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8882834 No.8882834 [Reply] [Original]

What does washing your hands actually do?

>> No.8882839

it drowns the bacteria

>> No.8882841

It brushes off bacteria/viruses/debris from your hands. Soap does almost nothing in this other than weaken your immune system by killing the remaining bacteria and thus through evolution create stronger bugs

>> No.8882847

Most people suck at washing hands, which does nothing. watch a surgeon scrub up to see how it's done.

>> No.8882852

that isn't what soap does, dipshit.

soap disrupts microbe attachment to your body. it doesn't KILL bacteria unless it has antibacterial agents, then it would kill SOME of the bacteria on your skin.

yea guys, make sure you scrub like a surgeon every time you wash your hands.
even scrubbing that thoroughly won't remove all the microbes from your body surface. that's why they wear sterile protective equipment

>> No.8882857

>implying most morons still dont use the "kills 99.9%" meme soap
No shit not all soap is antibacterial nowadays but just a surfactant. Never said otherwise.
most kill all of the main 4 pathogens and brush of the rest. so?

>> No.8882872
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all soap IS a surfactant. SOME of those soaps also have antibacterial agents. the ones with antibacterial agents CAN KILL bacteria, the ones that don't have those agents CAN'T KILL bacteria. it's that fucking simple. saying that "soap does almost nothing in this other than weaken your immune system by killing the remaining bacteria" is stupid as fuck.

>actually believing that all bacteria are removed/killed from soap
you're a fucking dipshit

>> No.8882875

No one ever explained me three things:

1. How far can germs go and
2. How long do they survive?
3. When do germs actually cause harm?

For example if I use the back of my hand to open a door does the palm stay clean or do the germs crawl there from the back of my hand?

So I heard that your phone has quite a lot of germs. If I leave my phone on the table and don't touch it how long would it take for it to become sterile? Would it ever?

So if there are germs on your phone and keyboard and laptop why don't you get sick? I also heard that you should replace your hand towel daily but what if you don't? What kind of harmful germs could collect there?

>> No.8882876

"through evolution create stronger bugs"
you lack an understanding of what evolution is

>> No.8882882

>all soap IS a surfsactant
never said it wasnt
>SOME of those soaps also have antibacterial agents.
and those are the most popular. which is what i said.
>saying that "soap does almost nothing in this other than weaken your immune system by killin the remaining bacteria" is stupid as fuck.
Nearly all of the pathogens are removed with the brushing with water. Soaps are usually also antibacterial which kill a large portion of the pathogens which you would have been exposed to and fought off easily and thus stengthening your immune system. Its literally factually proven that using these antibacterial soaps increase the likelyhood of developing an allergy and weaken the immune system. If you want to call someone a dipshit atleast read the literature before you do.
>actually believing i said that all bacteria are removed/killed from soap.
i literally said antibacterial soaps only kill the main 4 which are essentially harmless to us anyway. Go back go grade school because you need a lesson in reading comprehension

>> No.8882884

>Its been proven through studies that casual use of antibacterial soaps increase the resistance of numerous pathogens
>not evolution
Prove him wrong maybe? how is it not evolution?

>> No.8882888

1. some germs can travel miles in a day
2. some germs can survive decades or longer if left unperturbed, even in very harsh environments
3. when they breach your defensive barriers and are able to proliferate, damaging your cells and feeding off of them.

even if you wash your hands and use the back of your hand to open a door, your palm will still have germs on it. it is impossible for you to remove ALL germs from your hand/any other surface of your body. relative to the back of your hand, though, the palm would be "cleaner" after you open the door. some germs can crawl from the back of your hand, but the majority would stay on the back.

most of the germs on the phone, if left in a nutrient poor environment long enough unperturbed, would enter a resistant survival state. viruses can't do this, but most every bacterial species and fungi can. no, it would never be sterile. 99.9999999999999% of our planet is not sterile, and the few places where there are truly sterile objects are in VERY controlled environments.

not all germs are capable of infecting human tissue. not all germs enter your body in numbers great enough to cause infection. some people have better genes which cause them to be more resistant to infection, etc. if you don't replace hand towels/whatever daily then microbes can proliferate on them. depending on what the microbe is, this may or may not be a bad thing. staph aureus, cdiff, vancomycin resistant enterococcus, enterohemorrhagic ecoli, etc. just about everything COULD. but these very harmful germs aren't common. you shouldn't worry

>> No.8882892

because killing bacteria that aren't resistant to an antibacterial agent doesn't CREATE stronger bugs. the stronger bugs are already present on the surface exposed to the antibacterial agent. he clearly lacks an understanding of what evolution is, and so do you, shitlord.

>> No.8882896

>nearly all of the pathogens are removed with the brushing with water
you're so god damned stupid, you actually think you have a clue of what you're talking about. what are you, a fucking freshman? get the fuck out. i'm not even going to waste my time responding to the other retarded shit you type, brainlet

>> No.8882901

Soaps usually have a polar end and a non-polar end, this helps water to get greasy substances off of your hands by emulsifying them. One effect of this is weakening the links bacteria use to stick to your skin which helps get them off.

>> No.8882907

>majority of pathogens removed with the washing with just water and soap decreased it by less than half of what using water did
>washing for longer with just water removes nearly all of the pathogens
>youre so god damned stupid
Read the study you post maybe? Nice try moron. It literally says that using soap as a surfactant is the main reason it decreases the amount of pathogens found when washing for the same amount of time.
Literally go read one of the many papers on how washing for longer will produce the same effect.
Its clear that this is your first time actually informing yourself on any of these topics so feel free to actually read the literature instead of trying to misuse a single studies data.

