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File: 685 KB, 2000x1000, Global-Cooling-Skyscraper-03-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8901986 No.8901986 [Reply] [Original]

Inspired by this big retarded object:

Global warming is out of control and it's too late to slow it down! There's only one solution: Cooling the Earth.

What sort of system would you, given infinite ressources, time and funding, make to cool down a planet?

Anything goes as long as it is somewhat grounded in science (no diamond-hard science required) and it does not involve reversing entropy or dumping the heat in a pocket dimension. Go wild!

>> No.8902009

How about letting nature take it's course and stop trying to prevent the climate from changing? I'm curious as to what lies underneath the ice in Antarctica. And if rising water levels are such a problem, why not modify buildings to adapt to fluctuating water levels?

>> No.8902011

i can barely imagine how much mental distress comes from being a climate change alarmist day in and day out

if you're going to join a doomsday cult why not pick one that's at least fun?

>> No.8902018

Then let's put another scenario: You've provided the world with a literally endless source of energy!
However, that also means an infinite source of waste heat! How do you solve that problem, without removing the source of said infinite energy?

I care little about climate alarmism. I wonder what sort of cooling system could be used on a planet-sized object. It's not like a starship where you can just slap some radiators on the side.

>> No.8902020
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>I'm curious as to what lies underneath the ice in Antarctica
then you should pick a fucking book, because it's pretty well known already

>> No.8902022

Thermonuclear bombs, we already have it, and we know it will work. Just make a bunch of fire storms, and bam its winter!

>> No.8902024

Create a dyson swarm / harvest the limited source of energy by surrounding an extracting the heat derived from it by converting it to a limitless source of electricity. Or design more efficient means of production that create less waste assuming you couldn't simply purify the air on a whim.

>> No.8902027

Limitless solar and geothermal energy that is produced outside of the atmosphere.

>> No.8902029

If the heat is already within the system and the heat production is also within it, isolating the system further will only speed warming up.

Waste heat is produced by inneficient machinery that uses the energy, not by the generator.

>> No.8902041

I suppose in that case, you could simply force companies to design technology that creates less waste by imposing ridiculously heavy restrictions on companies that continue to use technology that pollutes the air. Might even create new jobs.

Or you could create technology that is fueled by the waste it makes. Or perhaps rids itself of waste in a different way.

>> No.8902046

>implying the environmentalists wont go zombie apocalypse berserk when they realize how much rocket fumes will be needed to ship that crap in orbit
It's pointless to reason with these people because reasoning is not what they are looking for.

>> No.8902050

Waste heat is per definition wasted. And imposing regulations only postpones the heat buildup.

That's why I'm asking about ideas for planetary scale cooling systems.

I won't be taking into account pollution for this.

>> No.8902060

>isolating the system further will only speed warming up.
Its basically blocking out the sun. How else do you think we can cool it down? Air condition?

>> No.8902061

I meant utilizing the wasted heat. Once the energy not used is wasted, utilize that wasted heat. The equivalent of what i'm saying would be eating, ridding yourself of waste, and utilizing the excreted waste for even more energy. And utilizing the waste created from utilizing waste. Basically infinite waste utilization assuming you could pull it off.

>> No.8902077

I've thought about megastructures pumping hot sea water through tubes, letting it radiate out to space in anchored space-elevator tether-like cooling towers, for example. As I said, go wild.

I'm not expecting waste reutilization to be perfect enough for that, to be honest. But that's an idea for dealing with the heat problem, so props!

>> No.8902087

With enough improvement, it could be utilized really well. I was thinking about playing on the fact that matter cannot be created or destroyed but merely transformed. Imagine create a cycle of utilization akin to the earth's just by using the stars in space.

>> No.8902088

>I've thought about megastructures pumping hot sea water through tubes, letting it radiate out to space in anchored space-elevator tether-like cooling towers, for example. As I said, go wild.

So you are critical to nuclear winters, but think space water pipes is a working idea, i dont see how that is any less stupid than your link.

We are a lot closer to getting fucked by GW than making space elevators.

>> No.8902114

Sound reasoning.

Nuclear winter is like putting a car's motor in an isolated enclosure because you remove the ambient from the system. It builds up heat even faster Space water pipes are literally liquid cooling by making a heated fluid radiate in a cooler ambient. Look up how liquid radiators work.
And reread the opening post:
>given infinite ressources, time and funding

>> No.8902132

>Look up how liquid radiators work
I don't think you know how radiators work. They don't work much at all if you don't have air. A vacuum is an almost perfect isolator, so a space radiator would be like putting really good isolation around your heater. What do you expect the heat to transfer into? You only going for infrared radiation loss? If you could some how pump the water into space, that would be doing more work and creating heat than what ever heat you could get rid of up there.

