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File: 391 KB, 1200x800, adderall-fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8951866 No.8951866 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to find a magic pill for my procrastination. Will it do the job?

>> No.8951885

See if you can get your hands on some 50mg gitgudamine you lazy fuck

>> No.8951886

I take 60mg/day and i just focus on my wandering mind. I recently found out I have schizoid personality disorder, maybe not even ADHD. Putting me on that shit as a 6 year old really fucked me up. That's what they have to do to get a libertarian learner through public school I suppose.
It seems to work for nons

>> No.8951891
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it's better if you have it prescribed though. Procrastination is not a suitable excuse. If you go to your doctor, he'll send you someplace to have you diagnosed. Once there, you need to fidget the entire time, seem somewhat distracted by your surroundings. He'll ask questions, and make them sound as close to ADHD as possible.
>distracted easily
>can't focus
>devote my attention to something new every five minutes

Then he'll diagnose you, and you can get adderall anytime you want, so long as you eat regularly, and maintain a constant body weight.

>> No.8951894

Maybe. I prefer vyvanse to addy, but ymmv.

>> No.8951907

yes. but it isn't a magic pill for motivation. if you treat it as such you will find yourself very efficiently procrastinating and jerking off for most of the day

>> No.8952562

Been taking ritalin for about 2 years now in mechanical engineering.

Basically prescription coke (bout as good when you put it up your nose)

Makes you reach the speed of light and really helps with crunching math.

Just remember to eat

>> No.8952627

As someone that has procrastined from elementary school all the way through college, and experimented with many drugs (in college), mostly to try to help with my procrastination, I can tell you that no drug is going to fix your procrastination. You are shit. There are no drugs that will fix your study habits. You will only end up high and also procrastinating.

Get your shit together. There is no substitute for doing. Do your work immediately when you get it. If you don't force your behavior to change then it won't.

My advice would be to move somewhere else (a new environment helps you create a new routine) and cut ties with any people that are bad influences. Eat healthy and try to exercise regularly.

>> No.8953082


It's a gradual process. If you're taking Ritalin (or something else) you're pretty much carrying a heavy weight of value.

You can set down the weight on a jack-off fest and tell your body "Hey, do this shit again mang"

or you can set down the weight during studying.
"Hey do this shit again mang"

It'll really help reinforce the behaviors you train it to reinforce.

>> No.8953135

Try the doingwhatyouenjoyinsteadofforcingyourself pill
Works for me

>> No.8953145
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Yes, but use moderation. Made me love math classes. I'd take it to study or finish long papers but only once or twice a week

>> No.8954202


You just need this guy, OP.


>> No.8954218

If you need a pill you don't deserve the reward

>> No.8954283

L-Dopa is basically adderall-lite

It will fuck up your dopamine receptors if you take it long enough though.

>> No.8954862
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Found low doses of pic related to help me with procrastination.

>> No.8954939

>being healthy
>taking l-dopa

enjoy being michael j fox for a day

i have to admit op, stimulants are amazing but the downside since i'm not abusing them is i get pretty lazy on days without them, at least for a couple of days

>> No.8955210

I find adderall doesn't increase my intelligence or focus, but increases my motivation.

>> No.8955228
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>> No.8955257


>> No.8955283

Try exercising and drinking water.

>> No.8955333

Yea there is no free lunch.

L-dopa will make you feel like god for a day, and the next day you will feel like an elderly man

>> No.8955348

This hit too close to home

>> No.8957158


>> No.8957209

Masturbate less often, literally.

>> No.8957318

my tolerance to things rises very quickly the more i use them. similarly, with adderall i used to get a 4-5 hours off a 30 mg before i crash, now i only get a couple hours, and 10 mg does nothing. this was only after a couple weeks.

i just can't maintain my drug/and alcohol use so i always end up completely stopping when it gets too bad. Eventually, i just say fuck studying, i want to enjoy my drug time to its fullest so i work on something else. i end up having to convince myself to focus, when that's what i should have done in the first place without drugs.

