God does affect us, prove it.

>> No.8955711

> Why are there so many atheists among scientists ?

Because science leads to atheism.

> We cannot prove god exists but we cannot disprove it.

The existence of a god or gods is a scientific question, that can be answered by sufficient scientific evidence.
We also have sufficient evidence to give a firm answer to this question: There are no gods.

> people who think the erath and eveything was created in 5 days or whatever are just stupid.

On that, we agree. However, I prefer the terms "ignorant" and often "indoctrinated" and "brainwashed". "Stupid" is the wrong word. Smart people can be religious too.

>> No.8955714

>If God doesn't affect us then why believe in God?


>If God does affect us, prove it.

Bad things happen to devout believers

>> No.8955718

what are you trying to say?

>> No.8955722
File: 57 KB, 540x521, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God created you in his image, so I'm sure he has Aspergers too.

>> No.8955726

I'm saying nothing more than what I quoted

If God exists, what happens in life that says that it happens?
What happens in life that doesn't have an explanation?

If God is subtle why do really strong believers go through terrible lives and die having children that go through terrible lives?
Look at Job. Job was fucking challenged by the god damned Devil. The "objectively" most evil force that can exist. God gave him back everything at the end.
So if someone who is good dies now, did the Devil fail them? Or God?
Why did Job get his life back but not a good modern person?

>> No.8955737

I think it's kind of obvious that the Bible is mostly just Semitic mythology, you really shouldn't look at it for anything of cosmic significance if you're actually trying to be objective. There's nothing really to discuss. Maybe God exists. Maybe believing in him actually makes him angry. It's not really a scientific question.

>> No.8955788

It is a discussion so long as it is an "either/or" proposition

In America, every dollar to science is considered a dollar against religion.
It's a zero sum game here.

>> No.8955796

So you're not actually looking to discuss science, but politics?

>> No.8955799

Discussion, by definition, is politics.

>> No.8955806

If you don't believe in god or creationism or any of the other bollocks, but then go to heaven and meet god, it would make sense that god would forgive you for not believing given the overwhelming lack of evidence for there being a god.

There is literally nothing to lose through atheism and believing we came from when a big explosion happened out of nothing

>> No.8955821

As always, the first question to ask whenever anyone mentions the magic faggot is to ask "which god"?

The next step is to ask the god-shouter how they selected that particular god out of the thousands fabricated.

Finally, remind the shouter that their favourite god is supported by the exact same amount of evidence as every other god, and that amount is zero.

>> No.8957125

>Young-earth creationism is just some fringe non-mainstream hoopla created by some Canadian fundamentalist protestant guy in the 1970s IIRC
The bible literally says that the earth and all creatures were created in seven days, it came way before old earth creationism and was believed for thousands of years
only recently christians started accepting the scientific age of the earth

>> No.8957139


"What is foccault's wager?"

>> No.8957222

Fuck off, this isnt science related.

Take it to your choice of idiot containment board.

>> No.8957694

It's been almost 2 fucking days how the fuck is this thread still up?

>> No.8957731

/sci/ is kill
this has long been known

>> No.8957748

Because newfags don't know how to sage.

By typing "sage" into the options field the thread will NOT be bumped as a result of your post. This is something that has become almost forgotten, sadly. When people say "old /b/ was different", this is what theyre talking about. It is, or rather was, a staple of self moderation here on 4chan.

Simply type "sage" in the options field, insult the OP, and let the thread die. Thats all there is to it.