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8945275 No.8945275 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for the coming singularity?

>> No.8945277
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>> No.8945282
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>> No.8945303

>will be delayed by denying research grants
>private VC will shy away from weird projects
>once it truly becomes possible the US government will make it illegal

>> No.8945313
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Oh look, another one of these threads.

>> No.8945324

I've always liked Tang

>> No.8945335

transhumanism except for advanced medical procedures like healing diseases using genetic editing, regrowing lost limbs or increasing lifespan is kind of shit. why integrate computer into yourself when you can just use it or why replace limbs with robitic parts when you can wear exoskeletal limbs

>> No.8945339

Wait a tic, real industry professionals don't have "Shuttershack" watermarked over them... HOLY SHIT! THEY'RE ON TO US! IT'S THE MATRIX! THEY KNOW WE KNOW!


>> No.8945349

>why integrate computer into yourself when you can just use it or
>why replace limbs with robitic parts when you can wear exoskeletal limbs


>> No.8945354


>> No.8945428

I would love to make it to biological or cybernetic immortality so I can have the time to settle my philosophy on life/existence. Also because il extremely curious about Christianity an would prefer to be one of the living to wait out whether or not a rapture will happen on Earth

>> No.8945881

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