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File: 74 KB, 960x960, i deserved to be executed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8929445 No.8929445 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to explain to me why flat earthers and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed. Make your best case for preserving retardation. Go ahead I'm waiting.

>> No.8929449

Basic human rights.

>> No.8929464

Is basic human rights for people who don't deserve it worth it if they become numerous enough to influence policies and fuck the planet up for the rest of us humans?

>> No.8929480

The distinction between humans and animals is based in genetics but is otherwise purely arbitrary. It would be perfectly ethical to move that line to exclude flat earthers and then force them and their offspring into chattel slavery.

>> No.8929485

With modern technology we can use IVF to make the women deliver children with intelligent genes and then force the men to spend their lives paying for childcare, after we castrate them of course. It'll really help out the intelligent/stupid ratio.

>> No.8929499

They might be nice people.

>> No.8929520 [DELETED] 

stupid people take a sense of comfort from the idea that the smart people are wrong. It makes their pathetic lives more tolerable.

the anti intellectualism running rampant in society is dangerous and abhorrent.

>> No.8929524

because they're just trolls haven' a laff
I have never met 1 real person who legitimately believes the earth is flat

>> No.8929528

Yes. The main problem rights solve is who decides who's worth it and who isnt. And thats a big problem.

>> No.8929530

Because there are like 3 of them in the whole world.

>> No.8929555

They help me feel superior

>> No.8929572

The 20th century showed that elitist genocidal Puritans like yourself were more dangerous.

>> No.8929576


i cant explain it

but whatever it is it is a massive psyop

>> No.8929668 [DELETED] 

>elitist genocidal Puritans like yourself

that's a lot of big words for a flat earth tard to be throwing around. you sure you know what those all mean?

>> No.8929674

you round earth scum would resort to that. scared that the truth will get out so you try to kill us off.

you don't have an argument so you go all psycho

>> No.8929684

>Make your best case for preserving retardation. Go ahead I'm waiting.

job security for people who know better

>> No.8929686

They help you from taking anything for granted. You have to be able to know enough about basic facts to fight off the shitposters.

>> No.8929808

Uh, any artist who was actually trained in perspective knows that the flat earth interpretation is utter bullshit.

>> No.8929824


Then it would be equally ethical to do the same to you and your family.

>> No.8929834


>> No.8929838

Making up rules of ethics against single individuals seems inefficient. It'd be much easier for them to just kill me without justification.

>> No.8929854

>> there are like 3 of them in the whole world.
Flat earthers are real, just like young-earth creationists and other religious fanatics

Have you seen any of the popular flat earth Youtube channels? Some of them have tens of thousands of subscribers, and their videos gain thousands of upvotes.

>> No.8929876

We should kill them because this time is personnel?

>> No.8929877

>tens of thousands

So 1% of 1% of 1% of the population. New atheists are a far bigger problem.

>> No.8929881

The point is their population is so small killing them all wouldn't even matter. It'd just care of things nice and easily, neatly, and quickly.

>> No.8929882

should you be executed for visiting a cambodian ceramics forum?
That's what I thought...

>> No.8929887

>New atheists are a far bigger problem.
For whom?

>> No.8929895 [DELETED] 

>For whom?
for people spreading theistic propaganda of course.

>> No.8929908


Not an argument

>> No.8929924


>hurr they have another opinion than me therefor he should be punished so nobody can challenge my believes

>> No.8929935

If you volunteer yourself to go first because you hold opinions I disagree with sure. Otherwise fuck off you hypocritical fuckwit.

>> No.8929940
File: 215 KB, 1300x951, 1452006294902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been living under a rock? Enjoy your trucks of peace and sex-junk-stew STDs.

>> No.8929942

In death no one can hear you scream.
Torture is so much better than execution.

>> No.8929969

it's not a problem that they have a different opinion the problem is the opinion they hold is a strong enough indicator of much more severe issues, like putting down a down that's foaming at the mouth.

The foam isn't the problem.

>> No.8929989

Where would I get my entertainment if they where all dead?

>> No.8930091

Now add to that the "climate change is a hoax perpetrated by nasa, GMO are causing cancer, vaccines are cause autism, chemtrails in the sky, nuclear plants are cancer factories crowd and you see how fast those number stack up and how they do have real world implications and affect real policies.

>> No.8930098

>nuclear plants are cancer factories

They are from how horrible mismanaged they are and the complete lack of repercussion from it. Read a history book.

>> No.8930109

my man!
the earth is flat too look it up

>> No.8930122

I'm with you.
Alright, still with you.
Wat. What are you doing? You had one job. One job. Fuck you.

>> No.8930124


Basic human rights are for everyone.


Sure, if you're a barbarian.

>> No.8930127

>Basic human rights are for everyone.
Enjoy your planet turning into an unlivable pile of shit then. You deserve it.

>> No.8930145


Yes, terrifying. Move on.

>> No.8930152

Principles are important most the time but they are completely irrelevant and to be disregarded if the end result is the Earth going tits up.
Cletus's and Brandine's lives and comfort are not as important as the entire planet, I'm sorry.

>> No.8930160

If you killed everyone who had a stupid idea that they believed then there would be like ten people left.
Not enough to keep a thriving society.
Also rivers of blood and whatnot.

>> No.8930175

Trivializing retarded beliefs with real life implication as "stupid ideas" is a very stupid thing itself. I can assure you more than ten people would be left (in fact billions). But whatever, let's see where this tolerance and acceptance of toxic lunatic believes as "just their opinion" gets us.

>> No.8930176

>therefor he should be punished so nobody
My post said nothing like that.

>> No.8930185

this. what's the point of human rights if the end result is ironically diametrically opposed to what they were intended to do?

>> No.8930190

>Enjoy your planet turning into an unlivable pile of shit then.
Where people are murdered just for having different beliefs? There's already enough societies that do that.

