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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8941982 No.8941982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Weekly remind that race is a determinant of intelligence

>> No.8941987

It has some correletions, but how would you show it is not environmental factors? And how would you factor epigenetics?

>> No.8941989

I never said environment wasn't a factor. I said race is also a factor

Within any one race, the rich outperform the poor but between the races poor whites outperform rich blacks.

>> No.8941997
File: 19 KB, 300x250, 1495225824765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race is a determinant of intelligence

This isn't correct.
It's a factor in intelligence, but it's not the definitive piece of the puzzle.

There are dumb white people that are 100% Aryan in ancestry, and there are smart black people that are 100% African in ancestry.

>> No.8941998

fuck off /pol/

>> No.8942001

>This isn't correct.
>It's a factor in intelligence, but it's not the definitive piece of the puzzle.

>Determinant: a factor that decisively affects the nature or outcome of something.

>A factor

>> No.8942004

more like hourly

>> No.8942010

>a factor that decisively affects

>> No.8942012

Rhodesia ---> Zimbabwe

>> No.8942018

Yea I suppose it can be a factor, but the variability is sutile when you control environment. If you look at the minesote study, there was a difference, but nothing that would make someone socially impared.

>> No.8942046

>>894198 (not giving you a (You))
Not it isn't.

Nobody has lower intelligence because their race is some arbitrary race. That's fucking retarded. The thing that controls their intelligence also controls their race, the two are unrelated.

>> No.8942058

Are humans smarter than chimps?

>> No.8942071

>Weekly remind

That post was a determinant of your retardation.

>> No.8942082



You're spelling is as bad as your beliefs regarding race.

>> No.8942084

Quick reminder that correlation is not causation, and every scientist knows this.

>> No.8942091

And of character, natural propension to crime, etc.

>> No.8942096

Well, given this statement, you can't prove anything to be caused by environemental factors either.

>> No.8942097

Sorry, I'm Russia :)

>> No.8942099

Are you implying that the difference between races is the same as the difference between two species?

>> No.8942101

>You're spelling

The fucking irony.

>> No.8942108

And that's a legitimate frame of thought for dealing with data. Direction of causality is no longer a concern so much as observing a variable and whatever you're trying to associate it with at different points

>> No.8942115

You are denying the possibility of empirical science. That's retarded.

>> No.8942124

I'm asking if humans are smarter than chimps

>> No.8942130

no shit

>> No.8942132

>that decisively affects the nature or outcome of something.
>not knowing that a determinant is a type of factor but not every factor is a determinant.

Please. Go take a basic logic or set theory course before you decide to shitpost on /sci/, fucktard.

>> No.8942140

How about instead of asking questions with obvious answers, you make an argument, or fuck off?

>> No.8942143

I'm trying to get there.

Are humans smarter than chimps?

>> No.8942145

Define factor

>> No.8942147

Fuck off.

Get to your point, or no more (You)s.

>> No.8942150

Why are humans smarter than chimps?

>> No.8942158

Wood is a factor in creating a fire.
Does wood decisively create a fire? No. So it's a factor, but not a determinant.

Now go and shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.8942160

Fuel is a factor in creating fire

Fuel decisively creates fire

No fuel, no fire

>> No.8942167

Let's try a different route: Why are you asking this? What relevancy does this have? What information are you trying to gather? How does this relate to the topic at hand?

>> No.8942172

>Fuel is a factor in creating fire

How fucking retarded are you. Do you not understand that just giving an example of a factor that is a determinant does not prove that all factors are determinants?

Also fuel does not decisively create fire. You don't see fuel tanks randomly burst into flames.

>> No.8942173

Yeah the only reason blacks in the US are on average stronger and have better genetics for sports, when provided the proper training and nutrtion , because they were selectivly bred by whites to work for their slave plantations and would only buy the best and not the weakest. Also in the long run looking back in the past on things no negro civilization ever amounted to jack shit. They are dead last on any improvements society wise and were simply so far behind. Others civz like the brits came over it they just raided and took advantage of their land for resources and people then they left that shit hole. The genetic code for an African just has lazy fuck all over it. They sit in the sun get burnt blacker and hope a lion doesn't t eat them. Honestly the african environment does not require intelect.