>> No.8902137

Radiation is electromagnetic, it doesn't need a medium, check your facts.

>> No.8902163

I mentioned that in my post already. Its a really shitty way to get rid of heat, and moving the water out of the atmosphere requires a lot more energy than you could get rid off in space.

>check your facts.
You been saying stupid bullshit in every post. Google a bit before your next post instead.

>> No.8902167

put a fucking shade in front of sun, here, problem solved

>> No.8902195

I wasn't claiming that creating a heat pump to dump excess heat from the system into a colder medium, in this case space, by using sea water was the perfect solution. I understand radiation is but a fraction of heat transferences, but that's how radiators work in space.

>> No.8902204
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It will fix itself.

Nuclear war preparedness in the USA is at an all-time low. Most fallout shelters have been dismantled, ICBM research has all but stopped, and there is no civil defense system to speak of as there was in the 1990s.

Meanwhile the Chinese and the Russians have been preparing for a winnable nuclear war for the past five decades building a network of underground tunnels, bunkers and silos (Kosvinsky Mountain, Yamantau Mountain, Chinese Undergroud Great Wall), and developing new ICBMs like the Topol-M. Russia and China have enough bunker space to house at least a third of their populations at minimum. Yamantau Mountain alone is the size of Washington DC inside the Beltway.

As population pressures, resource wars and political instability takes over the world, nuclear war will become inevitable, which is something the Chinese and Russians understand very well. As declassified Soviet files show, they never believed in M.A.D. (a Western delusion), but in fighting a winnable nuclear war.

The next century will be one of nuclear winter and global Stalker-like collapse as populations die in the aftermath of massive crop failures, radiation and preventable diseases.

By the year 2100 the Chinese government will have already reasserted itself in Asia and will begin to take over what remains of the West.

>> No.8902209

>I wasn't claiming that creating a heat pump to dump excess heat from the system into a colder medium, in this case space, by using sea water was the perfect solution.
Its a non-solution, its stupid, it would have the opposite effect.

>I understand radiation is but a fraction of heat transferences
Nice that you finally looked something up before being a patronizing idiot.

>> No.8902242

If you consider that's a non solution, propose a solution, no matter how imperfect.

I modelized a system with the following elements: Earth as a heat source and space as a cold source. The way you would counter heat buildup in engineering would be to add radiators: increase exchange surfaces, increase heat differential in said exchange surfaces... Infrared radiation is the way to go when there is no fluid to serve as a medium. That's how spacecraft radiators work, for crying out loud.
The problem is making sure heat is conveyed to the radiators: some spacecraft radiator designs use fluids to transfer the heat from inside the system to the exchange surfaces, from the which the heat radiates.

That's the concept I was basing that sea water heat pump idea on. Just an impossibly upscaled version. Impractical, impossible to realize? Of course, genius. But is it grounded on real science? Yes.

I thus believe you are the one that sounds patronizing, implying I don't know my shit about thermodynamics and merely commenting on how stupid the idea I suggested is.
Do you expect really serious ideas when someone asks to "go crazy" and talks about megastructures?

>> No.8902299

I called you an patronizing idiot because you talk out your ass about the effects of an nuclear winter(Which would reduce GW, you're still wrong about this.). And prop up your own idiotic method while saying shit like:
>Look up how liquid radiators work.
>check your facts.

The earth is already doing this on its own, it doesn't need your radiator.
Even if you could magically construct this without emissions or energy, magically get the water up there without emissions or energy. Then it would still work better as a sun shield, than as a radiator. A reflective foil the same size in orbit would be more effective.

>> No.8902340

So you're saying that continuous usage of an infinite energy source would produce heat? Have you perhaps seen the 4th episode of Seikaisuru Kado and got stuck with the whole "Wam will increase global warming with waste heat" thing? For those that don't follow that animu, Wam are a device that pumps energy from what amounts to another universe, effectively "creating" energy if we ignore the universe that enegry came from.
Because if that's the reason you asked this, the solution is likely to dump the heat into a pocket dimension.

>> No.8904230

Dump shit on the atmosphere to increase albedo
less heat reaching the surface, less heat trapped in the atmosphere

>> No.8904236

>everyone says global warming is bad
>predictions point to shitskin shitholes and coastal liberal shitholes being destroyed by cold regions get nice weather

There is nothing wrong with a warmer planet.

>> No.8904240

fuck off, I like cold weather

I'd rather have an ice age destroying liberal and third world shitholes than living in a oven

>> No.8904244

Why don't we built as much refrigerators as we can.

