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8882435 No.8882435 [Reply] [Original]

What are the characteristics of a stupid person? How can you tell if someone has a low IQ without actually having the results of such a test?

>> No.8882436

They keep posting these threads?

>> No.8882442

Generally if they say things like "IQ tests don't matter" or "IQ tests don't matter beyond 120" or "I have an IQ of 145 but I think IQ tests are bullshit," they are most likely low-IQ brainlets.

>> No.8882443

Believe in god?

>> No.8882447

One trait which seems to be universally shared by tards is a flat refusal to consider the possibility that their views are incorrect. The dumber the person, the more convinced they are that their opinions are facts.

But I could be wrong....;)

>> No.8882450

non-agnostic: atheist or strong belief in god or religious in a serious, gullible way instead of treating religion as philosophy

likes watching sports instead of practicing them

gets mad and physically aggressive / violent when his sports team loses

drinks alcohol

smokes weed

drinks coffee

uses any kind of drug

is slave to the pussy

is slave to any concept, thing, human, company, brand, etc

is not his own master

has no real personal goals

no aim in life, adapts to whatever happens in any given moment, like a fucking animal, like a tapeworm that barely moves out of the way when a shit goes past it

is a piggot

>> No.8882452

>often missing abstract concepts.
>difficulty learning
>difficulty applying what one has learned.
>lacking imagination and creativity
>accepting dogmatic answers without question
>lack of interest in things not directly related to day to day living.
>small vocabulary
>missing body language cues, social cues
There's more, but I'm too lazy to keep going

Dunning-Kreuger effect

>> No.8882454

>But I could be wrong....;)
the >;) makes it clear that you are over confident in the correctness of your opinions therefore you are a brainlet
q e d

>> No.8882458

>clear that you are over confident in the correctness of your opinions therefore you are a brainlet
>q e d
Nice try, hypocrite brainlet.

>> No.8882464

>oink oink
what? did you say something? I can't understand you

>> No.8882469 [DELETED] 
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Trying hard to appear intelligent
Being a vocal atheist

>> No.8882476

Enjoying pop-culture and not recognizing how autistic they seem, also fidget spinners

>> No.8882477

My fianceé purchased me one of these and is very upset it doesn't 'work' for me.
What is their purpose?

>> No.8882480
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if the person does not enjoy cuckolding then they are most likely stupid

cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish

>> No.8882484

A sign of a true idiot is listening to anything anyone has to say in this thread. including this post.

>> No.8882490


This one really activated my almonds.

>> No.8882652

Ugly elitist, shame

>> No.8882683

Agnostics ARE atheists. You simply don't yet know the definitions.

Secondly, are you agnostic about the tooth fairy? If you're honest, you're not agnostic about the tooth fairy, and you're not agnostic about literally thousands of other fictional creations. You know that they don't exist. Yet for some reason, you feel compelled to proudly sit on the fence when it comes to the most absurd creation in the history of fiction, gods.

You should ask yourself why that is.

>> No.8882695

Posting anime images

>> No.8882698

browsing /sci/

>> No.8882702

In my experience this.

Also, the more somone says they hate dumb people the dumber they are.

>> No.8882705

He says while browsing /sci

>> No.8882745

I swear Dunning-Kreuger effect can be used to describe most people. Everyone I know that is considered smart knows for a fact that they are brainlet when compared to the upper end.

>> No.8882753

Generally they don't seem "competent".
For example, my parents, although no idiots, have an IQ in the lower bounds of the human average; they act like any other normie, but when explaining anything to them you need to do checks at regular intervals to ensure they still understand.

>> No.8882760

For the record, when I say "lower bounds", I mean that my father has an IQ of 85 and my mother seems to be in the same region although this hasn't been explicitly tested so I might be wrong.

>> No.8882766

>I have an IQ of 145 but I think IQ tests are bullshit," they are most likely low-IQ brainlets.

Like Stephen Hawking?

>> No.8882768
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Like Christopher Langan?

>> No.8882770


>> No.8882772

>fidget spinners
they are supposed to help autist focus and for people with ADHD

>> No.8882776

Statistically the median of blacks bell curve is sub-95, pacific islanders are sub-80, so if you see one of those theyre probably dumb.