>> No.8942180

Well all dog breeds are the same species but we have bred them to have many different personalities , physical proportions and different mental abilites depending in the breed. By help of the slip gene of course .So yeah a negro maybe the same species but his race and past lineages definitely are just closer to reverting back to monkeys than towards being a man.

>> No.8942181

Hourly reminder that /pol/ needs to fuck off.

>> No.8942186

I'm asking what process or processes is it that made us smarter than chimps

>> No.8942190

>t. furious negroid

>> No.8942194

So why did the cuacasion race have to drag every african black into the new age with us lol. They have no culture other than dancing and throwing sticks at animals. It's sad but their genetic and environmental factors just make then lazy fucks in a group together. They're minds are wired to be more animalistic because thats the only way they came to survive in Africa.

>> No.8942203

This is all true but you see the way blacks have flourished creatively in the United States and it seems to imply that their environment created almost a source of asceticism that brings them closer to the 'soul'. Supposedly they have more developed pineal glands. They may lack certain manners, but it really seems the majority of black people that I've come into contact with are smarter in a 'real world' way. They have a higher social intelligence perhaps. And the way a lot of white people look at them is somewhere between baffling and autistic. The white person seems like a solid while a black person is more of a liquid. They're both very bad at being each other. I tend to feel more comfortable smoking weed with black people. Weed really extinguishes whiteness from one's psyche but many whites still don't know what to do at that point. When I'm high around blacks it's like reality starts to flow whereas with whites everyone gets quiet and paranoid

>> No.8942206

Holy shit dude the smoking with black friends thing is soo true. I could not have said it better myself. I know what you mean.

>> No.8942211

That's an extraordinarily complicated topic, which doesn't have many simple answers. You could summarize it with "evolution!", but that doesn't leave you with much more info.

Of course, it's not as if chimps existed, and then humanity came along; we come from a common ancestor.

>> No.8942212

Human races were not significantly isolated from one another for 65 thousand years, so no, evolution is not enough to make a difference. But then again, racists don't understand how speciation works, so its not a surprise.

>> No.8942217

Also the pineal gland being physically better from good genetics really helps explain to me at least why alot of negros are very spiritual in the US. Like not white people in church listening to a lecture but theyre a straight up singing they're own gospel with theyre heart and soul fully in it and i can see that they really do get a sensation of being in tune with their soul more so than the average white.

>> No.8942220

>I never said environment wasn't a factor. I said race is also a factor
>Within any one race, the rich outperform the poor but between the races poor whites outperform rich blacks.
You're conflating correlation with causation. If your race were really intelligent, you wouldn't be making this stupid argument.

>> No.8942225

>proud of doing drugs an getting high
you're no better than a nigger kys

>> No.8942238

it never fails to amaze me how /pol/acks can't comprehend that different processes have different effects under different conditions on different timescales.

>> No.8942686

So then humans are smarter than chimps because we split and evolved down a different line

>> No.8942687

The ancestors of whites and asians left Africa around 65,000 years ago for Europe where they interbred with Neanderthals. Blacks sat around Africa stagnating and inbreeding.

>> No.8942690

ITT retards like OP conflate social concepts with genetic concepts.

>inb4 laughably incorrect claims that race can be used to make inferences about genetics.

>> No.8942693


Causality is simply about achieving sufficient degree of correlation.

See: Hume's problem of induction.

When controlling for sufficient factors, race can be determined to be correlated to genetic so much so that it implies a causal relationship.

Let me put it this way: twin studies have already proven a genetic component in success with estimates between a 30 and 50% affect on intelligence.

Han Chinese people are the least genetically diverse people on Earth, so consider the following:

Within the entire range of healthy individuals, approximately half of the difference in intelligence between the smartest Han Chinese male and the dumbest (healthy) Han Chinese male. I want you to consider how vast a difference in intelligence the dumbest vs the smartest Chinese man in China would be, 50% of that is due to the small variance in their genetics.

So why is it a leap to conjecture that the genetic difference between two races is sufficient for a difference in intelligence?

>> No.8942698


>The genes for height, weight, health, pigmentation, hair proteins, eye colour could all radically diverge within the 65,000 year timeframe that races divided.

>None of the thousands of genes that could affect intelligence (many of which are undiscovered) don't.

Honestly the mental gymnastics required think this way astounds me.

