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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8946129 No.8946129 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: brainlet study habits

I'll start
>sticky notes

>> No.8946135

not doing everything the last minute

>> No.8946137

>cue cards

>> No.8946138


>highlighting textbooks

>> No.8946141

>studying with friends

>> No.8946147
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>> No.8946162

This but unironically.
Not that I expect you brainlets to be able to focus in class.

>> No.8946171

going to class is a brainlet activity

>> No.8946174

Do people usually need to study if they don't pay attention in class?

>> No.8946177


>> No.8946181

>going to class

Fucking brainlets. My knowledge was passed through my fathers sperm into my brain when I was 8.

>> No.8946187

>going to class
>not staying at home and learning through introspection

I guess some people just have to be spoonfed knowledge.

>> No.8946201

>textbook highlighting

I have never understood this. Fucking why?

The best way to internalize mathematical ideas is to just do problems. You'll naturally memorize the terminology and relevant theorems from using them over and over as you improve your actual proof-writing / problem solving abilities.

The whole system is designed to encourage rote memorization. It's dumb as fuck.

>> No.8946215


>> No.8946268

>My knowledge was passed through my fathers sperm into my brain when I was 8.
>when I was 8

>> No.8946281

Not everything is math and physics.

>> No.8946294

>his dad didn't teach him the birds and the bees
you some kinda faggot or somethin?

>> No.8946324

>learning math instead of deriving all of it up to mochizuki while only given addition

>> No.8946496
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>He didn't play sneaky-snake suck suck with his dad when he was 8

>> No.8946506
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>writing on paper
>not writing on the window glass

>> No.8946529

>studying for hours straight without taking walking breaks to stimulate brain circulation and rebuild focus

>> No.8946532

Anki is the master race wtf

>> No.8946547

> derive every bit of math you use. I finished calc1 to calc4 within 6 months better than any graduate I've seen

>> No.8946551

>brainlets actually believe this

>> No.8946556
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>> No.8946571

pomodoro works though.
and it's kinda fun since you get so much housework done during all those breaks

>> No.8946583

>studying a certain amount of time instead of a certain amount of materials

(eg "I'll study maths for one hour" instead of "I'll study math until I've finished this")

>> No.8946591

studying for a set time is better though. That way you don't feel down when the material is hard and takes 4 days to finish or too easy and takes 5mins.

>> No.8947021

Only retards study by highlighting. The point is to mark passages to come back later then take notes. In math, doing problems with notes for reference is the non-brainlet way. Flashcards are mid-tier, but it works differently for more people.

>> No.8947027

>go to university
>people want to talk to you

how do i avoid this? i dont want to be your friend, i want to study and get an education in peace.

>> No.8947033

This. Do not destroy books.

>> No.8947085

Don't shower for 3+ days.
Or do something extremely autistic on front of them (don't let any professor see it). They will certainly avoid you.
You can also stop being a beta faggot and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.8947116


if you can't get straight As by paying attention in lecture and doing the bare minimum required homework, you're a brainlet

i don't even take notes in class

>> No.8947125

i don't need to highlight information but i need it to keep my focused when i'm reading mundane shit that needs to be memorized

>> No.8947654
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>taking notes on a laptop or tablet
>taking pictures of the board instead of writing anything down

>> No.8947671

>not knowing everything already


>> No.8947672

>Don't shower for 3+ days
I guess that explains why people always avoid me.

>> No.8947723

No because you can easily waste the time you set out by doing things that don't push forward, like reviewing what you already know. You'll reward yourself for doing nothing since you did study for the time.

Also math isn't measured by how long you've studied but how many topics you've learned and how well you know them. If a topic is easy you'll finish it quickly, this is important and you can congratulate yourself for it, and then if you want move on to the next topic. If a topic is too hard, then the idea of finishing the topic rather than just spending time on it, keeps you motivated and focused to finish it quickly.