>> No.8930195


>> No.8930196

different beliefs =/= retarded beliefs
you're probably a retard yourself

>> No.8930198

>There's already enough societies that do that
which ones?

>> No.8930200

>why flat earthers and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed.
Where do you draw the line at what stupid ideas get severely punished, and which do not? Who gets to decide? And what if those deciders make a mistake themselves?

>> No.8930211

Wanting to murder people simply for having retarded beliefs is pretty fucking stupid itself.

Disproportionate punishment is also stupid and fucking sick.

Do you really think you're going to wipe out the belief, or just push it underground?

>> No.8930216

>which ones?
Saudi Arabia? Turkey?

>> No.8930220

>NBA players like Shaq think the earth is flat
>These people are by a large margin more likely to be tall
>Meaning the taller you are the more likely to be a flat earther
>So people who think the earth is round are more likely to be manlets

You have 10 seconds to explain to me why manlets and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed. Make your best case for preserving retardation. Go ahead I'm waiting.

>> No.8930225

i thought you were referring to those countries, that's why you changed retarded beliefs to different beliefs, because people who get murder in those countries are people with different beliefs and the people with retarded beliefs are the murderers. in fact those countries are an example of what happens when retarded people are in power which you are ironically and unawarely defending with your sleazy use of words.

>> No.8930226

A bunch of people post stupid flat earth videos, how is that going to result in "Earth going tits up"?

The answer to bad and stupid speech is more speech.

>> No.8930228

>Wanting to murder people simply for having retarded beliefs is pretty fucking stupid itself
yes which is different from retarded beliefs with real life implications for the entire planet. your posts have so far all been inane

>> No.8930234

Not an argument.

>> No.8930236

Is this the most /b/ thread on all of 4chan right now?

>> No.8930238

Flat-Earthers are emblematic of stupidity but they wouldn't have much impact on the world beside defunding space research and insisting to teach the flat Earth model as a viable alternative in schools as far as I can see. Other groups of people with cranky beliefs would definitely have more of a catastrophic impact on the world see climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers so on and so forth.
Honestly I don't understand why it is so hard for you to grasp that beliefs don't live in a vacuum and they have repercussions on reality.

>> No.8930244

And yet no one has been able to refute it besides appealing to the famous slippery slope.

>> No.8930248


What is there to refute? You wanna murder people. Cool I guess. Not gonna work anyway.

>> No.8930250

You wanna turn the world into Saudi Arabia. Cool I guess. Enjoy it, Cletus's life sure was worth it.

>> No.8930252


Well since we're not murdering people over thoughts I don't see how we're turning into Saudi Arabia.

>> No.8930253


>> No.8930254


What's your point? We should murder that poster because he writes like a retard?

>> No.8930255

Or maybe you should kys because you can't read.

>> No.8930256
File: 184 KB, 328x365, This is what Antifa looks like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well since we're not murdering people over thoughts I don't see how we're turning into Saudi Arabia.

Have you seriously not watched the news in the last 3 years?

>> No.8930258


Nobody can read badly written sentences with no punctuation.

>> No.8930261


Which news are you talking about? Was someone beheaded in the US for carrying a bible?

>> No.8930263

But it does have punctuation.
You either don't know what punctuation is; or you're pretending not to understand because he, technically speaking, REKT you; or maybe you're that retarded and can't read basic English.

>> No.8930266


I'm not pretending to not understand. The argument is badly written. Unless he rewords it I'm not going to bother.

>> No.8930267

Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right.

>> No.8930269

Translation: I got REKT and can't reply so I'm going to pretend I can't understand.

>> No.8930273


Again, I don't understand his argument. You can think whatever you want. From what I understand he thinks that if we don't kill people, then people who kill people will come to power.

>> No.8930275

I don't understand is this flat earth shit real or just an internet fad people are hopping on to be hip or just as a joke?

How does one convince themselves the Earth is flat instead of spherical when several things such as: gravity, light, rotation of the planet, 3d dimensions, the sun, seasons, and more automatically disprove it?

Am I being pranked?

>> No.8930278

You have 10 seconds to explain to me why Islamists and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed. Make your best case for preserving retardation. Go ahead I'm waiting.

>> No.8930280

It's a joke started by smart people untill stupid people crawled out of the woodworks and unironically started believing it.

Much like SJW- and modern leftism.

>> No.8930281

Wether you're pretending to be retarded or you really are, you're adding nothing to the thread, so I'll proceed to ignore any further comment from you.

>> No.8930286


>i'm unable to reiterate a point

Okay dude. REKT LMAO etc.

>> No.8930288

They can take all the low skilled jobs we won't want to do

>> No.8930290

they think it doesn't exist
they have no concept of it
>rotation of the planet
they think it's a fixed disc so no rotation
>3d dimensions
it's all holographic projections
>the sun
a smaller ball 10km up in the sky or something
no clue

>> No.8930293

They should be the first to go.

>> No.8930296

what if robots can do that more efficiently and cheaply? at that point these people will all be unemployed and we'll have to feed and clothe them and their children because they can't help themselves

>> No.8930298

The Germans solved this question 75 years ago.

>> No.8930303

how so?

>> No.8930315


>> No.8930316


>> No.8930379

Earth is flat because when I lay a ruler on the ground, both ends touch the ground.


Earth is flat because when I see a boat disappear behind the horizon, it doesn't lay forward by 45 degrees.


Earth is flat because when you put your ear on the ground, you don't hear Chinese kids starving in an Apple workshop.

How can blueballsers ever recover?

>> No.8930826

Wether you see the OP as a provocation, or sick and retarded, or just a troll post, he does raise an interesting problem about the increasing ignorance and share of morons among the general population.
A problem to which we have no answer.

>> No.8930830

It was a joke started by atheists as a way to mock and ridicule creationists, especially young-earth ones.
Eventually actual retards joined in thinking it was serious and that they were in good company.

