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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8910451 No.8910451 [Reply] [Original]

>sit in on signal processing class to see how much of a joke engineering classes are
>professor says Dirac Delta "function"

>> No.8910461
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Isn't it a function though?

>> No.8910483

That's right OP. Engineers are too busy doing useful things and solving real-world problems to get caught up on your horseshit semantics. Now get the fuck off the floor, the library's closing and you can't sleep here.

>> No.8912422

Engineers BTFO

>> No.8912438
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>sit in on thermodynamics class to see how much of a joke physics classes are
>professor says "degrees" Kelvin

>> No.8912501
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>> No.8912619

Is this dejavu or does this thread appear every week

>> No.8912676
File: 2.15 MB, 320x240, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit in on a highschool writing class to see how >much of a joke burgerland amerisharts are
>teacher TELLS them to "show don't telll"

>> No.8913379
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>sit it on engineering physics class to see how much of a joke engineering is
>professor says "force" of gravity

>> No.8913558

Mods mods mods reeeee
Please permab& this faggot
We can't keep having this thread

>> No.8913572

Most engineers are awful with emotions

>> No.8913579
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>sit in math class to see how much of a joke it is
>professor talks about imaginary numbers

>> No.8913581

Engineering is literally just excercise to the reader

>> No.8913682

>they're called imaginary numbers
>engiqueers actually think they are imaginary
>engiqueers begin to imagine fat cocks

>> No.8913686


>> No.8913713

"Finnish Comedy": the world's thinnest book.

Que Pekka and Toivonen

>> No.8913809
File: 40 KB, 600x600, achtually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit in on a philosophy 101 class to see how much of a joke liberal arts
>professor sits cross legged on his desk and looks like mark maron

>> No.8913814

technically it is a function if it's called "generalized function"

>> No.8913840

Technically it's a who gives a fuck, I need to calculate impulse response and don't wanna listen to the math nerds drone on and on about some arcane bullshit.

>> No.8913864

>come to a physics lecture
>professor uses continuous integrals instead of a finite sum

>> No.8913889

>takes a "who gives a fuck" approach to solving problems
this is why you'll never accomplish anything impressive

>> No.8913895

>f(x) =44100 for x=0
>f(x)=0 otherwise
Wasn't so hard was it

>> No.8913966

Well, yes. I'm an average person, it's not my job to achieve something impressive. My job is making sure the thing I'm designing works properly. Think of it what you will, but 99.99% of mathfags never achieve anything impressive either. And that's fine, impressive things are impressive because they are rare and difficult. Not everyone is born exceptional, and we need to make things work regardless.

>> No.8913969
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>tfw keep getting dubs on a board that doesn't check dubs

>> No.8915537
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>mfw a big strong mathematician says the Dirac Delta is a function

>> No.8915736

This is a pasta more recurrent than it should be, newfriend.

>> No.8915815
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1480218660452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit in on complex analysis class to see how much of a joke math classes are
>professor says complex exponential """""function"""""