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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8914154 No.8914154 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain why /v/, /pol/, and /r9k/ are more popular than /sci/? I'm a first timer on this board and it's really slow.

>> No.8914157

Science and math aren't as popular in general as video-games, politics, and meme spouting are.

As a general rule, though, on 4chan the less posts per minute a board gets the higher quality the posts are.

>> No.8914161

>As a general rule
doesn't apply to /sci/ though

>> No.8914162
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What kind of explanation do you expect?
Many more people spend their waking hours pretending to play video games, worshiping Austrian Charlie Chaplin, and bitching about not having a pussy, than wondering about the world around us.

>> No.8914164

/sci/ may not be the height of intellectual discourse but it's still better than /b/, /pol/ and /v/ that's for sure.

>> No.8914257

Is it because we have more redditors?

>> No.8914261
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>> No.8914263

The ways of "discussion" are always the same embarrassing crap on every board, regardless of content.
The only good boards are the porn boards with text only posts hidden

>> No.8914282

No, they have far more redditors, especially /pol/. Also it depends on where the redditors come from, /lit/ has a lot of them but it's still ok.

>> No.8914322

Stupid people congregate and high-five each other for being stupid that way they never have to change or grow. Beware of echochambers, OP.

>> No.8914349

/sci/ is /soc/ 2.0, with all these uni threads
Also /pol/ 2.0, for some reason

>> No.8914355

Because talking about how soon until AI non stop isnt very entertaining.

>> No.8914372

Because many people don't enjoy or need Science & Math and so have nothing to discuss.

/v/ and /pol/ is procrastination fed with happenings and news.

The /r9k/ thing is just sad - I guess people want to belong and ease their pain.

>> No.8914379

/sci/ was a good bit slower just a couple years ago. The quality's definitely gone down, and the post rate has definitely gone up.

>> No.8914381


As someone who never visits /r9k/ what is it exactly?

>> No.8914400
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Guys in their early twenties waning themselves in self-pitty and rationalizing their lonely situation by exploring the ideology that success with women is not only determined purely by genetics and looks are a necessity for everything, but also that "20% of men fuck 80% of women". They also fetishize the good looking guys at the same time. Basically, they need justification not to improve, they are the dual side to the "pick-up artists mentality" where you need to go out and try to fuck as many girls as possible.

>> No.8914476

/pol/ and /r9k/ have that inicial shock value that makes you curious, but then take you deep within the board and find all kinds of people you never knew could be possible. And banter
/sci/ has its banter but it is what it appears to be on your first visit

>> No.8914482
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">tfw no gf"

>> No.8914495

The board is shit. Literally every day the following threads are on the top:
>Race is a social construct :^)
>Flat earth
>Lol (field) is brainlet
>(9th grade math HW)
>Dick sucking
>Stupid unanswerable question
>Stupid unanswerable question
>Stupid unanswerable question

>> No.8914499

>on 4chan the less posts per minute a board gets the higher quality the posts are.
You make it sound as if this board wasn't trash.

>> No.8914810


>> No.8914815

This. Bot/autism posting has been crazy lately. As >>8914495 states.

>> No.8914876

That's hilarious. I'm glad I've never been to /r9k/.

>> No.8914908

/v/ is for unemployable virgin neckbears who like videogames and there are lots of them
/pol/ is for people who are passionate about their radical political views and god help us there are tons of them
/r9k/ isn't popular

>> No.8914952

Bitching and ranting are easy.

Thinking and trying not to be an idiot are hard.

>> No.8914960

>Thinking and trying not to be an idiot
Is that really what we do here?

>> No.8914961
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>Can anyone explain why lowest common denominator themed boards are more popular?
Frog off

>> No.8914974

On a really good day.

For about five minutes.

>> No.8914978

Who mentioned videogames and politics??

>> No.8914985
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shit you're right, /v/ and /pol/ isn't for either

>> No.8914990

I'd say a few weeks ago it was a lot slower.

>> No.8914994

There are a lot more average people flooding into /r9k/ as of late as well as an influx of trap threads on par with /b/. The quality of all boards as of late has been decreasing.

