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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, 1485084916871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8883526 No.8883526 [Reply] [Original]

>be studying in library
>some asshole walks in with his boombox blasting rap music


>> No.8883528

Talk to the staff.

>> No.8883541

What >>8883528 said. Though in our library the old woman who sits at the desk will come herself at the smalles sign of noise and will proceed to kick out everyone who disturbs her.

>> No.8883546 [DELETED] 

LOL WTF AMERICANS??? really? How much of a pussy are you to take it without lynching such a nigger?

>> No.8883553

Lynching is illegal here, third-worlder.

>> No.8883559

lol what a total cuck, I bet you didn't even make eye contact with the nigger because you were scared he would notice you

>> No.8883563


>calling someone a cuck

>> No.8883571
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>> No.8883595

please go back to middle school. 4chan is a website for adults

>> No.8883612
File: 89 KB, 736x1102, Emma_this_is_library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8883779


>> No.8883812


Get off 4chan grandpa. It's not good for you.

>> No.8883859

>not going to the library exclusively for picking up girls

>> No.8883865


>> No.8883886


>> No.8884070

that's when you call in Conan the Librarian

>> No.8884077

this is indeed library

>> No.8884108 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 651x651, 1466571903856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uni library has cubicles
>Nobody moderates them but people respect that others want to do work quietly in them
>There's always one fucking girl who has to have a fucking lunch/dinner and chews extremely loudly
The ones with apples or chips are the fucking worst and yes, it's ALWAYS a girl.


>> No.8884405

If something that little bothers you then I suggest never stepping foot in a public library.

>> No.8884451

Have you tried reminding him that this is ribrary?

>> No.8884519


This totally doesn't sound made up and retarded.

>> No.8884530

Wow um... sexist much?! How about you frig off back to >>>/pol/??

>> No.8884646

Its sientifly prooven that natonal soshalism is better

>> No.8884804

go back to rreddit

>> No.8885128

>studying in library and not the comfort of your home/dorm
Normie and/or brainlet detected

>> No.8885332
File: 28 KB, 477x464, Samurai of Silent Studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8885862


this is library

>> No.8885874


hey, this is library..

>> No.8885904

Hey, this is library

>> No.8885916


This is library.

>> No.8885922

hey; this is library

>> No.8885957

>Physical books
Ever heard of audible?

>> No.8885972

audible is useless for textbooks
its only purpose is to make imbeciles feel smart while giving a super light read of light novels or some shit

>> No.8885987


>> No.8885992

warn him like a human being, if he doesn't stop call the cops and have him killed

>> No.8886015

>rap music
>at Uni
This is why American colleges are getting worse and worse. You guys need to get rid of sport scholarships.

>> No.8886061

>are getting
They're already terrible.

>> No.8886069

In all honesty I'm willing to bet it was a white guy.

>> No.8886239

Hey, this is Library.

>> No.8887288

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8887306

>Using current year meme

>> No.8887318

> spent the better part of 30 minutes wandering, trying to find a peaceful place to study
> quiet study found, finally can focus
> sit down, read notes for ten minutes
> couple of people directly behind me start up conversation
> don't make issue about it at first, but they don't stop
> of the entire school, they decide to choose that one spot to talk about their shitty grades
> fml

>> No.8887333

Hey, this is library

>> No.8887371
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>Be in library
>Everyone goes there to enjoy facebook memes due to free internet
>All people talking shit
>No one lower their voices
>Nobody cares (not even librarians)
>If you ask talkers to shut (the fuck) up they react aggressively
>Be better to do nothing
At least here (third world), library is the worst place to study. Once I could clearly hear a conversation between two students about Shingeki no Kyojin and how worried they were about whether or not a second season be aired.

