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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8876746 No.8876746 [Reply] [Original]

Gallons? How do you survive drinking gallons of deep fryer oil? There must be some sort of imbalance that occurs.

>> No.8876756

he probably shit repeatedly during the ordeal

>> No.8876766

These fat retards spend hours eating food all day long period drinking a gallon of soda is normal for any meal. He probably broke in and spent eight or so hours while the place was closed drinking this fucking oil. How disgusting

>> No.8876771

>25 gallons
That can't possibly be true

>> No.8876800

I believe this article is probably literally fake news.

>> No.8876813
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>> No.8876815

I've got a bridge to sell you buddy

>> No.8876827

>be fastidious oil thief ring
>break into BK and remove 25 gallons of the liquid gold using complex series of tubes
>drop 400lb patsy inside the kitchen as you escape in your oil-powered hovercraft

>> No.8876918
File: 468 KB, 646x1100, 9005A99E-E05F-494B-A593-DA21EA214AA4-8888-00001013486EE4C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“My wife’s put me on a tofu and raw vegetable diet, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I waited till she was asleep and went to the restaurant to get a couple burgers, but it was closed. I was starving and depressed, and I totally lost it.”

So it's pretty much his wife's fault because if she wasn't such a bitch he wouldn't have been arrested.

>> No.8876954

>35 years for B&E and drinking fry oil
Recently there was a 75 year old man that ran over and killed a woman and only faces a $100 fine...

>> No.8876995

America is ran by the fast food industries.

>> No.8877248

i mean the heartburn must be excrutiating

>> No.8877250


fucking bad
seriously though .. i get awful acid reflux from just eating a piece of fried chicken

i can't imagine straight drinking the grease

>> No.8877363

>510 pound man
>drinks 25 gallons of oil
>1 gallon = 8 pounds
>25 gallons = 200 pounds
>total weight 710 pounds

How is this man alive?!?

>> No.8877945

One weird trick.

>> No.8877951
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>> No.8877958

>a florida man

>> No.8877960

It's a satire website.


(probably shouldn't even post this here as /pol/ will think it is real)

>> No.8877962

>log in to /sci/ today
>see this

With a face like that I am surprised he didn't hijack an oil truck.

Jabba wooki utta hut han solo~

>> No.8877964

>World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.

>> No.8877967


Because it's fake or just really bad reporting.

>> No.8878404

Is that Boogie?

>> No.8878415

fast food companies hate him

>> No.8878441

Why do you write like a girl

>> No.8878466

How is it a joke to say someone drank 27 gallons of oil? Where is the joke part, the irony, the satire?
It's just a crazy lie to get attention and clicks, don't call it satire.

>> No.8878498

He didn't have bacon and eggs though just oil

>> No.8878601

Probably just ridiculously high charges to intimidate him into accepting a plea bargain.
I'm not a burger lawyer though.

>> No.8879528


>> No.8879566

He won't get 35 years. Especially not for petty larceny of food. That's just the maximum sentence for the general scope of crimes he has allegedly committed. The maximum charge for breaking into a place is pretty high, but someone who breaks into restaurant to steal food doesn't get the same sentence as someone who breaks into a residence and robs the place while having a family at gun-point, catch my drift?

>> No.8879571


>> No.8879575

No you

>> No.8879609

Typical fucking 'murican

Americans are truly disgusting subhumans, I want to puke. It's like you don't even do an effort to avoid the stereotypes put on you.

>> No.8879613

how are you fucking PIGGOTS still talking about this retarded obviously fake news story

>> No.8879621

25 gallons of canola oil would be 768000 calories.
1 lb of fat is around 3500 calories, so he would have gained about 219 lbs from that (assuming his body didn't reject it)

>> No.8879622
File: 39 KB, 486x598, 1486832995077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying prosecutors don't pursue the maximum sentence every time for everyone who isn't politically connected.

stupid plebeian

>> No.8879626

Why am I seeing this story fucking EVERYWHERE?

>> No.8879629

I love you "piggots" guy

>> No.8879912

>hahaha /pol/ is so retarded they'll fall for this story lol right guys?
>posting in /sci/ thread where most of the posters are seemingly falling for it.

>> No.8879975

>posting in /sci/ thread where most of the posters are seemingly falling for it.
Yeah thought these guys were smart.

>> No.8880026

What would oil converted into waste be like? Would it just squirt out his ass in a piss-like stream?

>> No.8880046

she's gotta learn to make that tofu RIGHT

>> No.8880074

i didn't even know pyramid was a body type

>> No.8880568

>unquenchable thirst