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8930621 No.8930621 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is so bad about global warming?

Doing nothing about it till it happens is literally the best option.

if it turns out it really is bad then the earths population will be reduced and people left will eventually find a way to make things work.

The same people who tend to believe in things like over population also believe in global warming, global warming is the perfect solution to overpopulation. there is no more ethical way to reduce the global population than by going beyond the supposed point of no return in regards to ppm of co2 in the atmosphere.

>> No.8930632

>literally murdering billions
>best option
ok hitler

>> No.8930639
File: 17 KB, 360x269, e48232534cc5a59b57b35a305758_Content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overpopulation is bad
>global warming is going to kill lots of people and reduce the population

Choose one and only one

>> No.8930655

Severe reduction in crop yields

>> No.8930660

>nothing about it till it happens

here comes the trouble

shall we act?

no wait for the trouble

>> No.8930661

>What exactly is so bad about global warming?
>Doing nothing about it till it happens is literally the best option.

Its already happening, did you not get the memo?

We're doing nothing while its happening- or, we're doing everything you think we should be doing, which is nothing.

>> No.8930662

Isn't that good for solving the problem of over population?

>> No.8930663
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Ecosystems and the climate are destabilizing. That means the boundary conditions for complex life are going away. Earth systems are not resilient to this kind of change.
Nothing will grow back.
>the problem with "overpopulation" is lack of resources
>ecosystem services decline
>more pressure to exploit the remaining resources
>positive feedback loop
>global everything must go sale.
Why is it you people are always completely incapable of systems thinking? Not being able to conceptualize what is happening is bad enough. What's worse is you have no idea what you are talking about. Biodiversty loss and anthropogenic ecological disturbance are already as great of threats as climate change, we are in the middle of a mass extinction event on the scale of the Jurassic-Triassic event the Dinos disappeared in.... Earth systems are all interdependent however, something a brainlet cannot understand. So we are quintuple fucked + .99999...
Free life

>> No.8930664

>Severe reduction in crop yields

He doesn't care / thinks we will eat some GMO tech solution

>> No.8930680

If you severely decrease the population you will have more resources, resources won't decrease proportionally with humans.

>> No.8930699

>What exactly is so bad about a house fire?
>Keep playing Xbox until the smoke becomes unbearable is literally the best option.
>if it turns out it really is bad then I'll die a horrible death and the people left will have to deal with cleaning up my half burnt piss bottles
>The same people who tend to believe in things like the house is on fire also believe in fire extinguisher s and smoke alarms, a house fire is the perfect solution to overpopulation. there is no more ethical way to reduce the freeloading than by going beyond the supposed point of no return in regards to fire in the house.

>> No.8930704


t. Lovelock

>> No.8930705

>Why is it you people are always completely incapable of systems thinking?

Cognitive science predicted this

Capitalism delivered the technology to end life as we know it to people who would never be able to understand, much less care, about such things.

>> No.8930713
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Resources will disappear then humans will disappear. Neither will come back.
What do you think people are going to die from, heat? No, famine, war, the enslaved enthalpy of the entire earth being released in 100 years. FFS

>> No.8930722

>still believing that the population growth will always increase exponentially
The only reason that the population boom over the past century has occurred is because of huge leaps in the field of medicine and third world countries having access to said medicine. Unless they make a drug that prevents death, the population growth will eventually plateau off. Genocide is a stupid solution to a non-existent problem

>> No.8930734

I'm not advocating genocide.

>> No.8930738

Just global extinction. Sorry for throwing you in with those meanie genociders

>> No.8930754

Not him but it's not a nonexistent problem at this rate. Sure, it will probably plateau off and maybe start decreasing again assuming the 3rd world keeps developing, but even then that won't happen in under a century. By then the world's population will have perhaps doubled, putting more strain on resources and speeding up global warming further unless there are major technological breakthroughs and/or greater global incentive to curb emissions. It's a race against time basically.

>> No.8930757

>Just global extinction

Global extinction simulator.


>> No.8930765
File: 284 KB, 838x935, 5000 years maybe less.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have to just stop the planet warming we have to cool it down enough to stop the ice melting.