>> No.8930838

You have 10 seconds to explain to me why religious people and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed. Make your best case for preserving retardation. Go ahead I'm waiting.

>> No.8930840

You have 10 seconds to explain to me why stupid people and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed. Make your best case for preserving retardation. Go ahead I'm waiting.

>> No.8930842

famous slippery slope is right tho

>> No.8930843


>implying a great deal of flat-tards aren't bible literalists

>> No.8930886

I know it's ad hitlerum-ish but you're literally Stalin-tier retarded

>> No.8930923

This is how the AI will view us, not as smart creatures, but barely above plant consciousness. They won't kill us because of their superior ethics, but they will also not care about us and might kill us if it's for the greater good.

>> No.8930934
File: 7 KB, 312x162, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have to appreciate nature for what it is or do they have the right to say that their God is in control although it is imagination, dangerous and in total disrespect to the beauty and wonder it actually is.

I'd say >image related

Save those people, but crush that retarded idea untill it is no longer even funny, wise or edgy to spread Flat Earth Theory.

>> No.8930936

your pretty stupid too imo

>> No.8931471

>All atheists are leftards sjws
I want this meme to end

>> No.8931476

They're going to have a hard enough time when automation obviates the need for menial workers. Give them a break.

>> No.8931482

There is a lot of stupid

>> No.8931492

If your using 4chan you probably won't make the cut m80

>> No.8931502

Sounds like you want a distopian society exactly like a movie that I've seen commercials for that's coming out soon.

>> No.8931508

you mean idiocracy?

>> No.8931816

There are no real flat earthers; just trolls and people with legitimate schizophrenia.

>> No.8931853

There are literal Bible interpreters too, but I find it hard to believe they'd find their way here. 4Chan is just not their type of hobby.

>> No.8933566

>Enjoy your trucks of peace
There are plenty of atheists who are critical of Islam. You can't lump everyone together.

>sex-junk-stew STDs
Don't know what "junk sex stew" is, but I guarantee that most atheists (and those in your picture) are in favor of good sex education, which helps prevent not only STDs but also unwanted pregnancies. Unlike many conservatives and conservative Christians.

>> No.8933584
File: 83 KB, 600x600, 1495657377258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual "artist"
>Know I'm really looking at an aerial view of 2 straight lines converging
>Earth could easily be round

>> No.8933585
File: 572 KB, 1500x778, 1494367010986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't lump everyone together.

Which is why he said "new atheists"

>Don't know what "junk sex stew" is

You missed Bill Nye's sex education?

tl;dw: let random weirdos put their dick up your ass or you're a homophobic bigot

>> No.8933586

Who ever made that picture needs to read Perspective Made Easy by Ernest Ralph Norling.

>> No.8933604
File: 52 KB, 604x609, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you belong in /pol/ or church camp or something. I love how people on 4chan home of /b/ have turned full circle in 2017 just to retain their edgy contrarian bullshit. You childern make me giggle.
Prove one thing wrong with a sex stew.
You can't.
Free love, /polpsci/ BTFO

>> No.8933605

hi OP, you are CHECKMATED. After 100km altitude it starts to get very hot. At 110km it is 200°C. At 500km it is somewhere between 500°C and 1500°C or more. This is the thermosphere.
The cause of this heat is the extra solar radiation above the ionosphere, closer distance to the Sun, and above all the vacuum of space which doesn’t allow the heat to radiate away fast enough or allow a lower pressure differential with increasing altitude.
Space machines are said to orbit between 120 and 35000km+ altitude making them traveling furnaces and obviously a pure fabrication if said orbital altitudes are correct. Source: https://aplanetruth.info/2015/04/15/30-how-do-satellites-survive-4000f-degree-heat-in-space/ kkggthxbb

>> No.8933607


>> No.8933611

>turned full circle

We hated on hippies since the 60s newfag.

>> No.8933612

But I don't post on Reddit
>still can't find anything wrong with a sex stew
Poor little anon triggered by other people having a good time. I'm a liberterian and I don't like you.

>> No.8933622
File: 6 KB, 260x193, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are easily manipulated by corporate intrests pulling some reactionary strings to keep you off topic from the real issues at hand?
>I hate liberty
Okay, I don't like you either

>> No.8933651

>being heterosexual (plain vanilla) is boring and stiff and certainly not cool
>be two awesome things at once (a pre-op trans faggot street hooker with a buttplug for instance) like chocolate mint

(((they))) really made me think this time

>> No.8933665

libertarians are retarded
libertarianism is the dumbest hack ideology ignorant americans could come up with

>> No.8933667

1st amendment right

>> No.8933676

>tens of thousands
So absolutely fucking nothing?
On youtube that'd make you a nobody

>> No.8933677


>> No.8933680

The future of the planet trumps Cletus's right to spread disinformation and ignorance.

>> No.8933683

>"kill rettarts lol"
>Can't even be bothered to capitalize his sentences

Why don't you further push your ideals by hanging yourself and removing yourself from the gene pool?

>> No.8933691

I'm sure not capitalizing your sentences on 4chin will have nefarious consequences for the planet dow the road.
Why don't you heed your own advise? You're clearly not very clever yourself.

>> No.8933695

kill yourself

>> No.8933702
File: 557 KB, 720x561, 1481090801454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>64k subs
Oh no, a handful of dumb shits who are the laughing stock of the world look for reaffirmation
You do realise every remotely popular channel has like half a million, right?

You're really not helping your case here

>> No.8933703

>I'm sure not capitalizing your sentences on 4chin will have nefarious consequences for the planet dow the road.
Just about as much as the handful of idiots who nobody takes seriosly

>b-but they totes got impact!!!!!/

>> No.8933722

Maybe you should read or think before posting?

I'm saddened to see you weren't intelligent enough to heed your own advice.

