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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8880590 No.8880590 [Reply] [Original]

HaHa! Cower before my superior intellect you feeble mortals, my power level exceeds that of 97% of the population! Now satiate my narcissism by posting your brainlet levels and tell me how hard math is.

>> No.8880594

What are your accomplishments?

>> No.8880601

>What are your accomplishments?
Do you really have to ask? It's obvious that the answer is "nothing".

>> No.8880609

Can confirm

I cry all the time

>> No.8880615

I can do complex math in my head, divisions are as easy as summations.
I remember everything face and name I've come across.
I can ace a test only by studying for a few hours the previous day.

>> No.8880618 [DELETED] 

Can confirm

[spoilers]i cry all the time[/spoiler]

>> No.8880631

You sound a lot sharper than me, yet I got into Mensa pretty handily. Has the test changed recently? I remember a fair number of vocab questions, which were piss easy (I have a working vocab of about 35k words). Maybe they made it harder for brainlet fiction-lovers like me to get in. Or maybe you underperformed. In any case, you have a respectable IQ.

>> No.8880662
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>Not getting into mensa
>Still bragging about his IQ
Shitpost is shitty even if it is ironic shitpost

>> No.8880664

mine was 145 I've always been the first in the class, at 16yo because of shitty happened in my life I started losing interest in everything and became sleepless, I started doing alcohol and a few times mdma and ketamina. Then i found interest in life loving my girl and she helps me stop doing this kind of stuff, I get again the test and I got 135 ( -_- ) stupid drugs If I could come back in time I'd never do that again
anyway I can't sometimes sleep and when I don't sleep for 24-36 hours I really feel stupid
anyway I'm the first in the class and classmate say me everytime I show it off that I have an "elephant memory", but I know that it is nothing compared to that one I got few years later...
I remember that I could get physics exercise in my head without problems

anyway me too I can pass a test just by reading one time what i've got
and also I remember every face and name I've across, and also I can say where I met that face and which part of the day was: dawn, midday etc

anyway intelligence without discoveries is nothing for humanity in my opinion, just an ego consciousness of being better than other at that "biological level"

In my country there was a guy who lived at 5/6km from me, and he was considered a fucking genius.. at 20+ age he suicide himself with a home made bomb. his prof at the funeral said "the world has lost a genius 3 days ago"

Idk if it's correct but I first apologize because of my english, it's not my first language

>> No.8880696

At least on /biz/ all they care about is money, which is a number that actually matters. IQ isn't worth a damn thing.

"If you have an IQ of 160 give 30 points to someone else, because you don't need it"

-Warren Buffett, billionaire, 2nd richest human

>> No.8880751

Funny that he said that, considering he and both of his siblings scored above 150 on IQ tests. That's not a typo. Over three standard deviations from the norm. (Warren read books at insane speeds in college and reckoned he was smarter than the professors. He just plays down his smarts.)

Most of the self-made decabillionaires who've taken aptitude tests scored in a similar range, by the way. Bill Gates, Paul Allen Zuckerberg, all three and a half to four standard devs above the norm.

>IQ doesn't matter


>> No.8880755

I bet Trump is a few standard deviations from the norm as well.

>> No.8880763

Yeah, but the other way.

>> No.8880766

Calling Trump a self-made decabillionare is pushing it a bit. He is undoubtedly above average, but the correlation is strongest with people who start life in middle class and make fucktons of money, usually before 30.

>> No.8880769

Don't worry about the drugs: you were already retarded before hand, as evidenced by how much you cared about IQ.

>> No.8880777

There obviously are billionaires who have score way above average, as a genius-level intellect certainly makes things a lot easy for someone who wants to make money, the same way a 6'6" guy has an easy time lifting weights. It doesn't mean a 5'7" or so guy can't be world champion of weightlifting though.

>> No.8880802

I don't know much about weight lifting, but I get your point. No doubt there are billionaires of average intelligence, I was only stating a trend. There are some well-known cases of self-made mega-millionaires way below average (athletes and rappers come to mind).

>> No.8880811


His father and uncle were, I'm not so sure about him.

>> No.8880915

I'm not very fond of rap myself, but I think that you need to be at least average to become a successful rapper. Recording companies won't waste their time and money trying to teach morons to do their job if they can work with intelligent artists who know their shit.

>> No.8880940

Oh man, i feel the same loss of interest but I have yet to find a girl.

>tfw no gf

>> No.8880992

He still wasn't the smartest in the class. Ben Graham said there was a kid in his class that could out-think Warren, got better grades, had better memory, and could think more abstractly than Warren.

But despite this, Ben said that Warren could run circles around this guy when it came to investing. Buffett had discipline.

IQ doesn't matter when compared to any practical skill. In investing, the 160s won’t beat the 130s at all necessarily. They may, but they do not have a big edge. It's more about managing your emotions.

>> No.8881782

I don't care about IQ LOL
I find only evident doing homework and test and calculus that I'm not as smart as I was before

when I got the first Iq test it was just a try, because one classmate come to school saying that he got 116 and he was more intelligent of average people ( he had to because he is dyslexic, and went to the psychologist of the school ) , so then, finding him stupid I thought "if he's 116 which is my Iq score?" and got the test, but never care too much about it

I took it again only because after doing drugs I noticed that I was slower in calculus, in memory and in photographic memory

the ( -_- ) was for make an evidence of how I feel bad for being stupid and how drug really damage you, not making u another person but slowing u

I care ONLY about my future and if it will be influenced by my action I'll feel what I feel when I notice that im not smart as before, just this
I think u r the retarded one since there is no "evidence" in my comment of how I care about that test lol
I just mentioned it and I say that it lowered

( to be honest, the first one I took at 15 and the second one at 17... now I'm 19... are u sure I care about that? )

damn how I am prolix in english lol

>> No.8883225

Accomplishments not worthless skills.

>> No.8883853

>Pussy slave
>Ex junkie

>> No.8883870

mine is 157 and i dont eat shit u pathetic attention whoring fag
and btw i'm a girl. now diaf

>> No.8884340

dude you're a point off from joining mensa. how do you feel about that?

>> No.8884355

>tfw I'm a Mensa member, but the assessment only consisted of a Raven's Progressive Matrices test.

I guess they differ from country to country. Will certainly stop paying for membership, not my kind of crowd.

>> No.8884361

You paid money for a bullshit test that only strokes your ego. You're obviously not very intelligent.

>> No.8884362

why aren't you taking the stanford-binet or the weschler?

>> No.8884378

"If its members are so smart, how come the organization serves mainly as a dating service for dorks?"

>> No.8886108

Probably just annoyed he didn't get in.