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File: 281 KB, 490x639, john von neumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8882715 No.8882715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>John von Neumann converted to Catholicism
>Bill Nye is an atheist
huh... really arouses the thought process...

>> No.8882726

As you're drinking the glass of knowledge you turn atheist but as you get to the bottom you find god or something.

Bill is a fucking hack though.

>> No.8882730

But bill is kinda weird...


He's obviously just playing an angle but its the jews fault

jewry is detroying this country

>> No.8882733

>Da jooz

>> No.8882744



so reddit in human form

>> No.8882746

Oh god, he is.

He's a walking meme.

>> No.8882747

>Argument from authority
Spot the beta cuck

>> No.8882748

easiest game of "spot the redditor" in my life

>> No.8882754

>Oh shit I've got no argument, better shame him

>> No.8882756

>>Oh shit I've got no argument, better shame him
So you're not denying you come from Reddit.
Sorry I'm not going to waste any more time with you.

>> No.8882762

daily reminder that he went back and censored his old video :^)

>> No.8882780

dude I agree with you but he was right, that's a shitty way to argue

>> No.8882797

Reddit hates him too

>> No.8882804

because they are looking in the mirror and seeing something ugly

>> No.8882952


>He was of course completely agnostic all his life, and then he suddenly turned Catholic—it doesn't agree with anything whatsoever in his attitude, outlook and thinking when he was healthy.

He only did it because of Pascals wager. You Christians always try to paint yourself as some bastions of reason and intellect but you are just brochure peddlers for the afterlife.

Get fucked.

>> No.8882970
File: 133 KB, 460x345, 18221666_1288988321216124_7037780041866973791_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feynman was an atheist. What's your point anon?

>> No.8882974

That was Oppie's opinion dude.

>> No.8883091

>quoting a <130 IQ man for anything other than showing he's a brianlet

>> No.8883767


>> No.8883776

>He only did it because of Pascals wager
Von Neumann can't be that smart if he bought into the Pascal's wager meme. See
>Blaise Pascal is accosted by a mugger who has forgotten his weapon. However, the mugger proposes a deal: the philosopher gives him his wallet, and in exchange the mugger will return twice the amount of money tomorrow. Pascal declines, pointing out that it is unlikely the deal will be honoured. The mugger then continues naming higher rewards, pointing out that even if it is just one chance in 1000 that he will be honourable, it would make sense for Pascal to make a deal for a 2000 times return. Pascal responds that the probability for that high return is even lower than one in 1000. The mugger argues back that for any low probability of being able to pay back a large amount of money (or pure utility) there exists a finite amount that makes it rational to take the bet – and given human fallibility and philosophical scepticism a rational person must admit there is at least some non-zero chance that such a deal would be possible. In one example, the mugger succeeds by promising Pascal 1,000 quadrillion happy days of life. Convinced by the argument, Pascal gives the mugger the wallet.

>> No.8883791


>example of an intelligent person who found belief in his life
>b-b-but Pascal's wager
>b-b-but he was dying

Is it really so hard to accept the truth that some (operative word being 'some') Christians with genuine faith are indeed significantly above average respect to intelligence? If so, you might want to re-examine the basis of your own disbelief: surely an opinion formed through strictly rational thought isn't threatened by something as trivial as a statistical certainty.

>> No.8884098

>implying his brain was fully developed when he scored that iq

>> No.8884105

what kind of argument is that

Isaac Newton believed in alchemy, so he can't be that smart

>> No.8884115

Is it really so hard to accept that some otherwise smart people can be deluded?

>> No.8884123

>never felt his dick raw dogging a warm, wet pussy

Newton is the definition of brainlet

>> No.8884127

Do we have any evidence that Von Neumann was smarter than Bill Nye

>> No.8884144


Whether or not you explain away faith as delusion is irrelevant to original point that there are Christians who are extremely intelligent by the objective standards, past and present.