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8927432 No.8927432 [Reply] [Original]


Read this shit and convince me he's not an absolutely pretentious brainlet

>> No.8927481

I'm a CS major and he's right that most CS undergrad is shit you can teach yourself.

The education system is behind in CS.

Everything else in the letter is just RADICAL FREEDOM, FUCK YEAH! Which is fine I guess.

>> No.8927488

still...all the time money and hours invested already and you tank now? Seems like someone took his first hit of LSD and went off the deep end of nihilism

>> No.8927646

Basically seems so yeah

>> No.8927660

i agree. you can add awful writer to the list, and an ingrate
>never went to class
>professors never inspired me

>> No.8927696

It's worthwhile to mention that UMD doesn't have a valedictorian.

>> No.8927704

why not just get the degree and then go into your start up shit? what an absolute dumbass

>> No.8927728

>valedictorian of a university

lol, wat. there are probably hundreds of kids with 4.0s

>> No.8927750

Typically Ivys and small schools do that. Not based off grades, I think some schools there is no GPA requirement. It's just based on "based on the strength, breadth, depth and rigor of their academic achievements, as well as on evidence of their intellectual promise, character and achievement outside the classroom."

It's typically liberal arts majors who get it, typically used to virtue signal by the administration. Something like an illegal getting it or someone who went to some third world country and studied cave drawings.

>> No.8927760

Kid doesn't even have a 4.0, he had a 3.9.

Honestly, he's having a mental breakdown.

>> No.8927776

>supposed to be a semi intelligent board
>can't even identify a false story

Welcome to the internet, kids.

>> No.8927830


Holy fucking tl;dr

>You just need confidence and empathy, that's it!
>There's only love and anger, that's it!
>People are either friends or enemies, that's it!
>Be happy, no fear!

This kind of simplistic worldview is either naivety or drug induced, possibly both

>> No.8927865

I mean he may be lying but I think this happened. Or he's just trolling.