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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 470x219, Integral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8914785 No.8914785 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normal people shut their brains off when they see math?

>> No.8914798

They don't recognize the symbols because they didn't pay attention in classes, somehow graze their ears through the finals, and can't be assed to learn them once they are out of school

>> No.8914817

People don't get it. Don't want to learn and I have no idea how one could live with such an unstimulated brain. Unfortunately ignorance really is bliss for them so they take there emotions and place it infront of anything meaning full and live their lives blind and enjoy their happiness. It's like religion they just do what they are told to enjoy themselves probably havent even thought that this happiness they rely on is just conveniently moving atoms

>> No.8914832

Seeing lots of unfamiliar symbols all at once just makes expressions incomprehensible. I remember being put off by algebra when I saw it until I actuslly started learning it, and just skipping over anything that had integrals in it when reading until I actually learned calculus.

Your brain basically just says
>ooooook, lots of shit I am not familiar here
>this will take some time to parse and understand, and I do not wish to spend that much time on this
>better go do something more useful

>> No.8914839

that's like saying, "why do people shut their brains off when they see a sentence in a language they don't speak"

>> No.8914872

>Normal people

Did you just imply that you are abnormal?

>> No.8914880

Being able to solve calculus problems makes one part of a distinct minority, and therefore abnormal to some degree.

>> No.8914885
File: 72 KB, 956x960, 1477700411788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tee hee im not good at le maths! xDDD
>so now i wont try at it just to confirm my belief that im not good and get stuck in a cycle of idiocy!
Just morons being morons and not trying so they can brag about being bad at something they didnt try at. Its like when people brag about bad grades to validate themselves.

>> No.8914893

>brag about being bad at something
is this American thing?

>> No.8914905

>Letting ahmed fuck your wife
Is this a european thing?

>> No.8914913

Happens in england too :(

>> No.8914922

Its a human thing. Have you never talked to a moron before? theyll gladly brag about how they failed at something and how funny that is.

>> No.8914931


The same reason people shut their brains when they see a language they can't read or understand.

>> No.8914932

It's a coping mechanism. When brainlets realize they're bad, they take solace in numbers.

>> No.8914942

which is funny considering it's what they usually try to avoid

>> No.8914947
File: 42 KB, 800x800, 1478801771493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got me.

>> No.8914973

>Have you never talked to a moron before?
Lots. They tend to be pretty humble over here.

>> No.8915028

(3x^4)/4-cos(x)+ 24x + c

What's my prize?

>> No.8915042

american education below masters level is trash.

now only phd level will mean a damn at this rate.

>> No.8915067

12x^4/4 - cos x -24x + c

>> No.8915076


>> No.8915093
File: 33 KB, 330x319, Ornstein_s_dead_LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post.

>> No.8915159

Whats with the "I can do calculus im so smart xd" posts? Fuck off man. This shit means nothing, you'd be literally stupid if you werent able to understand it at least to a manageable degree

>> No.8915169

Rough day, pal?

>> No.8915174

I accidentally multiplied like the d/dx power rule

>> No.8915176

Wow you are SO good man holy fuck. You solved a high school level integral. Fuck off

>> No.8915208

>Lol look at this brainlet, I wonder if he even knows the advanced integration techniques like trig substitution that I learned last semester. I am so much smarter than him cause I don't even attempt to take integrals unless I have to repeat it by parts twice

t. piggot who thinks he's a genius for passing Calc II

>> No.8915231

Most people have no idea what these symbols even mean.

>> No.8915250

I once had somebody, when they heard I was good at math, say "I never really understood how letters could equal numbers. Ha ha ha."

I died a little inside. The phrase still haunts me to this day. To think that people like this walk among us... They can vote. They're allowed to have opinions and voice them. People will listen to them! How terrifying...

>> No.8915253

Ha ha ha

>> No.8915264

How actually bad most people are at math is incredible. Most people think I'm good at math, when I struggled through precalc and calc I. There were people who actually failed my precalc class after putting in effort, tutoring, and genuinely trying, and most people made a C in what was basic trig, evaluating difference quotients, writing function rules and solving quadratic equations.

>> No.8915272

I wish this wasn't shopped. I'm sure many drug dealers do use a calculator like that to keep track of their business.

>> No.8915278

your average drug dealer is probably better than your average normal person at maths. We need to introduce our children to more drug dealers to teach them math

>> No.8915282

This. At least they can convert metric and imperial and can multiply decimals, fractions, and know enough algebra to calculate rates for how much profit they need, unlike cashier's who need to type in the amount you give them with a bewildered look when to give them extra coins to get less change back

>> No.8915330

Becouse it not their language. PhDs everywhere have their skillset solely on their literature capabilities. They suck so much in math but compensates it with their linguistical skills.

>> No.8915332

I don't think I'm willing to believe people like that are real. I know they are but I'm going to deny it. Anyone who failed somewhere along the calculus series just didn't try hard enough and anyone that failed precalculus are actually products of a disinformation campaign to discourage future generations from learning by convincing them that it's normal to not understand precalculus.

I can't wait until we finish automating away all unskilled jobs and society has to make some big changes to deal with flocks of useless unskilled subhuman scum. Which will probably be universal income but I'm rooting for attempting to reduce low iq people's reproduction rates as well. They're like rabbits.