>> No.8888227

Hey, this is library

>> No.8888235
File: 45 KB, 409x409, tumblr_o6crjzE5hk1v0pigno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your uni has an area specifically for quiet studying in the library
>tfw there are group study rooms you can reserve ahead of time
>anyone who makes any noise always gets death stare
>comfy af

>> No.8888278

>tfw your uni has an area specifically for quiet studying in the library
>tfw nobody gives a shit and STILL talk and play loud music from their headphones
>tfw nobody stops them

Fuck America, honestly.

>> No.8888319

Hasn't happened to me yet, where the fuck are you at

>> No.8888347

I have always admired asians for this

They may be insectoid dog eating soulless creatures, but god dammit they're not obnoxious in the western world and will actively work towards making things more civilized for others

>> No.8888513


This would drive me fucking insane. Is your school campus so small that there's nowhere else for people to do that bullshit?

>> No.8888520 [DELETED] 

Becouse affirmative action lets dumb niggers in colleges. You really should have not opposed Hitler.

>> No.8888605

>>deleted comment

It's called Misophonia

>> No.8888697

Hey, this is library

>> No.8888703

>only black people are dumb enough to like rap music

>> No.8888737

you don't have silent floors that are literally dedicated to being silent?

so this is the power of americans...

>> No.8888873

>>tfw your uni has an area specifically for quiet studying in the library
>>tfw nobody gives a shit and STILL talk and play loud music from their headphones
>>tfw nobody stops them

this is exactly why school shootings happen desu

>> No.8888896

Nobody who unironically likes rap music is white, even if they look white.

>> No.8888916

>you don't have silent floors that are literally dedicated to being silent?
We do. Nobody respects them. For example, on the third floor of my library, there's a group of regulars - maybe 12 people - who sit at one of the large tables and fucking lounge around there talking loudly, going "shhh, this is a quiet area! tee hee!"


>> No.8888949

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8888956

Lol good joke

>> No.8888968

the best rappers are whiter than you

>> No.8888973

I take solace in the fact that they will all be dead one day.

>> No.8889071

hey, this is a library

>> No.8890052

>tfw nobody even uses the silent study romms to study they just nap between classes

>> No.8890056

Hey, dis is library

>> No.8890060

Public libraries should be completely privatized

>> No.8890066

hey this is library

>> No.8890077

>4chan is a website for adults

Look at this nigger.

>> No.8890169
File: 23 KB, 552x468, 1492835946391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public library
>large variety of books because there's no incentive to purchase certain books
>library fines don't accrue interest
>people too poor to afford books can still read them

Private library
>membership fee; fuck off, poorfags
>less variety of books; only books which are likely to be checked out and returned late are purchased
>library fines accrue interest. that book you lost over the summer in the fifth grade now costs more than your college tuition
>nobody is a member of your library because every book can be downloaded for free off of the internet if you look hard enough, and those with enough money and interest in books purchase their books from a store and actually own them instead of renting them from you

you might be able to keep your shitty private library afloat if you were subsidized by the local government... perhaps with tax dollars...

>> No.8890200

>>membership fee; fuck off, poorfags
Of course there's going to be a membership fee. It's not paid by taxes.
People who actually want to use libraries will have to pay.

Why do you think the rest of society should be forced to pay for your bullshit?

>> No.8890205

>Why do you think the rest of society should be forced to pay for your bullshit?
Because having an educated public is good for society as a whole?

>> No.8890223

>educated public
education is cheap
why should the government steal money from people to provide it?

>> No.8890258

>education is cheap
It really isn't, compared to how little some people make.

>why should the government steal money from people to provide it?
Because the total cost is much smaller than the benefits.

>> No.8890265

>It really isn't,
It absolutely is
It costs nothing but an internet connection or a cell phone.


>Because the total cost is much smaller than the benefits.
No, public education costs society much much more than what we get out of it.

It should absolutely be dismantled and privatized.

>> No.8890280


>> No.8890284

Alright Ayn Rand. Didn't realize it was a '/pol/ gets out of their cage' episode.

>> No.8890322

>Ayn Rand
ayn rand was a dumb bitch

why do you assume I support her ideology?