>> No.8882783

Retarded people are different though.

I have this retarded dog that you can beat and tell it something ten times and it still won't listen. Fuck that dog; I literally threw him today and he still didn't learn. He scared a cat whilst I was holding it and it dug its claws into me.

>> No.8883005


>> No.8883008 [DELETED] 

>>>>Agnostics ARE atheists
>Atheists are still forcing this meme.

top kek

>when it comes to the most absurd creation in the history of fiction, gods

Sounds like you're arguing with emotions with a predetermined outcome rather open mindedly viewing both sides.

>> No.8883009
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When they use incorrect grammar.

I didn't buy nothing -> I didn't buy anything
We was driving -> We were driving
There is a lot of cars -> There are a lot of cars
There is so much people -> There are so many people

Obviously, this only applies to native speakers.

>> No.8883011

>>>>Agnostics ARE atheists
>Atheists are still forcing this meme.

top kek

>when it comes to the most absurd creation in the history of fiction, gods

Sounds like you're arguing with emotions with a predetermined outcome rather than open mindedly viewing both sides.

>> No.8883024

Only niggers speak that way.

>> No.8883119

Unwillingness to examine and scrutinize one's ideas. If your opinions are always just on the other side of falsifiability, I don't care how you've managed to convince people you're entitled to them, you're now a fucking idiot in my eyes and you'll stay that way until I see you check yourself.

>> No.8883125

He acts dumb, really fucking dumb.
>Friend wants to play GTAV
>Decides to buy it from some fuck who just downloaded the codex version from TPB for little less then the regular price
>Tell him that he is fucking dumb and that he should download it himself or to buy it when it's on sale
>He does not listen, gets butthurt and buys it anyway

>> No.8883128

lack of curiosity

>> No.8883206
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>Lacks self control
>Forgets what you're talking about
>Cannot make the distinction between similar sounding things that have intrinsic differences because they depend on a deeper context (e.x Smoking and Nicotine, two different concepts? NOO! YOU'RE A JUNKIE)
>Believes anything the TV says
>Values social status above all else (e.x lets get in debt buying a sports car to show off)
>Almost impossible to have a meaningful discussion with them, because they merely parrot what they hear instead of thinking for themselves

>> No.8883219

Stupid people trying to look smart:
>Quotes dictionary definitions
>Tries to talk in headlines
>Uses a lot of synonyms for no good reason
>Memorize trivia facts that they parrot, never getting into the underlying systems

Also applies for "smart" characters on TV by stupid writers.

>> No.8883232

What the fuck is a piggot?

Also being a slave to ones emotions and urges isn't necessarily an indication of intelligence or a lack thereof. A lot of smart people haven't sorted themselves out.

>> No.8883235

>WTF is a piggot
Pig-faggot, faggot!

>> No.8883241

Impulsive Behavior(they literally hit you the moment their brain thinks hit this guy)
Inability to recognize contradictions in their own arguments
When they cant win an argument they resort to name calling
Constantly happy due to having no ability to critically analyze their life situation

>> No.8883244

What's wrong with coffee?

>> No.8883248

Is this some weird edgy teenage speak for police officer?

>> No.8883254

You're a piggot, piggot

>> No.8883255

how quickly they grasp concepts. I used to be at a sales firm in school, and i could always tell the dumb from the stupid because the stupid rither dont grasp what i said at all, or ask questions i had just answered. the smart people either asked questions i havent gone over yet, or would explain concepts like creating a demand for the customer that i had explained a few times in varying levels of detail. generally the dumb people are also the ones who would always complain about stupid shit like what coworker didnt like them to anybody who would listen while the intelligent are either reserved or would only complain about the biggest of problems which affected their ability to work negatively to close friends at work, which in my experience was almost always supervisors and bosses

i dont know entirely though. im of the opinion that intelligence doesnt mean that a person knows a lot or a little, but intelligence is how quickly someone can learn material, try to apply it to their lives, and are able to think creatively. noy everyone who is smart had the chance to go to school, but school and degrees dont make someone smart.