>> No.8882909
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Which gives them more resources to reproduce and become the dominant bacteria which means the majority is now resistant to it.
Congratz brainlet you played yourself. Thats literally what evolution is. Go back to your kkkhan academy lessons on basic biology. Its pretty fucking obvious that the soap doesnt cause the mutations but allows them to be better suited to survival AKA evolution.

>> No.8882915
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>"majority of pathogens removed with water washing"
>actual 47.7% of initial bacteria was removed

mfw 47.7% is majority

>> No.8882917

it doesn't create stronger bugs. you're a dipshit. it also doesn't "weaken" your immune system. you're a dipshit. go to class so you can learn something moron

>> No.8882920

>majority of pathogens removed
literally reading comprehension.
>The majority that were removed was with hand washing.
That spell it out clear enough for your pea sized brain to get? Literally try harder next time.

>> No.8882923

>numerous studies saying it helps create super bugs
hurrr durrrr nuhhh uhhhhh!
>numerous studies showing how it does more harm than good by indirectly allowing you immune system to weaken over time
hurrr durrr nuhhh uhhhhhh!

Have you read anything on the topic or are you just troll posting now because youre factually incorrect?

>> No.8882930

>continuing to post nonsense
>continuing to misunderstand what the word create means
my flanks are in orbit

>> No.8882933

>being so wrong about a subject you have to resort to pedantic arguments about the specific meaning of a single word
Youre factually wrong on everything youve said so you have to use the morons argument. congratz man i fell for the bait.

>> No.8882936

>"majority of pathogens removed"
>literally reading comprehension
yep. you suck at it.
>"the majority that were removed was with hand washing"
the fuck are you on about? where did i say this wasn't the case dipshit? actually talking about reading comprehension and then saying this. lmao.

>> No.8882937

>actually believing that washing your hands does more harm than good by indirectly weakening your immune system, also believing there are "numerous studies" that "show" this
you're a top brainlet little kid

>> No.8882945

its factually correct that the majority of the ones removed were removed when washing. thats what i said.
You showed how fucking moronic you are by misunderstanding it thinking i said the majority overall. You still fail at reading comprehension. Can you not even follow the things you say? Nice try brainlet
>samefagging this hard.
>not reading any of the dozens of papers showing that antibacterial soap does more harm than good by indirectly weakening your immunine system.
Feel free to google and read that you are wrong. Or just go ahead being retarded.

>> No.8882948
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>> No.8882949

>still not realizing only 47.7% of initial bacteria was removed
>still believing 47.7% is majority
honestly kill yourself
>jumping on antibacterial soap meme machine
post something of value shitlord

>> No.8882954

>still misunderstanding the phrase
>being too stupid too add up the numbers and see that the majority that was removed was removed with water
Dont you have highschool finals in the morning or something? go to sleep kiddo.
How is it a meme when its scientificly proven? Thats like saying round earth is a meme

>> No.8882956
File: 38 KB, 838x570, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao, can you even read?

>> No.8882957

>can you even read
>post the thing proven me right.
Just lol. You cunts cant even understand anything. Im done arguing with someone who fails to understand information literaly infront of your face. Next time take more than two seconds to parce through the information dude.

>> No.8882959
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>still believing there's an association between urine triclosan levels and immune function

>> No.8882963

brainlet identified

>> No.8882973

>Most people suck at washing hands, which does nothing. watch a surgeon scrub up to see how it's done.
makes my hands stop smelling like shit after i take a shit

>> No.8882977


the >>8882847 guy is a fucking idiot. ignore him

>> No.8883044

You shit in your hands?

How effective is hand sanitizer at killing microbes?

>> No.8883053

it's very good, but not perfect.

>> No.8883061

>>8883053 here. check this out if you feel inclined

>> No.8883566

this 99,9% shit should be banned
most normies think it would kill 99,9% of all bacteia but instead it kills only 99,9% of all TESTED bacteria
i heard people thinking 99,9% cleaner could kill non-enveloped shit like HPV

>> No.8884082

>What is msra

>> No.8884369


>Kiddies actually believe this idiotic crap.
Someone get the children off this board please.

>> No.8884395

Washing hands with soap is extremely overrated.
It does interfere with bacteria, but not all are washed away. Cleaning your hands doesn't really mean much after you've cleaned them because there's a shit ton of microbial life literally everywhere that's just going to land on your hands in a matter of seconds. You also have the argument of crowding where established niche bacteria prevent pathogens from colonizing your skin.
I'd say the best argument to wash hands is to prevent dirt and potential pathogens that might be encapsulated in it (so they can circumvent the immune system) entering the body so they can't cause sepsis or an infection.

>> No.8884517

So, is it reasonable to wipe your phone and your keyboard with alcohol from time to time?

>> No.8884560

if you all hate soap so much, just rinse your hands and then use some 70% rubbing alcohol on them

>> No.8884584

>actually believing that antibacterial soap is "creating superbugs"
go read a fucking book dipshits

>> No.8884643

>falling for the bacteria boogeyman
99 percent of common infectious diseases that you catch from unhygienic faggots around you are caused by viruses. You're merely washing those down the drain unless you use a chloride-containing soap.

>> No.8884663
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>not understanding what evolution is.
Whew lad.

>> No.8884673

lol are you literally denying the existance of evolution? Youre as bad if not worse than creationists

>> No.8884677

>still missing what evolutionary change entails
absolute idiot

>> No.8884684

Takes off the ass smell after fingering your butthole.

>> No.8884690

Oh my god. Is he being serious? Is this bait?

>> No.8884701

>im wrong on a topic but my fragile ego wont let me admit that
>let me insult everyone else instead!!! REEEEEEE
Oh god this is hilarious stuff. Classic middle schooler trying to "science"

>> No.8885615

Ok, I just read harry potter. It was pretty enjoyable but it didn't really help me understand your stupid argument.