>> No.8934006

The point being there's enough of them to be a serious nuisance

>> No.8934303

Point to literally ANY real impact
There's fucking nothing.

>> No.8934304

>wants to execute the dumb
>can't for the life of him form an argument and just stutters out "u-ur stuppid!"

>> No.8934348
File: 302 KB, 915x1707, 1495323952778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win in flat earth arguments because nerds are spergs with no social ability
>get executed

>> No.8934436

hon hon

>> No.8934526

I'm sorry but what do you call someone who can read but refuses to do so or can't understand a simple line of text?
You fit the description of stupid pretty well, that's all I'm saying.

>> No.8934529


>> No.8934682
File: 492 KB, 500x500, Miami Vice twingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8934974
File: 23 KB, 694x578, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans came up with libertarianism
Lmao you illiterate fuck. You probably think I'm a right "liberterian" too.
I'm an anarchist, and you probably think that means I'm a capitalist too.

>> No.8934981

Your brand of edgy retardation is even more autistic.

>> No.8935002

teenager pls go

>> No.8935051

The existence of some number of Internet trolls is not a real indicator of how widespread a belief actually is.

>> No.8935057

>he thinks they are trolling
maybe you are right now

>> No.8935059

>anarchist calling anyone teenager

>> No.8935063

>obviously ignorant teenager trying to ad hom b8
If you had any idea what you are talking about you would be capable of posting something of value. Now go back to /b/ and have a flame war with the other teens.

>> No.8935073

>angsty teen tries to derail thread by letting us know what special snowflake of anarchist he is
nobody cares

>> No.8935087

I simply asked, "what is wrong with a sex stew?"
No answer, only insults from a frustrated /b/tard. It's okay to be wrong. Acting like a douchbag because internet flame wars are the only way you know how to socialize is not.

>> No.8935103

this explains my fascination with flat earth pretty well. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/the-earth-is-flat-sam-kriss

what I love about flat earth is the pseudo-intellectuals who get incredibly mad online. "Buh of course the earth is round you idiot", which is an incredibly banal thing to worry about.They dont engage in any critical thought about why people are advocating flat earth, and think they're so smart for pointing out that the earth is round.

>> No.8936352

>>You can't lump everyone together.
>Which is why he said "new atheists"
Both Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are considered the most prominent of the "New Atheists", and they are regularly attacked because of their criticisms of Islam.

>> No.8936363

>if they become numerous enough to influence policies
But they aren't numerous at all and they are the laughing stock of the general populace. They also are less likely than others to get employed or breed with theories like that bouncing around in their head.

>> No.8936416

Executing people over trivialities is wrong and a great way to destabilize a country.
Didn't the french revolution teach you anything?

Besides many of the flat earthers are just memers.

>> No.8936421

Because its good to look at things from different perspectives and some of the arguments flat earthers make cause me to learn new things.

Also we DONT we have a real non composite image of the earth from space that does not show signs of tampering?

>> No.8937399

Let me just make sure i sage this thread before it dies.

>> No.8937406

that would actually give them some credibility

>> No.8937411


Because then we'd have to kill all the autistics saying "kill everyone with different views".

For the record, flat-earthers are fucking morons.

>> No.8937443

No reason. By all means where do we start shovelling the ashes?

>> No.8937535

Point missed

>> No.8937946

Nice job newfag.

>> No.8937972

What are
>organic food proponents
>anti-GMO activists
>anti nuclear activists
>climate change deniers
Tons of people are retarded. Can't execute them all.

>> No.8938481

>Can't execute them all.
worth trying imo

>> No.8938494

>Claims to understand perspective.
>Doesn't understand god-rays.

>> No.8938505
File: 119 KB, 1280x1019, bg_road2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone stuck on it, here's a hint.

>> No.8938843

>behind the horizon
so why is there a horizon if the earth is perfectly flat?
wouldn't you be able to see all the way to the other edge?

>> No.8939087

>see all the way to the other edge?
the "other "edge? What does that mean? You would just see to the edge of the disk.

>> No.8940936

This thread is terrible

>> No.8940953


They arent retarded and science isnt smart. You just want to kill people you disagree with.

>> No.8940960
File: 203 KB, 1280x539, 1457585754684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we start redirecting these threads to /x/ and tempbanning people who post this shit? like goddamn. no flat earth thread ever amounts to anything.

>> No.8941011

Because then they'll become martyrs and people would start seeing them as those who knew something the rest didn't instead of the laughing stock they are now.

>> No.8941065
File: 52 KB, 473x500, 462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brutal public execution might prevent retards from showing their power level.
Atleast allow them to be stupid openly so we can avoid reproducing with them.

>> No.8942229

saging this before it dies

>> No.8942924

Need a demographic to sell iPhones and fidget spinners too

>> No.8942955

The law and shit

>> No.8943283

>Make your best case for preserving retardation.
Someone has to pay the idiot tax.

>> No.8944153
File: 42 KB, 400x366, ow_the_edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8944322

They take it for granted

>> No.8945270

>globeturds want mass murder because someone disagrees and hurt their precious worldviews.
Get fucked retard.

>> No.8945784

If we killed all the dumb people my IQ would drop.

I don't want that.

>> No.8945850
File: 60 KB, 400x286, IMG_1618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, killing people for conspiracy theories isn't too wise when they think everything is a coverup

>> No.8946403

I unironically agree with this every ""man""" under 6 feet needs to be brutally executed for the betterment of mankind as well as flat earthers and by flat earthers I mean Eric dubay

>> No.8947754

I'm still wondering about the psyop angle. Or maybe it's a group of religious cultists bent on pushing their literalist agenda.

>> No.8947760

1. freedom of speech
2. it's not an issue vital to our safety

>> No.8947770

>anti vaxxers
>climate change deniers
>not an issue to our safety
kys brainlet

>> No.8947773

i only made a case for flat earthers. as for anti vaxxers and climate change deniers i'd say better education. also their numbers are dwindling

>> No.8947820

If we killed all the retards who would pump my gas and cook my dinner?