>> No.8904265

How would sterilizing all nonwhites and planting a trillion trees not solve 90% of the problem?

>> No.8904281

Whites are the ones who created this unnatural problem in the first place. If there is anyone that should be removed it it is us.

>> No.8904289

>>Global warming is out of control and it's too late to slow it down! There's only one solution:
stopping the burning of fossil fuels and switching to renewables/nuclear. it's the only solution and it doesn't need infinite resources, time, and funding.

>>infinite energy
current human power usage is not large enough for waste heat to be a problem

>> No.8904292

>it it is us

>> No.8904295

Cooling the planet wont stop acidification of the oceans and general ass fucking of the climate.


We need to solve the root problem, not just a single (albeit large) symptom

>> No.8904307

so we should just genocide all retarded hippies and go all for nuclear power then

>> No.8904311

wtf is this person talking about?

>> No.8904315

are you a complete fucking retard? he already explained it to you. jesus people take one high school physics class and pretend they know everything.

>> No.8904317

Solution is simple. Have everyone keep their refrigerators open for a year (or however long it takes) until the planet cools down. That's how I cool down my apartment and it works just fine.

>> No.8904319

Whites are the only ones who care about the environment. Abos in Austalians burned down the entire mega forest. That was the future of the planet until whites came in.

>> No.8904325

Better yet, take all the money you would spend on genocide and pump it into ITER and the national ignition facility research.

>> No.8904329

If we genocide all nonwhites, and spend the money that was wasted on foreign aid and national health care and other social aid that was disproportionately going to nonwhites, we could fund any number of expensive research projects.

>> No.8904338


Tbh if anyone needs genociding, its racists.

>> No.8904355

You say that, but you don't actually know who is racist. I'm a scientist, for instance, and have met tons of low-key racists high up. The difference is that we know never to mention it. If we're talking about what's best for the planet, it'd be killing off Africa and South America. And most of us understand this. Get out of your fairy world.

>> No.8904358

Thanks for your input.

>> No.8904887

If I had limitless resources, I'd build ten thousand carbon capture and storage plants and pump the damn stuff back into the ground as a supercritical gas. Problem solved.

>> No.8904896

Then who's gonna mine all your rare earths, asshole?

You know for every dollar of international aid sent to the third world, the megacorporations using them for slave labour export 24 dollars back into their offshore accounts right?
It's us who needs them, not them who need us.

>> No.8904912

It's been proven it's a scam. SAGE this bait thread.

>> No.8904947
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> If we genocide all nonwhites
80 years ago the krauts were slaughtering their own countrymen

70 years ago the Amerifats were splitting up the Koreans

50 years ago they tried again with the Vietnamese.

20 years ago the Serbs were rolling tanks over their next door neighbors.

For the last 15 years, you can't seem to stop blowing up the Middle East.

Can't you white people give it a fucking rest for 1 generation? Fucking Christ, and they call us violent.

>> No.8905001

>cooling the earth
Unless someone creates some sort of space elevator black body heatsinks that can somehow avoid sunlight for a miniscule gain

Your only bet is to increase the earth's infrared radiation without creating heat.

TL;DR There is no such system sans blocking the sun :^) or somehow altering the atmosphere to radiate more heat (removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere)

>> No.8905032

a system that directly removes GHGs from the atmosphere, since we have infinite resources

>> No.8905175

And not but 3 months ago we had a visit from the truck of peace. Jamal is shooting trayvon every night.

>> No.8905183
File: 2.72 MB, 716x718, Spazzing Out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooling the Earth
>......energy production

These guys really don't know how thermodynamics works do they?

>> No.8905297

Remove all roads and replace with green structure decentralize and somewhat compartmentalize trade, end absentee landownership and the capitalization of land, and labour. Mutualist type economy where means of production are freely utilized under guidance of the scientific method.
Restore all habitat large scale reforestation, reforestation, watersheds, wetlands and deserts. Burn all the authoritarian hierarchies

>> No.8905301

>Remove all roads and replace with green structure
cant we just paint the roads green?

>> No.8905865

You cant pump water up that high.

>> No.8905869

Except Russia is dismantling allot of it's bombs as per the NPT.

>> No.8905870

Just take the heating oceans and the heating atmosphere, take the heat energy and transform it into power for a spaceship

>> No.8905881

My friend thought of using a space elevator to pump out CO2

>> No.8905951

>antiracist wanting slaves

Wouldn't the ice caps melting increase the surface covered by ocean, thus increase its mitigating effect on the climate?