>Didn't realize it was a '/pol/ gets out of their cage' episode.
Who's /pol/ here?

Public education is sociopathic and disgusting.
It hurts children and hurts society.

>> No.8890331

when you have children you should send them off to a sweatshop
after all, teaching them to read and write would be sociopathic and disgusting

>> No.8890341

>when you have children you should send them off to a sweatshop
Why would I do such a think? I live in an industrialized capitalist economy that has moved beyond sweatshops?

>teaching them to read and write
Why would I not want to educate my children?

what is even your argument?

you religious cultists make no sense

>> No.8890344


>> No.8890365
File: 86 KB, 809x1200, 1493415905823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choice 1:
>pay taxes
>child goes to public school to learn from a trained educator
>socializes with peers and becomes a normal citizen
>education caters to the lowest common denominator and it sucks for smart children, but it's better than nothing, and chances are your children isn't far above the lowest common denominator anyway

Choice 1A: Send your kid to a private school

Choice 1B: Hire a private tutor for your kid and educate them alone, turning them into an antisocial weirdo

Choice 1C: Homeschool your kid and turn them into an antisocial weirdo

Choice 2:
>abolish public school
>you and/or your wife are/is now responsible for teaching your child everything up to college level
>most people will not be able to afford the time to teach their children because they are busy working
>overall level of education drops, society becomes Africa-tier

Choice 2A: Send your kid to a private school, which has become very expensive now that public school is no longer available (demand is up)

Choice 2B: Hire a private tutor for your kid and educate them alone, turning them into an antisocial weirdo

Choice 2C: Homeschool your kid and turn them into an antisocial weirdo

>> No.8890374

extremely dumb nonsense

>>child goes to public school to learn from a trained educator
monopolist brainwashing agent

>>socializes with peers and becomes a normal citizen
why does the state have to do this?

>>you and/or your wife are/is now responsible for teaching your child everything up to college level
No they're not. They can send their kids to the emerging education industry which now costs very little thanks to economies of scale.
They now get education through virtual reality and education is far superior.

>>most people will not be able to afford the time to teach their children because they are busy working
see above you dumb delusional idiot
education is fucking cheap

>society becomes Africa-tier
Society would become super intelligent because they can actually think for themselves and are not brainwashed by terrible public education.

>> No.8890378

>he thinks education is this super expensive important thing that only the government can provide


>> No.8890380

>They can send their kids to the emerging education industry which now costs very little thanks to economies of scale.

>> No.8890384

if the only requirement for a society to "become super intelligent" was the lack of public education, the third world would be the smartest place in the world. But it isn't.

Additionally, all those hours you spend reading wikipedia aren't education, dummy. I dare you to put "I am self educated" on your resume.

>> No.8890391

What about us?
What is your point?

>he third world would be the smartest place in the world
The third world is poor.
They need to work to become rich and afford education.
They need to destroy their oppressive non-free market governments.

>Additionally, all those hours you spend reading wikipedia aren't education
I read actual books.
What are you saying?
You're fucking dumb if you believe the "standard" story of how "horrible" the gilded age was.

>> No.8890395

>You're fucking dumb if you believe the "standard" story of how "horrible" the gilded age was
Tell me more.
And when you're done don't forget to redpill me on the moon landings, 9/11 and the holocaust

Now that I can be certain that you're American, just know that at least half of this country wouldn't be able to afford education if public education were not available. Privatizing public education would make it an unaffordable luxury for the average citizen who can't afford to write a check for 500 dollars.

But you lolbertarians think the economy is fucking magic so I don't expect you to understand.

>> No.8890424


Hae, this is liepberry

>> No.8890452

This. My Asian friend always corrects me. If I say I do X he will always explain how I can do it more efficient, if I'm doing it wrong, etc.
You should all get one, really useful.

>> No.8890461

Hey, this is library

>> No.8890663
File: 176 KB, 400x406, 1481037232543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Being a cuckhold

>> No.8890668

what kind of brainlet spells it like that

>> No.8891327

>Tell me more.
What more do you want me to tell you?

