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8951214 No.8951214 [Reply] [Original]

What is the purpose of the Paris Deal if there is no punishment for countries that fail to meet the emissions targets? What scientific grounds is there to believe this will prevent climate change?

What does developed countries giving 100 billion annually to a fund that gets distributed to "developing" countries like china, india and north korea with no accountability have to do with stopping climate change?

Why is everyone acting like the paris deal is the magical solution to fix the climate, and questioning the logistics of this deal make you a climate denier?

>> No.8951365
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>b-but PCA has the word "Climate" in it so it must be good!!11!

>> No.8951379

The purpose is obviously not to take away your money under the guise of doing something that sounds useful and important.

>> No.8951609

Yes, but these "developing countries" are accepting funds while doing hardly anything to combat their emissions (china), not to mention that in some cases these countries are to some respect richer than those who are distributing the funds

>> No.8951615

It is just a redistribution of US wealth to shit countries. They don't care about the climate change or else they would be willing to renegotiate the deal in order to get more countries on.

>> No.8951639

Stop being so bigoted the environment is at stake.

>> No.8951677
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~t. yurocuck

>> No.8951683

Does anyone understand anything anymore? They developing nations agreed to develop with minimal use of fossil fuels and the agreement was that they would get paid for it. They don't hold up their end of the deal, they don't get paid.

>> No.8951689

>Does anyone understand anything anymore?
They understand perfectly.
Ideology is more important than facts though.

>> No.8951692

The US pays $100 billion a year to China as part of the agreement. China immediately reinvests that money in it's oil, natural gas, and coal industry. The Paris Agreement isn't just a shitty deal, it's bad climate policy because none of the countries receiving """"aid"""" do anything with it except put it right into their petroleum and coal industries.

Trump tried to renegotiate; either cut out China, or put restrictions on what can be done with the money. Macron and friends said no, so Trump said "okay, only Congress can ratify treaties anyways, we will no longer be paying".

Trump did EXACTLY what he said he would do, is Macron really that fucking stupid? We all know Merkel and Juncker are.

>> No.8951694

>The US pays $100 billion a year to China as part of the agreement
>China immediately reinvests that money in it's oil, natural gas, and coal industry
Wrong. They have already started some of the largest investments into renewables.
>none of the countries receiving """"aid"""" do anything with it except put it right into their petroleum and coal industries.
Then they stop getting money. The whole point is to create financial incentive.

>> No.8951695
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>mfw rich countries are made to literally pay reparation money for their fossil fuel privilege

Fucking great. Lets get white people used to paying reparations because there is a lot of shit white people have to pay for.

>> No.8951728
File: 90 KB, 501x585, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole Paris climate bullshit is a scheme to stop developing countries from having their own industrial revolution even though that's what the Western world did while Ottoman caliphate were the world leaders back then. The jews want complete control of development in the third world. They want third world populations to use redistributed US taxpayer money to buy from the monopolies they create in those countries.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.8951737

Proving you wrong is impossible it is a well known fact Jews run the world and Whites are superior

>> No.8951740

>The US pays $100 billion a year to China as part of the agreement.
You have to lie to make an argument.

Be a man and admit you were stupid when you shilled for Trump.
There's no defending him anymore and after the Comey thing he should be impeached.

>> No.8951779

>tfw you btfo every other color of people and then they ask you to pay them for it
Yeah i dont think it works like that bud

>> No.8951807

But it will~

>> No.8951820

how are you gonna punish countries? go to war with them? sanction then? Nobody would sign such a treaty.

A voulentarily agreement was the best that was politically possible at current time

Not only do the countries publicly vow to reduce CO2 emissions, we also created the political infrastructure for facing the climate challenge on a global level

>> No.8951822

china invests more in green energy than any other country

>> No.8951824

>to get more countries on.
other than Syra and Nicaragua, all countries signed the Paris agreement

>> No.8951846

wtf I hate Trump now

>> No.8951872

No it doesn't.

>> No.8951880

It literally does now when the future lies in green energy.

>> No.8952010

So why all the giving money to china and north korea with no strings attached?

>> No.8952012

In order to get america on again, then

>> No.8952032

Well nobody is guaranteeing the money with no strings attached. But lots of poor developing countries will not transition unless they receive aid to do that. In terms of fairness, since some countries have had higher historic contribution and are more robust economies, they each provide some of that aid. That being said, China invested 2.5× more than the US in installing renewable energy infrastructure last year. The per-capita amount is of course far greater. And they're still a developing country that only industrialized this century.
Western countries are not getting a raw deal as some imagine. And either way we're talking about a serious risk of future planetary economic and ecological disaster; that's in the best interest of everyone to avoid by any means. This is a litmus test of human civilization's ability to mobilize against a global threat.

>> No.8952050

>Trump tried to renegotiate
Regotiate what? The physics of the greenhouse effect? The Paris agreement was non-binding for the US since it can't pass our legislature, and Trump already scrapped the clean power plan which was supposed to be our enforcement regime.
What is he renegotiating? A greater reduction in temperature increase targets? Does he think the current targets are too ambitious for the world?

>> No.8952063

why don't we simply donate them green tech and infrastructure?
throwing money at something is not a solution. do we even know if their scientists can make good with that money?

>> No.8952085

>why don't we simply donate them green tech and infrastructure?

>> No.8952505

A parasite manages to take control of its host's body. Does this mean the parasite is superior to he host?

>> No.8953055

Most likely the amount of money america is meant to give each year
To trump it probably looked like an easy 100 billion per year to get back

>> No.8953381
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All that green tech they have it already you fool, most of the worlds solar panels and wind turbines come out of china. They would rather just burn coal to make them and sell the green tech back to us than use it themselves.

>> No.8953771

Stop taking the planet hostage with your disgusting beliefs. Trump had the balls to say fuck it, and he was right to do so, the fact that renegotiation is unconcievable prove that it was never about the environment.

>> No.8953775

You know the feminist shit , immigration quota, affirmative actions on the FIRST FUCKING PAGE.

>> No.8953861

the feminist shit is how you reduce birth rates
there is no affirm. action on the first page nor are there quotas
it just says ensure rights for people

in the case of china, india and many other countries all of this is extremely relevant

>> No.8953940

China considers certain coal plants a form of green energy