>> No.8883257


>> No.8883275

twiddles thumbs
smacks lips
cares about politics
cant sit still

there are probably more

>> No.8883296

>not willing to consider alternative viewpoints
>holds a lot of viewpoints, but can't explain how he arrived at them
>thinks in terms of groups with us-vs-them mentality
>makes fun of weaker people to compensate for own weaknesses
>projects own faults onto others
>everyone who is opposed to him is 'evil' and everyone on his side is 'good', i.e. lacks the ability to empathize and explore motives

>> No.8883322

Its some word that guy made and he has been throwing it arond like rice at a wedding recently. He posts in almost every thread.

>> No.8883336

i well know that im a brainlet no need to remind me

>> No.8883337

This is the best list

>> No.8883561

Actually pretty good summary

>> No.8883604


He also has a big boy internship in London coming up this summer.

>> No.8883669
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>mfw op is such a turbo brainlet he can't differentiate between stupid people and clever people

>> No.8883674

Dunning-Kruger. Applies to groups of people such as Flat Earthers. The less educated / the less information they have about something, the more confident they are correct.

There's a point at which someone is so absorbed into a wrong way of thinking, that any evidence to to contrary of their belief system is immediately discarded, no matter if it completely disproves their belief system.

You can see the same thing with climate change denial, the evidence exists, you can present it and discuss it / debunk their fallacies, and they refuse to change their opinion because it's a belief system to them, not an empirical scientific understanding.

>> No.8883698

Good rule-of-thumb test: The more certain a person it that everything they know is correct, the less intelligent they are.

>> No.8883778

what did he mean by this

>> No.8883788

>twiddles thumbs
>cant sit still

completely false. went to a conference on qm recently - all the professors fidgeted.

>> No.8883792

There is a correlation between drug use and intelligence, believe it or not.

>> No.8883794
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I want to fuck this boy

>> No.8883799


>> No.8883807

He's just baiting

>> No.8883814

anyone that likes anime after 13
anyone that hasn't lost their virginity by 16
anyone that still lives with their parents after college
anyone that doesn't study mathematics or a mathematics derived field

>> No.8883821

I know that I know nothing

>> No.8883822


>> No.8883827

anyone who isn't studying math or physics

>> No.8883842
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>anyone that likes anime after 13
>anyone that hasn't lost their virginity by 16
>anyone that still lives with their parents after college
And then....
>anyone that doesn't study mathematics or a mathematics derived field
The first set is the compliment of the second. We can't all be fucking stupid, can we? It's not like we have great minds supporting destructive political movements or fucking pigeons or.....oh, wait.

>> No.8883889

>dat throbbing butthurt

Did mommy drag you to church again this week?

>> No.8883995

I can size up someone's intelligence just by how they act.
I don't do it intentionally or even look for any specific traits, but I can tell fairly accurately, and I tend to try and befriend the smarter people I meet.
It's completely anecdotal self-wank though, and I wouldn't talk to anyone about it apart from on this Thai oil wrestling forum.

>> No.8884002

I would say the best test of someone's intelligence or lack thereof is observing how they react to something they don't understand, most people when you expose them to a new form of technology or a problem will at least make some attempt to solve the problem or use the technology, very intelligent people may be able to intuitively figure it out through experimentation and observation of the results, a less intelligent but still smart person may ask someone for advice or look up instructions/read the manual, an average person may fumble their way through via trial and error or ask for the assistance of someone better qualified, a stupid person may utterly fuck up and quit without solving the issue or after making it worse, a complete moron will fuck up and demand others fix it for them and the dumbest of the dumb don't even try at all just allow the situation to stagnate or worsen because they don't care.
I see examples of these reactions daily, and no matter the problem people's reactions are consistent with their intelligence.

>> No.8884038

>knowing something

i dont know that i know nothing

>> No.8884085
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>using the word differentiate when you clearly mean discriminate.

>> No.8884096


> very intelligent people may be able to intuitively figure it out through experimentation and observation of the results
> an average person may fumble their way through via trial and error

> a less intelligent but still smart person may ask someone for advice or look up instructions/read the manual
> an average person may fumble their way through via trial and error or ask for the assistance of someone better qualified

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8884110

What I meant is that the very intelligent person uses trial and error but also learns from the experience and afterwards will remember how it works perhaps even being able to explain why it works., but the average person accidentally got the desired result and will not retain it.

