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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8925650 No.8925650 [Reply] [Original]

Why did India or China not have its own versions of the scientific revolution, renaissance and the industrial revolutions?

>> No.8925651

but they did

>> No.8925654

They did but they don't delude themselves with stupid "revolutions". They come up with new ideas and just use them, they don't put them into fake-significant "movements".

>> No.8925657

Because asians are inherently anti-scientific.

There's a great number of brilliant asian scientist (Indians included, before anybody sends me a Ramanujan picture), but in general their mindset prevents successful minds from reaching their potential.

>> No.8925672

What is "the golden age of India"

>> No.8925677

i would imagine that they did but their class systems and monarchy, much more prevalent at the time, held them back significantly.

>> No.8925681


>This period is called the Golden Age of India[3] and was marked by extensive inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy,

> Indian mathematicians made early contributions to the study of the concept of zero as a number,[4] negative numbers,[5] arithmetic, and algebra.[6] In addition, trigonometry[7] was further advanced in India, and, in particular, the modern definitions of sine and cosine were developed there.[8] These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East, China, and Europe[6] and led to further developments that now form the foundations of many areas of mathematics.

>> No.8925688

Not so much anti-science as much as anti-innovation. And that's only because their culture can't into risk/reward assessment. That's the reason they don't innovate

>> No.8925691

toilet paper
independent domestication
rice farms

>> No.8925704

>China has been the source of many innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions.[1] This includes the Four Great Inventions: papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing (both woodblock and movable type).

and >>8925681

>> No.8925959

Indian culture is too focused on family to innovate much. If you earn a dollar you're spending it on forty people. Kind of like many African cultures. The rewards of effort is extremely diluted, so it would take longer for them to develop advanced technologies.

>> No.8925979

nigga are you kidding?
china is old as fuck, oldest continuous civilization, both countries/regions have had several periods of bursts of scientific/mathematical/philosophical/theological contributions.

base 10 and zero come from india.

>> No.8925990

>Implying base ten was a good idea

>> No.8926001

Would you rather have Roman numerals?

>> No.8926005

base 3 > base 2 > base 6 >>>>> base 10

>> No.8926007

India and China still have better food than Europe so fuck off.

>> No.8926010

>Indian food
>everything looks like wet shit and you eat it with your hands like a fucking savage

>> No.8926017

Doesn't India have like 1 trillion different kind of ethnicities? They all have the same food?

>> No.8926019

Who needs silverware when you have naan and paratha. It's a crutch.

I'm sorry something's broken in your brain that makes you unable to enjoy indian food. Must be a sad life.

>> No.8926030


>Asain food

Clearly never lived with Chinese housemates. The bathroom smells fucking foul after they take a shit.

Their diet cannot be all that healthy.

>> No.8926055

ITT /b/-tier anthropology where everyone post-rationalizes biases gleaned from a Senegalese auto repair folum

>> No.8926084

They did, then the Muslims came in, killed the male, ensexslaved the females, and burned the libraries. That set them back 1000 years.

>> No.8926195

not doing all your maths in binary

>> No.8926208

t. soviet computer scientist

>> No.8926223

not entirely, they stole whatever they could understand and then slapped their name onto these findings.

>> No.8926330

Some scottish historian did a documentary series on this question some years ago. According to him the west had 5 or 6 "killer apps" (or something) that made them able to progress faster than all the others and dominate them.
It was pretty interesting.

>> No.8926349


>> No.8926387

>oldest continuous civilization,
I hate this meme.

>> No.8926400


>> No.8926462
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That's a very subjective statement!

>> No.8926466
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>Who needs silverware when you have naan and paratha
Who needs a plate while we're at it?

>I'm sorry something's broken in your brain that makes you unable to enjoy indian food. Must be a sad life.
So the best that india has to offer the world in food? This is /sci/ not >>>/co/

>> No.8926591

Food is something that everyone has to engage with in their day to day life way more than science. I say this as a scientist.

>> No.8926606

The thread has already provided what India has contributed >>8925681
Guys like Ramanujan and Bhaskara II, you know that formula that you use to solve equations? It was an indian that came up with that. Also the numbers that we're using right now.

>> No.8926674
File: 88 KB, 680x792, 270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. I got that. I just didn't see where all the talk about food on /sci/ was relevant.

>> No.8926689


the only reason why india invented zero, is because they had to express the value of their civilization

>> No.8926698

Regardless of base the Hindu numerals are one of the most important innovations in mathematics (and the world). And clearly it is not some self-evident thing, looking at the retarded (in retrospect) numeral systems used elsewhere for so long.

