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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, NASA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8954399 No.8954399 [Reply] [Original]


Guys... please explain this anyone please, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

>> No.8954426

its a 30 second youtube video with hoax in the title and a slowed down part of a clip of some scientists who have dedicated their entire lives to one specific thing being a little awkward

I don't really know what their is to explain other than this is not even remotely close to evidence of any conspiracy other than a conspiracy to convince us that astronauts are still cool fighter pilots and shit and not mostly autistic scientists.

>> No.8954430


to go further in the uncropped full speed section you can even see the guy's finger go in the other guy's pocket, and then when its cropped that detail is conveniently missing so it looks like he's grabbing at nothing.

an honest mistake and not a disingenuous attempt to bait unsuspecting people into a conspiracy i'm sure!

>> No.8954433

>didn't watch anything
>to go further in the uncropped full speed section you can even see the guy's finger go in the other guy's pocket, and then when its cropped that detail is conveniently missing so it looks like he's grabbing at nothing.
This is what I thought at first, but you can clearly see him tug at nothing and the shirt move in response. He then slides his hand down afterwards.

>> No.8954439

This is /sci/ not >>>/x/
fuck off brainlets

>> No.8955924

It's normal to feel the need to throw up in microgravity.
People willing to go to space probably don't know how bad it is for your stomach.

>> No.8955926

his pinky literally slid into his pocket, get fucking glasses, both of you

>> No.8956566

>we need to prove that we're in zero gravity
>let's just hang them upside down

>> No.8956570

Those lines are the outline of the hatch in the background, idiot.

>> No.8956580

I would certainly hang you if I had the option

>> No.8956584

Look at :00:05. Teh fella imparted lateral momentum. Nothing wrong here.

>> No.8956588


56566 ;-(

>> No.8956645

Where's the problem, sorry if i'm a brainlet but i can't understand, he just grabbed him