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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8917035 No.8917035 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel when IQ 180 guys believe in God?
These people exist, even today. Not to mention the great scientists of the past.

If you live inside a computer program and you spend a thousand years writing down all the rules of the game, does this mean you jump out from the compiler? No. You just know the rules of the game.
The truth about energy and existence lies beyond our bubble. It's like we're 3-dimensional beings grasping at straws, trying to understand a dimension that we're physically not capable of even imagining. We're so deluded by our "intelligence" that it starts to feel rational that the big bang came out of nowhere, that individual lives are just an illusion our brain creates, there's no meaning to anything, and so on. It's not rational at all. We've just run out of building blocks for our imagination.

The smallest thing we can imagine is a fragment of energy, since everything that exists is technically energy in its different forms. Sadly we don't know what the fuck energy even is. Our universe is basically a dimension that is comprised of nothing but energy that created itself and obeys certain rules. Nothing in nature is a "surprise" to nature, because nature is energy and it does what it has always done and will always do. This is proof that energy has been given some ground rules. I think it's very logical to think that God exists. Not as a bearded man sitting on a cloud, of course, and not even as "energy itself" as some smug idiots seem to think, but as something that can give rise to energy. It's funny how atheists always boast how it's idiotic to think that God created himself, but at the same time embrace the idea that the universe was nothing but condensed energy that apparently created itself.

The first step for the ant to surpass his anthood is to acknowledge the fact that there might be a universe beyond the nest, and even though it is indeed irrational thinking in the context of an ant, it's also the truth.

>> No.8917067

It makes me remember that IQ mostly just indicates how good you at IQ tests, not how good you are at subjecting your ideas to an adult level of scrutiny.

>> No.8917091

The problem with your argument is that at best you've pointed out that the big bang theory and christian creationism outline the same causal question. It still isn't "logical" to assume either. This is no new idea, and you aren't blowing any minds. It's just unfalsifiable and falls by the wayside to things that can be measured and terms that can be defined. We use "big bang theory" to identify the causal question and what parts of it can be measured. The thing about science is that if you prove a scientist wrong, he is all over it wanting to understand life anew in light of the new data. But you are't giving us data. You're giving us baby's first epiphany and expecting to be high-fived for it. And when you immediately put it into terms of whatever religious text you first stumbled upon, you confess your total unpreparedness to continue this conversation.

>> No.8917103
File: 142 KB, 600x400, 1493719596024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going to need a bit of work on those weak cheekbones.
Making the call...

>> No.8917117

>we cannot understand some things
>god must be real
Fuck off brainlet.

>> No.8917132


The majority of people don't like their ideas being challenged, or if they do have them challenged, they "convert/change" them afterwards to be like everyone else in a tribal group.

>> No.8917150

It makes me feel that IQ is not a measure of intelligence but how well you do on an IQ test. Which means someone who practices taking IQ tests and is obsessed with publicizing their IQ in high IQ societies and in the media is actually a sign of lower intelligence than someone who actually has intellectual achievements.

Out also makes me feel that you are ignoring that intelligent people are less likely to be religious, which makes me feel this is a dumb bait thread. 5/10

>> No.8917155


>> No.8917159


I'm a physicist by profession and my IQ is about 108. I don't care. Not once has this hindered my career in any way. I simply don't think in the same type of logic as the tests require.

>> No.8917194



>> No.8917201
File: 140 KB, 500x486, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god is real

>> No.8917219

Reported this thread for rule violation, I hope you get banned.

>> No.8917251