>> No.8926702


No, they burnt it all. The fire lasted for weeks.

>> No.8926800

>gunpowder, guns, toilet paper, independent domestication, rice farms

These are Chinese / East Asian Inventions.
These aren't India / Pajeet Inventions.

But India is well known to be one of the oldest civilizations!
With a long lasting tradition of ... ... ... ...
Open Defecation.

>> No.8926829

Well they were good at math (before Muslim invaders came), then the Europeans came and since then most are just trying to survive till the next day .
They're just trying to get on their feet .

>> No.8926833

I think it would help to read a book for a change, OP

>> No.8926836

India under British and Hindu rule is the same .

>> No.8926851
File: 148 KB, 780x848, pooinloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What major architectural feats have been completed since leaving the empire have been completed, other than toilets?

>> No.8927303

This deluded mentality keeps you from progressing
Just sayin

>> No.8927364

While people are suffering you want the Indian government to build grand things ?
Do you have any idea the state India was in after the British left?
They built tonnes of schools, colleges and other important things than things like Taj Mahal .

>> No.8927391

>With a long lasting tradition of ... ... ... ...
>Open Defecation.
>The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilisation (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1600 BCE) mainly in the northwestern regions of South Asia, extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India
>The ancient Indus systems of sewerage and drainage that were developed and used in cities throughout the Indus region were far more advanced than any found in contemporary urban sites in the Middle East and even more efficient than those in many areas of Pakistan and India today. The advanced architecture of the Harappans is shown by their impressive dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls. The massive walls of Indus cities most likely protected the Harappans from floods and may have dissuaded military conflicts.[75]

Why do you want to post the most brainless moronic things? It is one thing to highlight the poor management of the contemporary Indian government but to tarnish history through your ignorance is just pathetic.

This thread belongs over at >>>/his/ as it has more to do with history rather than science or math.

>> No.8927394


i have really struggled with whether and how to respond to this. The execution of this message was very nice and respectful, and I genuinely appreciate that. The premise, however, is problematic. Maybe not inherently, but within the context of the sexist society we live in. Men are allowed, and often feel compelled, to think out loud at women, to share unsolicited not necessarily informed thoughts at women. (And usually these men, unlike you, don’t even seem to recognize that their thoughts may not be useful.) Women on the other hand aren’t allowed to be as open. So, if you want to not just be respectful, but actually be anti-oppression, it is better (IMO) not to respond to a woman’s work with the types of thoughts that other men pawn off as insights, if you know what i mean. again, i appreciate your honesty, but i feel obligated to point these things out.

>> No.8928335

India have a caste system which would prevent a bulk of people ever accessing higher education I imagine. It really blows

>> No.8928341

In other news: Institutionalized orientalism prevents local anon from understanding literally anything.

>> No.8928969

This thread made me realize that over half of /sci/ is pajeet/gook and the other half is /pol/. Why come here?

>> No.8928976

>anything brown is shit
>a loaf of bread is an elephant turd
Do you know how stupid you sound?

>> No.8928979

Literally burnt 90%.

>> No.8929165


>> No.8929192

China almost went through an industrial revolution but then mongols

>> No.8929203
File: 322 KB, 400x420, white people.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ancient Indus systems of sewerage and drainage that were developed and used in cities throughout the Indus region were far more advanced than any found in contemporary urban sites in the Middle East and even more efficient than those in many areas of Pakistan and India today.
>and even more efficient than those in many areas of Pakistan and India today

>> No.8929440

>This period is called the Golden Age of India[3] and was marked by extensive inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy that crystallized the elements of what is generally known as Hindu culture

>> No.8929466

>fork was only introduced to Europe in 972AD and took until the 18th century for use to become common across the continent
Respect your ancestors whelp, they ate with their hands too

>> No.8929472

Arranged marriage, no reason to actually be smart when a mate is guaranteed.

>> No.8929477

>global GDP share of India before British rule: 22.6%
>global GDP share of India after British rule: 3.8%

>> No.8929481

>implying you have to be smart to get a mate

>> No.8929506

But the general population has to value intelligence in their mates to get enough smart people for a scientific revolution, hence India didn't have one.

>> No.8930134
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% don't matter in this case.

>> No.8930240

Nah, India has a reservation system which means that if you're from a reserved caste, you can easily get into a top tier uni without studying shit.

>> No.8930259

>all these pajeets ITT
I come here to get away from you, you fucking cunts REEE