>> No.8947741
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>only given addition

>> No.8947769

>not hacking the schools IT system to change your grades

>> No.8947772

Studying with people is literally the best way to study

>> No.8947774

>not sleeping with the administrators daughter who uses her position to change the grades oh hundreds of students

>> No.8947775

this. the best strategy is to get friends who are better than you then study with them

>> No.8947778

Teaching people is the easiest way to prepare for exams.

Studying with people is a pointless waste of time.

>> No.8947781

Yes, if they're brainlets its like teaching. Its like your brain organize the ideas much better when you need to communicate them to someone else

>> No.8947783

Using a computer at all for things that aren't CS/wordprocessing

>> No.8947784


What I use >masterrace

what you use >brainlet

>> No.8947790

shut up all /sci/ threads are supposed to devolve into superiority contests

>> No.8947791

>learning through introspection

Seriously guys. Do this. For a while, stop and don't stimulate your mind by anything. Just take a pencil and paper and start to solve questions using stuff you already know.

Even if you solve nothing its fun.

>> No.8947794

Fuck off Newfag

>> No.8947797

This, science is literally a superiority contest

>> No.8947801

What I do is be really friendly with them and then in the next class, I sit somewhere else, while making sure they can see me.

>> No.8948105
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>taking notes
>reading textbook
>paying attention in class
>going to class
>studying at all
>doing homework
>taking exams
>using any of your senses
>having thoughts

if you're still on the physical plane of existence while in college there is absolutely no hope for you, enjoy being poor brainlets

>> No.8948113


Networking is good anon.

>> No.8948117

>repeating things to myself as I walk in circles in my house

>> No.8948168
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>study two hours
>reward yourself with vidya
>they were actually 20 minutes

>> No.8948177

>if you're still on the physical plane of existence while in college there is absolutely no hope for you
>if you're still on the physical plane of existence ... there is absolutely no hope for you

you were kidding but you're actually right

>> No.8948245

>have an idea while walking and immediately whip out a pocket notebook to record things in

>> No.8948340
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>> No.8948348
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Being an homo sapiens

t. ayylmao

>> No.8948390

That chart is glorious.

I also realized my high school was better that I thought. I've seen most of it up to Calculus III.

>> No.8948894

This. Class is literally full of brainlets

>> No.8948903

I tried a group study once and it was awful. They just sat around complaining how hard everything was and bullshitting.

>they all complain they can't get a solution
>i go step by step through the solution I've derived
>that's too hard, anon. Is there any easier method?

Method I used wasn't presented In class, but was easier. Never went again

>> No.8948905

>Not rewarding yourself with prostate stimulation
Just shut the fuck up brainlets.

>> No.8948908

Girls in class have all these accessories. Different color pens, these small sticky notes you put in the book to find back to a specific page, highlighting everything...

>> No.8948921

Me too.
Whats up with the memes that you learn more in the first semester of uni, than you have learnt in the entire high school?
I mean you have basically already learnt (or not) to think in mathematical logical patterns. So how is it even possible that it gets so much harder?

>> No.8949054

Dudebro, whiteboards are good for doing problems when you don't feel like wasting paper. It certainly depends on the size of the problem I will admit, however.

>> No.8949062

This may come as a shock to you Anon but there are things to study beyond mathematics

>> No.8949063

I do this (with pencil only) whenever the textbook doesn't emphasize important (e.g. use bold or italics) stuff or when it emphasizes stuff that aren't worth it.
This is why I like electronic textbooks. I just highlight them and put a comment of whatever length I want and with links to wikipedia, stackexchange, etc without making a mess.

>> No.8949064

It's not easy to have friends who are better than you if you are not a brainlet.

>> No.8949081
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I went to public school in a red state and I aced pre-calc without knowing how exponents/logarithms work

>> No.8950607

Want to try this one

>> No.8950614

Haha ikr? Go post it on r/4chan :^)

>> No.8950643

Please leave this website

>> No.8950647
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>studying with yourself because you have no friends

>> No.8950770

I never asked for this feel, DELET

>> No.8951321

You could introduce everybody in your sociology of rock n roll class to some sort of brony techno-metal in the sign up to show music for 5 minutes slot at the beginning of a class session.