If DNA can change enough to radically alter appearance, it is extremely naive to believe they wouldn't change in any way that affects intelligence.

It's because PC lefties believe the universe is actually run by a PC god who made sure all races were equal.

>> No.8942716
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>> No.8942725



>> No.8942726

So we need to go back to segregation

>> No.8942739 [DELETED] 

I'm too tired to give a shit about the context but 65000 years isn't an important amount of time. Evolution can happen at a wide variety of speeds with some species remaining pretty much the same over millions of years.
Please read at least one serious article about evolution before posting about evolution.

>> No.8942756
File: 145 KB, 500x519, 19913433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly the mental gymnastics required think this way astounds me.
It's actaully much simpler. The scientists dealing with genetics will generally believe that genetics is very relevant to violent behavior, intelligence and other manners of social interactions. Then there is another type of (((scientist))), the type that sees dumb black people chimping out, destroying property, violently assaulting innocents and even disregarding grammar and decides that there is no relation between personality/intelligence and genetics.

>> No.8942760

Segragation is actually progress

>> No.8942778

How do you even define race?

>> No.8943142

by that logic the ones who should be the most intelligent would be south americans, as they evolved from asians. But casually you also consider them to be inferior.
Seems like theres a problem

>> No.8943145

Asian master race checking in you white trashes.

>> No.8943172

They're descendants of Ameri-Indians (West Eurasians), not East Asians.

>> No.8943183

There is no East Asian populace that synchronizes with Ameri-indian DNA

>> No.8943196
File: 682 KB, 1080x1039, 1480516657093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raiding and shitposting on an imagine board will change the physical laws of nature and observable facts of human genetics

back to /pol/

>> No.8943205

Also, the average Hispanic IQ at 60% European ancestry is likely around 93-95.

>> No.8943206


Does direct observation of the world really tell you that we are all the same?

>> No.8943218
File: 38 KB, 481x358, 1472623032354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand how genetics works, and I believe skin = brain

>Either we are all clones or we need nazism, there is no other way!

>> No.8943226


Dude, I wish.

>> No.8943363

>The genes for height, weight, health, pigmentation, hair proteins, eye colour could all radically diverge within the 65,000 year timeframe that races divided.
None of those things "radically diverged" within the context of race.
>If DNA can change enough to radically alter appearance, it is extremely naive to believe they wouldn't change in any way that affects intelligence.
You do not understand genetics, nor the definition of "radically". There are minor physical differences between different racial groups. There are no races with an extra set of arms or eyes or a pair of wings.

>> No.8943419

>Causality is simply about achieving sufficient degree of correlation.
No it's not. Every time the sun comes up, the morning news comes on TV. These two events occur at the same time every day, to the correlation coefficient is high. So, by your reasoning, I have proof the sun causes the morning news.
>Let me put it this way: twin studies have already proven a genetic component in success with estimates between a 30 and 50% affect on intelligence.
No. There's a lot of data suggesting intelligence may have a genetic component, but there is no consensus as to how much. To prove the genetic component of intelligence, you would first have to find the genetic component of intelligence, then analyze how it effected performance over the course of a lifetime in a sufficiently large sample size, then you'd have to replicate the results.
>approximately half of the difference in intelligence between the smartest Han Chinese male and the dumbest (healthy) Han Chinese male.
This is a sentence fragment. Not trying to be a grammar nazi; I only bring it up because it's so egregious I can't understand what you are trying to convey. The rest of the paragraph is also barely coherent, so it's not helping.

>> No.8943429

>Honestly the mental gymnastics required think this way astounds me.
Your post has absolutely nothing to do with the one you are replying to. I think you're the better mental gymnast here.

>> No.8943439


evolution is 100% environmental

>> No.8943445

Evolution is not guided. It doesn't select for traits that humans like, such as intelligence. It's an emergent property.

>> No.8943476

Alright, what is the minimal difference of IQ you would consider "radical"?

>> No.8943501

The difference between Asians and whites + 1 :^)

>> No.8943568
File: 55 KB, 405x278, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8943571

Race does not exist, and science has come to a consensus on this. If you peddle anything about "race" you are not on the side of science.

>> No.8943585
File: 68 KB, 600x239, journal.pone.0138412.t001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have not once seen a report that actually contains this sort of chart with race and income.

