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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8952448 No.8952448 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8952458

Perelmeme and Grothencuck

>> No.8952462

Gödel was a weirdo and Cauchy was a motherfucker. That's what I know.

>> No.8952464

Most mathematical geniuses were and are extravagant in one way or another.

>> No.8952465
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Often the smartest are the most unconventional.

>> No.8952512

Erdos and that siberian who won the millennium prize

>> No.8952778

GauB and Oiler.

>> No.8952842
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there is only one answer to that question

>> No.8952856

I just read his proof of the prime number theory and that guy was high as fuck while writing that like holy shit he just smoked 100 obscure identities and came out with a proof that only uses basic inequalities. Dank shit.

>> No.8952912

He was literally high on amphetamines most of the time, iirc.

>> No.8952921
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My 1st Calculus professor was the weirdest professor I ever seen. An Autistic Overlord.

The following Professors were more normal.

>> No.8952929
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>> No.8952948

all of them

>> No.8952965

some fuckers in ornl

>> No.8952984

this is the only correct response

>> No.8953001

He was right though. Erdös probably couldn't tell you who was the president in his time, but Ted could produce one of the most damning critiques of modern society ever published.

>> No.8953068
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>> No.8953112
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Fiction writers.

>> No.8953472

This. I have yet to meet a mathematician who wasn't weird.

>> No.8953482

/sci/ needs to give the unabomber more love.

>> No.8953490

Lobachevsky, of course.


>> No.8953553

Why the fuck would anyone post him? There is nothing weird about Kaczynski, hes the polar opposite of weird, a man trying to live according to his nature. He was LITERALLY too intelligent for modern society and lost his faith in humanity after stepping outside the system and looking things objectively, both psychologically and philosophically. His bombings are the only retarded part though, there are much better alternatives to fight the system than terrorism. He also could have just let the industrialized west rot and move to someplace where people and cultures are still relatively 'pure'.

But the weirdest mathematician? Not by a long shot, very sane and logically thinking person who was just a pessimist. Content-wise his manifesto is comparable to any great works of acclaimed political philosophers.

Today it feels like people dont even understand the underlying mechanisms of social engineering and are unable to look the system from the outside. If reading was still encouraged in modern west and everyone were required to read the following books, we would live in a very different world;
>Anatomy of the State by Murray N. Rothbard
>The Law by Frédéric Bastiat
>Propaganda by Edward Bernays
>Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Thats like few weeks worth of evening reading in order to get a basic understanding of modern western society, its most glaring and inhumane shortcomings and its underlying control mechanisms. That short list doesnt even include any of the hardcore red-pill books that make modern intellectual instantly dismiss any recommendations related to them. Unfortunately as it stands, 90% of people rather spend the entirety of their lives getting mentally crippled by non-stop media barrage.

>> No.8953559

I think what he did was a tad odd

>> No.8953566

>hardcore red-pill books that make modern intellectual instantly dismiss any recommendations related to them

can you explain what you mean and also give recommendations?

>> No.8953575

The World Conquerors, Culture of Critique, Two Hundred Years Together and the like, im sure my meaning doesnt require further explanation.

But you could add The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, War is a Racket and The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man to the original 4 recommendations. They are not exactly as essential books, but elaborate on extremely important issues.

>> No.8953578

I'm pretty sure he means Mein Kampf. I was told it was the ultimate hardcore redpill book

>> No.8953590
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And you're a big fan of Jordan Peterson too, aren't you?

>> No.8953608

No, i would never recommend ramblings of a far right nationalist who blames his shortcomings and everything else on jews just by jumping through the same mental hoops again and again. While the book is interesting from a historical standpoint and has some valid arguments, ill never understand how it managed to become the equivalent of bible in pre-WW2 germany. Its mostly opinionated garbage with very little ACTUAL basis to build anything upon.

>> No.8953630
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Nice argument friendo. Thats exactly why i didnt put them to my original recommendations. If you have read the books and disagree with the arguments and conclusions drawn from largely sourced historical facts, that is your right as a human being and i can respect that.

If you google the topics of the books and counter with a spicy ad hominem meme, i can only pity you. And no, i do not follow Jordan Peterson, i have read his Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief and didnt find it particularly remarkable, thats it.

>> No.8953798

>Content-wise his manifesto is comparable to any great works of acclaimed political philosophers.

>> No.8953802

>He was LITERALLY too intelligent for modern society
Getting put in prison for life was a seven-dimensional chess move, right?

>> No.8953807
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Not really sure if he's "weird" but he's eccentric as fuck. Look at the dress style.

>> No.8953836

it's cringeworthy