>> No.8947852

robots and women

>> No.8948046

Nah my man Conservation of angular momentum doesn't exist and the sun is 37 kilometres above the surface and until you build your own rocket and check I'm not gonna believe you

>> No.8948087

Because they don't really do any harm, and the death penalty is a barbaric punishment for any crime.

>> No.8948181

but he said we killed all the retards

>> No.8948228

Retards can say what they want, they just don't deserve platforms/clout or any positions of authority or influence, like academia

>> No.8948229
File: 465 KB, 1920x1080, edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8948559

>organic food propents
>anti GMO activists
I research ecosystem dynamics and evolution. I know plant-pollinator networks, soil ecology, diversty, complexity, adaptive capacity, landscape ecology etc.
You are right, "tons of people are retarded." Like the organic hipsters or the naive anti-GMO activists. Then there are retards like yourself who do not understand the problems that hand.
The agriculture industry and many of its structures and functions are criminal. I won't get into the economic, social, and ecological issues that aren't linked to GMOs or agrochemicals. They're are tons, you would be ready to liberate the means of production in second.
GM is done in absence of any consequential ethical decision that doesn't involve profits. Gentic diversity is extremely imporant, as is biological diversity. Espically in a changing climate and mass extinction, for the food crops we need to sustain ourselves. Diversity and complexity leads to higher productivity(even compared to chemical supplementation) GMOs destory crop gentic diversity and the diversty of food being grown. Large scale monoculture made possible by GM and agrochems destroys biological diversty and ecosystem structure and function in a cascading way over large and seemingly seperate boundaries. Then there are phosphate fertilizers which run into the rivers quickly with no mycorrhiza to chelate it, plants do best on their own with the life they are adapted to living with. No need, unless you till, another industrial agriculture practice, which destorys soil boosts drains it of of organic matter and leaves it acidic and vulnerable to erosion and desiccation. Phophate fertilizers run off into the watershed and seriously disturb aquatic ecosystems, I don't feel like the other fertilizers. Pesticides are just plain terrible. Same with herbicides and fungicides.
Decentralized agroecology is the only hope.

>> No.8948696

>he thinks you can fix paranoid/retarded with education (which coincidentally they are already forced to get and isn't working)
> their numbers are dwindling
you should do humanity a favor and kys first bleeding heart moron

>> No.8948698

enjoy global warming, you deserve it barbaric faggot

>> No.8949412


The problem with Libertarianism is that its just ancap in disguise <@:)

>> No.8949418


Multiple Apollo missions have taken full earth photographs. You might also include the pale blue dot photograph as a complete-earth photo.

>> No.8949474

if you can't be an example, be a warning.

>> No.8951127

>image of the earth from space that does not show signs of tampering?
How do you go about determine if a photo has "signs of tampering"? Especially since flat earthers will reflexively declare any earth images to be "fake", anyway.

>> No.8951228

>You have 10 seconds to explain to me why flat earthers and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed. Make your best case for preserving retardation. Go ahead I'm waiting.
Nah, I'm good.

>> No.8951493

First of all, "flat earthers and the like" do not qualify for retardation. Secondly, even if they did, the social consequences of trying to manipulate the gene pool far outweigh any genetic benefits. Thirdly, by manipulating the gene pool based on the level of ignorance, we may unintentionally alter genetic features that protect us from disease, shield against environment stressors and improve our health.

>> No.8951539

If they feels oppressed, they would act even worse. Executing them could have the inverse effect.

>> No.8952595

Non-sensical concepts can create theories which result in useful real life applications

>> No.8953622


>> No.8953632

Because you are setting a precedent that will most likely lead to multiple other genocides and the end of all our freedoms.

The state enforcing its opinions on others (even if the others are clearly wrong) is a VERY small step away from total thought control.

>> No.8954538

because wanting to murder people because they have different opinions than you is not how adults should behave

>> No.8954556

>thinking that believing earth is flat or vaccines cause autism is a matter of opinion

>> No.8954593

>is a matter of opinion
It is. Opinions can be wrong.

>> No.8954651

Peter Singer pls
Just like when arguing with flat earthers, arguing with the low hanging fruit will get you nothing but a false sense of having figured it all out.
I would agree with this.
So their believes aren't the problem, it just shows they are "ill beyond salvation" due to what they think. Sounds like a thought crime to me. Empirically, I found that generally intelligent people in particular have a lot of sound ideas but then there is one retarded one.

>> No.8954665

Look, you can draw wrong conclusions even from fact-based thinking and making an effort to be right. But "I am entitled to my opinion even if it is wrong" is not a free pass to spread around stuff that is just wrong makes for really unproductive conversations.

>> No.8954895

The government would never execute participants in its own psyops.

>> No.8956573

>GM is done in absence of any consequential ethical decision that doesn't involve profits.
Yeah lumping organic proponents in with everyone is pretty dumb. Not sure about GM

Can you recommend any good readings on the subject?

>> No.8956594

Killing is a choice, and not a good one

>> No.8956606

Prove to me that scientists aren't all lying and the curvature of the Earth isn't a result of a fisheye lens.


>> No.8956795
File: 33 KB, 480x549, ac317800-c37e-4e80-9ca9-fbdce73f4cfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, OP. Calm down.

>> No.8956804

>those comments
I can't tell what's real anymore

>> No.8956834

Why are all the smartest boards (/lit/, /sci/) stirnerists? It's freaking me out

>> No.8957030
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>> No.8957041

So I've been raised in a Christian home my whole life. I started questioning when I graduated high school and soon switched my reasoning to being science based. However my mother has become heavily conspiracy oriented including a flat earther. I posted the link to that video because it's one of the ones she has shown me. And pretty much the argument it "why can't you see the curvature?" & "Why does the sun get so much larger the higher the ballin goes if it's really so far away?"
And I honestly don't have a counter argument for her, so can anybody please give me one that I can use? I can't use "because the math or science says so" since she thinks math can be used and manipulates to justify anything even if it's bullshit. Please I need real answers I dont want to concede that I can't prove her wrong and one day end up believing the same things she does. Please help.

