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8883340 No.8883340 [Reply] [Original]

There is a statement that if you have an untreated epi. that just 1 attack can destroy 30% of neurons

''Isolated brief seizures probably do not kill neurons; however, severe and repetitive seizures (i.e., status epilepticus) certainly do. ''

I think that could be applied for grand mal not for some lmao versions like jackson or partial or noctural.

if someone has 1 nocturnal attack of partial epi mixed with panic attack, does that kill neurons?

summon your knowledge dubs, give it to me
(family friendly, i wont cuss damn it) - Mot

>> No.8883354 [DELETED] 


if you are 2.... something and you have a brief nocturnal seizure once in every 3-up to 8 months, should you consider taking anti epileptics
that would cause in your case sleepines, fatique etc
or just live with untreated epi like you kind of want to? no daytime attacks, no usual photo sensitivity and other symptoms those anons have

so would u rather be a plant on antiepileptics or be just fine with 2-3 attacks per year...and if you didnt use antiep. should you expects neuronal damage?

(not like people usually have that after 20th year and in every decade they lose some % of neurons though, no)

>> No.8883356


if you are 2.... something and you have a brief nocturnal seizure once in every 3-up to 8 months, should you consider taking anti epileptics
that would cause in your case sleepines, fatique etc
or just live with untreated epi like you kind of want to? no daytime attacks, no usual photo sensitivity and other symptoms those anons have

so would u rather be a plant on antiepileptics or be just fine with 2-3 attacks per year...and if you didnt use antiep. should you expect neuronal damage?

(not like people usually have that after 20th year and in every decade they lose some % of neurons though, no)

>> No.8883370

you don't need medications. Go to a priest and pay an exorcism

they did one in the Bible, eyyyyyyyy