This happened once. The expressions on people's faces were priceless but not as priceless as the expression on his face when he walked back to his seat .

>> No.8951410

How about always thinking about everything.

>> No.8951640

this is actually true

if you allot yourself time youre not accounting for productivity, setting conceptual goals avoids this

>> No.8951654

Oh fucking this man. I study sports "science" so I think I can't be here and complain about it tho.

>> No.8951682

>be ambitious
>do all the work, extra reading, go through everything slowly for a couple of days
>burn out
>stay behind 2 weeks
>lose motivation
>everything piles up at the last minute
>fail and disappoint

>> No.8952127
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>study 20 minutes
>it was actually 2 hours
>time passes too quickly when studying
>you will never have enough time to learn everything there is to learn

>> No.8952173
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>never enough time

>> No.8952186

Let's be honest. The people with their laptops out aren't actually using them to take notes.

>> No.8952663

I did not need my life summed up this way

>> No.8952697

>not already knowing everything

>> No.8952741

t.psych major

>> No.8952762


>> No.8952801


>> No.8952811

>study habits
Spotted the brainlet

>> No.8952815

It's great on open book tests.
>you're probably better off just marking important pages though

>> No.8952817

>listening to music while doing homework
I've tried so hard and it doesn't friggen work
If you're really trying to concentrate there's no point to modifying background sounds.

>> No.8952825

>only given addition
That implies you have naturals and definition of a function. Many-argument function at that

>> No.8952827
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Math & Physics PhDs autismos & spergerlords are no longer human.
They are gods, they transcend human existence.

Engineers by other hand are in between.

ECEs & ChemE are Demi-gods.
MechE are Legendary Heroes.
Civil E are mortals which have a bit contact with our mythical world.

Everything under Industrial E are Peasants

>> No.8952850
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> Rewriting notes with LaTeX
Honestly, I'm quite conflicted. A part of me admires the determination of those who do it because the final result is certainly impressive, but I always think that if you have the time to rewrite your notes you can spend that time reading that material god knows how many times.
My way of thinking is pic related I guess.

>> No.8952859

fuck you i actually use laptop to take notes

>> No.8952971


My analysis I professor gave every single lecture without looking at any notes. Still more clear and organized than most professors I've had.

>> No.8952981


>> No.8953000


I never take notes at lectures.

I honestly never understood it. I'm LISTENING to the lecture. How can I listen closely if I'm also concerned with taking notes? If I take notes I miss what the lecturer is saying. I like my full attention to be focused. If there's something I dont understand I will research it later, but the concept of "taking notes" was always bizarre to me.

>> No.8953008
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>> No.8953053

electrical engineering lel

>> No.8953284

>being alive

if you are smart enough you will see how pointless this life is

>> No.8953296

How was freshman year?

>> No.8953297

if you are dumb enough you might actually give a shit

>> No.8953538

>tfw not Muad'Dib

>> No.8953545
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>being worried if your study habit is effective or not

>> No.8953564

We'll see how immortal you are when you niggers start dropping like flies from superbugs cos you didn't biotech/bioE :^)

>> No.8953757

>takes breaks during study sessions

>> No.8953782

>being able to read

>> No.8953793

How can I be focused while studying something I do not like? I excel at subjects I like but lack at those I do not. pls respond

>> No.8953873

Listening closely and taking notes are complementary activities anon, I can pay my full attention to the lecture while writing down the most important concepts and all the little comments and nuances added by the professor. I mean it's kind of like driving, after a while you do it without even thinking but by any means it doesn't affect my attention, if anything it makes me even more receptive.

>> No.8953895

Im like this unless the teachers are absolute trash. I go to a research university so all the professors are researchers not teachers

>> No.8954185

Just finished my junior year tho

>> No.8954325
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>working out problems on paper and computers
>total plebs
>not working in sand like Pythagoras