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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 324 KB, 897x846, smart but angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8878382 No.8878382 [Reply] [Original]

"No, I'm not memorizing your practice exam."
"Fine, have an F."

How come college doesn't reward hard work or intelligence? I work my ass off and I'm not a brainlet, but I still get shit grades because of the dumb way grades are calculated. If I fail a midterm but ace the final, why should my grade be an average of the two instead of simply considering what I understood at the end of the class? It cannot possibly matter if it took me til May to understand thermodynamics instead of March or April.

And why are the grades you achieve during a 20 credit course load semester equal to the grades you get during a 12 credit course load? If I get a GPA of 3.0 taking 20 credits of physics and chemistry while another kid gets a 4.0 taking 12 credits of gen eds and economics, the former has to be more impressive than the latter.

Why do I even bother trying in a class when I'm taking the final and I look over to see some engineering student in my quantum physics class on his fucking phone looking up all the answers while my professor is half asleep at the front of the class because it's a fucking 8am exam so even if you worked hard the entire semester and managed to learn even 30% of the material, it's all fucking forgotten because everyone is half fucking dead at this dreaded hour of the day and the professor is long past the retirement age but the university refuses to allow him a fucking break from being apart of this shitty god-awful system of awarding credit of genuine learning and hard work.

>> No.8878412

>How come college doesn't reward hard work or intelligence?
It does. And that's why OP got bad grades.

>> No.8878426

Yep you sound like a childish dumbass, I would definitely fail you

>> No.8878436


>> No.8878460

feeling this in my life right now op, i feel you

uni is not about progressing your knowledge, hardwork and creativity, is about who can be the most awake at 7 in the fucking morning and who can learn everything by x deadline. be halfdead at 7am and learn everything by day x+1 you're fucking doomed

>> No.8878461

>taking a course that provides practice exams

>> No.8878495

>It's another "I got shit grades so it's school's fault" episode
b r a i n l e t
r a i n l e t b
a i n l e t b r
i n l e t b r a
n l e t b r a i
l e t b r a i n
e t b r a i n l
t b r a i n l e

>> No.8878603

>I'm not a brainlet
>I fail a midterm

>> No.8878613
File: 47 KB, 899x832, us grades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confused burger thinks the world cares about his GPA