>> No.8957097


Because a fisheye lens on a flat earth wouldn't look like that.

>> No.8957172

Can I test this?

>> No.8957179

only libtards believe in something so retarded as flat earth

>> No.8957185

His ideas are easy to understand and he's not mainstream.

>> No.8957190

Libtards and extreme conservatives

>> No.8957397

Because we've all been wrong and believed something stupid at some point in our lives, and because flat earthers are 90% trolls and have zero public policy impact.

There are much more dangerous stupid beliefs out there, why not go for them first?

>> No.8957491

>why can't you see the curvature

You can and you do. It just doesn't look the way you think it looks, get over it.

>why does the sun get so much larger the higher the balloon goes...

It doesn't. To prove, ask why the sun doesn't appear to change in size throughout the day as it passes over the earth? According to whatever flat earth model she believes in, at sunrise or sunset, she should be significantly further from the sun than at noon when it is directly overhead. Yet at both distances, the sun doesn't change in apparently size in the slightest.

>> No.8957668

because beliefs and ideology won't be eliminated if people die. the conditions that produced said ideology must be eliminated, or retards like these will just keep appearing.

>> No.8957689

because they're right

>> No.8957742

You could perform an experiment:
Get a fisheye lens (you can get them very cheap for mobile phones)

Find or make a large map - at least several feet to a side - maybe a wall mounted map like they have at schools

Try to achieve an effect that looks like a rounded earth curvature from a flat surface.

Although to properly test this you'd need a really large "flat earth" type map (circular polar projection) to see if you could get the illusion of a globe from a flat terrain..

>> No.8957744

because human's are a valuable resource

>> No.8957745

Uh, no, you just keep killing the retards until they're bred out.

>> No.8957753
File: 454 KB, 1294x1390, aerial-view-shot-with-a-fisheye-lens-city-centre-of-gelsenkirchen-DE0YFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An image like this demonstrates how it's plausible to create the illusion of a globe from a (relatively) flat surface using the fisheye effect.

The question is, would a distorted flat earth terrain, when taken from a high enough altitude, look like the globe we're use to seeing? I suspect it would not.

>> No.8957876

The advancement of society depends on ensuring that the latest generation of people are more educated, as a whole, than the previous generation. Many of the people who state that they are "flat-earthers," don't see themselves as being teachers or educators as their profession. A lot of these people might have a voice (music/movie star), but many of them don't. Most of these people will work in blue-collar jobs for the rest of their lives, and their children will more than likely become fond of a school teacher who helps them realize that their parents have some dumbass ideas. The ones who don't, fall into the same lives as their parents.

Not only is it unethical to euthanize people, but killing off these types of people would waste the productivity & manpower needed to make true advancement.

>> No.8957885

Because half of them are trolls laughing their asses off and the other half are young and lack any kind of proper understanding of mathematics and physics, i too was an idiot 10 years ago.

>> No.8957893

Here's a very easy test. Go to a city which has an open area where you are able to view the sun set, which also has a building nearby where you're able to take an elevator ride to the top and have the same viewing direction as you did on the ground.

Wait for the sun to completely set while looking at it on the ground, and then run and take the elevator to the top of the building. If done quickly enough, then you'll be able to watch the sun set again. This wouldn't be possible on a flat earth.

You can achieve this same effect if you brought a crane onto the beach.

>> No.8957977

Holy shit, the road goes up in the distance!
The Earth is not only flat, it's fucking CONCAVE!

>> No.8958069

We have to save endangered species from extinction so we can use them in Auschwitz.

>> No.8958103


>> No.8959719
File: 366 KB, 1024x575, muh curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but look at the curve!

>> No.8959727
File: 65 KB, 234x238, 20170605_013415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you execute someone based off their beliefs then you are no better than Muslims and blacks

>> No.8959740

Because they would be better used as slaves and organ farms.

>> No.8959779

You're a fucking retard OP, and you want to kill flat earthers because they're retarded
So you'd end up killing yourself
Now I'm convinced

>> No.8959793

Wouldn't it make more sense if tinfoil-people believed that earth was round, and some part of the round earth is not being shown to the public because of how many resources are found in such places? NASA could hide this easily. We might even not know about some countries that exist.

Maybe the earth is bigger than we know.

>> No.8960143

>yeah goy don't do anything about muslims and niggers destroying europe, if you dare stop them you're no better than them, if you kill your enemy they win

>> No.8960452


>> No.8960473

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT MAN", while either sleeping or playing with yourself you were KICKED IN THE HEAD BY A MULE. Upon waking the following morning you ate three bowls of "I AM REALLY FUCKING STUPID" flakes for breakfast and sculled a gallon of "AND WATCH ME FUCKING PROOF IT JUICE".
I have to admit you have got some balls to create a video just to prove how STUPID a person can be.

Did you know that there are even less intelligent people out there. They are called 9'ers. 9'ers are people who have a lower IQ than an IDIOT.
Morons 50 - 69: Imbeciles 20 - 49: Idiots 19 - 11: Brain Dead 10: 9'ers 9

This group who have dispersed around the world called Politicians. Naming them is unimportant, we all know who they are. We have concluded that this group of TWISTED individuals must have been repeatedly KICKED IN THE HEAD BY A MULE WEARING A TUTU. This seems to be the case due the fact that they make fools out of themselves using foot in mouth, or spectacularly shooting their mouths off in front of the media.

>> No.8961529

Actually flat earth rhetoric is usually accompanied by far-right wing memes.