I apologize for not being more coherent.

>> No.8884526
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What about difficulty wanting to learn?

>> No.8884566

The inability to argue their position without perceiving it as an attack on themselves personally. That means they yell/scream get very angry when you challenge their bullshit.

>> No.8884574

You can tell by the questions they ask. You're probably sub 90

>> No.8884592

Honestly people who don't drink water are usually not the brightest.

also if a person uses more than one question/exclamation mark

makes me rage!!!??!?!

>> No.8884604

>t. unemployable piggot who can't get a job in his backwater american town

>> No.8884910

">anyone that likes anime after 13"
>posts an anime image

>> No.8884913

People of average and slightly below average intelligence have strong beliefs that are rooted entirely in opinion and will respond to criticism with intentionally self-deprecating jokes. They also have this habit of taking IQ seriously and implying that it isn't changed hugely based on your environment.

>> No.8884916

Obvious idiot detected.
>"People who disagree with me do not change their opinions during arguments I've had with them in which I also did not change my opinion."
>"People who disagree with me are dumb."

>> No.8884918

>uses any kind of drug
If you don't use performance enhancers occasionally, you are a brainlet. If you have not tried weed at least once, you are likely socially illiterate, but I assure you that you've missed nothing.

>> No.8884921

Says the butthurt brainlet.

>> No.8884923

This is a BIGBRAIN thing to desire. Nice job, fellow BIGBRAIN.

>> No.8884926

i quite like weed as a way to calm my senses after a big exam, mostly edibles though as I dont like to smoke and bongs always seemed like something only a chronic user would have

>> No.8885330

You don't have any idea what agnostic means, do you?

>> No.8885377

They use macs.

>> No.8886772

>anyone that hasn't lost their virginity by 16
So Tesla was a dumbass?

>> No.8886777

yeah smart people use drugs to decrease their IQ to manageable cucked bluepilled levels

>> No.8886779

but I do have a WAIS-IV IQ of 142, and it did nothing for me

>> No.8886780

>lack of interest in things not directlt related to day to day living.
Biggest trait.I think most of the intelligent people are intelligent because they were curious about "pointless" things from birth, so they can draw unrelated parallels to other things.

>> No.8886787

Posting in this thread.

>> No.8886798

Newton too, what a fucking brainlet he was.

>> No.8886817

posting on /sci/

>> No.8886975

every time I speak with a normie piggot:
>stupid normie barks in his own retarded language
>tries to communicate some inane ass boring shit
>some gossip or some shit like that
>all I can hear is "oink oink oink", think about oinks with a strong cave reverberation effect to them, echoing oinks
shit's hilarious, every time a stupid normie talks to me I think about this, they're oinking and trying to talk but they're just one step above animals, above tapeworms

while I'm on a whole different level

fucking piggots, man

>> No.8887155

this. having a roughly 150 IQ makes it extremely difficult to communicate with others. even here at Stanford, everyone is an absolute retard.

when I post on /sci/, I also have to dumb myself down to allow normies to comprehend my posts.

of course, I'm still single, and I don't think I've met a single woman with an IQ above 120. Women are inherently retarded.

>> No.8887347

if you could get off the high shitposting horse you'd realize that women are not stupider but in fact just closer to the norm of intelligence, aka the more men are morons and geniuses.

>> No.8887465
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>he's only capable of thinking in binary

>> No.8887485

I dont agree on self control man

>> No.8887507

hehe there is no n such that n*r = 0 for all r in stupid persons lmao lol hence they have infinite characteristic god i fucking hate algebra kill me

>> No.8887510

I can tell within two minutes of a conversation how smart someone is. Roughly. I'm also fairly autistic but very smart. To me it has to do with their: Cadence, how they speak, what they say obviously, how they contribute to something previously said. I told my friend about this method and he thought I was making it up, so maybe it's just me.

>> No.8887559


There is research suggesting that humans are generally good at pinpointing who has relatively higher or lower general intelligence


This study analyzed 20 separate groups that studied together for one year. The better a subject did on an IQ test in genral, the smarter their group mates thought they were.


