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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8923239 No.8923239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woman buys really tight clothes
>woman gains one pound
>now none of her clothes fit her
>now she is immediately depressed and has to buy new clothes, which will also cost her economically
>goes out and again buys really tight clothes, not learning her lesson

Is there a scientific explanation for this? Why do women do this? Is this evidence for women being psychologically inferior to men? I mean, we men know that buying really tight clothing is a bad. You usually want to get something that fits you and is easy to put on. And being easy to put on implies that it is a bit wider than yourself, so that you don't have to pull that much.

Why is that women cannot understand this simple concept and keep buying clothes that they know will be useless in less than a year. Are women just dumber than men? Why do women engage in such irrational behavior?

>> No.8923240

tight clothes look better than non-tight clothes on attractive women

>> No.8923246

Well there are many things that would make men look better but we still decide not to do them because those things are highly impractical, like tight clothes.

This is a clear psychological divide. The man is rational and thinks strategically. The women is retarded and can only think one step ahead. That is because when the woman goes to buy tight clothes she can see that she will be admired for her looks, but she cannot look one step ahead and see how soon all that ego boost will be useless when she falls into a depression because "I'm tooo faaat :(((" when her jeans don't fit her anymore even though she isn't fat, she just gained a single pound that she will lose in a week but it now makes a difference because her jeans are that fucking tight.

Also, that brings the issue of non-attractive women. Why do they do it too? I have seen fat disgusting women I would wish were executed just for their looks wearing tight clothing and it makes me want to vomit. Are those women retarded?

>> No.8923258

is there a scientific explanation for your giving a shit about how a woman chooses to dress?

>> No.8923265


>The man is rational and thinks strategically.


>> No.8923272

fucking fedorawearing losers, man get a life

>> No.8923276

It matters more for a woman to look attractive because of sexism.

>> No.8923279

i like women

>> No.8923280 [DELETED] 
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Know the calculus

>buy tight clothes
>get right man
>have money

who's the dumb one now.

>> No.8923283
File: 420 KB, 2143x1661, X-thin-mid-petite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know the calculus

>buy tight clothes
>get rich man
>have money

who's the dumb one now

>> No.8923287

Not really scientific. Just some days ago my girlfriend started complaining that one of her dresses doesn't fit and all I could think was "why did you buy such a tight dress". And I've been planning to do this thread ever since but I forget.

It is also pretty similar to how she tells me that she has no free time in the morning because she had to do her make-up and I just tell her "well, just stop wearing make-up". But her female brain cannot seem to comprehend this notion of not wearing make-up. It is too advanced for her tiny female brain.

Not really. I mean, the only ones that choose how women dress is themselves. All they have to do to stop "sexism" is stop wearing tight clothes. Therefore, the ones imposing sexism against women are themselves.

>> No.8923290

>money is the only value money have. If you become rich then all your problems are gone

Back to that code monkey job, Pajeet. This board is for englithened individuals. What our psychologically really cares about is how we get rich, not if we are rich or not. That is why people who got rich the easy way (by marrying rich) always end up having strong midlife crisis that for some reason always end in starting some charity for Africa. I suspect that to have an excuse to travel to Africa without their husbands and... enjoy the scenery.

Examples: Melinda Gates, Michele Obama.
How empty must their souls be to need BBC to fill that hole?

>> No.8923296
File: 181 KB, 1078x1228, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was this a reply to me?
I guess you just wanted to get some things off your chest. Yeah, the "path is the goal" or whatever is very nice.

Why the programmer meme?

>> No.8923301

Because you seem to think there is any value in marrying rich. I just explain how there isn't because women who do this always end up so empty only BCC can truly fill them.

I mean, does anyone in this board even fucking doubt that Melania cheats on Trump?

>> No.8923304

Who the fuck cares?

>Is there a scientific explanation for this?
What a useless, nonsensical question.

>> No.8923316

>Because you seem to think there is any value in marrying rich
It's evident that there is value in it.
I'm not saying money is all, though.

>> No.8923329

But I'm a man and I wear skin-tight jean which take me 2-3min to put on

>> No.8923331

But I love it when women wear tight leather clothing.

>> No.8923335

>all that shit logic
Not saying your heart isn't in the right place but your argument is /pol/tier garbage. If one woman wears tight clothes and the other doesn't, with all else being equal, the one with tight clothes gets better treatment / performance reviews / opportunities from supervisors. Refusing to play the game just makes you a bigger victim.

That's not sexism though. It applies equally to men and women. It's well-known and supported by research that tall, handsome, fit, well-dressed men fare better than short, ugly, slovenly men.

>becoming a kept woman and "having" money
>who's the dumb one now
intelligence is not measured in the ((($$$$))) you were trained to scrounge for like a dog since birth.

>> No.8923338

Then you are gay and retarded. Maybe go talk to the SJW crowd, you may be a trans demigirl or something.

But you don't have any power over them. They do not wear tight clothes because you like them. They wear them because they are not too smart.

>> No.8923345

Well if their low IQ ensures they'll keep wearing tight clothing that makes them attractive I'm not going to complain.

>> No.8923391

Well, I don't want you to complain and I am not complaining myself. I just want everyone to be on the same page and accept that women are mentally inferior to us.

>> No.8923432

>20 replies, 11 posters
Back to /pol/ my retarded young friend

>> No.8923574

Please, back to /reddit/.

>> No.8924011

I have this hypothesis that women can't think ahead.

>> No.8924085

tight clothes are sexy, and being sexy is the most important thing in the world for women, OP

>> No.8924089

Women are inferior simpletons. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There are only very few precious women who are exceptions.

>> No.8924094

>bumps his own thread that no one gives a fuck about over and over again
>tells people to go to reddit
kys fucknut
a reddit echo chamber is the perfect place for a self bumping faggot like yourself.

>> No.8924610

But the fact that being sexy is the most important thing for women directly implies that women are pretty retarded.

>implying there is anything wrong with self bumping

You are fucking retarded. Also, calling it self bumping is pretty disingenuous because I was actually just replying to a faggot who first replied to me. What even is your point? That no one should be able to post in their own thread? You are literally so retarded it is laughable.

>> No.8924710

>being over half the replies in your own thread
im just trying to help you

instead of jerking yourself off in a thread no one else will read, you can get someone like-"minded" individuals to circlejerk with you on reddit, you might enjoy it more

>> No.8924748

I have replied to multiple people in one single post so I doubt I am half of the posts though I don't care to count.

instead of jerking yourself off in a thread no one else will read, you can get someone like-"minded" individuals to circlejerk with you on reddit, you might enjoy it more

I am not circle jerking. I am not replying to myself at all. I just reply to everyone who comes. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8924752
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