>> No.8961536

you may delete your thread now and fuck off because its not science related

>> No.8961829
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>242 replies
>130 posters

What the actual fuck is wrong with all of you

>> No.8962340

They might be wrong but that doesn't give you the right to do whatever with them. They are gentle and noble people and their lives should be preserved.

>> No.8962350

Because if we cross that line then why shouldn't we execute anyone who x doesn't agree with. Sure flat earthers are dumbasses but I don't think they deserve death.

>> No.8962359


>> No.8962360

We should throw all the round earthers off the edge of the earth

>> No.8962381

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.8962829

If you can't convince that flat-earthers are wrong, then you have failed everyone and this planet. We are not barbarians, maybe you are but the rest of us are not.

>> No.8962886

Go ahead, go convince a flat Earth moron he's wrong. Come on don't be afraid, I'm sure you won't fail everyone and this planet, human rights cultist.

>> No.8963127

come and get me globecuck

>> No.8963200
File: 33 KB, 615x630, 214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8963251
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>add in all the other plausible conspiracies with the ridiculous implausible one

That's just what they want tho

>> No.8963253
File: 5 KB, 276x183, Ultimate Tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a thriving society is important

>> No.8964233

nice b8 weeb

>> No.8964284


Feel free to revisit your past post to find out what edgy means at any time.

>> No.8964299

itt: Anons who don't understand moral relativism or appreciate different ways of thinking.

>> No.8964302

>questions are edgy

>> No.8964345
File: 44 KB, 640x426, img_8674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 psyop
>inb4 light refraction
>inb4 off topic ban
>Are you suggesting in 100bce that Eratosthenes knew about light refraction from the sun 93 million miles away, and the outer atmosphere of the Earth to account for this non existent refraction when he developed his method of calculating the circumference of the Earth using sunlight and two sticks?

>What would be the resulting circumference of the Earth if Eratosthenes corrected for refraction which was discovered much later?

>Why do we still use the Eratosthenes expirement as proof the Earth is curved, when he wasn't accounting for refracted light which proves the sun isn't far away?

> circumference of the Earth when the geometry doesn't work in detecting a curve on the horizon?

>If the Earth is an Oblate spheroid shouldn't there be less pictures of the Earth from space looking like a perfect sphere?

>> No.8964350

>dumb barbaric gglobetard can'into to better social commentary kino except idocracy.

Wach "capricorn 1 "and get back to me.

>> No.8964354

Because you can't kill people for being stupid or society doesn't work. You also can't arbitrarily decide when someone doesn't "deserve" rights and thus isn't protected for the same reason. Raging about this kind of thing reeks of immaturity.

>> No.8964376

no thanks grandpa

>> No.8964382

>Because you can't kill people for being stupid or society doesn't work.
[citation needed]
>You also can't arbitrarily decide when someone doesn't "deserve" rights
[citation needed]

>> No.8964407

Hello Ahmed Mohammad Gabriel Al Baghdadi.

>> No.8964416
File: 7 KB, 327x154, Sammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post common image
>hurr durr weeb

kill yourself

>> No.8964419

Because the vast majority of occupations don't require the employee to believe the earth is round. I don't give a fuck is my plumber or carpenter thinks the earth is round or that evolution is fake.

>> No.8964420

muslims kill people for not being muslim enough (ie not retarded) which is the opposite of what we're talking about.
muslim societies in fact show what happens when retards (ie muslims) take over which is what i want to prevent.
finally muslims are taking advantage of this cult of human rights to infiltrate europe and spread propaganda(ie retardation to easily influenceable retards) unpunished.

>> No.8964430

>My arbitrary justification for denying people human rights is better than the Muslim one because..... Well uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... Because! B-BECAUSE I FUCKIN S-SAID SO!!!
yeah no. kill yourself brainlet.

>> No.8964454

that's a really dumb way of saying you have no argument middleschool nerd

>> No.8964769

Actually, I'm a little disappointed in us because it is mostly the failure of the modern education system that has failed, leading to the whole anti-science movement.

>> No.8965175

You really think education can solve all maladies?

>> No.8965182

if round earthers are so sure they're right, why don't they jump off the edge of the earth?

are they too scared?

>> No.8965293

earth doesnt exist
its a conspiracy

>> No.8966095

>education can solve all maladies?
Strawman response

>> No.8966134

They should be ignored, because they are so obviously just a distraction from the real issues of science we should be discussing.

>> No.8966152

None of what he posted are "plausible conspiracies," you uneducated ape.

>> No.8966210

>implying the planet is not already an unlivable pile of shit.

>> No.8967037
File: 59 KB, 736x711, plane earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go home Bill Nye
Were you that guy that made the other thread that wanted to "stop" flat earth people?

It's like you're trying to hide something

>> No.8967048

haha you think this is a pile of shit you spoiled faggot?
just wait to see what it will look in 40 years in your old age

>> No.8967066

The should at least be sterilized.

>> No.8967160

>hurr durr grassy knoll

That was half a decade ago. Its pretty much been disclosed. Same with 9/11. Lets focus on current shit.

>> No.8967682

>explain to me why flat earthers and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed. Make your best case for preserving retardation

Because barbarians like you exist and the flat earthers tell the truth of the world which God created, and that information keeps assholes like you in your caves where you belong until the tiime comes when man begins to open up to evil..

>> No.8967945

This kind of thread feeds their persecution complex, which they can use to further their propaganda.

>> No.8967994

OP probably knows this and is desperately trying to smokescreen and caltrop the real scientists with bullshit so he can be the science lead.

>> No.8968247

>because they're just trolls haven' a laff
Ironic retardation is still retardation.

>> No.8968499

>anti-science movement.

maybe because the cult of Scientism has become insufferable

>> No.8968509

The mods leave this thread up talking about KILLING us for questioning an UNPROVEN theory, and then they DELETE our threads just for questioning it!