I have seen charts with 'source: report x' written on it, but the actual source I've never seen. I've found such charts in blogs - but an actual report - nah.

Here's some data that's actually representative unlike sat's. And is more recent. And follows the trend through time.



>> No.8943672

This. Race is too vague a term to be a useful taxonomy.

>> No.8943675
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>Race does not exist, and science has come to a consensus on this
>Sub-species do not exist, and science has come to a consensus on this

>> No.8943683

Neanderthals are not a race.

>> No.8943695
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>implying "IQ" is in any way a legitimate quantification of intelligence

If we had a way to thoroughly map neuron and biochemical patterns and interactions within the brain and somehow correlate them to "intelligence" (which is not an objective metric obviously) along with creating an analog model of the brain then maybe we could start looking in that direction but the fact that you're even bringing up IQ in this discussion pretty much just invalidated any credibility you had.

>> No.8943696

Over 100 points could be enough to suggest a radically different intelligence

>> No.8943706

more like "10th reminder of the day". we all know this /pol/ now go back to your torture chamber.

>> No.8943707
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the difference in dna between both individuals of the same race (whatever the fuck race means in this context) and individuals of difference races is too close to make any difference in this regard.

explain to me what the difference between a black persons dna and a white persons dna is that would make one more intelligent than the other.

>> No.8943712

you assert that because internal differences exist, external differences don't?
I have more in common (genetically) with my mother and sister than I have with random men. that must mean i'm a woman, right? Or are you so bold as to say sexes don't exist (which is laughably wrong btw)?

>> No.8943737

>you assert that because internal differences exist, external differences don't?
What's does /sci/ make of the correlation between racism and a lack of reading comprehension? Is it genetic?

>> No.8943740

lol no that's clearly not what I'm asserting (how did you come to that conclusion??)

external differences exist because of internal difference in dna, and we can prove it since we can identify genetic markers that determine physical features like skin color, predisposition to certain diseases, etc as well as cognitive deficiencies like down's syndrome.

what I'm saying is that if intelligence could be derived from race then we should be able to identify genetic markers in the dna that would reflect these differences and even predict them to a certain degree. but we can't because intelligence is not determined by race

>> No.8943744

I wonder how much of this change comes from renormalization of the scores due to changes in population demographics

>> No.8943752

>we haven't done it yet, so it can't be done.
what did i expect from a reddit-poster?

>> No.8943767
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>can't dispute his argument without a straw man
>better call him reddit-poster

>> No.8943778

>They're minds are wired to be more animalistic because thats the only way they came to survive in Africa.
citation needed

>> No.8943781

>what I'm saying is that if intelligence could be derived from race then we should be able to identify genetic markers in the dna that would reflect these differences and even predict them to a certain degree. but we can't because intelligence is not determined by race
if this doesn't say, "we haven't done it yet, therefore we can't" what does it say?

until the following article:
there were no consistent genetic tests for intelligence.
you're a fool. stop posting

>> No.8943783
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>we haven't done it yet, so I'll just draw conclusions now instead of waiting for the facts

>> No.8943789

>and my conclusion is that it can't be done and never will be done, despite advancements in genetic mapping being faster than my narrow mind allows me to comprehend
thanks for clearing that up for me

>> No.8943809

>skin is literally the only thing different about people
if only that were true

>> No.8943828

Race is not a scientifically relevant taxon. Viewing humanity as being comprised of discrete races does not yield a very useful model. Scientists study human geographical variation as a cline.

>> No.8943839

Undoubtably true. The question is merely the amount, and which way it goes. Maybe blacks are, on average, smarter than whites because of their genetics, in an equal environment. We don't know. No one knows, because no one has sufficient evidence to make any conclusions here.


>> No.8943843

Truth. Probably the best post in this thread.

>> No.8943844


>> No.8943850

except there is

>> No.8943851

Thank you.

>> No.8943854

There isn't. There isn't a population in the world which doesn't suffer from differing levels of economics, nutrition, lead poisoning, and endemic racism.

>> No.8943857

>institutional oppression is the same as evolution
why hasn't this been pruned yet?

>> No.8943859

Nice job buddy, I'm happy that you put that idiot in his place.