It was the greatest achievement in human history and if we had those same laws today, the average workweek would be like 2 days and everyone would be rich.

>moon landings, 9/11 and the holocaust
What the fuck are you even talking about?

>half of this country wouldn't be able to afford education if public education were not available.
This is hilariously wrong.
Education is already basically free.
You can learn anything you want online.
If you wanted an actual brick and mortor classroom with a teacher and all that it would also be very cheap.
All it really is is a person talking to you in front of a whiteboard. How much could that honestly fucking cost?
Thanks to economies of scale, private education would be extremely cheap.

>who can't afford to write a check for 500 dollars.
For one year?

Their taxes will also be lower so they could afford to do this.
Also more people will be able to donate to charities for the very small minority that absolutely cannot pay.

>But you lolbertarians think the economy is fucking magic
Coming from the retards that believe in "animal spirits"

>> No.8891795

>All it really is is a person talking to you in front of a whiteboard. How much could that honestly fucking cost?

>dude, let's just pay all the teachers sub minimum wage, what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.8891800

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8892023

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8892495

Hey, this is library

>> No.8892907

>>dude, let's just pay all the teachers sub minimum wage
They would make decent money.
They just wouldn't get the insane salaries they get now.
They also wouldn't be unionized lazy pieces of shit that don't even care about educating children.

>> No.8893250
File: 10 KB, 261x197, 1471467991679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insane salaries

>> No.8893616


i can't believe /sci/ of all people would believe in this fucking shit


hey this is library

>> No.8893879

Compared to what they do.

Why do you want stagnant shitty unionized teachers to teach our kids?

There's a reason private schools have better outcomes for students.

Hell, even a voucher system would be far far superior to the current "public" system.
But I know you authoritarian cucks like Jon Oliver hate progress so you'd be against this.

>> No.8893890

Quantity > quality when it comes to schooling a population. You can't have both affordably.

>> No.8893906

>You can't have both affordably.
Yes you can.
That's what the market economy does with things.
There's a huge profit opportunity to find the highest quality at the lowest price.
Hell most of education could even be automated at this point and teachers could be used for specific questions students might have.

>> No.8893917

Any price is too expensive for poor people though.

>> No.8893933

the american public school system is a giant state sponsored day care facility so mommy and daddy can both work 8 hours a day.

you can teach everything required to create a healthy, functional adult in a fraction of the time investment. but that would mean teachers would need to get real jobs outside of milking tax payer dollars for a full workday.

>> No.8893947

>you can teach everything required to create a healthy, functional adult in a fraction of the time investment
A lot of high school graduates are barely functional adults as it is.

>> No.8893963

most of what they teach in high school is filler. look at the actual hour by hour break out of what kids are doing. the vast majority of it is garbage tier learning that can be replaced by browsing wikipedia articles.

boil it down to some math, some language skills, and maybe some government stuff to teach them about how to adult. thats like 4 hours tops.

the problem is you can't have little jimmy running the streets for the vast majority of the day while his parents are working in the coal mine.

>> No.8893974

Do that with your kids then. But even the best private schools work at basically the same pace as public.

>> No.8893990

Even if the price comes down to really cheap?
Even if poor people's taxes are dramatically reduced?

Also if prices were this low and everyone had their taxes cut there there was much more economic productivity, there would also be a lot more people donating to charities that help kids go to school.

>> No.8893992

This is fucking correct.

>> No.8894006

Yeah, no tax cut is going to be substantial enough to pay for cheap private school. Think about the costs involved. If you paid a teacher minimum wage @ $8 per hour teaching 20 kids for a full day (7 hours), that's $3 per kid for a day, which comes out to $60 per month per kid. That's just for teacher labor alone at minimum wage.

>> No.8894007

Hey, this is a library

>> No.8894030



>> No.8894058

Then why are they statistically smarter than you?