>> No.8915236

Off topic, but would it be possible to have a board where the OP would moderate. OP would be like an editor who OK the posts. (Would not be published before this OK), regular moderation for the entire thread after publication.
The benefit would be that an OP could control what gets said in a thread and keep the off topic discussion and clear insults and other insipid oxen excrement away. This would make reading the thread for everyone more enjoyable.

>> No.8915242

try 2^3chan

>> No.8915261

It's called reddit and it's awful.

>> No.8915336

yes, let's censor one of the last remaining bastions of free speech online so you don't have to read some off topic or offensive comments
People should create thought-provoking or interesting posts if they want meaningful responses. You can go to literally any other forum site or reddit if you want the things you dislike filtered out...
The main problem with your proposal being applied to /sci/ is ego. People would deny posts proving them wrong, pointing out flaws in their logic etc. Since OPs are usually asking questions or looking to engage in conversation, giving the OP complete control of the thread just seems silly.

>> No.8915392

>People would deny posts proving them wrong,
Good point. The risk of this happening and the harm it causes would far exceed the benefits I had envisioned. I hadn't realized that I assumed people to be rational and fair.

>> No.8915520

Older boards and they have a more popular topic.

>> No.8915543

sci is a huge waste of time because unless you already are a advanced scientist/mathmatician you can't be certain that the person giving you advice is not a brainlet like you are. And not that many people are advanced.

>> No.8915556

Tow big reasons, I think.

1. People often use these sites to unwind, so interest in hobbies dominates over work.

2. Most people and university level education has specialized enough that they don't really become involved in subjects outside their own. A math major, for example, is unlikely to find the musings and problems an electrical engineer would have and post, with the opposite also true. Myself personally, as a medfag, that I come here every now and then and look for a medicine related topic, only to usually end up seeing nothing on the catalog.

>> No.8916201

If 4chan would stop getting mentioned in the news and if people remembered or even knew of the 1st and 2nd rule of 4chan, this wouldn't be happening. But noooooo, 4chan just had to supply pornography to internet pedophiles and get mentioned by a politician or two. Couldn't just keep it's fucking head down and enjoy what it had.

>> No.8916281
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>/pol/ is for people who are passionate about their radical political views and god help us there are tons of them
Not really. It's filled with meme edgelords who simply adopt radical views for a false sense of enlightenment.

>/r9k/ isn't popular

>> No.8916538

>tfw discussions on /gif/

I swear the funniest laughs and most interesting thoughts I've seen in 10 years on 4chan all come from that board.

Porn and gore is an amazing filter for shitheads and a great uniter for discourse.

>> No.8916555
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Because being a science doesn't work in the twenty first century, heck even the twentieth century.
Being a science used to mean being revered and respectable, it was a higher social class where academia was prized and held up to a higher standard.
Being a science used to be a recreational activity on par to practicing sports or refining skills in the fine arts, only for the very noble.
Nowadays when you think of a science you think autist climate change teet suckers and liberal cucks, shit just the other day my organic chem prof apologized for colouring male sex hormones as fucking blue and female as pink.

This is what our science has become boi.

>> No.8916558

Because only so many people get the urge to LARP as scientists at one time, and half of them go to /tg/

>> No.8916572

>Can someone explain why /v/, /pol/, and /r9k/ are more popular than /sci/?

Endless threads about flat earth, religion vs atheism, anti-evolution, race theory and global warming.

>> No.8916581

Redditors and company
4chan has always attracted edgelords
4chan has always attracted the basement trolls. It's also kind of fun to role play and watch spergs sperg out.

>> No.8916668

Legitimate scientists don't really browse this board that much, or show their specialise. This board is mostly undegrads and people that brag about being dumb.

Because of this, the board ends up being a shittier version of /x/ and /pol/ , with constant threads like "does PARANORMAL THING exist?" "What if flat earth?" "My science is better than yours!"


>> No.8916678

Because /v/ is about vidya, and /pol/ and /r9k/ are about being a kissless virgin autist.

/sci/ is about science, and since most people actually in stem don't generally spend that much time playing vidya and most certainly aren't shut in autists blaming the jews for their lack of success, it stands to reason that it would have less posters

>> No.8917772

Any retard can have a political opinion or be lonely. Understanding science takes some degree of brain activity.

>> No.8917930

yeah it seems like it. /pol/ has infected every board on this site. It's only a matter of time before it all gets overrun by redditors and people who just need to lurk moar.