This paper also found that peer discussions, after 5 of them, enabled people to predict relative IQ.


Intelligence ratings of close friends correlates with IQ.


Spouses can generally figure out how smart one another are as indicated by correlation with IQ.

>> No.8887575
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i also self identify as fairly autistic and very smart, i seem to have the same type of method

>> No.8887789

Don't you mean Mexican sugar dancing bulletin forum?

>> No.8887877

Well roughly put it's more complicated than that.
You have the stupid person, believes in God and stuff.
You have the average person, doesn't.
Then you have that smart person who also happened not to be full of himself, has scrupulously thought about it, and actually believes in God.
Always be ready to question your ontology at every moment IMO, the key is not to comfort yourself no matter your stance.

>> No.8887882

No way to tell without spending time with someone.

Intelligence fluctuates a lot depending on mood, blood sugar, level of consciousness (time since rest), and other things.

>> No.8887885



also, gotta love is retarded little hangers on, that back him up in every thread...

>> No.8887888

yeah bro, there's just burning balls of floating gas that happen to provide pretty evenly distributed energy across the surface of another floating ball that goes around it in a circle, like you're trying to create life or something, but yeah nothing created this, it just exists and anybody who says anything differently is a christ-fag!

>> No.8887897

how confident are you about the dunning-kreuger effect, phallus-cranium?

>> No.8887900

I'll add that how someone looks plays an important role as well. Generally good looking people are more intelligent, as brains/body/face develops from the same inputs.

Confidence or lack-there-of can also make someone seem smart/stupid. It's bad data though.

>> No.8887903

When someone earnestly believes that manmade climate change is a problem despite never having reading a climate science journal or researching the subject on their own. Basically "science sez" retards, who are usually liberal and believe in a billion genders and all that jazz.

>> No.8887904

Retarded detected

>> No.8887906

gods are not so absurd of a creation. if you really don't understand why people believe in god, you don't understand man's search for meaning.

only the young wish there was no god. nihilism is true terror, and it's debatable whether or not one can truly be a nihilist, for the same reason why the species as a whole seems to have relative morals, but the individual and even society is pretty morally rigid. it's debatable whether or not one can actually be a moral relativist.

even if one can actually manage the psychopathy of moral relativism (you probably can't) that you ought be a moral relativist is an ethical claim in the first, so by pursuing it in the first place, you are being pretty dogmatic.

>> No.8887913

Liberal brainlet detected. But I repeat myself.

>> No.8887932

Honestly, you can tell if someone's dumb just by looking at their eyes. Intelligent people have eyes that are more vivid and aware.

>> No.8887937

Not if they've been awake for 36 hours straight.

Fuck, lots of judgemental people here.

Fucking liberals.

>> No.8887938

In your tiny little world climate scientists are liberals.

That's a small part of what makes you retarded.

>> No.8887952
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I'm pretty much a retard who can only do one thing well. People are often surprised at how dumb I am at work.

>mfw I'll never not be a brainlet

>> No.8887954
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Sorry so you want to know how to tell if someone is stupid, and you can't actually tell without knowing the results of their IQ test? If you can't tell if someone is stupid then I have bad news for you...

>> No.8887971

They post anime on non-anime boards.

>> No.8887985

Ever considered buy this new pill that all the doctors hate that turns you from a brainlet to a 200+ IQ person? I have a couple, only -1/12 payments of 5$ each and it's yours!

>> No.8887988

*They don't

>> No.8888000

and yet, you're seeking validation on an internet forum, alone.

in 100 years, human genetic engineering will make children as smart as you believe you are.

you're smart enough to get into stanford, but not smart enough to see your own limitations. you're just a monkey. you shit an inch from where you piss. and you ejaculate from the same hole you piss from (though will never do so into a female, of course).

i believe you have narcissistic personality disorder, which means you probably have above average intelligence. when you aren't absorbed with self-hatred, your lack of empathy allows those neurons to be used for other purposes.