This board is disgusting. The mods are the least scientific people ever. Science is supposed to be FALSIFIABLE, meaning you accept the possibility of being wrong and constantly test yourself.

You don't just silence all opposition like a fucking piggot Lysenko scum

Fuck you mods, and fuck you OP. Come try to kill me

>> No.8969153

>the cult of Scientism has become insufferable
Does the idea of experts frighten you?

>> No.8969483

the cult of human rights is even more insufferable and has really run its course, give how countries and government are no longer capable or no longer care to protect their people from foreign invasion

>> No.8969505

Looks like we've got another flat earther over here, guys. ;^)

>> No.8969511

A meme that some retards started to actually believe.

>> No.8969529
File: 161 KB, 665x913, absolutely-problematic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat earthers and the like shouldn't be publicly and brutally executed
Do you breathe through your mouth, too?

>> No.8969533

Do you realize that "science" and "scientism" are not synonymous?

>> No.8969534

because they make people like you angry and it's entertaining

>> No.8969554

They don't make me angry, they just make me worry about the direction we're headed.
I think you're just projecting here flat troll.

>> No.8969576

Because a while ago we discovered stifling free speech leads to less innovation and progress

>> No.8969581

how about stifling just retardo speech?

>> No.8969589

Because that's subjective, and occasionally it's correct.

Social ridicule and ostracization is plenty enough punishment.

Lay out facts and reasoning

>Even if we did fake the moon landing, even if all the science, stars, and day cycles are lying to us, why would every other planet and the sun appear circular no matter it's positioning?

Unless you unironically support ISIS and its tactics in your free speech. Then you can be executed.

>> No.8969609

>it's another let's reason on the assumption people are rational episode
reality should have given plenty of evidence people aren't rational

>Social ridicule and ostracization is plenty enough punishment.
except you have to be smart enough to care, and the tards we're talking about aren't and take social ridicule and ostracization as evidence they're right and wear it as a badge of honor

>Lay out facts and reasoning
expect you have to be smart enough to listen and to admit you were wrong, which again isn't the case with these people who are dead set in their beliefs

>> No.8969624

>the cult of human rights
So I guess you're ok with the police raiding your home in the middle of the night, dragging you off and imprisoning / beating you without any trial? Or you're fine when it happens to other people?

>> No.8969631

where did i imply that?
>so you're okay with people who are in favor of what you just said becoming the majority in your country?
look i can make shit up too

>> No.8969737
File: 21 KB, 229x231, 149591515262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A non-scientist here.

I wanted to open a new thread, but as I will ask something that maybe is stupid I will put it here.

How would this affect us? It is real?

Ultraviolet catastrophe:


>> No.8969751

Did you read the article? It is a wrong prediction made by a faulty model.

>> No.8969808

And? That doesn't answer my question...

>> No.8969811

It's not real.

>> No.8969818

>where did i imply that?
You use the phrase " cult of human rights" in the context of a thread expressly about the idea of murdering people simply because they have stupid opinions.

>> No.8969820

If it ever became okay for me to kill my lessers anon, I'd kill you first. Are you sure you want to go down that road?

>> No.8969823

>piggot autist false flagging again

>> No.8969853


>> No.8969894

So many people have to be in on a global conspiracy for there to be a flat Earth. You would have to be retarded to believe the way you do. This is why no one will ever take you seriously. I don't even believe you believe this shit. Its Poe's Law.

>> No.8969901

Creatures below an IQ of 80 shouldnt be considered human

>> No.8969906

My roommate believes it genuinely. He also believes the illuminati is trying to mindcontrol him through subliminal messages in advertisements.

Yes, unfortunately Im being serious

>> No.8969909

Scientist were able to show that the contemporary ideas about the laws of nature, the so called classical theory of dynamics, were incomplete because the ultra-violet catastrophe didn't happen.

If classical physics explains everything, then we would expect material to radiate its thermal energy instantly and across all available frequencies. What we see instead is what is called a black body spectrum. Energy radiates in specific bandwidths depending on the temperature of the black-body, and with very little resulting ultra-violet emission.

This observation, and the resulting theoretical basis for a new quantized understanding of energy. Was first formalized by Max Plank, and later verified by the work of Einstein.

>> No.8970074

given the context of my original comment you're implying nations should be run by people with retarded opinions. or maybe you should learn to read fuckboy

>> No.8970112

Can you make a tldr version?

>> No.8970136

mods deleted another roundies btfo thread. This place is such shit.

you all think you can live in your own little round world by shutting out the truth and plugging up your ears. well I can't let that happen. you will know the truth

you can try to kill me, may be youll even succeed. But, like the Hydra, another dude will come take my place if you cut off his head. It just won't stop.

you can't delete an idea!

>> No.8970313
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>> No.8970360
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>> No.8970377

>NASA admitted it had losst all their original video footage of the Apollo Missions

This is false. NASA misplaced a large chunk of video data from the Apollo 11 mission. Inexcusable, yes, but this image presents misinformation.

>> No.8970379

Link the source photo.

>> No.8970390

Flat earthers spam so much, they usually delete when there are multiple threads. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing an occasional FE thread but you guys tend to spam here and on /x/.

>you can try to kill me
OP's an idiot, by the way, but that kind of tough talk is pretty cheap on the anonymous internet.

>> No.8970739

According to models at the time, infinite energy would be produced by a black body. This is not possible, therefore the model must be false. A new, more accurate model was developed by Plank and later verified by Einstein.

>> No.8970755

is it fair to say it was a conspiracy or a coverup?

>> No.8970825

Read the goddamn wikipedia article.

>> No.8971174

No. It is fair to say that science worked exactly as intended. A model was formed, the model was tested, and it was concluded that it was a bad model. A new model was then formed and the process repeated.

Nobody was "in" on the fact that the model was false when it was created, and nobody tried to coverup the falseness of the model after it was discovered.

>> No.8971646

The majority of people are already doing that.