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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8907734 No.8907734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. Why people nowadays think that religion is stupid because there is no proof of god, but maths is very smart even if there is no proof that it is somehow connected with reality?

>> No.8907741

I thought I told you to shut the fuck up

>> No.8907744

Math doesn't make predictable claims. Religion does.

>> No.8907745


Religion and Math are similar

>God exists, God is great, etc.

>seeking truth through faith based on axioms

>> No.8907751

What do yoy mean? Give example.

>> No.8907753

dont respond to bait you fucking imbecile

>> No.8907755

Truth hurts, isnt it, adept of the maths religion?

>> No.8907760

Practically all human religions make many testable claims about observable (physical) reality. Math doesn't.

For example, some versions of Christianity predict a 6000 year old Earth. Protip: that's not what we see when we look.

Math simply doesn't make those sorts of predictions.

Some scientific hypotheses make use of mathematical models, and those make predictions, but math itself does not.

For example, "2 + 2 = 4" is not a prediction about reality. "2 apples + 2 apples = 4 apples" is a prediction about reality, which is right. "2 mph + 2 mph = 4 mph" is also a prediction about reality, and it's wrong. It's approximately correct, but 2 mph + 2 mph is actually slightly less than 4 mph. Relativity.

>> No.8907786
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>maths is very smart even if there is no proof that it is somehow connected with reality

actually there absolutely is. All of physics, chemistry, and engineering is based on the ability to use math to predict the behavior of things in the real world. And those predictions, using math, are extremely, if not even at times perfectly, accurate.

You unfortunately are stupid

>god is real
>science is religion

scored two points off this retard

>> No.8907789

Ok, I see why religion is stupid. But why math isnt?

>> No.8907795

Because it doesn't make predictions? How many times do I need to say it? Math is a formalized game of manipulating symbols on paper according rules established by convention.

We also happened to find that expressing falsified models of reality with these symbols is really useful.

>> No.8907796

Why gov still spends money to pay people to play this game?

>> No.8907797

What is the problem of induction.

>> No.8907805

Is there such thing as infinity anywhere in physics, chemistry, etc? Is there such thing as irrational numbers? No. Maybe a small portion of maths works, but most of it is irrelevant.

>> No.8907812

Literally already answered.
>We also happened to find that expressing falsified models of reality with these symbols is really useful.

>> No.8907814

>Math is a formalized game of manipulating symbols on paper according rules established by convention
why is everything you say in every thread retarded and why do you keep posting in as many as you can?

>> No.8907818

>falsified models of reality
oh my god

>> No.8907822

Typo. Sorry. Sue me.

>> No.8907831

don't talk to me you fucking mongoloid

>> No.8907832
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>there is no proof

*once you throw out all the evidence that conflicts your predetermined outcome

>> No.8907834

I think you're on the wrong board. This is the science board.

Fuck off racist.

>> No.8907837

original goal post:
>somehow connected with reality

condition satisfied >>8907786

now the goal post is moved...

fuck off retard

>> No.8907840

Look, if you're still going to troll or act retarded, that's fine.
- Swear
- Ad hominem; Call people names
- Don't provide counter-arguments
- Reject realism and the scientific consensus
That's ok.
Just don't loop.
Looping is cancer.

Personal incredulity and the argument from ignorance are fallacies. You're ignorant.
You imply you have no knowledge of the other kinds, therefore they don't exist.
That is wrong irrational.

>> No.8907845

>I think you're on the wrong board. This is the science board.

Says the Marxist, >>>/lgbt/ is that way

>> No.8907850

Do you know that maths has nothing to do with science? Science is when you actually can conduct an experiment.

>> No.8907853

Racism is off topic regardless. You're looking for /pol/. I'm not here to discuss feminist critique, but I am going to take a proverbial shit on racists who wander outside of their quarantine of /pol/ and /b/.

>> No.8907857

I don't believe in God. It's more intuitive to think all naturally processes came about naturally.

>> No.8907861

It accidently works in some cases, it does not imply that maths is real.

>> No.8907864

SJWs and Marxists belong on >>>/lgbt/

>> No.8907866
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>accidently works
now you're just making an ass of yourself

>> No.8907868

>muh race muh feminism
you're either an amazing troll or someone so retarded that you can't see how out of place you are here

>> No.8907872

Odds are good that I've been on /sci/ longer than you have.

>> No.8907874

> pretents to love science
> not a race realist

>> No.8907880

Who said I'm OP?

>> No.8907885


I've been on /sci/ since when moot created it

>> No.8907889

They are approximately correct. Have you ever done a physics lab, sperg?

>> No.8907894

Welp, guess we're about tied.

>> No.8907903

>They are approximately correct

I wrote design recommendations for a 30 million pound loaded structure yesterday and my equations are plenty good enough at representing reality, you can bet my life and the lives of the people counting on it that they are.

>> No.8907904

don't reply to me you retarded fucking baboon

>> No.8907908

I'll do as I damn well please, and respond to whomever I damn well please. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8907910

No, deduction from theological axioms is philosophy, not religion. Religion is simply belief and worship. Not analogous to math at all.

>> No.8907913

No one claimed math is "connected to reality." It can in some cases be applied to reality due to its logical structure and generality. Mathematicians generally practice math because it is fun, not because they believe in axioms.

>> No.8907922

Not really, it's more intuitive to think there is an infinite (God) and this universe/reality is just some subset

>> No.8907928

stop talking to me, you're literally making me stupider every time you reply

>> No.8907930

>Is there such thing as infinity anywhere in physics, chemistry, etc?
Yes of course. For example the density of a black hole. Singularities usually involve an infinity of some kind.

>Is there such thing as irrational numbers?
Yes of course. Pi, e, and countless other irrational consultants are used all over physics and chemistry.

Wrong, moron.

>> No.8907933


>> No.8907934

>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.8907938

I don't think it's possible for you to be any "stupider."

>> No.8907942

> pi, e
They are all just approximations and models. There is no such things as a perfect circle in reality.
> infinite dencity
Just very large.
But you can continue to believe in your imaginary friends like god or pi or infinity.

>> No.8907947

at least put your trip back on so people can properly filter you

>> No.8907950

Sorry, not me.

>> No.8907952


>> No.8907966

>They are all just approximations and models.
As is everything in science. Has nothing to do with irrational vs. rational.

>There is no such things as a perfect circle in reality.
Event horizon of a black hole forms a perfect circle in any plane.

>Just very large.
The density of a black hole is not simply "large," it is infinite. Otherwise you can explain what keeps the volume from being infinitesimal, then collect your Nobel Prize.

>> No.8907977

Anons, I got it. Who funds science? Taxpayers. Who get grands? Mostly (((they))). All this fake theories, evolution, abstract maths, black hoes just a way to steal money from us. I think lhc us actually just a big empty tube and they just make up results which usual people cant make sence of.

>> No.8907986

Lazy, 0/10. Try again. This time with gusto.

>> No.8908079

I guess everyone's intuition is different.
It makes sense to me that some kind of natural process is responsible for all the natural processes because we see that happen at smaller scales (for example gravity is responsible for the erosion of rocks in a stream).

>> No.8908828
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