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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 281 KB, 490x639, von neumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8906588 No.8906588 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8906595
File: 89 KB, 650x469, 1aaDestructionSecondTemple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennia of being hunted to near extinction means that only the fastest, smartest, and most cut-throat of them managed to survive and reproduce.

I think the real question you should be asking is why are Eastern Europeans so good at math and yet their countries are universally unmitigated shitholes.

>> No.8906596

It has more to do with the occupations jews had to do from the middle ages onwards.

>> No.8906599

>I think the real question you should be asking is why are Eastern Europeans so good at math and yet their countries are universally unmitigated shitholes.

They're pretty comfy if you're an obedient Christian.

>> No.8906615
File: 129 KB, 1050x591, grothendieck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8906873

They're a really hard working people.

>> No.8906876

Why are Magyars so good at maths?

>> No.8906911

Why aren't middle-easterners good at math anymore? Or maybe they're publishing good stuff and I'm not paying them any attention?

>> No.8906940
File: 31 KB, 543x474, 1488588378282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel is in the middle east and there are very good mathematicans there.
More broadly, and I think this is obvious, most countries there are busy with war and shit like that.

I think if you take 10.000 Asians and drop them in Europe/America and let them grow up like Europeans and Americans, then it fades. That is to say, I think there are just more Asians and they on average have less of a carefree childhood. Even if they are good at math and science, they e.g. are "not creative", you don't see lots of inventions coming from there.
I think most people are mostly equal, more or less, and it's enviroment.

Coming back to the Jews, Neumann was a rich kid.

Also, don't measure stuff in terms of Nobel prices and fields medals and whatnot. There are far to few prices per year to make to give good statistics. It's also extremely political. E.g. there are statistics saying that if you know someone personally who got the Nobel, the likelyhood you get one too is much much higher. It doesn't measure the value of your science, more how popular you are in that science field (which of course is strongly correlated, but the point is that you don't get stuff because of your achievements - there are simply not enough prices to make this a fair reward)

>> No.8906975

Genetics. They're all geniuses.

Non jews are retarded horse shit.

Non jews should be greatful the jews haven't killed us all yet.

It's only because they need people to clean their toilets.

>> No.8906990


Israeli Jews are mainly Polish Jews from guess when.


>> No.8907119


>> No.8908147

david hilbert was aryan

>> No.8908194

My broscience on the matter is that early Jews were more likely to be the only literate people around, since practicing Judaism requires lots of reading of scriptures. So Jews were more likely to be literate, and as a result they got more academic/accounting jobs so their families were well-red and wealthy, allowing future generations to get a proper education and continue the cycle.

>> No.8908271

Richard Feynman commented that Chinese schools teach rote memorization and not critical thinking.

>> No.8908280

No incentive. Iran has produced some decent mathematicians and scientists.

>> No.8908287

That hasn't been true for some time now. They use russian method and focus heavily on problem-solving.

>> No.8908314

But only Ashkenazi Jews are exceptionally smart.

>> No.8908315

>Richard Feynman commented that Chinese schools teach rote memorization and not critical thinking.
this is golden coming from an american with faith in scientific realism

>> No.8908389

Because they have white genes.

>> No.8908398


Choose one.

>> No.8908425

>tfw we are currently on the green side

>> No.8908685

t. falseflagging /pol/tard

>> No.8908924

Ashkenazi Jews are basically the religious equivalent of gene stealers from warhammer 40k.

They lived in europe and married into the elite families, taking the best qualities with them.

>> No.8908931

what the fuck is that diagram

>> No.8908961

>I think if you take 10.000 Asians and drop them in Europe/America and let them grow up like Europeans and Americans, then it fades
Get out with social constructionist nonsense
There are differences in the mean of the gaussian distributions of IQ scores of varying races, IQ is heredetary, higher IQ means you're better at maths

>> No.8909081

Was Einstein a Jew?

>> No.8909600


> Chinese schools

Nope. It was about his lectures in Brasil.

>> No.8909647


>>take 10.000 Asians and drop them

>social constructionist nonsense

Nope, hard scientific fact.

Asian families dropped anywhere start to acquire traits from surroundings, i.e. newborns gets taller, eyes more rounded and IQ tends to drop.

As opposed, for sake of argument, to afro-americans - whose babies keep growing black and dumb as sack of hammers, but somehow it permeates all around and surroundings start growing café-au-lait.

Phenomenon most visible in middle-to-big cities.

Empirically proven, but exact mechanism is still a mystery.

>> No.8909665

>Asian families dropped anywhere start to acquire traits from surroundings, i.e. newborns gets taller, eyes more rounded and IQ tends to drop.
Please tell me this is not a hard-nurture argument pertaining to peoples height and facial features
These are entirely genetic, as are the upper and lower bounds whithin which intelligence may be determined by environment

>> No.8909681

No he was a pure Aryan blond blue eyed ubermensch who killed 60 million Jews, according to /pol/.

>> No.8909730


Not 100% wrong, however. Sometimes truth comes from shitty box.

>> No.8910465

Better for counting sheckles?

>> No.8910806

>Empirically proven, but exact mechanism is still a mystery.
regression to the mean

>> No.8910807

>then it fades
No it doesn't.
The average income of asians, asian's SAT scores, and asian IQ is still much higher than the average, in america.

>> No.8910832

what? isn't that what OP is suggesting?

>> No.8911188

They are related to Finns. Who survived the hyper war...

>> No.8911222

fuck off retard