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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8891210 No.8891210 [Reply] [Original]

I really like pure science and engineering, but don't want to sit in front of computer for the rest of my career. Am I out of luck? Is Materials Sci an option?

>> No.8891214

>Is Materials Sci an option?
You WILL sit in front of a computer all day.

>> No.8891236

Well great... any other branches of engineering any better?

>> No.8891273

Face it, modern science and engineering have a lot of computer work. There are going be times where you have to sit in front of a computer. The main question is if you can get lots of field work that isn't sitting in a trailer in front of a computer. There are lots of field opportunities in geology related work. Keep in mind that this can be dangerous.

>> No.8891277

If you work in big companies you'll be doomed to do lots of boring documentation. This is the curse of modern engineer.
Working in smaller companies you might get a much higher having fun designing shit / doing god awfully boring documentation ratio.

>> No.8891282

Ohh, but yeah, you are gonna sit in front of computer 95% of a time.

>> No.8891400

Is all of STEM just being a computer jockey?

Fucking heeeeeeeelp
Even physicists have to code and stare at computers all day fuck

>> No.8891441

Do petrochemical and you'll be able to travel a bit.

You can also find field work jobs in Cheme.

>> No.8891444

Why do you hate computers so much? They are literally better than reality

>> No.8891456

Not everybody wants sitting disease and most places don't offer/allow treadmill desks.

>> No.8891459


If I was autistic enough to like computers I would've done software to make money
Instead I wanted to ~follow muh dreams~ and do math pencil and paper

Fuck me tho 9-5 cubicle life is what I've been striving for!

>> No.8891464


I'm good

>> No.8891547
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I think you missed your opportunity, like, 50 years ago.

>> No.8891553


>> No.8891822

If you want math pencil paper, do pure maths, not physics or fucking engineering.

>> No.8891851

I'm in mineral/mining engineering and you spend most of your time outdoors or not in an office.

>> No.8891858

hydrogeology can involve a lot of driving and checking wells and shit but then of course you have to process the data

>> No.8891886

EnvirE and certain subfields of CivE often have you be outside.

>> No.8892100

Honestly man just do any engineering field then become an academic... You have to use computers for your reports and analysis sure but you get to do physical research and teach classes? Sounds decent to me if you hate 9-5 computer life

>> No.8892241

C-can't you do the same thing in physics anon?

>> No.8892253

you'll be sitting in an office in houston 99% of the time. wishful thinking anon.

>> No.8892255

you know now that I see this thread, I feel lucky that my dream jobs are all computer-related

>> No.8892331


>> No.8892362

>I really like engineering but don't want to sit in front of computer for the rest of my career

well have fun as an engineer sitting on a fat cock for the rest of your career

>> No.8892371
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thanks for the help

>> No.8892437

gonna have to do some kind of geology/oil related field

and even then everything is on the computer

>expecting to not have to use an email

>> No.8892467

Email is okay and other communicating things, but as above mentioned I don't want to be a computer jockey

>> No.8892522


Email? Sure
Simulation software and coding?

>> No.8892527

What the fuck? I'm going into Materials Engineering switching from physics
What do you mean by being in front of a computer? Why??

>> No.8892533

Not him but also considering the same switch
Do I have to code? Pls tell me I don't have to FUCKING CODE

>> No.8892541

>This is how rational human beings exchange ideas

Its not even, this is how discussions ideally work but you will always lose if you do this. People don't communicate in this way, we aren't rational beings unless forced to be.

Not that poster but I'm sure MatE people have to use a computer to create/find, compile, and present data. This is our world, get over it.

If you want a job that is science/engineering that doesn't involve a computer you are shit out of luck. There are fields that have you go outdoors to do shit such as CivE/Environmental Engineering and Geology

>> No.8892560

Geology/Geophysics have plenty of opportunities to work outdoors. You'll still end up doing plenty of computer work these days, but this is as good as you'll get if you want to get out.

>> No.8892571

>If you want a job that is science/engineering that doesn't involve a computer you are shit out of luck.

Fair enough, but more precisely: what professions are there in which use of computers does not require knowledge of a programming language?

>> No.8892636

>I don't want to sit in front of a computer for the rest of my career


>> No.8892652

even so you may have to do some intense excel work with other proprietary tools for your field. just doing a field like geology/oil means you will spend more time outdoor

im in telecom and i work on computers for a living (10k+ machines for communicating large amounts of data to give everyone cell service or high speed internet) and I travel 3 months or so out of the year going from different installation sites

i honestly like it when i get to stay in the office and for long periods of time without having to travel

>having to live in a hotel for 2 weeks because shit doesnt work

at least i get 50$ a day for food

>> No.8893151

There are NO careers that will require you to sit in front of a computer for 50 years.