>> No.8930779

OP is a [eqn]\rm \color{purple}{f} \color{blue}{a} \color{green}{g} \color{yellow}{g} \color{orange}{o} \color{red}{t}[/eqn]


>> No.8930780

Billioms of people dying can't happen without society regressing into bararism. It will take us hundreds of years to recover. Killing off people isn't the way to win. Preparing for the climate crash is the way to go. We need to get alternative food sources, and we need prepare our infrastructure for mass migration. Not to mention the wars this could kick off.

>> No.8931044


Look at the tables. In 2020 the projected birth rate in botswana will be 2.3

For the life of me I can't find it, but the figure in 2015 was 2.5

now obviusly botswana is an exception in terms of how early this is happening, but it just shows that through education

Botswana is more of an exception though and is a small country

birth rates everywhere are decreasing though (except sub saharan africa where they are decreasing slowly)

>> No.8931813

> It will take us hundreds of years to recover.

What exactly is the problem with that?

>> No.8931875


>> No.8931881

People from African countries are being shipped to Western countries where they will live a far more comfy and livable life to raise more children. What is your point exactly?

>> No.8932502


>nothing will grow back

That's just straight up retarded fear-mongering.


Not long ago (already after dinosaurs) there was a period when the Earth was, on average, 8 celsius degrees warmer than nowadays. Crocodiles and palm trees lived north of the arctic circle.

All the global warming so far has just barely reached 1C, and the worst-case scenarios predict a 4C increase.

>> No.8932588

"Not long ago" industrial civilisation and agriculture didn't exist either. If we experienced an 8 degree increase now it would spread deserts instead of palm trees.

>> No.8932753

>and the worst-case scenarios predict a 4C increase.
the absolute worst case scenarios predict up to 6 degree increase
4 degrees will be catastrophic - the probability of that happening is not negligible

>> No.8932770


It's not additive - you can't just take the 8C, add the 4C and say we're gonna have a 12C increase, LMAO.

a hotter planet radiates a lot more energy back into space - as you go, it gets progressively harder to heat up the globe by an additional bit.

>> No.8932778

start with yourself?

i think volunteers shouldn't be denied their right to die and be consistent with their ideas

>> No.8932779

Global warming will actually be positive for us. Evaporation from the oceans with increase which means more fresh water. Plants growing better with more CO2 and use less water as well. Areas that are currently too cold to farm will become bread baskets. Even Antarctica might become habitable.

>> No.8932829

Why wold i start with myself?

>> No.8932836

we'll lose more land
either way, more farmable land doesn't outweigh the negatives related to water supply, coastline city problems, mass extinctions, ocean acidification, feedbacks, extreme weather, global political consequences, global warming won't magically stop in 2100, refugees, geoengineering negotiations

>> No.8932863
File: 3.79 MB, 5000x2526, World-outline-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the rough distribution of human population.

Overpopulation is literallly a western/asian problem.

With enough careful considerations, the world is able to sustain 10x the current population.

>> No.8932876
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I was expecting a reply like this but not as stupid.
Here is the part I forgive you for misunderstanding
>nothing will g r o w back
You need to be weary of semantics , sure some individual organisms will survive. High order living systems will not survive with the biodiversty loss of the anthropocene and shifting baselines from anthropogenic disturbance including, but not exclusively climate change. You know land domestication, disruption of phenological nutrient, water, adaptive-renewal cycles, et fucking cetera. Adaptive capacity is non-existent. look at evolutionary history and you will notice it takes atleast 8million years for complex life to begin to e m e r g e again after mass extinctions like this. This isn't just getting warmer this is getting warmer wayyyyyyy faster than that, on top of a pre existing mass extinction. Let me point you to something I perviously mentioned
>Why is it you people are always completely incapable of systems thinking? Not being able to conceptualize what is happening is bad enough. What's worse is you have no idea what you are talking about.
You are taking a complex situation and reducing it to mean global temperature. I'm not fear mongering and you would be very afraid if you had any idea what you are talking about.

>> No.8932913

If humans can't somehow survive then so what?

That just means we weren't biologically capable enough to adapt.

>> No.8932914

>What exactly is so bad about global warming?
>if it turns out it really is bad then the earths population will be reduced

Answered your own question there chief.

>> No.8932920

What's bad about reducing earths population?

>> No.8932925

>If humans can't somehow survive then so what?
we can survive, we just decide not to

it just matters how it happens

>> No.8932951

>if human can't survive then so what?
>we weren't biologically capable to adapt
Neodarwinianist teenagers need to stop.