A narcissist views himself as "a big piece of shit who is the center of the universe". there are cures, though it is rare that the narcissist believes there is anything wrong with him (despite the preponderance of signs he himself can see: being alone constantly, not having a mate, seeking validation for his grandiose fantasies on chinese cartoon websites).

the 12 step program teaches humility. but your grandiosity is like a drug. my friend described it as "withdrawing from yourself", which takes enormous discipline, and for the narcissist, whose delusional outlook makes it impossible to maintain a constant level of self-esteem, it is very, very difficult. But i believe in you.

>> No.8888002

they come in different shapes, but the constant characteristics is the lack of sense of humour, it's like they don't even try.

>> No.8888030

the iq literally only tests your ability to see a pattern into random figures,how is that an accurate estimate of your intelligence?

>> No.8888065

>Not if they've been awake for 36 hours straight.
I meant under normal circumstances, of course.

>> No.8888071

There's only one kind of intelligence. Your ability to see patters in random figures is closely related to your ability to think logically, communicate, grasp abstract concepts, etc. People who score high on IQ tests are very likely to score high on a test that measure any of these abilities.

>> No.8888092

Agnostic: A (without) gnostic (knowledge) of (in this case) theism.

Atheist: A (without) theist (belief in god(s)).

Theist: belief in god(s).

An agnostic does not have belief in god(s). This is the definition of an atheist. Someone who does not have belief in god(s).

If you like to pose as an agnostic, know that you are also an atheist.

>> No.8888129

That is a tricky one. When comparing characteristics you'll probably use yourself as a reference which leads to shitty results since you might have an IQ of 80 and everyone above or underneath is the only reault you'll get. Thats the same if you have an IQ of 140. Making assumptions based on characteristics will not lead you to any right answer. In my experience people with higher IQ sometimes behave like people with comparatively low IQ but when it comes to some topics they'll prove their level. So yeah your question is quite tricky.. especially when some say that ppl whom think they're right from the bat are not smart should rethink that because that is the characteristic of an idiot and a high IQ person. Ex: you can only really learn something new when you know that what you taught before was wrong. Only way to do that is to think that what you taught was right. So... yeah... maybe the test is the only way to know..(beside having the highest IQ ever and know that, in that case you'll know that everyone else's is lower but the one who's not been tested yet might have a higher IQ)

>> No.8888139

>There's only one kind of intelligence.
>IQ test litterally tests five kinds of intelligence.

>> No.8888146

Wun ov witch iz speling

>> No.8888211

Just admit that you don't know it.
Nobody knows why we exist, but that doesn't mean he have to makeup stupid excuses of an argument to explain it

>> No.8888214

Well if that's the case then IQ tests are very reliable instruments to measure intelligence.

>> No.8888220

brainlet detected

paraphrasing Boltzmann

>the Universe is observed to be in a highly improbable non-equilibrium state because only when such states randomly occur can brains exist to be aware of the Universe

if the conditions were not "perfect" (which is a term defined by you, a fucking dumb human pig) then you wouldn't be here to witness these "perfect" conditions you stupid ass fucking retarded mongoloid sperg

if you aren't able of understanding that then suck my fucking whale-axon long dick and choke on it you putrid retarded piggot

for fuck's sake, it's like saying that it's amazing why x=0 solves an equation that is defined to have a solution for an x=0


>> No.8888234

Their definition of the naturals doesn't include 0.

>> No.8888238

Piggot is a misspelling of spiggot (meaning faucet engineering)

>> No.8888239


it implies that they have no idea how the naturals are defined and why they exist and what implication the way they're defined has

excluding 0 from the naturals is a sign of terminal, permanent normalfaggotry, cretinism and low IQ

>> No.8888245


That depends on how your taught the number system and the axioms for higher mathmatics.

>> No.8888256

>making up excuses for stupidity
you could say that normies aren't to blame for being the way they are because they had no choice, the genetic code and their environment shaped them up to be cretinous normies

but that's bullshit

>> No.8888259

If they never questioned it once based on the assumption that everything they are taught is true, could you really blame normies for being normies if they have no interest in the subject at hand?

>> No.8888305

trips has spoken

>> No.8888547

Sociopathic people are different though.

I know this psycho that beats his dog and he still thinks he's human. Fuck that guy; He literally posted about throwing his dog and he still doesn't know.