>> No.8957399

Nofap has worked for me for some reason..
I started masturbating all the time when I was around 12, like multiple times per day, usually around 3 orgasms per session. When I started abstaining for a few days a few months ago I could focus so much better. And on days I was doing well but then decided to masturbate, I would feel lazy afterward. I've found if I only do it before bed, the laziness the next day is negligible, so I've been doing that maybe once or twice a week. It's certainly no magic cure, but it has helped. I'm a girl btw.

>> No.8957541
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is it a good idea to be mixing these and zoloft / sertraline?

>> No.8957552

tits or g-

Just kidding.

Is there a significant difference between men and women in terms of impact on neurotransmitters from an orgasm? Or was your issue frequency? Would a man have a similar problem if he could orgasm with the same frequency?

I wank about 1 to 6 times per week and I don't think it has a significant impact on motivation beyond and hour or two afterwards. I did fap 3-4 times a day when I discovered such functionality at 13 but I don't think it impacted my focus.

>> No.8957573

Is there any scientific reasons behind this?

I'm aware that masturbating plummets testosterone levels and takes away valuable nutriments such as zinc, but I really don't see the correlation with the ability to concentrate.

>> No.8957664


why are people like you not banned on the spot?

>> No.8957884

Try not being fat. If that doesn't work check your thyroid

>> No.8957919

what if i smoked some meth? Would it work? Serious question no meme answers please.

>> No.8957938

i started taking vyvannse in my early 20s when i got out of school and realized that i couldn't concentrate on the monotonous dull bullshit of regular work

the honest truth is it's like steroids for the thinking man. I've had insane, absurd success and that would not have been possible without it because I can do far more work, and work smarter, during the week and make up for it via sleep and not doing much on the weekends.

>> No.8958144
File: 41 KB, 600x314, acute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about the difference, but I suppose if a man did feel a difference in his mood/energy after orgasm, doing it multiple times would have a greater impact. I've read about guys who are used to masturbating at night (right before sleep) deciding to do it in the middle of the day and being very sleepy after. I'm 24 and definitely feel different after than when I was a teen, hence why I never saw it as a possible issue until recently.
Idk it mostly seems like bro science. I kept asking people on /fit/ and /sci/ for sources or explanations and much of it was focused on testosterone and things like you said, which seemed of lesser relevance to me personally.. as in losing things due to cumming. I think it has to do more with the hormones and endorphins released, which had become almost an addiction. For me it was just about that good feeling after, not some long drawn out vulgar masturbation session with dildos or something weird like that. Just a few minutes of clitoral stimulation to orgasm, and repeat a few times. I don't know if testosterone plays a larger role in that for guys.. it seems probable. Being blissed out, feeling good, not terribly tired but content is what makes it difficult for me to concentrate. I've never felt ADHD or too antsy to focus, just a sort of sloth state where I will sit and think, daydream, web browse, doodle, plan projects I don't have the funds for. I exercise 6 days a week and eat healthy, so I thought I was just terminally mentally lazy. As I said, the effects are more subtle than I'm making them out to be, and I hardly know enough to argue for there being definitive proof of an effect on mood from orgasm for any extended length of time anyway. I also wouldn't advocate for people in relationships to stop having sex. I have personally noticed a difference and don't see the harm in people giving it a shot before taking some (((medication))).
good contribution

>> No.8958151

I second the thyroid comment. I somehow had iodine deficiency and I felt like shit all the time. Starting supplementing and my energy levels are amazing.

And on the "try not being fat.", I agree, but I would specify that its more about proper control of insulin spikes. If your insulin levels look like a roller coaster ride, then you are going to have a very hard time concentrating or focusing on anything.

>> No.8958152

Works for me, but I have bad ADHD. To me being unmedicated is so debilitating that I'd rather lose a hand than to back. I take ritalin, I've been on the same dose now for three years and the only difference is that the "high" associated with amphetamines has diminished, something I don't mind at all.

If it works for you and you stay on a stable dose I can't imagine it's worse for your health than the stress, lack of sleep and unhappiness from procrastination.

>> No.8958154

I'm prescribed on 30mg elvanse.
That seems to work well enough.

>> No.8958167

But I do this already.