You'll. e sitting in front of a computer for 10 years, then a hologram screen for 25 years, then an integrated neural interface with augmented reality for 15 years

>> No.8893186

>Am I out of luck
>Is Materials Sci an option?

>> No.8893190

>but don't want to sit in front of computer for the rest of my career.
What a fucking normalfag.

>> No.8893248


I think if you get a masters you can specialize like mad and become like a marine engineer or some shit where you basically inspect boats (usually merchant marines) that come into the port and make sure that they are structurally sound and shit. At least that's how the job description sounded to me

There's also mineral engineering or mining engineering or whatever they call it. I think a lot of schools have masters programs for it but some offer BS for it, especially colleges that're in proximity to big mining-based economies, and from what I understand about that it's basically "don't drill in that spot you stupid faggot" and "it would be more efficient to drill this way you drill nigger"

Again this is just my intensely nuanced and erudite understanding of shit I have no idea about kek

>> No.8893253
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don't you dare underestimate sand nigger pussy

each dune coon is like one of those kinder surprise eggs; you never really know if you're fucking the sun goblin version of Megan Fox or if your dune coon whore is gonna have a face that looks like it was beaten with a stapler and a balloon knot that resembles the distinct dry and sad qualities of a tuscan raisin

in my day we appreciated these surprises

>> No.8893477

find a fucking decent place, and/or work from home

tons of programming companies allow WFH

>> No.8893518

>pure science and engineering
what would either of these pure?

t. math grad

>> No.8893530

mining engineering has a lot to do with designing waste heaps/managing waste rock (how big/steep can we make the pile before it is unsafe), designing mine layouts (efficient placement of processing/leech ponds), monitoring the walls of the pits for collapses etc.

from what i understand, deciding wheew to put waste and how to do it efficiently is actually a pretty nuanced problem. there is a fuckton of waste generated, and you want your haul trucks to drive minimal uphill distance when loaded with waste, etc.

geophysicist in mining exploration here.

>> No.8894629

two words
sales, engineer

>> No.8894633

This is strange. I keep getting asked in job interviews if I work on my car. I'm fucked because I don't.

What do /sci/? recent ME fag graduate here

>> No.8894678

I can tell you are a math grad by the amount of sense this question makes.

>> No.8894718

Find some hobby where after work you go outside and do something with your hands. Stop making work your only option for enjoying life. Computers are a tool that you need to compete in those fields, so your going to need to utilize them.

>> No.8894739

Kek, I love molecular biology, but I fucking hate how tedious the lab work is, I WISH I could just sit in front of a computer and do relevant work there rather than in the lab. JUST

>> No.8894872
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Pretty weird that you don't work on your car or generally tinker with something. They ask this question to see if you have any practical experience outside of uni-related ones. If you really loathe working on your car, I suggest picking up some technical hobby of your choice and have fun with it. If you hate getting your hands dirty, then i don't think mechanical engineering was actually the best choice you've ever made.

>> No.8895009

anon what the fuck do i do!

i'm unemployable because i don't tinker

>> No.8897003

stop being a brainlet and study partial differential equations like those among us whom of which are actually 18

>> No.8897005

I'm a computer scientist who work at a machine factory. I don't just sit in front of my computer.

>> No.8897025

just do science + lift.

>> No.8897053

CE major here. As an engineer you should know at least how to write scripts and how to use Excel.

>> No.8897058

not op but I'm interested in what you do and how you got the job. can you explain?

>> No.8897059

desu anyone who still fucks with actual physical machinery is probably some 40yo old fag, we have the internet and computer drafting now there is literally no reason an engineer should ever have to do any physical work

>> No.8897175


Materials is all about that shit you brainlet trash, go be a P.E. teacher or something

>> No.8897398

Sitting disease?

>> No.8897431


>> No.8897438

Oh I can code, I just don't want coding to be in effect what I do 8+ hours a day

>> No.8897455

>wants to be an engineer
>doesn't want to learn to code
Sounds like you'd be better suited as a professional toilet cleaner my friend.

>> No.8897496

see >>8897438 tard

Have fun being a code monkey in ur cubicle bitch boi

>> No.8897504

Begin a startup in sci area

>> No.8897615

>materials engineering
7 hours of sitting in front of the computer, 1 hour of struggling to get the equipment to work when it eventually fails catastrophically.

>> No.8897660

Is there no peace from this evil?

>> No.8897669

w-what about optics?



just cuck my shit up senpai