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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8923729 No.8923729 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently the star KIC 8462852 has started dimming again, if aliens are really there, would they be able to detect Earth?

>> No.8923789

It's about 1200 light years away so they won't be able to detect us for a while

>> No.8923795

Chances are they already have nanobots inside our bodies.

>> No.8923803

No. But they might know that there is a rocky planet that could have liquid water and an atmosphere.

Lets just hope they don't have FTL.

>> No.8923834

How big is the speculated dinosaur killing meteor again? I'm thinking what if it was actually smaller but faster object...

>> No.8923844

FTL might not even be possible, KIC 8462852 might actually be their home star, If they really exist.

>> No.8923863

Planets orbiting F-class stars might actually develop intelligent life much faster, there's a theory the increased amount of UV they produce could speed up evolution.

>> No.8924079

I keep telling people the only way to communicate across interstellar/intergalactic distances is to turn their sun/star into a light house by having something block the light on the same side of the sun as the target. From their perspective the sun would dim and or wink out in a certain pattern.

Why? Because attenuation is a fucking bitch and there's no way you'll be able to send a comprehensible signal to anything over such great distances without something as powerful as a star.

>> No.8924142

there's also a theory that UV radiation kills shit too.

Baseless speculation.

You could have extremely old life bearing planets around red dwarfs.

>> No.8924170

Is the raw data available somewhere, if you wanted to decode a potential alien message?

>> No.8924235


>> No.8924255
File: 1002 KB, 2070x2936, 1393972541863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a relativistic wapon?
no man.. nobody would use them... in fear of geting hit by them too!

space equivalent of nukes!

>> No.8924460

anyone still has Tabby's avatar that /sci/ drew a year ago?

>> No.8924522


>> No.8924554

Good question. I wonder if its binary or some synthwave odor telemetry bullshit that's so abstract we can't figure it out (like quasars; which are probably universal internet hubs).

>> No.8924565

I miss the days of Aichan /sci/

>> No.8924600

>quasars; which are probably universal internet hubs

What makes you think that?

>> No.8924624

His low IQ

>> No.8924633

The ASUS logo on them

>> No.8924661

the earth is brighter than our sun is in the radio/microwave bands.

>> No.8924711
File: 127 KB, 660x495, worst-cat12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this retarded.

>> No.8926149

where are my ayylmaos, i want to leave earth now

>> No.8926730

>I lost all my images to a disk failure

Underway. They even have Keck on the case.

>> No.8926777
File: 221 KB, 600x931, Aichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8926787

What if they started looking in this direction over 1200 years ago?

>> No.8926817


Looking less likely there's any sort of "they;" it's starting to look like orbiting Calcium dust.

>> No.8926823

but what if the dust is looking this way

>> No.8926831

Then I would be very excited to meet the miraculously intelligent calcium.

>> No.8926875

no actually its looking more like a solid structure

>> No.8926897


Calcium is heavily involved in the communication of Neurones.

Maybe it's a self-organising dust being brought to life through electrostatic charge?