>> No.8943863

endemic racism is not a scientific concept and there is no evidence, that it's in any way tied to intelligence.
as for the rest of your nonsense,

>> No.8943875

>endemic racism is not a scientific concept

>> No.8943879

they're worthless even in 100% black african countries
They're propped up in every western nation with affirmative action, welfare, and other programs that render the native population second class citizens, and they still cannot achieve anything other than rape, murder, and turning wherever they live into derelict ruins
pls go home, you disgraceful redditor, for you clearly do not deserve the name of Scientist, if you cannot into science

>> No.8943882

terrible post

>> No.8943884

Hyperintelligent crispr mice when?

>> No.8943887

>what is random mutation

>> No.8943900
File: 12 KB, 205x245, black_jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all y'all niggas need jesus

>> No.8944034

a relatively small factor too

>> No.8944143

They would be in 2017

>> No.8944201


>> No.8944210 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 288x240, aboriginal-vs-slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I doubt this.

Aborigines look nothing like modern man, but they're counted as such.

>> No.8944214
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I doubt this.

Aborigines barely look like modern man, but they're counted as such.

>> No.8944219
File: 109 KB, 640x426, australian_aboriginals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a gander sometime

>> No.8944309
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Just because someone is ugly doesn't mean they aren't human. That's why your mother doesn't have to live at the zoo.

>> No.8944334

I don't know why /pol/ even bother making these threads anymore. They always end up exposing themselves for the low IQ plebs who've never opened a science book that they are. Truly pathetic men.

>> No.8944355

They desperately need our approval and they're bitter they'll never get it.

>> No.8944393

>Major biological differences in skull shape
>Radically different shape and angle in orbits
>Elongated skull, etc

That's more than ugly.

>> No.8944412

>average modern Caucasian skull
>ancient deformed Aboriginal skull
Try harder.

>> No.8944416

>o-only /pol/ likes facts guise
way to out yourself SJWtard

>> No.8944428

>only /pol/ is afraid of facts guise

>> No.8944430

I'm sorry you dont consider biology and genetics as facts, does marxism class teach about those kinda stuff ?

>> No.8944433

Biology and genetics are not on your side. Read the thread. Or do they teach you how to read in Hitler Youth?

>> No.8944441

>Evolution is false
ok there SJWtard. Go back to calling people hitler and racist class, I mean your "science" class.

>> No.8944442

>does marxism class teach about those kinda stuff ?
This is how we differentiate you from smart people

>> No.8944443

And as the sane, functioning society we do the exact opposite to what you SJWtards consider smart. That's why America isn't africa or pakistan yet.

>> No.8944445

Not to participate in this debate of yours but sun causes the morning news, sun+other factors->morning+other factors->morning news without suns current periodic action there wouldn't be any morning news, there would be just news.If theres a constant correlation between any number of events that means that one that existed the earliest caused every other.

>> No.8944456

Iff blacks or indians were smart as asians and europeans, why didnt they form their own empires and colonize europe?

>But they didnt have resources
I guarantee asians would have done just fine in somalia

>> No.8944465


>> No.8944467

Oh yeah? Well when I drive from Knoxville down to Jasper, the morning news comes on when it's still dark outside. So the rising sun is not the cause of the morning news.

>> No.8944469

>I can't make a logical argument! Better call them SJWs!
Truly, you are a credit to your race.

>> No.8944484


Why are you even asking this when you're just going to dismiss any example you're given? The questions you ask are two googles away.

>> No.8944493

>SJW getting nervous for getting called out
easy there cuck. you'll get a heart attack

>> No.8944564

Why don't you go troll /tv/? I hear they love interracial porn

>> No.8944587

What a stupid SJWcuck you are.

>> No.8944602

I tried it. Nobody there loves tiny ebola dicks :(

>> No.8944616
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MFW he doesn't understand Africa has an awful climate for civilisation save for Egypt.

>> No.8944650
File: 273 KB, 1024x680, congo-rio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW he doesn't understand Africa has an awful climate for civilisation save for Egypt.

I believe Sub-Saharan Africans didn't develop large, impressive civilizations for a few reasons, but there are definitely more than a few areas with climates suitable for hosting such a civilization.

Pictured is the second largest (by volume) river in the world... the Congo River.

>> No.8944661

That's greater than the difference between humans and some greater apes.