>> No.8894065

Okay, so school might cost 1000 dollars a year all told.
Much better than the current system.

>20 kids
what makes you think it would be that low?

>> No.8894100

That's teacher labor alone @ minimum wage. It's actually going to be many many factors higher than that. And 20 kids because quality of education takes a dip beyond that.


>> No.8894123

>It's actually going to be many many factors higher than that.
Not several factors but higher yes.
That's why I said about 1000 dollars a year.
Even 1500 would be reasonable.
This isn't a lot of money considering college education costs a fuckton of money(thanks to government student loans, but that's another story).
$1500 is pretty reasonable and if this means we get superior education and there's actual real competition in the market then it's a good thing.

Wow. Totally going to read a shill website that literally says in it's name it shills for violent government monopolized education.

Public education has failed america's youth yet we keep spending more and more money on it. You people are sociopaths honestly. You won't even budge on going to a voucher system which is far superior to the current system.

>> No.8894148

$1500 is paying the teacher $16/hr and not considering other staff, facility costs, supplies, and other costs involved. You're still quite a ways off, and we're already beyond affordability for poor people.

And a study is a study dude. Public schools use them too and have even smaller class sizes than public schools do.

>> No.8894772

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8894790

That was pretty based.

>> No.8894846

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8895710


>> No.8896561

I'm saying school doesn't need to be the same model it is now.
Most things can be automated.

Also public teachers get like 3-4 months off a fucking year and still get their full salaries, it's fucking bullshit.

>And a study is a study dude.
No, a study from people that OPENLY say they are extremely biased is not a good study.
It's like posting a study from a creationist website showing evolution isn't real.

>> No.8896576

Tell me how a study of classroom size has public school bias and why private schools have even smaller class sizes.

>> No.8896594

To be fair though most Asians at UW aren't like that

>> No.8896603

>Tell me how a study of classroom size has public school bias
Because they're literally called 'center for public education'?

How unbelievably retarded are you?

>why private schools have even smaller class sizes.
Because the only private schools that exist are ones that cater to rich people.
The government crowds out private schools that would exist to cater to low income families.
In a free market there would be both.
Like Burger King and a fancy restaurant.

>> No.8896607


>> No.8896614

Better throw out the studies by the EPA that clearly demonstrate climate change then.

>> No.8896660

EPA is a government organization not some unbiased shill organization who's stated goal is supporting public education.
You're embarrassing.

Also you're right, you can't trust everything the government says, then have a strong tendency to lie to achieve their agenda.

Are you this much of a bootlicker?

>> No.8896672

and the Exxon Institute of Oil Science is better somehow

>> No.8896677

>and the Exxon Institute of Oil Science is better somehow
Where the fuck are you getting this?
Of course they're not unbiased.

Again, they literally state they are biased.

Why are you leftist shills so fucking stupid? Almost as bad as the rightwing shills.

>> No.8896696

>EPA is a government organization not some unbiased shill organization who's stated goal is supporting public education.
I don't follow this at all...

>> No.8896707

>I don't follow this at all...
What's it like being a brainlet?

Just admit you lost already this is getting sad.

>> No.8896741

Look at this circular as logic.
>private schools have smaller classrooms because rich people pay for a superior education
>smaller class sizes aren't better because that study was done by people I don't like!!!!
Though I would love to see a lecture hall full of two hundred 8 year olds. I'm sure they will get a fantastic education.

>> No.8896809

Hey, this is library.

>> No.8896850

Go back to Hong Kong

>> No.8896854

can confirm, ME student. They all just congregate in their fob groups and cheat off each other during tests
University of Washignton, the site at which The Samurai of Silent Studies made his stand.

>> No.8896858

>studying in library
Are you a freshman? Get the books you want, and go hog an empty classroom. After a while you learn what janitors are fine with you staying late so you can be there all night.

>> No.8896896

Hey, this is library

>> No.8896911

>>smaller class sizes aren't better
they can be better but not necessarily

my point was that education needs innovation

>> No.8896914

Mu local library is closer than the university.

>> No.8896936

I've masturbated in my library

>> No.8896982

That's what the rich people pay for though. Surely they are getting the best current methods that we know of. Instead of forcing an entire country to be guinea pigs for radical new forms of education, how about we implement some of those aspects into some existing schools as a trial and see how they work? Maybe those methods you're thinking of are ineffective. Maybe education actually doesn't need much innovation after all.

>> No.8897120

Yeah being a math major is especially bad since some classes are about 90% fob

>> No.8897879


>> No.8897946

>Not going to the library to discretely use the glory holes in the men's bathroom


>> No.8897948

Hey, is this library?

>> No.8897950

>Not having the keys to your own office as an undergrad

Stay pleb

>> No.8897960

holy shit i took chinese in middle and high school i cant believe i can still read zhongwen

>> No.8899309

the fuck

>> No.8899459

It was really exciting

>> No.8899788

Hey, this is library

>> No.8899794

Same in Cucknada. Mostly roasties.

>> No.8899796

HEY, this is library

>> No.8900192

Hey, this is library

>> No.8900462

Hey this is ribrary

>> No.8900467

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8900727

>on the floor on the library

>> No.8901616


>> No.8901620

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8901737

>Not studying in the bathroom

>> No.8901887

There's a book in a nearby university's library that I want to read, but i'm not a student. Is it possible just to walk in and read books inside the library if you don't actually go to school there?

>> No.8901905

if its uni library they request proof,id or something that you are indeed student at their uni.

>> No.8902075

What? You mean they check every single person who walks into your library? Or are you just talking about checking out books? At my uni's library anybody can walk in and look at books if they want to.

>> No.8903395

AT UW Odegaard, they have public hours from 9a-7p and student hours 24/7 (mostly). just at 7pm they lock all doors and ask everyone in the building to show thier student ID and if you dont have yours, you get kicked out

>> No.8903406

Put on your best memethreads and try it.

>> No.8903668

hey, this is library

>> No.8903828

>just at 7pm they lock all doors and ask everyone in the building to show thier student ID
That sounds like a giant pain in the ass for whoever has to go around and check IDs. How big is that library?

>> No.8903855

>You guys need to get rid of sport scholarships

I love having 80 IQ black men at my college. It's great to know we have the world's best sports management program.

But in all seriousness, getting rid of them would be nice, but it will never ever happen. College sports are ingrained into life here.

>> No.8903858

Hey, this is ribrary

>> No.8903866

Where I live a public school teacher can max out at $70k. This is Massachusetts (state with highest paid public school teachers) but still decent salary for the amount of work.

Don't fall for the

>teachers actuall work a zillion hours a week!

meme, they don't.

>> No.8903868

nig nog detecty-ogged
Although I agree the term nigger is offensive. It's so racial binary. What we should say is he seems approximately 96% nigger. That help ease your mind, anon?

>> No.8903869

Het is slachten

>> No.8903871

Fucking this, it's always about how fucked they are. In my experience it's always those fucking people in premed in it for the money.

>> No.8903880
File: 66 KB, 600x596, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homeschool-fag here, your parents just have to not be dumb fucks and sign you up for social shit. It also really helps in college since, if you have the right curriculum, you learn to teach yourself. I have yet to be fucked over by a poor instructor.

>> No.8904217


That protestor at the end though
>whose university is this?

The university is for the students who want to actually absorb knowlege and try and improve themselves. If they had any respect for the idea of the university and its students they wouldn't be staging their loud protest in the middle of the library.

>> No.8904687

its pretty big, 3 floors, they have like 5 people doing it and they go floor by floor so it gets done within like 30minutes ish

>> No.8904690

University of Washington

>> No.8905243

Hey, this is Library

>> No.8905300

This definitely makes everyone see their side more. It definitely doesn't confirm the beliefs of most people that women and minorities are overemotional, obnoxious, selfish, and irrational.