>> No.8944673

You do realize that South Africa to Zimbawe was some of the most fertile, Mediterranean-style land in the world, right?
South Africa was also nearly unpopulated except by a very small nomadic group that occasionally passed through the area before european colonists.
Africa is the definition of wasted opportunity. There is so much amazing land.

>> No.8944691

Yeah, amazing land populated by predators and a breeding ground for new pathogens.

>> No.8944730
File: 78 KB, 800x579, soils.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Africa is the definition of wasted opportunity. There is so much amazing land.
this meme is still alive

the best soil for crops is the grassland soil - black
forest soil is ok too - brown
red soil is even less useful than brown soil - less hummus - very difficult to cultivate
rainforest soil is not good due to the rain washing away the hummus (part of the difference between rainforest and forest soil)
mountain soil is rich in hummus but lacks some other properties - still ok though for certain crops
desert soil should be obvious

zimbabwe wasn't really wasted

>> No.8944872

I can't grasp the scale of your redneck example, but it doesn't matter, wherever the news is being recorded its morning, because people wake up in the morning.

>> No.8944878


So what you're saying is I'm not wrong in principle, only in semantics, because radical denotes too large a degree in your mind?

Ok then let me put it this way, twin studies strongly suggest genetics plays a 50% role in intelligence, some studies indicate 30%. Since radical is a subjective concept I'll phrase it this way:

more white people are likely to be more like Isaac Newton and more black people are more likely to be like Lil Wayne, due to genetic factors.

Now you can argue all you want about the degree race will play a role, and the degree to which Newton is smarter than Lil Wayne. You can debate the validity of IQ tests all you want.

My point was that the genetic differences between races will account for at least *some* difference.

From the point of view of a bonobo Lil Wayne, Goethe, Nicki Minaj, and Newton are all very similar. But I genuinely wager that if you spent time in a school and country with another, you'd have a 'radically' different experience.

>> No.8944884


You completely missed my point moron, my point is, as David Hume proved, that all causality could in fact be correlation.

You chose the wrong half of the example, give me proof of *anything* that is beyond any reason of a doubt, causally related.

Because guess what science is? Science is simply running enough tests that correlation is deemed causal. Everything could be a massive series of coincidences, any real scientist would know that, it's called the problem of induction.

>> No.8944900


Simple extrapolation of basic principles shows you are wrong.

Take Humans of one race with genetic variance Y, determine internal variance of intelligence (let's say not test can do this yet, but we know there is a variance so we can use a temporary value), determine degree of genetic influence on this variance (see: Assessing adolescent and adult intelligence by Alan S. Kaufman and Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger).

If X genetic difference within the *same* race with Y variance yields N change in intelligence, *basic logic* yield that the greater genetic variance (X+m) across races would yield (N*p) change in variance Y, where p is proportional to X+m by some factor.

What I'm saying is if the genetic variance *within* all members of one race yields a difference in intelligence (ANY difference) than that same genetic variance which is *greater* between races would yield at the very least a greater variance across races.

So while the most intelligent person could be of any race (because of the statistical odds with billions of people) the AVERAGE intelligence of each race (and the median and mode) *cannot* be the same. It's too great a coincidence. It would require the genes changing between races to magically not affect a single gene affecting intelligence. Life is too random for that.

>> No.8944906

Except you can.
Place your neck in the environment of a tightly tied loop of rope and see for yourself.

>> No.8944907

That's false. Many species split off and evolve down a different line. That's not what made us smarter. It can be summed up with a full understanding of evolution, but it's not simply "survival of the fittest" like most people think it is.

They did have fleeting civilizations. They had agriculture, trade, diplomacy, and even iron smelting. Sometimes civilizations are short lived for whatever reason.

>> No.8944912


No he isn't you dingus. The problem is you've been exposed to facebook 'meme science' were a black guy says something is a fact and you smash like buttons and shout it in peoples faces 'ITS A SCIENTIFICK FACK'.

Real science is observing, recording, and determining a 'thresh-hold correlation' after adjusting variables that leads to a causal theory.

E.g. 'Lots of smokers get cancer, if we adjust diets, they still get cancer, if we observe cells, they become damaged after exposure to smoke, smoking causes cell damage which leads to cancer'

That is a theory of a causal relationship based on several degrees of correlation.